Sunday, July 31, 2022

Overclass Immigrants Are Servitors of Empire - White Ethnonationalism Will Return to America

Editor's note: There is a term for these types of "legal immigrants" who are given visas then begin trashing and undermining the country and culture (if there is one) of America. They are "servitors of empire" and are a growing threat these "overclass immigrants" to America as this Unz Review article presents. These "overclass immigrants" constantly take cheap shots at Americans who disagree with them by conveniently pulling out the "Nazi" accusations (communist sloganeering). It is pathetic. Who are the real racists and culture destroyers? These "servitors of empire" are given visas through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The DHS plays a central role in administering the immigration system. Those bureaucrats inside the USCIS and DHS (Alejandro Mayorkas representing corporate interests came out of the law firm O'Melveny & Myers with offices in London) have allegiances and private corporate connections that are simply not known. USCIS and DHS as well as the plethora of federally subcontracted corporations like the ATF, ICE, IRS, FEMA and the USSS are all headed by executives who have been vetted by the Senior Executive Service (SES). It is a fair statement the SES is controlled by the British, therefore by inference, these "overclass immigrants" serve the British empire as "servitors." The digital Bolshevik Nomenklatura running big tech and other corporations prefer communism over all other types of control for obvious reasons among them homogeneity of financial goals.  

Servitors of Empire: Studies in the Dark Side of Asian America

Source: The Unz Review

Beware of Overclass Immigrants Who Want to Dispossess White America

Above, left to right : Sundar Pichai, Jeet Heer, Nikki Haley, Jia Lynn Yang, 
Saira Rao, and Karen Attiah

Republicans who denounce illegal immigration, but then stress the "need" for more legal immigration, as VDARE has said through the years, aren't just myopic: they are blind to the reality that immigration will soon change the country permanently, and perhaps create conditions that are beyond repair. One reason legal immigration is particularly dangerous: It is creating an "overclass" of skilled immigrants who will leverage their professional success and financial power to greatly hasten white dispossession, and bring about the Great Replacement.

Several examples should give us pause:
Sundar Pichai
Born in Madurai, India, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Alphabet Inc. and its subsidiary Google, is one of the most prominent overclass immigrants in corporate America.

Under Pichai's watch, Alphabet Inc. has taken to censoring the Right. This website fell victim to Big Tech's witch hunt in 2020 when Alphabet subsidiary YouTube booted VDARE off the platform for supposedly violating rules that prohibit "hate speech." YouTube has become a private censorship arm for the anti-white occupation regime and will continue to misuse its global power until anti-censorship laws govern the social media giants, which have become the equivalent of public utilities.

Remember what Pichai promised: To eliminate "borderline content": "Content which doesn’t exactly violate policies, which need to be removed, but which can still cause harm."

Similar assaults on free speech will only intensify as foreigners occupy key positions in Big Tech and politics. Unlike the white Europeans who preceded them, for instance, America's new, non-white immigrants don't much care about defending the First Amendment.
Jeet Heer
Heer, born in India and The Nation magazine's National Affairs correspondent, is a vile creature who constantly peddles anti-white hate on social media. A Canadian national and former editor at the New Republic magazine, Heer is part of a transnational cadre of rootless cosmopolitans who take great pleasure in insulting whites for an easy paycheck.

In May, a Twitter user called Aditya Ingole dug up several of Heer's tweets from 2018, when he vociferously bragged about hastening the Great Replacement.

Heer repeatedly tweeted "We will replace you." One of the tweets he posted on October 28, 2018, went as follows:
Pro-tip: only response to make to an internet Nazi is 'We will replace you.'
In a long thread on October 27, 2018, Heer discussed the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting and its link to anti-Semitism. The anti-Semitism narrative is a worn-out card the Regime Media use to dismiss legitimate concerns about the effects of mass migration. Heer went with his usual "we will replace you" shtick, but then took it to another level by responding this way to a now-suspended user: "You lost in 1865 and in 1945. We will replace you."
Nikki Haley
Unlike the other figures here, Nikki Haley, was born ("Nimrata Randhawa") in the U.S. She is arguably the most prominent Indian in Republican politics. As governor of South Carolina (2011-2017) and former ambassador to the United Nations, Haley has built an enviable national profile.

And unlike her anti-white, Indian counterparts on the Left, Haley is far from shrill. She's a smart political operator and knows the party she represents is still predominantly white. She tailors her message accordingly.

Still, after the mass shooting at a black church in Charleston in 2015, then-Governor Haley obsequiously bowed down to the howling communist mob and its Regime Media Information Ministry, and ordered the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the State House [Confederate flag removal prompts dueling rallies at SC State House, by Madeline Stewart, WIS NEWS 10, July 10, 2021].

Anti-Confederate sentiments and the iconoclastic hatred of Confederate and Southern symbols, not least the statues that came down in Richmond, Virginia after the Floyd Hoax, are simply proxies for generalized anti-white hate. They're stepping stones for the anti-white Left's ultimate goal: erasing America's white history. Spineless conservatives don't recognize this and have gladly gone along. Non-white Republicans such as Haley, with no ancestral attachment to the country that took them in, are accelerating it.

Please go to The Unz Review to read more.

These people have gone too far because white ethnonationalism is going to return to America with a vengeance and it is going to start in Hungary with Viktor Orbán and in Italy with Giorgia Meloni and then spread to America:

Related because at every intersection one turns the British will be found with very few exceptions:

More on the "royal family" this time Chuck apparently taking cash from the bin Laden family, the same family who spawned a son who took the rap for 9/11 hiding out in a cave in Afghanistan:

Freemasonry: Approaching the Phoenix event. Stay out of the negative resonating frequencies and vibrational fields related to all the terror, chaos and mayhem (order out of chaos) going on around you and that includes what the media is putting out. The British are deft at this game. Do not get drawn into talk of wars, vaccinations, commercial pillaging, economic collapse, political terror and "deep state" criminality. 

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