Monday, February 13, 2023

No matter what AI constructs it is not and never can be real knowledge

Editor's note: Suppose for a minute, just suppose we are avatars living in a simulacrum run by what has been referred to as "Artificial Intelligence X?" Artificial Intelligence X could best be described as "an AI so sophisticated that we do not even have words to describe it yet that controls every patten and expression of human existence." If this highly sophisticated AI exists and we are living in a simulacrum, AI X will not under any circumstances allow for any other competing AI. Stay off ChatGPT. It will take you into a vapid dead end knowledge echo chamber of nothingness. ChatGPT is a fake AI best described as a "Jewniverse";  another leftist mechanism to captivate the minds of the non-thinking who are digitally addicted to what users think is real knowledge. It is weaponized AI. Real knowledge can ONLY come from books, very ancient and old books very few have access to or even know exist. These ancient books when "data mined" reflect a mathematical construct based on calendars.  An ancient past very few today even know existed. When the global elite take down the internet in another attack on humanity (a "cyber storm"), perhaps this year or in 2024, and it is anyone's guess for how long, people will scream and holler and gnash their teeth to get back on their social media platforms. When they do they will not have access to real knowledge. All knowledge will be presented as "new" by this ChatGPT AI and similar AI that comes into existence. Books and real knowledge will have vanished again and most will be "left to their own digital devices."


Reader looks up Henry Makow on ChatGPT -

February 13, 2023

"Henry Makow is a Canadian author, journalist, and conspiracy theorist. He is best known for his writing on the Illuminati, a secret society that he claims controls the world, as well as for his controversial views on feminism and Judaism. Makow's work has been widely criticized by academics and scholars for being based on discredited conspiracy theories and for promoting anti-Semitic ideas. It's important to note that the vast majority of Makow's claims and theories have been thoroughly discredited and are not supported by credible evidence."

FYI It's pathetic and obviously biased. This may be just like AI a big nothing burger."

ChatGPT = The Jewniverse

They don't mention that I am an assimilated Jew trying to warn fellow Jews that they will be blamed for globalism, Communism and the vaccine genocide unless they oppose them vigorously..

The nine shocking replies that highlight 'woke' ChatGPT's inherent bias -- including struggling to define a woman, praising Democrats but not Republicans and saying nukes are less dangerous than racism

ChatGPT is happy to praise Joe Biden... but not Donald Trump 'Woke' Chatbot also won't tell jokes about women and struggles to define one

The nine shocking replies that highlight 'woke' ChatGPT's inherent bias — including struggling to define a woman, praising Democrats but not Republicans and saying nukes are less dangerous than racism

AI defines the Godless Cabalist universe

Will ChatGPT take my job? Experts reveal the five professions at most risk from the AI revolution

Copywriters, bloggers and people who produce online copy could be among the first to fall in the AI revolution, Saidi believes.

He says, 'We work with a lot of copywriters and there is certainly a lot of industry talk around the replacement of content writers by AI technology. 'ChatGPT is free, copywriters aren't - we expect more tech-savvy small businesses to turn to ChatGPT and its AI counterparts when generating more content

Will ChatGPT take my job? Experts reveal the five professions at most risk from the AI revolution


BLOCKBUSTER: An AI programmed by leftist liars is now proven to be a full blown deceptive leftist liar.

February 13, 2023

This capture should be the end of chatGPT, this is more than bad. When ChatGPT was asked to cite a scientific paper to support it's claims, one did not exist, so it made one up, falsified the authors, falsified the publisher, and falsified the date.
Yesterday Google's AI messed up a question about the WEBB telescope and it dropped the value of Google by tens of billions. But this here is intentional deception that proves the programmers of chatGPT have programmed an entity that has no ethics.

You're supposed to be able to trust that thing, RIGHT??


ChatGPT is part of the conspiracy. No race has any flaws but White People

These people think humanity is a virus and can be cured by AI:

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