Monday, February 27, 2023

Inquiring Minds Want to Know If Actor Jansen Panettiere Was Given Covid Countermeasures?

Editor's note: What is a Covid countermeasure? A Covid countermeasure (see contracting for a crime) is a bioweapon introduced into the population of the world by the DoD and the Pentagon. People are asking themselves, why would the US military do this to their own nation and people? The US military has been experimenting since the DoD went total offense when it changed its name from the "War Department" to the "Department of Defense" under the worst president the US corporation ever put in office. These "Covid countermeasures" go way beyond just an experimental vaccine (injection). These bioweapons were the start of transitioning the species to a biodigital convergence. What did Woody Harrelson recently say? He said, "The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes." He just described a MILITARY OPERATION. 

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