Wednesday, January 31, 2024

What is happening in Russia and in America are extreme polar opposites

Editor's note: Thomas Jefferson was recognized as the foremost proponent of the agrarian ideal which he eloquently articulated in a well-known passage from his Notes on Virginia. The passage was considered the bedrock of America that offered the vision of strong and independent farmers who would build the nation. They built the nation alright but it has become subverted. Technology has provided the state (private corporations that have subverted governments) with enormous centralized power. It seems this vision of an agricultural shift is now being discussed in Russia. Thomas Jefferson wrote: "Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness." Now all Americans have to do is couple that idea to an honest monetary system that isn't stacked against them. Look what the globalists are doing in America: Globalist Plan to Control U.S. Land & Resources Through NACs WITHDRAWN After Pushback. If there are two corporations that represent the main architects of globalism that are responsible for destroying American agricultural land, they are Archer-Daniels-Midland and ConAgra.

Source: Arktos

Forward to the New Middle Ages!

By Dr. Alexander Dugin | January 31, 2024

Alexander Dugin advocates a major societal shift: the resettlement from large cities back to the countryside, emphasizing the revival of traditional family values and a rural lifestyle as critical responses to the ills of modernity.

In Russia, the year 2024 has been proclaimed the Year of the Family. Clearly, in this area, things are quite dire for us. The alarming rates of divorce, abortion, and declining birth rates represent a national catastrophe. If we take the Year of the Family seriously, relying on the classics (but not the liberal or communist ones, as they are likely to advise something that will only hasten the disintegration of the family), we should simultaneously return to our roots and take a step forward.

There are always precedents

Editor's note: Does anyone remember when Congressman Larry McDonald along with Major General John K. Singlaub (founding member of the CIA) and John H. Rees set up the Western Goals Foundation? Western Goals Foundation was a "private domestic intelligence agency" active in the US. Rees was advertised as a "British right-wing journalist and government informant resident" in the US. Major General John K. Singlaub was active with the OSS which was the British predecessor organization to the formation of the CIA (the CIA have become experts at spreading bullshit across the internet). The foundation went defunct in 1986 three years after Larry McDonald was allegedly blown out of the sky while flying to South Korea on KAL 007 on 1 September 1983. The best guess is John H. Rees was a British intelligence asset used to set up the foundation to take control of the conservative movement that could have potentially become a serious threat to globalists. When Larry McDonald built up his private intelligence network it would be interesting to learn what he discovered about the British? Why the British? Because now we see the Canadian Jordan Peterson starting up his ARC organization and ARC can be traced back to British sources (ARC is connected to the UK-based wonk tank the Lagatum Institute) just like the Western Goals Foundation was. ARC is an international centre-right organisation with its formation announced interestingly enough in London in October, 2023. Just like McDonald's Western Goals Foundation, ARC was organized to "replace a sense of division and drift within conservatism and Western society at large with a renewed cohesion and purpose". 

Is this starting to make sense now?

Editor's note: Why do Jews support, fund and provide logistics to immigrants coming in through the US southern border? Simple. Because Jews are determined to collapse the white population of America (and Europe) and replace them (dilute resistance to Jewish power) as part of Jewish supremacy in accordance with their ancient fraudulent teachings. The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) is the world's oldest refugee agency going back to 1903 to protect Jews from pogroms in Europe and Russia. By posting the following discussion between Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson (watch out for Jordan Peterson's ARC – Funded For and By Billionaires) in no way do we support their ideas or arguments. This clip was the most recently available of Ben Shapiro. This is important because "Naming the Jew" Is the Marker of True Quality in Right-Wing Media. This is what we are facing: Jewish groups push mass immigration and anti-white hatred and then cry out for help from whites when they are under attack by Arabs. And they are very, very good at this. This is probably a blue state operation run by leftistsImmigration Officials Met With Leading 'Abolish ICE' Organization Amid Border Surge

Some great investment opportunities here...protecting the US petrodollar

Editor's note: This is excellent news for the United States of Lockheed Martin and its related weapon manufacturers who are going to profit by protecting the US petrodollar against the BRICS nations. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken who is a US weapon sales rep reported that the US government directly negotiated $81 billion in sales, a 56% increase from 2022. War is a fabulously efficient way to increase arms manufacturing for lucrative contracts. One wonders what Victoria Nuland's connections are to US weapon manufacturers? What we will see are continued news reports attempting to link all the attacks on US military assets and ships in the Red Sea back to Iran. The Pentagon stated that the attack on Tower 22 killing 3 US soldiers in Jordan was not backed by Iran. The really big question to answer here while considering US military volunteers are dropping, would you volunteer to go kill Palestinians or fight a war in the Middle East (it wasn't an Iranian drone strike) for the Biden Administration? Would you volunteer for service in the US military to go kill Russians in Ukraine for BlackRock? Would you volunteer for the US military to go to the Middle East and kill a shitload of people to protect the US petrodollar?

