Tuesday, February 21, 2023

The Man Speaks the Truth

International Asymmeric Biowarfare Correspondence - facts are annoying things

Sir Oliver Klosov

Honesty, strength and honor.

President Putin delivered a nearly two-hour State of Union address to the Federal Assembly this morning,

"He began by announcing that Russia is suspending it's last remaining nuclear arms treaty with the United States and he ordered Russian strategic nuclear forces to be placed on combat readiness in the already declared Holy War against the godless socialist Western colonial power."

And are Russian moves towards total war the leftist fake news Western media are reporting, but who failed to say a single word about President Putin explaining in depth what the demonic socialist Western colonial powers have done to push Russia to the brink of World War III:
"They can't help but realize that it's not possible to defeat Russia on the battlefield, and so they are carrying out ever-more aggressive information attacks against us.

The chosen target is, first and foremost, our young people, the younger generations. And here again they lie constantly, distort historical facts, engage in non-stop attacks on our culture, on the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religious organizations of our country.

Look at what they're doing to their own peoples: the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversions and abuses against children, up to pedophilia, are declared to the norm, the norm of their lives, while clergymen and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages.

Millions of people in the West have come to understand that they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe, with their elites seemingly going mad, and it seems there is no cure.

Moscow cannot allow its young people to fall victim to the kind of spiritual degradation and degeneration that has already befallen many Western countries.

But I would like to tell them: look, please forgive me, to the Holy Scriptures – the main texts of all of the world's religions. Everything is explained there, including that a family is the union of a man and a woman.

But even these holy texts are now being questioned. The Anglican Church, for example, now plans, and for now only plans, to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God. 

What can we say here? "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing".

Russia is not threatening to use nuclear weapons as is being falsify reported in the western media. Russia retains "the right to resume nuclear capabilities."

Amid Ukraine war, Putin withdraws Russia from last nuclear arms treaty with US


Full Transcript of Putin's speech:

Presidential Address to Federal Assembly

This is what Russia is attempting to counter or stop under Sergei Glazyez by trying to build a physical economy in Russia. It is going to come at a price inside Russia but those are the consequences.

A Planet of Apes

There's a Russian proverb: "War writes everything off." - The end of western parasitical predatory finance capitalism as Russia and China build physical economies

These are the large caliber artillery guns being used by the Russian military to demolish well fortified Ukrainian positions in eastern Ukraine. These guns continue to remove from the battlefield stronghold's of the Ukrainian military. These large guns work and they are working very well...

A catalog of weapons from China:

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