Thursday, April 13, 2023

Death Match 2023 Rockefellers vs Rothschilds

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov.

Who are the Players on the game board?

The Rockefellers took control of the money supply in America with the Federal Reserve Act under their puppet president Woodrow Wilson.

The Rothschild's banking empire is centered in France and London,

Emmanuel Macron is the Rothschild's hand-picked man, as he is a former banking executive for the Rothschilds who became the President of France with no prior elected political office.

The game begins in China!

Someone high up in the Rothschild Banking EU Empire contacted someone high up in the Chinese ruling elite and asked for help to fight back against the Rockefeller Banking U.S. empire, and China was only too willing to oblige, as long as France made some concessions, like agreeing to stay out of their conflict with the U.S. and Taiwan.

With really no other choice before them, they called up Macron and told him to pack his bags and sent him off to China. Macron now back in France, is rallying other European countries to unify against the United States' global dominance in order to save Europe...and the Rothschild investment.

This battle began back in September of 2022, when a Swedish newspaper published what it claimed was an internal leaked document from the U.S. military think tank RAND Corporation that was published on January 25, 2022, about 1 month before Russia invaded Ukraine. This 'secret' "Research Report" stated that a weakened Germany and weakened Europe would strengthen the U.S. economy by having them get involved in sanctions against Russia as a result of the Ukraine conflict, which would cut off their energy supplies and collapse their economy.

This plan worked, at least partially, because the U.S. sold a record amount of fuel to Europe in 2022, leading to all-time highs in sales and profits for American oil companies. Where this plan failed, however, was in saving the U.S. banking system, which today stands at the brink of collapse.

So who is Macron?

Emmanuel Macron can be called the most unusual candidate for president of France. He has no real political experience. He has not been elected anywhere before. He is not a member of any of the leading parties and the three years (2006 to 2009) in socialist ranks can be considered a formality; Macron joined them "officially" but did not pay dues and did not attended party events.

By profession, Macron is an investment banker specializing in mergers and acquisitions and was successful in his career. He graduated from the National School of Administration, a leading university for the French elite.

He worked for several years as an inspector at the Ministry of Economy.

Then in 2007, a crucial year in his career, the promising 29-year-old economist was spotted and invited by Jacques Attali in his Commission for stimulating economic growth.

Jacques Attali is a very interesting person. Formally, he is a philosopher-globalist, a writer of color utopias of how all nations and states will disappear from the face of the earth during bloody conflicts, and the survivors of humanity will unite under the banner of democracy and under the control of a World Government.

During his stay at the Commission, he managed to win the sympathy of Attali, who soon introduced him to his friend, Francois Enron.

Enron, in turn, is the best friend and main partner of David de Rothschild and in 2008 Macron was hired by the Rothschild's & Co Banque where he made quick career and in four years only he grew from analyst to partner. His commissions exceed more than one million euros per year but much more valuable are the new connections in the business world and the reputation of "financial Mozart."

If you have never heard of Jacques Attali, that might be intentional. Among the globalist architects, he is a shadowy figure who not only influences the course of French politics but also shapes our future – globally. Is Jacques Attali merely a spokesman presenting the plans for powerful globalist networks, or could he be the real mastermind behind moving us all toward a Great Reset? He is currently the Founder, Chairman, and President of Positive Planet, a globalist organization that contributes to the United Nations' 2030 globalist agenda. As reported previously at RIAR Foundation USA, "their Agenda is nothing less than global government tyranny that enslaves all humanity while calling the scheme ‘sustainable development' and 'equality.'"

Attali, a regular on political talk shows in France, predicted in 2014 that World War III would start with Ukraine. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned, "we will proceed together toward a new world order, and nobody, and I do mean nobody, will be able to oppose it."

If the Ukraine/Russia war has taught Europeans anything, it has most definitely taught them that they are over-dependent on countries outside of Europe to supply affordable energy.

What was the visit all about...really?

Energy. The US blew up the only secure source of energy for Europe. France is behind nuclear power as is China.

Nuclear Energy Has Becomes One of the Priorities in China-France Cooperation

President Macron's visit to China sought to balance between power competition and cooperation to solve global challenges. Nuclear energy is one such opportunity for cooperation.

At a time when tensions between China and the West are at an all-time high, the 51-point China-France joint statement issued on April 7, after French President Emmanuel Macron's visit to China, not only advanced mutual political trust, but is also a valuable attempt to seek a balance between power competition and cooperation to solve global challenges.

Civil nuclear energy is an area where China and France could seek a balance between cooperation and competition. It used to be one of the priority fields for China-France collaboration in the past four decades, and today their competition on Generation III reactors is also creating potential to cooperate in third-party markets and cutting-edge technology development.

Rothschild for the win!

Macron gave a speech at The Hague which clearly outlines the Rothschild goals for the future of Europe.

"Europe was too much driven by a customer approach, and not sufficiently by the citizen and the producer approach. And we didn't build sufficiently how to ensure our, I would say, economic security."

"We have to integrate our markets."

He seems to redefine "freedom of speech" for Europe in a very chilling way.

We decided now to do something very different. So on cyber infrastructure, a critical infrastructure, cyber security.

Everywhere we consider we have vulnerabilities. Our national and European security at risk. We are entitled to have this protection mechanism to be activated and precisely to have this preventive society.

This is the same on a lot of other issues from defense, to technologies and so on. And I think it is very important.

We were driven by free speech. I do defend, and I do advocate this notion, and I'm a big defender of this free speech approach. And freedom of content, because it is part of the European model.

But let's be clear, when you're open without any regulation to protect yourself from this content, you expose yourself to propaganda that are coming from outside. You expose yourself to algorithm decided elsewhere. And you put your children, your people and sometimes your democracy at risk. Because it can be manipulated by other interests and by people deciding for yourselves.

However he seemed e stated that they need to protect the European model "and not to be in the hands of non-European interests or non-European governments' interests."

He calls for an end to "free trade" with "governments and people which don't respect the Paris agreement and our biodiversity commitments."

The Rockefellers respond!
Behind the scenes we at Abel Danger have procured a video of the actual fight between these two giant banking conglomerates.


The French poodle:

The French doing what the do best: Being French

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