US Arms Sales Are Hitting Record Highs

Source: AntiWar

Report: US Plans Weeks-Long Bombing Campaign Against Iranian Targets

The White House says the US response to the Jordan drone attack won't be a 'one-off'

by Dave DeCamp | January 31, 2024

US officials told NBC News that the US is planning to launch a weeks-long bombing campaign in the Middle East in retaliation for the drone attack in northeast Jordan that killed three American soldiers.

Do you see it?

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Weapons Tester for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov - still at large, but not so large


Which has the most impact on your sub conscious mind?

(Blah blah blah) Parkinson's, sickle cell disease, polio and COVID-19, ...


(Blah blah blah) Parkinson's, sickle cell disease, polio and covid-19, ...

CAP's matter; they yell at you subconsciously especially if you are on drugs.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Learn the pedigree of the IRS

Editor's note: Before this discussion takes place between Douglas MacGregor and Anna Mace, a former IRS employee and the author of the captivating book, "Tax Me If You Can", it is recommended readers go to the IRS archives to learn all they can concerning your standing in law in relation to the federally subcontracted IRS corporation (Municipal Corporation Subcontractor). The Internal Revenue Service is considered to be a Bureau of the Department of the Treasury; however, like the Federal Reserve, it is not part of the Federal Government.

IRS Archives

Source: Our Country Our Choice

Live January 31st - 7:30 EST Evening Insight 8 With Douglas MacGregor 

January 30, 2024

Douglas MacGregor in interview with Anna Mace. Anna Mace was a tax collector, officially known as the revenue officer. "For fifteen years I practically harassed delinquent taxpayers as authorized by the US government. I knocked on their doors, demanded payments and tax returns, threatened them with liens and levies, and seized their property. I thought that, without a doubt, I was doing good and serving the country."

The fix is in

Editor's note: A continuation of the "war on goyim" with this latest segment demonstrating how the NFL professional football entertainment games are all faked, staged and rigged. The smart thing to do would be to either turn your television off on Sunday afternoons or not attend these lunacy games where billions are made and instead go plant a garden out back. The Christian slant here is that this is all about "satan" and "witchcraft." It's a very simple formula. Just think of "Satan" as out of control egos and "witchcraft" as pulling in a shitload of money.


Taylor Swift is Poster Child for NFL & [Political] Witchcraft

January 30, 2024

"Are George Soros, Scooter Braun, and the Carlyle Group, who own all of Swift's music, forcing her into a fabricated relationship with Kelce in order to further a satanic agenda?"

by Mike Stone

Is the fix in on Kansas City to win the Super Bowl?

Is the purpose to thrust pop star Taylor Swift and Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce into a position of maximum cultural influence?

Are George Soros, Scooter Braun, and the Carlyle Group, who own all of Swift's music, forcing her into a fabricated relationship with Kelce in order to further a satanic agenda?

Let's examine the evidence one piece at a time.

Ambush: Stay Away From the US Southern Border

Editor's note: Good advice. Stay away from the US southern border. False flags are the nomenclature of the architects of war. The patriot pacification program had a lot of players with many of the players outed. January 6th was a "patriot pacification" operation and it is likely the same is planned for the US southern border. Are you a patriot? Who do you patronize? That is a serious question you may want to seriously reflect on. Do you patronize Greg Abbott? That might be a mistake. 

Are you the smartest guy in the room if you believe this whole border situation is a fraud?

New Greg Reese Video: Documentary Film Maker Who Penetrated "Pat-Con" Dark Agenda To Use False Flags To Criminalize US Patriots Warns Us NOT To Fall For The Texas Border Trap Which Is Their New Jan 6

"We are dealing with people that are of the occult." Chris Emory, in interview with Greg Reese

By Celia Farber | January 30, 2024

Monday, January 29, 2024

What do oligarchs want?

Editor's note: Russia has the one thing western oligarchs want and those are Russia's resources and assets. Although Vladimir Putin's major antagonist was the Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky who died in 2013, Berezovsky was a British asset holding UK citizenship. When the west goes to war with Russia volunteers and conscripts are going to get killed for oligarchs. Will America cut its relationship with the UK before America is led to disaster in Europe with Russia and in the Middle East?

Boris Johnson's Russian Oligarch Problem

Source: Armstrong Economics

What to Know About the UK Conscription

January 29, 2024 | By Martin Armstrong

The United Kingdom is in an uproar after it was suggested that they may face a military draft. There is no draft at the time of this writing, but based on the models, you should prepare for one shortly.

Britain relies on voluntary professional fighters but cannot meet recruitment goals. No one wants to fight in foreign wars on behalf of the globalists. The British Army is experiencing a serious recruitment and retention crisis, with the number of fully trained soldiers set to fall to 72,500, the lowest level since the period after the end of the war of Spanish succession in 1714. Then, similar to America, tens of thousands are not fit for combat.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Death to the US Incorporated!

International Public Notice: Dear Vladimir Putin

January 28, 2024 | By Anna Von Reitz

We are the American Federation of States, part of the actual American Government holding general jurisdiction-- literally and figuratively, over this country ---not the Federal Subcontractors that have gone rogue.

We ask you to remember our traditional Alliance with Russia and the bond our peoples have forged despite anti-Russian propaganda perpetuated by the Evil Doers.

