Sunday, April 2, 2023

There Is No Longer Any Rule of Law - The Business of Corruption and New Hampshire Is the American Cartel's Clearinghouse - The Entire System Is Based on Blackmail and Extortion

Editor's note: It is true. How America goes so goes the world. The entire financial, banking and political system in America is a business and that business is corruption. Everyone is in on it depending on what state all the way from lawyers, local politicians, bankers, corporate CEOs, city mayors, state governors and judges. At this point there is no other option than to get out of this criminal corporate financial and banking cartel. There is no time at this point to think about it. Remove yourself (see material below on WeRe Bank; get organized; get out now) along with all of your financial and banking affairs from this present banking debt bondage system because it is going down. The level of corruption is not comprehensible to the average American. Americans are up against an American crime cartel and they are turning lethal. The average FBI agent is paid $70,000 a year. Does anyone think an FBI agent won't take an extra $50,000 in cash to steer an investigation away from this cartel? This American-based institutionalized criminal cartel has amassed $932.5 billion (guns; drugs; sex trafficking; money laundering on a colossal scale) in the trust industry in New Hampshire.

Savage Reveal of American Cartels; Michael Flynn; James O'Keefe; Drug Money; Treason

Source: WeRe Bank


WeRe Bank of England, launched in 2015, offers monetary unit of account or cheque book money and hopefully, as from Summer 2023, scrip (banknotes) as well as a card payment facility. It is a provider of "finality of settlement under common law on the spot of time" for all private, PUBLIC and commercial transactions. This means only you and the other party are ever involved in the exchange.

WeRe Bank of England does NOT recognise as an OBLIGATION the PUBLIC side of any liability created against you since in 1931 in the United Kingdom, 1933 in the United States of America and globally from 22 July 1944 – when all global inhabitants and sovereign beings had the ability to pay in "lawful money" taken from them by various bankster invasions based on the way that the money supply had been used historically. From this point on you were FORCED from the private side to THE PUBLIC SIDE OF THE ACCOUNT and made to accept a fiat currency created by criminal "banksters" using Fractional Reserve Lending, usurious practices, deception, guile and trickery to steal the energy wealth from you. You were FORCED to accept worthless money, the CENTRAL BANKERS PROMISSORY NOTE for the promise/lie of further wealth somewhere, somehow and at some time in the future in return for going without in the moment of now.


WeRe Bank has infinite energy supply based on access to the Universal Supply of Energy [USE]. WeRe Bank will accept a promissory note from you to help you begin to understand the simplicity of a system of monetary exchange whereby you can trade energy (your own freely and independently given) for goods and services. In effect all that WeRe bank does is allow you to become your OWN BANKER, A "PRIVATE BANKER" in return for your membership fee. It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY THAT YOU JOIN WITH US, though you may ask: 

"Well, why can't I just do it myself?" The reason you MUST JOIN WITH US is that because on your own you will be scooped up and destroyed by the forces reigned against you – after all STRENGTH IS UNITY AND UNITY IS STRENGTH, and our name is well known in the banking and financial world all over.



Well, firstly by simply exposing the trickery, deceit and lies which have been sold to you – as a vassal of the Church of Rome and a Ward of Court, Infant Minor who has had his Estate confiscated by the trustee supposedly for non-performance!

The Mad Merry-Go-Around plays you as follows: Bankers fund and pay for Governments behind which they hide – Governments are just corporations too. These governments then raise, via taxation [involving threats, coercion and intimidation and brutality], money, to pay the bankers who then direct the Government to pay the Military. Militaries are just Modern Day Mercenaries. The Military protects the commercial interests of the corporations which exploit the resources of the countries they freely parasite off. And the entire operation is funded with non-existent money – FIAT currency and debt! Everything, eventually ends up in the hands of the bankers.


There is No Longer Any Rule of Law

There is natural law and there is corporate law. There is private law and there is Administrative Law. There is Maritime Law and the Law of Land. The trick is – which jurisdiction do they have you in? For example do you know what the word "ground" means? You talk of buying a piece of "ground" or having "feet on the ground" or entering in Germany, Austria and France your land or property real estate into or onto the "Ground Book" (Grund Buch). Well, ground is "land under water!" as in to "run aground in a ship. So the next time you hear someone talking of "ground rent" etc then you know you are firmly under water and NOT on the Land you thought! There is the International Law of The Sea and The National Law of The Land. All of us have been tricked into performing under "spurious contractual laws" via The Laws of The Sea, Maritime Law and Admiralty Law – These are war powers acts and are for pirates.

Your natural state of being-ness is of man/woman "on the land under common natural law." This is a law of sovereignty. It is NOT a law of democracy or majority or mob rule – for if it was and 51% of your community decided they wanted to eat you then they could, could they not! And justify it too!

All corporations, the government of your country – Including for sure The Police, HM Revenue and Customs, HM Courts and Tribunals Services, The Law Society and The Government and The Local Authorities are all culpable of the following offences:
1. "Personage" – This is the crime of knowingly or negligently misrepresenting a living man of woman as a legal fiction – some form of corporation, such as a public trust. Public utility or foundation. For example miss-characterising a living man named "peter smith" as PETER SMITH (inc) is a crime of personage.

2. "Barratry" – (Yes, named after the Bar Association for good reason). The crime of knowingly or negligently bringing false claims or charges based on personage in order to use foreign statutory law against living people. This is effect means ANY DEMANDS OR CHARGES against a natural man/woman "once they have declared themselves so!"

3. All these crime categories are derived from "shanghai-ing" "press-ganging" "inland piracy" "privateering" and other acts of piracy, condoned and welcomed under the guise of corporatizations centuries old, and all based upon slavery, servitude, slave trafficking, bondage and peonage.
Any name written in CAPITALS CAN BE ONLY ONE OF TWO THINGS A CORPORATION or JOHN ADAMS R.I.P = A dead man's (e)state


So – If anyone tries to force you off land and onto the High Seas then this is called inland piracy or "press ganging" and is a criminal offence as is "personage and "barratry!" Press-ganging is slavery and is banned by all signatories to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 4 – With the caveat of beware of referring to yourself as or classing yourself as a "person" therefore AVOIDING Article 6.


UDHR Article 6 stipulates that: "Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law". Ergo, which also means that "if you do NOT wish to exercise said right then you can remain a "non-person!" "non-resident alien". This means that you can opt in or opt out – the only difference is that one requires AWARENESS – the other IGNORANCE! Most people have opted in and not even realized it!"


Have you also been tricked into accepting "services" from "privateer corporations" acting under licence from The Crown (Rome) and The crown (Monarchy) via The Global Trust? If you are accepting any of the services mentioned below AND PAYING FOR THEM then the answer is almost certainly "Yes!"


This GLOBALIST TRUST operates the following services:

Postal Services via Postal Districts and Post Offices – Law of the Sea – Roads all leading from the ports to your door – implied right of access, hence Admiralty Law and Law Merchant. Non taxed or non-insured cars on the roads are seized under Admiralty Law

Legal Services of the various Bar Associations especially Court buildings – Located when possible near to canals, rivers or on streets with such names as Canal Street, Riverside Road.

Banking and Shipping Insurance Services and Standards via Banking & Insurance Associations
Domestic Police Services – In effect corporate security men
Medical and Welfare Services
Insurance Services
Defence and Treaty Alliance Services

Please go to WeRe Bank to start removing yourself from this corporate financial and banking tyranny.

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