Friday, July 15, 2022

If You Depend on the NYT You "Lost the Ball"

Editor's note: Ray Epps is probably thinking to himself right about now what in the hell did I get involved with? What is it going to take for Americans to fully comprehend what is going on here? The journalist who wrote the NYT puff piece revolver news reported on republished below, is likely an Ashkenazi Jew. Again, we see whites being set up to take the fall for the events that unfolded on January 6th making them without holding back look like absolutely foolish dumbasses. This Epps character himself was probably a low IQ proxy. A good ol' dependable ex-marine patriotic American. Another thing, what the hell are you marching to Washington protesting for anyway? Do you actually believe that is how political change comes about? Washington DC is spook central where nobody trusts anybody in a culture of fraud, extreme cynicism and destructive mediocracy. If you depend on the NYT you lost the ball.

Source: revolver

The Hidden Agenda Behind the New York Times' Desperate Puff Piece on Ray Epps

The New York Times just released a puff piece on Ray Epps that is hugely important.

Ray Epps, the only person caught on camera repeatedly directing people into the Capitol, is the only January 6 rioter for whom the New York Times has written a highly sympathetic puff piece:

The New York Times just released a puff piece on Ray Epps that is hugely important.

Ray Epps, the only person caught on camera repeatedly directing people into the Capitol, is the only January 6 rioter for whom the New York Times has written a highly sympathetic puff piece:

To get acquainted with Epps, watch the following video compilation:

Again, this is the one Jan. 6 rioter the New York Times has managed to write a puff piece for.

From NYT:
IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS — Up a winding country road, in a trailer park a half-mile from a cattle ranch, lives a man whose life has been ruined by a Jan. 6 conspiracy theory.

Ray Epps has suffered enormously in the past 10 months as right-wing media figures and Republican politicians have baselessly described him as a covert government agent who helped to instigate the attack on the Capitol last year.

Strangers have assailed him as a coward and a traitor and have menacingly cautioned him to sleep with one eye open. He was forced to sell his business and his home in Arizona. Fearing for his safety and uncertain of his future, he and his wife moved into a mobile home in the foothills of the Rockies, with all of their belongings crammed into shipping containers in a high-desert meadow, a mile or two away.

"And for what — lies?" Mr. Epps asked the other day with a look of pained exhaustion. "All of this, it's just been hell."

[New York Times]
Let's skip straight to the buried lede.

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