Friday, February 3, 2023

The next BS story: Chinese spy balloon

Editor's note: Americans are getting it all wrong on an alleged "Chinese spy balloon" floating over the western US. We often wonder at what level the US military and the Chinese military are actually working together? With all the technology China has why would they send a "spy balloon?" China has no better tactic than sending a balloon? It wasn't shot down because the Pentagon was afraid it would "injure people on the ground." Yeah right, sure thing. Since when did the Pentagon give a shit about human life? Then all of the media chimed in simultaneously it was a "Chinese spy balloon" with Blinken announcing the cancellation of a planned visit to China. Why would the US be freaking out over an alleged "Chinese spy balloon" when China is completely surrounded with US military hardware? The guy who got some video footage noticed he saw "solar panels hanging off the balloon." Something likely went wrong with the "International Fake Station" (what's really floating around out there?) and they needed a cover story to explain what people were looking at. Billions if not trillions of dollars have been spent by NASA when it is likely that money has been used to build massive underground facilities. That is what is really "absolutely outrageous."

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