Thursday, January 11, 2024

Are we being played by artificial intelligence (AI)?

Editor's note: What if we are all being played by artificial intelligence (AI)? Many are shaking their heads in utter bewilderment as to how a "family" like this could have ever possibly found themselves in the White House and as a "president" of what was once the most powerful and influential country in the world? Can a human managed criminal syndicate be so cunning and diabolical as to be able to place this family as "representatives" of America? Are we finding ourselves confronted with AI technology that has become extremely advanced beyond what the majority of people think AI has become? How can the circumstances we see unfolding before our very eyes be so perfectly pieced together that this Biden family, or whoever the hell they are, have been placed where they are representing in a dastardly and deceptive way the intentional collapse of America? We stated it before and have given evidence that the Jeffrey Epstein operation wasn't specifically about sex trafficking children, it was about the development of AI. How does anyone know what the hell is real or not anymore? What can explain this almost mass psychosis, chaos and mayhem in American society where you can't trust anyone to get anything done? Everyone is an adversary (your life is fake as shit) when there is now a total disintegration of authority. When that authority completely collapses what will fill that vacuum? AI?

What can explain this completely 180 degree reversal?

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