We know, as you know, that it was always to the advantage of the European Monarchists and the Latin Church to drive a wedge between our country and yours, and also between our country and China. This they have attempted to do, to the best of their ability, and still, Russia has saved our bacon on numerous occasions.

Ramping up Christian war mongering for Israel

Editor's note: Here's another Christian politician (Crenshaw needs to read Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that it is Required for Believers in Jesus to "Join a Church") threatening more war on Iran. Aren't Americans great? They slam through the Middle East destroying one country after another including Iraq blaming those people for dropping buildings in New York and in Washington (Pentagon building) when those people had nothing to do with that excursion into a $2 trillion frenzied military expenditure. That base that was hit with some type of a munition (drone not confirmed) that killed 3 US soldiers and wounded 25 (could be more) with 8 in serious condition was not located in Jordan (Tower 22) contrary to official reports. That US military base was located in Syria. The US is being dragged into all out war in the Middle East by Israel who Dan Crenshaw is subservient to. The age of Christian warmongers returns...

Crenshaw: Time to Kill Another Iranian General?

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, provokes Iran with reference to the U.S./Israel assassination of Gen. Qasem Soleimani during Trump years

January 29, 2024 | By Trends Journal

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, joined the chorus of warmongering politicians on Sunday who called on the Biden administration to use the weekend's deadly attack on a U.S. base "near the Syrian border" to justify all-out war with Iran because the attacks were allegedly carried out by "extreme Iranian militias."

Revoke the FBI's corporate charter then defund this federal agency

Editor's note: After the FBI's corporate charter is revoked and then this agency is defunded those law enforcement responsibilities need to be turned over to respective state law enforcement. Something to think about: Federal law enforcement agencies like the FBI will open fire far more often than state law enforcement agencies. All these federal agencies are collapsing because of incompetence and the worship of mediocrity.


Source: Independent Sentinel

Report: New FBI Agents Are Lazy, Racist, Entitled, Selfish, Mental Health Patients

By M Dowling | January 25, 2024

Christopher Wray is accused of destroying the FBI from within with DEI hiring. According to a new report by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts given to the House Judiciary Committee, new agents are not only fat and unfit, but some are illiterate and don't want to work extra hours.

Well, at least we know where to cut. We could cut 40% of these agencies and not miss them.

The War Against 'Goyim'

Editor's note: If you think this war is not real here is some material that may assist in getting people over the hard to comprehend parts about our present circumstances. In order to understand the incredible problems facing the world we must understand Jewish behavior and thinking. A case in point was Israel's Yitchak Rabin who was reported seen coming out of a lodge in Tel Aviv many years ago. Israel's PM Benjamin Netanyahu is likely a freemason and nothing is going to dislodge him or take him off Israel's path.

Makow -- Organized Jewry's Business Model is Parasitism and the NFL is a perfect example of this parasitism


Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasonry by Yüri Lina

From ordinary architects to architects of deception: An overview of the Corrupt Deeds and Methods of Freemasons throughout history

24 January 2024 | Review by Chris Caskie

A very good Jew-aware case study of freemasonry. Long (500+ pages).

Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasonry by Estonian Jüri Lina (originally published in 2004 by Referent Publishing in Sweden) details the origins, practices, impacts and criminal legacy of freemasonry. It traces freemasonry as the common denominator in many important events where the truth has been suppressed. These include the world wars and many 'revolutions', and biased financial and propaganda controls. Lina exposes how freemasons networked, used nepotism, deceit and financial power to control puppets and take over societies.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Russia moving back towards its historical beginnings

Editor's note: Just in case Americans are confused about what is going on inside Russia here are a few pointers. In order to preserve the integrity of the country of Russia, Vladamir Putin has declared the future of Russia will be in the hands of a highly disciplined and capable military. Russia will have a military class who are highly educated with combat experience take over positions within the Russian government. This also means Russia is going back to its historical beginnings to protect Russia as the west collapses. There are many foreigners who recognize this including Americans who are immigrating to Russia.


Source: RT

Putin wants new 'elite' in Russia

The president said that military veterans should have a higher status than major showbiz stars Putin wants new 'elite' in Russia

Jnauary 27, 2024

Military veterans returning from the Ukraine conflict should become Russia's new elite, President Vladimir Putin has proposed. Addressing ministers and top St Petersburg city officials on Friday, Putin also called on Russian ministers to provide decommissioned military personnel with all the support necessary to facilitate their transition back to civilian life.

On your knees America - to Israel

Editor's note: Israel will bleed America dry moving forward. It may have been a "stunning victory" (it won't stop the slaughter) for South Africa over the ICJ ruling but in all reality the US and Israel will flip off the ICJ and likely target South Africans in some dastardly way. Will the ICJ 15-2 ruling stop Israel? No, of course not. If people think Israel cares what is ruled by the ICJ (see The ICJ Could Not Order A General Ceasefire. It Ordered Israel To Cease Fire.) you better think again considering Israel has no second thoughts about killing their own citizens. And life goes on as Elon Musk is told what to do by his overlords. Damn the world or what they think. Israel will bulldoze Gaza after killing anything that moves then rebuild over the carnage. There is talk now of forcing Benjamin Netanyahu out of office. Get real. That is not going to happen.

