Friday, July 15, 2022

Interpreting China Properly

Editor's note: The destruction of America continues while American fans of Christina Aguilera are off in a world of their own created for them by the entertainment temples because they are incapable at this point of creating anything for themselves. This while most Americans do not realize the Judeocriminals are using the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) infiltrating American institutions as proxies; the rabbinical networks (just like the rabbinical scribes rewrote the God of hate and war into the old testament) are attempting to gin up a war between America and China. Ambitious Chinese racists and some American warmongers are alright with that idea especially the arms industry. The Judaics and the CCP are thick as thieves. That's an alliance that Americans need to understand. Chinese nationalists are fine if they keep their activism domestic. Don't bring that crap to America. We do not want to see some Chinese empire replacing the now collapsing British–American empire. The best course of action from this point forward is for Americans to purge their domestic mess. That starts with subversive Judaics as we can see from the republished material below who control the Democratic Party with their cheap paid off ignorant propagandists in the media.


July 15 - Democrats are Candid about Destroying America

July 15, 2022


Hard to believe but this was the official logo of the online 2020 Democratic Party convention & campaign

"Death to America"

-- our only surprise is that they admit it. All of their policies -- migration, CRT, Ukraine, vaccines are designed to destroy the USA. This has been the goal of the Jewish-banker-run Communist party for a century. The Demonrats are the American Communist Party.

Makow -- The Destructive Principle and 6uild 6ack 6etter

Here they are, destroying the US Military:

More than 260,000 American military could be discharged due to non-compliance with vaccine mandates

Here they are financing racism with our tax dollars.

Biden Admin Sent $44 Billion in Education-Related COVID Relief To States Who Implemented CRT Propaganda In Schools

Meanwhile, the Federal Govt. employees are exempt from "vaccines."

Here's a rabbi saying it out loud-

Rabbi Joshua Stanton says the Jewish community proudly helps Muslims settle in America to fight 'White Supremacy'.

If whites aren't prepared to die or be replaced, they're antisemites.

Reader---"If we replace the word WHITE with the word GOY we arrive at the true meaning here. GOY supremacy equivalent to AMALECH, an ancient enemy. So, the Christian West is AMALECH the great enemy in spite of the obvious freedom and benefits acquired from her midst." 

Media – The Fed (and the World) Have Declared Independence

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