Thursday, July 21, 2022

What Can Explain the Disparity?

Editor's note: What can adequately explain the disparity between a 25-year-old man who risks his life to rescue five children from a burning house compared to the barbarity of those who knowingly participate in child sex trafficking where children are brutalized including reports of bestiality with children being trafficked out of "adult book stores?" Or, what can explain how some children respond to trauma with vindictiveness while others respond with compassion? How is character shaped? Why aren't these book stores being surrounded by angry pissed off people with local sheriffs with guns drawn coming through the front door with arrest warrants on raids? Want to know the answer? It is because of this: $$$$$$. As America collapses raping children is becoming the new normal. This story was sourced from: Video: Hero civilian rushes into burning home twice to save 5 kids.

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