Netanyahu Pushes Most pro-Israel U.S. Democrats to Take Previously Unimaginable Measures

Source: AntiWar

US, Israel Advancing Major Fighter Jet Deals Amid Gaza Slaughter

One deal is for Israel to receive 25 F-35 fighter jets worth $3 billion that will be paid for with US aid

by Dave DeCamp | January 25, 2024

Amid Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, US and Israeli officials met in Washington this week to discuss the advancement of major weapons deals that will arm Israel with dozens of fighter jets, Apache helicopters, and munitions.

Friday, January 26, 2024

The FBI's pipe bomb narrative collapses as are American institutions (RIP)

Editor's note: At no time was Vice President Kamala Harris in any threatening or compromising location that would have endangered her or the vice president's motorcade. Harris had absolutely no knowledge of this event and she was not at any risk. The only people who's lives are threatened and who are being gunned down almost daily in Washington DC are average citizens trying to go about their lives. Crime is rampant in Shithole DC but law enforcement, the DoJ (also see Justice Dept. may be orchestrating 'retaliation' against Blaze News' Steve Baker for his Jan. 6 reporting: Baker's attorneys), the woke, diverse and inclusive FBI, the Secret Service and the Washington DC police are more interested in taking down average decent concerned Americans who show up at a protest. The biggest threat on January 6th (see International Public Notice: About "January 6th" Final Copy) were two FBI-planted practice dummy pipe bombs discovered by a "plain clothes police officer" who nonchalantly points them out to the FBI and Secret Service.

Manboobs Wins the NXXT Women's Classic In Florida

Editor's note: A man transgender "won" a women's golf tournament in Florida, bringing with him her "dreams of making it to the LPGA tour." This is all part of the CIA and mainstream oligarch-controlled media faking a long series of events to blackwash men in the eyes of women and thereby destroy the heterosexual relationship and the family:

An Acceleration of the Women-are-Pigs Project.

Oil cartels create the false paradigm of "fossil fuels"

Oil and Gas Are Not "Fossil Fuels" They Are Renewable Energy Source Created By a Geothermal Reaction Between the Mantle and Liquid Core:

'Abiogenic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons and Oil and Gas Deposits Formation'

By Robin Monotti | January 20, 2024

"The theory of the abiogenic deep origin of hydrocarbons recognizes that the petroleum is a primordial material of deep origin [Kutcherov, Krayushkin 2010]. This theory explains that hydrocarbon compounds generate in the asthenosphere of the Earth and migrate through the deep faults into the crust of the Earth. There they form oil and gas deposits in any kind of rock in any kind of the structural position (Fig. 1). Thus the accumulation of oil and gas is considered as a part of the natural process of the Earth's outgassing, responsible for creation of its hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. Until recently the obstacle to accept the theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons was the lack of the reliable and reproducible experimental results confirming the possibility of the synthesis of complex hydrocarbon systems under the conditions of the asthenosphere of planet earth."

ATTENTION: US House Speaker Mike Johnson

Editor's note: Does this make any sense? The US is importing the best and the brightest, or is the US importing the dumbest and most violent?

The Goths – Ancient Rome's Migrant Crisis

Know Your Host (We Prefer Boom Bapa Boom Over HostPapa)

Editor's note: HostPapa is a Canadian-based privately owned web hosting company that provides shared, reseller, and virtual private server (VPS) hosting. This website hosting outfit operates in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, European Union, France, Ireland, Belgium and Spain. In 2023, HostPapa provided hosting services to more than 500,000 websites. This outfit was officially founded in Canada by Jamie Opalchuk in 2006 and it looks as though it has been up to some nefarious activities. According to the linked investigation the authors have confirmed via network specialists that Canadian email "services" are sending American emails to Canada and then dropping the ongoing transmission of the email of undesirables on their "spam" blacklists.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Let the British fight Russia on their own

Editor's note: It is unclear who is telling who exactly to prepare for war against Russia, but the Swedes and the Germans are being told to prepare for war as the UK drops 20,000 British soldiers into Europe. The UK's Rishi Sunak gets his marching orders and as such he is not a "prime minister", Sunak is now a "war salesman." Given Russia's formidable military power in Ukraine, Sunak's position on Ukraine doesn't seem realistic at all. In this discussion between Col. Douglas MacGregor and Tucker Carlson, the incompetents in Washington have no idea what war would mean with Russia. Donald Trump was right, either NATO will destroy itself or Russia will. This is a global operation run by the British Pilgrims Society to destroy Europe and replace the population with foreign invaders who are replacing the European population just as the US population is being replaced with foreign invaders. King Charles II (the power behind the throne) is the face behind this genocide and potential war with trillions at his disposal. When are our English friends going to seize him and lop off his head, just like his predecessor Charles I?

Source: The Guardian

Army chief says people of UK are 'prewar generation' who must be ready to fight Russia

Ministry of Defence clarifies it has no plans for conscription after Gen Sir Patrick Sanders says UK should take steps to place society on war footing
Gen Sanders said that in the last 30 years, the British army has halved in size.
Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

"I can't help it if I'm lucky...."

