Sunday, April 16, 2023

400 Years of Sunspot Observations

Solar Cycles

First published April 28, 2019

I have been camped out at Fourmilab's Solar System app for hours, confirming my 2014 theory that Solar Cycles are caused by a charge feedback loop with the Jovians. I didn't know this app existed until yesterday, and I have been playing with it pretty much non-stop since then. I will show you here that it confirms my theory with huge exclamation points, so it is increasing incredible the mainstream is ignoring this. Not only ignoring it, but purposely burying it, as we saw a couple of days ago.

Fourmilab's app is simply a map of the planets as they circle the Sun. Then you can choose whatever date you like, and the map gives you that configuration. You can go both forward and back in time. So all we have to do is compare it to the chart below.
If I am wrong, that would be clear very fast, since the very first matchup we try should be false. To show you how right I am, I will pick about the wildest and furthest bit of data on that chart above, which would be that lonely little red x way off in the upper lefthand corner. That's telling us that we know someone counted about 240 sunspots on that day in about 1615—which, as you can see, almost matches the modern maximum of about 1960. It would be a miracle if my method could hindcast that lonely red x, wouldn't it?

Well, if we check the app, we find that Saturn and Neptune are lined up, with Jupiter near the line. All we have to do is go back a few months to June of 1613, to find them in a line. A triple alignment. And guess what, that year is also confirmed, since it happens to be the year Galileo discovered sunspots. Those are Galileo's little red x's. Our miracle just happened.
You may cut me off at the pass here, saying, "This seems like a no-brainer. Are you telling me no one ever thought to compare sunspots to planetary EM alignments?" That's what I'm telling you. Not only that, but now that I have proved this theory, still no one is accepting it. I am being told it is astrology and can't be right. I am being told that I am the pi=4 guy, so I can't possibly be right. Clear data is being ignored once again because it isn't convenient for the standard model. They don't like me because I have embarrassed them many times before, so they are simply pretending I don't exist and that this didn't just happen.

But let's ignore them and continue to confirm the theory with real data. Let's look at the second biggest spike on the chart, the one at about 1778. In July of 1779 we find a conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune on the left side of the system, and all four big planets on the same side of the Sun.

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