Friday, July 29, 2022

Masters and Emissaries - The Spectacular Collapse of German-Japanese Relations Under Forced Globalism

Editor's note: That globalism has its nexus in the pirate City of London. One alternative is for Japan to begin in earnest with open and full diplomatic channels with Russia to negotiate with Russians on trade, technology and natural gas. Japan is slitting its own throat if Japan does not change course. Something that will likely be impossible with Japan being the largest holder of US debt. As the Covid assault continues on Japan it took the assassination of Abe Shinzo to demonstrate there are Japanese who do not like or approve the direction Japan is being forced into.

July 29, 2022 | 10 Comments

By Thorsten J Pattberg for the Saker Blog

In June 2022, I happened to attend a public lecture by the German Ambassador at the German House in Tokyo. What the good man was chatting out of the political box … that was foolish of him!

I wanted to write about it right away, but then I felt sorry for this bungling oddball. It seemed he "is not needed in Tokyo." And besides, I didn't want to cause a ruckus in the expat community.

Basically, German-Japanese relations are done with and have no future. We need a major war or two new countries to start something sustainable. No recovery is possible under the current US world dictatorship anyways. Unless "Germania" and "Shin Dai Nippon Teikoku" become sovereign nations again, everything remains forced and simulated here—made up to please the lying world eaters in Washington and Berlin.

The German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and the Goethe Institute, the Chamber of Commerce AHK and the political parties foundations, etc. are more or less Potemkin structures or letterbox companies.

The mismanaged German House belongs to the German East-Oriental Society OAG. But the land belongs to the German Federal Government. So everything here is pro-government—loyal, dependent and under surveillance.

The red-brick house has been in need of serious renovation works during the last 30 years, and will finally be demolished soon, and the Federal Republic of Germany is going to sell the location. After that, all government organizations want to move to the surrounding areas and only rent. Their operational costs will go through the roof. It's just wasting taxpayers money. They produce nothing, but spend a lot of unearned money— that is the future business model of the Federal Republic of Germany BRD.

The Japanese don't want to learn German, and they don't want to have much to do with the Germans.

Irreconcilable Ideological Differences

The Germans are on the verge of giving up their Germanness and becoming Accessory Americans. They all speak American here. They communicate in American with the Japanese. They no longer translate from Japanese at all. They look for American articles, news, or translations about Japan that have already been successful in Anglo-Saxon countries, and then translate these American translations into German—baka [stupid]!

It is partly their own fault that German culture is so unattractive. These people, these new Germans, hate their own nation. They celebrate a culture of guilt [over past German crimes], they celebrate the eradication of Christianity through Islamization, they actively promote the replacement of the German native population through mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East, they disseminate hateful propaganda against traditional German families, biological genders, rational men in the workplace, and so on. All of this self-hate and their destructive tendencies go way too far for the Japanese hosts. The Japanese respect the Germans hating everything German, but shun them.

The proud Yamato people are not willing to perform the seppuku, the self-dismbowelment of their own nation. The US occupational forces would love to inflict on Japan what they inflicted on Germany though: Deindustrialization, homosexualization [men-on-men anal penetration], race-mixing until national death and holocaust concentration camps MOCs [acronym for "My Own Creations"] next to Mount Fujiyama. The Germans certainly demand this from Japan, total Americanization, but the Japanese are stalling. They are not yet ready to surrender.

The Germans, however, are cut out for this. They are instructing the Japanese: stop eating endangered tuna, stop building cheap power plants, stop speaking Japanese. As if the Germans were a 1000 times morally superior to the East Asians. However, both people were conquered by the United States in 1945 and are culturally, economically and militarily US-programmed.

The Germans are in no way above the Japanese. That's how it is, but the Allemands [ancient name for Germans] still think they are closer to Americans because, to the untrained eye, they pretty much look similar. In reality, the Germans in Japan do not command the same high status as the Americans or their Anglo-allied British and Canadians. One could say the Germans here are delusional and oblivious to the actual human hierarchy.

Trust is Gone

German elites talk down to the Japanese as if they represent the West. Their cowardly actions, however, speak for something different: For a treacherous, cynical impostor people.

Example. When Japan in 2011 was shaking because of an earthquake on the Richter scale of 7, and a nuclear power plant was shut down by a tsunami, the Germans were the first government that fled the country. They spread the lie that Tokyo and much of Japan were "nuclear contaminated," so the good Germans had to be evacuated.

The Japanese once again were presented with the treacherous double-face of their old World War 2 "Axis partners": In case of crisis, the Asians are left die. The Germans have departed the ship.