Editor's note: Jewish oligarchs will always hide their intended plans and that includes the Pritzker clan in Chicago where the Governor of the state of Illinois JB Pritzker (Democratic Party and one of the "big three" blue states) is at odds over the Mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson concerning immigrants flowing into the city. Maybe JB Pritzker doesn't want immigrants (blue states like their immigrants) to be housed at Hyatt hotels since it might impact tourism in the state? Some archived material on how to become an oligarch in Illinois:

Pritzker's Hyatt House Hotel (The Purple Hotel, Lincolnwood, Illinois) - Men-Only Drug and Sex Parties Attended by Rezko, Levine, Obama - Synonymous With Sleaze - 1983 Execution-Style Murder of Teamsters Pension Fund Mobster Allen Dorfman - Stan Greenberg, Rosa DeLauro, and Rahm Emanuel's D.C. "Play Condo" - Swim at Your Own Risk

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Considering present economic and financial circumstances central bankers have only one option: War

Editor's note: The 2024 US presidential elections are going to be a chaotic circus and everyone knows it but they continue playing along with it. The US economy is in recession starting last year and when government spending ("defense" spending) is removed "the real economic growth is being reported at minus one percent." Wall Street doesn't reflect reality. Not when the "magnificent seven" stocks are practically running the show on Wall Street. Massive layoffs are coming with the US deficit now running at around $2 trillion a year. This is beyond anyone's ability to comprehend and is obviously no longer sustainable. When Americans wake up to the reality of what is going on now being covered up intentionally by the oligarch-controlled media including what was perpetrated on the American people with the Covid injections, the only way out for the central bankers is war. This could be a very good reason why US policy "experts" are starting to shift their attention to China. One way or another it seems we are going to get dragged into a war or get slammed with another faked pandemic maybe even Disease X.

US Prepping To Abandon Bases In Eastern Syria and Turn To China

Source: FP

Washington Is Exaggerating China's Military Budgets

Pentagon and congressional hawks are overestimating their rival.

January 17, 2024 | By William D. Hartung, a senior research fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft.
A People's Liberation Army delegate sleeps during a congressional session in the
Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 9, 2006. 

With this kind of power, money and influence it is not about contagious diseases and viruses

Editor's note: If you are interviewed with the BBC that means you have reached the pinnacle of your professional career. Anthony Fauci retired with a large pension and was the highest paid employee at the federally subcontracted NIH corporation (also see NIH Bankrolled Chinese Scientist Who Mapped SARS-CoV-2 Two Weeks Before China Told World About COVID). People are dying left and right as a result of receiving Covid injections and Fauci is interviewed with the BBC on his career highlights from the faked HIV/AIDS scam to Ebola to Covid? Fauci currently works at Georgetown University and has Secret Service protection and a limo driver on the federal dime. Fauci is living at the public expense at the highest possible level and is being lauded and admired in this BBC interview with the interviewer groveling at Fauci's feet. Fauci's wealth went from an alleged $7 million to $12 million during the faked and fraudulent criminal Covid pandemic and his wife runs the bioethics angle covering for him. Fauci also took $1 million from Israel's Dan David prize for "defending science". Here's confirmation Fauci has been working with the Wellcome Trust and the Pirbright Institute based in the UK. The reason why Fauci is going unscathed as he receives recognition, status and prestige from the BBC, is because he is connected to the Abys central banking family out of Switzerland. Katty Kay interviewing Fauci for the BBC is a British-Swiss journalist and banking asset. These central banking related people like Fauci exist in an entirely different world than the rest of humanity and have more power, authority and influence than the US senate and congress who apparently are too busy fucking each other and screwing around to matter anymore. 

Nikki Haley defines mediocrity

Editor's note: At this juncture the last thing America needs now is mediocrity. Serious consideration should be given as to why a successful Jewish entrepreneur associated with Silicon valley would put his money behind the presidential candidate Nikki Haley? Who is behind Reid Hoffman (Haley's "liberal money man") first putting him up to placing his loot behind Nikki Haley and now pulling out? You would think that with Neil Hoffman's (LinkedIn guy) unmatched tech skills and business acumen that he wouldn't make a bad investment in a woman who blew $31 million in New Hampshire and "is literally a steaming pile of shit with legs" as Donald Trump demolished her in New Hampshire. As it turns out, 70 percent of Haley voters in the New Hampshire primary weren't republicans demonstrating these people are unethical mediocre scoundrels.

Billionaire Reid Hoffman pauses Nikki Haley funding after her New Hampshire loss to Trump, source says

Criminal regime in Kiev kills 65 of their own soldiers

Editor's note: The criminal regime in Kiev fired two air defense missiles (alleged to be a French SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system that fired the missiles) at this Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft that subsequently crashed killing six Russian crew members with three accompanying personnel and 65 Ukrainian POWs on there way to a prisoner swap. The criminals in Kiev knew in advance the departure time and flight plan of the Russian transport plane that came from the village of Liptsy, which is about 40 kilometers from Belogrod proper. Also see: Sputnik Editor-in-Chief Posted List of Ukrainian PoWs From Downed Il-76 Aircraft.

