Thursday, April 6, 2023

The danger of de-dollarization

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov
"Come out of her my people that ye may not partakers of her sin, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven and god hath remembered her inequities."

America is not America. America has been captured, kidnapped if you will, by a group of sinister elite that want to control the world with money back in 1861. That was the reason these same people bought Woodrow Wilsons ticket into the Whitehouse to sign the Federal Reserve act into law for a federal reserve bank corporation to print the currency for America. Because once in the hands of these same sinister elite, their pelf could grow their wealth. And it has.

With the Breton woods agreement all international currencies are based on the dollar. To convert their currencies to US currency to by their oil. and establishing an unfair exchange rate such as 1 dollar equal to 100 Jamaican dollars. Of course everyone in America things this is great because of the lower cost of goods compared to the dollar in vacation locations.

But that may change very quickly and it affects gold, sliver and bitcoin holders. Why? because those commodities are valued in...what?...American dollars.

De dollarization is the end of the corrupted American Republic that ends the Colonial mindset of these same sinister banksters. Sure, but there is a window closing. that window is the time to convert what ever dollar based assets into what ever country you want to move to NOW. While the exchange rate is still in Americas favor.

Me? I'd be tinkin' bout da land of Ja bruder.
Jamaica looks a lot more fun than New York.

The time is now before there is no exchange rate in your favor. Because as the economy tanks, prisons will be too expensive to maintain and we are already seeing early release of violent crime individuals. As this nation falls, and sure it won't be tomorrow, it will descend into third world realities.

Klosov - forewarned is forearmed

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