The ambassador goes on and on and talks about our "common values," which is the most unbearable sarcasm: As is well known, there are also Ten Commandments in Buddhism, yet it was the Christians who slaughtered half the world. "Common values"—the ambassador could also have said: “We all have common feet."

"Japanese school degrees are often not recognized in Germany." Huh? We live in 2022 and this highest official in the foreign service reveals that much: We still have problems with the accreditation of high school diplomas from Japan, which are not comparable to the German university entrance qualification Abitur—urusai [scandal]!

He could also have said: “We have no cultural diplomacy.“

That's why there were never more than 900 German students in Japan before the Corona pandemic hit in late 2019, 90% of whom were only "language students" or in [state-funded] “exchange programs.” They either come to Japan "supervised," which means they were screened and selected by the German government, or they can't go abroad at all.

Anyone who makes it to Tokyo on their own, say, without a German university, state-run enterprise or the governmental exchange service backing them, will later, upon their return to Germany, be viewed with maximum contempt, as if they were some cheap Farang sex tourist returning from Bangkok or Manila.

The Japanese, on the other hand, recognize our German qualifications, and why shouldn't they? Therefore, around 2,400 Japanese people study in Germany. And if they later return to Japan, which most invariably do, they can easily find arubaito [employment] and are much respected.

If there were to be an independent audit of German bureaucrats in Japan, which there won't, it would almost certainly attest to the German side a sinister 'obstruction of true exchange'. For the Japanese, exchange with Anglo-Saxon countries seems so uninhibited and exciting; exchange with Germany is just toxic and ungrateful.

Living like Colonial Viceroys

The ambassador and his gloves live in the lap of Oriental luxury in the diplomatic quarter, with its insane level of rents and posh boutiques and classic wine shops that only legation councilors—with A13+ or higher expenses [upper regime caste level of state support] with their monthly overseas allowances of 12,460 euros—can afford. Meanwhile, 95% of the [disadvantaged] Germans don't live here—they scatter all over town, avoid the toxic community if they can, and live in obscurity and destitution.

The Europeans took their rigid class society wherever they ventured, this is true. But the German class system is the most brutal of them all, and the Japanese are often shocked to learn how the German state segregates corn, pigs and people according to their parental stock.

And there we have solved the first problem that the Germans could not solve in 77 years: Berlin cannot accept Japanese high school diplomas, precisely because Japan has a merit-based education system, while Germany has a hereditary-based education system. The ambassador, need we say this, has a title of ancient nobility in his name. 99.9 % of Germans need not apply for his job.

So, Germany is pushing a huge class divide. Take the underclass problem. 20 % of the population are disabled, mentally ill and dependent on food stamps and social housing. Next is the working class problem. 50 % of the population are disposable low-wage slaves. They own nothing and live from paycheck to paycheck. Next, millions upon millions of Third-world settlers, 25 % of the population has a migration background, are idlers and must be fed by the welfare state. The BRD regime spends enormous amounts of bureaucracy and resources on image control to hide the collapse of free society. The Federal budget for 'Work and Social Affairs’ is the largest ever in its history, $240 billion or 40 % of all expenditures of the state.

This means that no one of these slaves is free. The state controls all its citizens' bank accounts, housing, schools and medical access. It tries to prevent its citizens from emigration [leaving the country] through terror, sanctions and prosecutions. For example, the regime threatens families that work experience, diplomas, degrees and titles earned abroad are disqualifying, and will have to be retaken or overwritten by German ones. This is called Umschulung—it means "re-education"—and is huge part of the tyranny. It happened to 300,000 academics in Eastern Germany since 1991 who made the terrible mistake of having studied or worked in Poland, the Balkans, Ukraine, Russia, China and even Vietnam. It also happened to 800,000 nurses, bricklayers, taxi drivers and other blue-color workers: the BRD will not accept foreign qualifications. It sends a clear message to families even whilst their children are still in school: Don’t think about going abroad: you will be a nobody.

Most people just can't leave. It is impossible. The situation now in 2022 is worse than communism in 1922. People were much freer back then, because "owning nothing" meant 0, meant nothing. So people could just leave. Today, people are minus people. This means they are indebted, and can sink well below 0. The state signs them up at birth for a lifetime of slave work, blood and toil. A person that departs from Cottbus in Eastern Germany and settle over in Poland would be detected within 72 hours. Police and prosecutors will visit his old place, his families and relatives, and harass them with fines and expropriate his outstanding rents and belongings.

Bills of outstanding subsequent payments in absentia will pile up, from private creditors who now can be assured of obtaining a court order, over compulsory health insurance schemes to regime radio fees and bank fees. All costs of living expenses will clock forth for months and years without the person to extract the money from being around for questioning, so late fees and lawyers fees and search fees will triple and quadruple.