We are caught in a turf war on a global scale

Editor's note: This is like the final gunfight at the O. K. Corral. The globalists against the anti-globalists. The shooting already started when Aleksandr Dugin's daughter Darya, was assassinated on 20 August 2022 on a street in Moscow. This was proceeded when the US smashed through the Middle East beginning in the early 2000s. In order to bring about a multipolar world we are sorry to inform you but people are going to have to get killed.

Slaying the Dragon: The World Stands on the Brink of Global War
by Alexander Dugin | January 19, 2024 | Arktos Journal

Alexander Dugin delves into the intricate dynamics of a rapidly evolving multipolar world as we step into 2024, highlighting the pivotal shifts and conflicts reshaping global geopolitics.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

FBI (Fake Bullshit Institution) With a $13 Billion Annual Budget

Editor's note: The FBI is a fake federal agency: It's a cleanup crew serving as a cardboard front for other agencies run by military–intelligence connected billionaire oligarch dynasties. Was the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover whacked in the early '70s? That is something to think about. In the planning of the murder of President Kennedy, there was a CIA cell known as Division Five inside the FBI. Division Five was allegedly run by British asset and Zionist kingpin at the time Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. The FBI investigations during and after 9/11 were sabotaged by Michael Chertoff at DoJ and then DHS, an offshoot of CCA (Corrections Corporation of America), a Zionist-run for-profit outfit. When real FBI agents appear on the scene conducting an investigation that might upset business as usual they get whacked too. Story sourced from: Kash Patel Reveals How the Corrupt FBI Led By Dirty Chris Wray is Working to Censor Pro-Trump Americans Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election (VIDEO).

FBI Caught Faking Terror Events

The exact same symptoms can be found in Covid as in snake venom

Editor's note: Leaving off from our last post suggesting pharmaceutical companies engineered synthetic snake venom into the plasmids of their respective Covid injections based on insights into Covid symptoms are what you would find with snake venom in the body. That includes blood clotting like we have been seeing including in the case of this man in the UK knocked down by an AstraZeneca Covid injection. We all heard reports the Covid "virus" attacked the ACE2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) receptors in the lungs. However, research has shown that there are no ACE2 receptors in the lungs. What are you going to do now? "Trust the science?" All the usual fact checkers (WEF relies on Reuters reporting) assured us Covid was caused by a "virus" and not snake venom from the very outset. Then we got the bat stories. Reports have appeared with regularity on spike proteins. All we have heard about are spike proteins. But what exactly are these spike proteins? Could it be these are synthetic snake venom spike proteins that are introduced into the body by DNA plasmids that get attached to the nicotine receptors in the body? 

Snake venom phospholipases A2 possess a strong virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and block the cell fusion mediated by spike glycoprotein interaction with the ACE2 receptor

Source: SOTT

AstraZeneca in £80m Covid jab compensation claim set to be one of biggest battles of its kind

Lawyers lodge 35 High Court claims with up to 40 more expected to follow
Kerry Williams mourns the loss of her husband Ben CREDIT: Russell Sach

It is easy to see why Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world

Editor's note: Triangular trade: Weapons, sex and drugs and it has been going on since time immemorial. Full story here: Ukraine's Arms Barons: Who Is Behind Ongoing Weapons Trafficking In Ukraine?

Monday, January 22, 2024

This isn't working...

Editor's note: It is claimed as of 2014, Sen. Tom Cotton is a lifelong member of the First United Methodist Church of Dardanelle, Arkansas. Not as extreme as Senator Lindsey 'Neocon' Graham in his war rhetoric, Cotton nonetheless plays a tough guy. Sen. Cotton is one of three Republicans whose tweets collectively accounted for 93% of all anti-Chinese rhetoric from GOP candidates between January 1 and August 31, 2020. Cotton professes to be a "Christian" yet here he is ramping up war rhetoric against Iran, likely racism towards Chinese, was involved in controversy about his being in the Army Rangers and now he is mocking Arab nations as being "goat herders." This is not what America needs at this juncture in its existence. Not with Christian-Zionism being behind Tom Cotton with his resolution affirming support for Israel while Israel obliterates Gaza killing thousands. Israel isn't the only country that annihilates civilians. The US and the UK have done their share of killing civilians as well. All the more reason for the "Christian" Cotton to back off. America from this point forward is not going to work strapped to "Christianity" while acting like this.

The "enemy within" is more dangerous than the "enemy without"

Editor's note: A new NGO is reportedly teaming up with Welcome.US (Soros is behind this outfit) to raise money for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Ukraine and Nicaragua to be flown directly into communities across the US. Imagine what happens when between 800 and 1,000 immigrants are suddenly dropped into the middle of a small town like Whitewater, Wisconsin? This is all part of the WEF, UN and Davos conglomerate working with central banks to slam the world into one digitally controlled infrastructure. All these stories about the WEF "declaring war" on our everyday lives continues. Honestly, maybe it is time the global peasant slave class consider going to their barns for their pitch forks and pin people like the Soros gang (Alex Soros is a total fucking nut job) to the barnyard door.

Obama, Bush and Clinton have started an NGO to fly migrants into the US

AKF (Anti-Korea Force), Washington and Tokyo Behind Assassination Attempt of Lee Jae-myung

Editor's note: And now for some political turbulence in Asia with an assassination attempt on South Korea's Democratic Party Lee Jae-myung (DPK) with evidence indicating the assassination attempt leads back to Washington and Japan. Another example of when your political power base is threatened you have your opponent assassinated. 

Failed Attempt to Assassinate South Korea's Leader of the Democratic Party Lee Jae-myung: Trilateral Conspiracy?

Safe Word AI Requirement - Dmitry Agrees!

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

I think AI is just like the men who pretend to be women to win at women sporting events. Both are sickeningly promoted as 'just the same' as each other for the coming robot integration...and if robots are among us, with 10 times the strength, speed and cognition....

NATO unleashes another terror attack

Editor's note: This war crime and act of terrorism™ was intentional and instigated by NATO to further provoke Russia. This isn't war. It is terrorism™ and this is what NATO does best. NATO is not a defense alliance. NATO is a war machine. The Ukrainian Army, funded, trained, and directed by NATO, bombed a civilian market in Donbas with nineteen (19) 155mm NATO artillery shells. The death toll in the Ukrainian (NATO) terrorist attack on Donetsk has reached 25 people with 20 seriously wounded.

Donetsk Market Massacre: A Local's Account

Sunday, January 21, 2024

In retrospect...

Editor's note: Listen to these two clowns from three years ago talking about "popping champagne" on the delivery of Covid injections before Christmas while downplaying the significance of nicotine. Dr. Armand Dorian is a mainstream advertising doctor probably on a pharmaceutical payroll at some juncture in his connections. Does anyone seriously think these two are singing the same tune today about PCR tests (the tests are the pandemic) and Covid injections three years later when more and more people are being knocked down by Covid injections? Look what is happening in Italy where the Italian police union has sounded the alarm. Dr. Armand Dorian is the CEO of USC Verdugo Hills Hospital, part of the Keck Medicine of USC that received the Pfizer injections. Does anyone have any statistics on the people who received the Pfizer injections at USC Verdugo Hills Hospital? Tobacco doesn't cause cancer. The magic component that causes addiction to tobacco is pyrazine added to tobacco by the industry and is carcinogenic. Mainstream doctors use Latin to describe medical terminology. The Latin word virūs means "poison; venom", denoting the venom of a snake. Snake venom destroys the nicotine receptors (Ivermectin also binds to the nicotine receptors) in the human body. Question: Is there synthetic snake venom loaded into the plasmids in the Covid injections? Those who smoked during the Covid attack seemed to have passed through the last four years relatively untouched. Stay tuned...

A new understanding of how oligarchs are coordinating the war in Ukraine

Editor's note: This report is essential to understanding the dynamics of how oligarchs in the US, Europe and in Ukraine coordinate their proxy war against Russia. This report from New Strategic Concept (NSC) is greatly appreciated because it helps everyone place this proxy war against Russia in a new light of understanding. These are the oligarchs over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers (now facing a critical manpower shortage) have died fighting for not to mention the enormous destruction of eastern Ukraine. NSC helps us to craft an alternative perspective to this ongoing war over oligarchic control of resources in Ukraine.

Source: New Strategic Concept

Clans of Ukraine: Analyzing Links Between Key Groups of the Ukrainian Oligarchy and European and U.S. Families and Institutions

Save These Poor Mothers and Children Looking for a Better Life In America!

International asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

I bet you feel pity for all the poor mothers and children refugees desperately trying to get across the Rio Grande. Yeah...right...

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Believe it or not this is how you cripple and destroy an advanced industrial society

Editor's note: The anthropological fact is when you dismantle "whiteness" you also dismantle advanced industrial society. The superintendent of the Milwaukee Public Schools, Keith P. Posley who is black, issued a "best practices" memo on how to "dismantle whiteness" in classrooms in Milwaukee. The "best practices" memo encourages racism against white students through the "redistribution of resources to minority students under the guise of equity." Then there is the black prosecutor in Georgia Fani Willis ("Big Fani"), who in an interview a few years ago "vowed not to date subordinates and expressed concerns over taxpayer-funded sexual misconduct lawsuits." Big Fani has now demonstrated she is having an ongoing affair with Nathan Wade, the Special Prosecutor she appointed to prosecute Donald Trump – have now been corroborated. And finally, we come to the recent number of aircraft accidents that are being traced back to DEI (diversity, inclusion and equity) hiring.  And in all fairness, are the exaggerations of DEI a far right freakout? DEI isn't isolated to the airline industry either. DEI goes to the highest levels of US institutions including the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin who it is alleged is a DEI hire.

Disturbing DEI link to Boeing 747 plane on fire in the skies above Miami

Source: PM

Milwaukee Public Schools issues 'best practices' on how to 'dismantle whiteness' in classrooms

The memo encourages racism against white students through the redistribution of resources to minority students under the guise of "equity."