Hundreds of governmental agencies are involved, from homeland security to the prosecutors bureau, social security, job center agencies and the state pension fund. Nobody knows the exact numbers of runners, because that would be embarrassing for the regime. The state-run portal for demographics, Statistica, reported 995.000 emigrants [people who left Germany] in 2021, but blames it on migrant movements. Nevertheless, Tokyo will take notice. This isn't normal. The Germans are fleeing their totalitarian regime in panic not seen since the rise of Hitler in 1933 or the erection of the Berlin Wall in 1961.

The fleeing person remains the property of the regime BRD, and can only ever exist on a passport issued by that regime, no matter where in the world he or she flees to. Therefore, Berlin wants to know the new overseas address, bank accounts, income, social security, employment and all affiliations. That said as a general background, thousands of Europeans ended up in the East, and enabled not just the Japanese but also the Chinese and Indian scholars to study European culture not from textbook propaganda but from observing their behaviors and their social interactions: The Japanese are seeing more and more European immigrants who barely get by, work minimum wage jobs or end up unemployed. In Tokyo, in Yokohama, in Osaka. Our Berlin diplomatic envoy doesn't want to be seen anywhere near this "white trash".

Usually, the public would assume that people around the world call upon their diplomatic representation abroad for help or assistance. But this isn't the case for Germans abroad who see their diplomatic representation as Gestapo [state police] and oppressors. Just ask them. Again, Tokyo will take notice.

The doitsu [deutsch] immigrants in Japan and elsewhere in East Asia work as petty freelancers with no stable income, as second-rate English teachers or false "Germanists" [Professors for German Studies] at third-tier colleges and universities, and mostly live off the income of their Asian working wives.

The German-Japanese Hafus

The thing about Western men and their Japanese wives or "apron women" in general is really pronounced here in Tokyo. An anthropological study should be taken on this, but won’t. Can you imagine Asian men studying European men as monkey-branching man-apes, basically in the same manner the European men studied African men in the past? That would be a historic comeuppance, but also sad.

It is striking that it is often short and unsightly German men, under 5 feet 8 inches in height (173 cm), who are likely to stay here in Japan a bit longer, and then perhaps get rather facial unattractive but petite Japanese women who even long into adulthood look a lot like European teenagers.

It reminds me of the story of the three little monks at the Oriental Society, they were really sweet men: They came to Japan as hippies from a middle-class background at a young age during the real estate bubble just before everything burst and the island kingdom stagnated for the next 40 years.

But they loved the prestige of being white males here; they were often mistaken as American tourists, which elevated their chances of attracting local pillow girls. All three evidently didn’t want to return home, and wanted to extend their students visa indefinably. Finally, they ended up in Buddhist monasteries. Don's ask. This was a Western fetish in the 70s and 80s. Not just Japanese Zen Buddhism, but also Chinese Shaolin and Tibetan Buddhism and so on. Such monasteries or minor temples grow on every hill here, and the spiritual sensei [teachers] take care of the burial of the dead.

In my opinion, they all had too much Hermann Hesse in their heads. They wanted to become real barefoot ascetics, as the famous characters Narcissus or Siddhartha in Hesse’s famous novels. Monasteries are known to work as perfect excuses for escapists and minimalist life planners. Also, their parents cut them off their monthly allowances abroad.

The youngest of the three monks kept begging for donations and even traveled back to Vienna in Austria to give esoteric lectures. He basically took Japanese Pure Land Buddhism and mixed it with the psychoanalytic theses of famed Carl Gustav Jung. This is a German cliche that is so true: All expats here read Hermann Hesse and Carl Gustav Jung, and maybe also Arthur Schopenhauer and his atma [the will] driven phenomenology.

The middle monk seduced an elderly, disabled, wheelchair-bound Japanese daughter of a widowed school principal in Kyushu. Her family basically financed his enlightenment.

The eldest of the three monks is now dead. He lived in great poverty all his life in western Tokyo with his bipolar Japanese wife. As a cosplay chief monk, always in orange robes , white socks and sandals, he had achieved considerable detail among the Germans in Japan, mostly because he carried with him old pictures from the 70s and 80s that showed him personally with the Tenno Emperor. He also carried on him his fabulous meishi koukan [name cards], and never disclosed to us where he had them made. They appeared island-ish, made of the lightest tea wood, printed with vegetable ink and lotus ornamentation. I think that if the Federal government wanted to, it could easily have declared these three eccentric monks "cultural ambassadors" between our two great nations. Yes, yes I know, those "ifs" and our lofty "thinking"…

Please go to the Saker Blog to read more.

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