The Beatings Will Continue Until Trust Improves

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Weapons Inspector for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

If you didn't get invited here's the really dandy poster for the 2024 rebuilding trust event that the lucky few got to see when they arrived at DAVOS. The wall art looks like the work of an imprisoned schizophrenic on allopathic meds.

The Malthusian Psychotics of the "Expert Classes", the Media and Politicians Are the New Pestilence and Blight On Humanity

Editor's note: We received a quote about the pharma injections and thought to post it as a reminder to those of us who haven't surrendered our humanity and our dignity. And the psychopaths and those who forced this pharma attack on civilization we know who you are. There isn't a thing you can do now except watch your next "Rebuilding Trust" (a "White-Collar Euthanasia Agent") plans get scuttled at every opportunity. Your surveillance, censorship and Disease X won't work. The "expert classes" are the problem and are now a serious liability to the rest of us. It is all going to fail miserably because new networks, platforms and a new media are being built that will circumvent your Malthusian determination for total control. 
"If the state can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow. If you do not control your body and the government can inject you, just like the farmer injects his cows and his pigs, then you are a farm animal ... you're not a free person."

Embracing the Totality of 'Herd Immunity'

The Malthusian Psychotics of the "Expert Classes" have Lost their Infallibility. Now we Banish them.

By Thomas Sheridan | January 20, 2023

I used to never have too much of an opinion on vaccines one way or another. In the past, I considered myself being not educated enough to take a stance on the matter in any serious way. On the surface at least, they appeared to have been a medical success. Discounting the advancements made in water treatment and sanitation systems that is...

Friday, January 19, 2024

Fuck you, Bill Gates

Editor's note: Emotions are running high aren't they? How do you feel about your personal circumstances for yourself and your family related to the global faked Covid pandemic risking large swaths of the population with Covid injections? There comes an inflection point when everything you think you know about what is going in this world comes crashing down. That is because you relied on the now collapsing MSM for your view of the world. This story was sourced from: Nobody Will Be Safe if They Are Vaccinated.

France and Russia are now directly at war in Ukraine

Editor's note: It was first reported the Russian missile strike on a building in Kharkiv killed 60 and injured 20 others including French mercenaries. It is now being reported the Russian missile strike on the hotel in Kharkiv killed and wounded regular French soldiers. 

Russia called the French ambassador for an explanation: The dead French in Kharkiv were members of the regular French Army - They were not mercenaries

These Are France's 'Hammer' Rocket-Assisted Bombs Ukraine's Getting

More than 106,000 persons in the U.S. died from drug-involved overdose in 2021, or over one-million deaths in a decade

The FDA is a nightmare street gang in suits and ties; Beyond anything the public can imagine

The FDA had MUCH practice committing murder long before they "approved" the COVID vaccines; And yet it's not a rogue agency

January 19, 2023 | by Jon Rappoport

People started taking a hard look at the FDA after the agency "authorized and approved" the deadly COVID RNA vaccines.

I was putting out fliers exposing the FDA when I ran for a seat in Congress in 1994.

I haven't stopped exposing them.

Once again, I refer you to—the Starfield Report, published in JAMA, on July 26, 2000, authored by Dr. Barbara Starfield…

These are all projects

Editor's note: Hezbollah, Hamas, PLO, ISIS (created by western intelligence to smash through Syria), leadership of Iran (Iran's Hassan Rouhani was "educated" at Glasgow Caledonian University) and the Houthis (named after Hussein Badr al-Houthi, allegedly killed in action in 2004) are all ongoing "projects." The thing to undertand here is that "the portfolio in the region is written by defense contractors." The leaders of these organizations and groups likely all have bank accounts located in Swiss banks. The guy in the Fox News interview below states "the Houthis are a franchise terror™ operation of the Iranian regime" playing his part in the terrorism™ business model.

Incoming terror attacks? US intel warns Hezbollah could target mainland America as well as Israel

"Trust the science" with a Gain-of-Function live Ebola vaccine having a 30 percent chance of shedding

Editor's note: These worshippers of scientism are out of their minds and the ONLY reason they are pursuing Gain-of-Function with Ebola is because it all comes back to money and how it flows into the state of Colorado from the fed. The ONLY beneficiary of "science" is the government now largely privatized. There are 33 federal labs in Colorado alone employing around 17,600 including 7,800 science gurus. A really good question would be how many of these "scientists" working in these federal labs in Colorado align with leftist ideology? The amount comes out to around $2.6 billion (likely to be much higher in 2024) injected into the Colorado economy from the federal government. The high priest of vaccines Bill Gates back in 2015 said "we are not ready for the next pandemic." The allegation now is that these Ebola vaccines have a 30 percent chance of "shedding" putting everyone at risk. Just like the HHS partnered with the DoD in the Covid attack, the DoD is now patnered with the FDA in the development of an Ebola vaccine. Full story at: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola by Secret Bill Gates Project.

Source: CDC

Ebola Vaccine: Information about ERVEBO®

Why an Ebola Vaccine is Important

A safe and effective vaccine is an important tool to protect frontline workers and prevent the introduction and spread of Ebola disease in the United States.
Looking into our circumstances...