Tuesday, July 19, 2022

First You Get Conditioned Then You Get Transitioned

Editor's note: Wait until Russians banning all LGBT propaganda discover the American female basketball player sitting in a Moscow prison on a drug bust without access to estrogen injections is a tranny. It's lucrative: fake your sex to get lucrative contracts. 

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News update for 24 August 2022 on the tranny Griner: Prison Guards in Siberia Report "Britney Griner" is a . . . Man!

News update on the tranny Griner for 4 August 2022: Griner jailed for nine years in Russian drugs trial

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Source: CDmedia

Why Is Gender Dysphoria Spreading Like Wildfire

by Cookie Schwaeber-Issan | July 18, 2022
Image by http://rebcenter-moscow.ru/

Generally speaking, when something spreads like wildfire, it's because of a trend which everyone wants to get in on. Remember Fidget Spinners, those little three-sided toys that you twirled around with your finger or the bubble pop toys where you press down little bubbles that resemble bubble wrap paper? These caught on and sold like hotcakes within weeks. Everyone had them, because everyone wanted to be part of the new fad.

So, when you think about the fact that very few people ever heard about gender dysphoria up until the last few years, but suddenly, it's the dominating topic amongst parents, schools, media and kids, themselves, there is only one conclusion – efforts to spread the phenomenon are underway while, at the same time, kids are gravitating towards its very strong pull.

Never before have so many students in any given classroom been pre-occupied with the consideration that, perhaps, they, too, are victims of having been born into the wrong gender. Instead of math, science, history as well as the many extra-curricular activities taking the place of front and center, these kids have a gnawing feeling that if their friends feel bewildered, they, too, are obligated to follow suit.

While there is the theory that this always existed, but was never spoken of, the facts would indicate that there is no basis to this claim. Does anyone remember having seen daily articles written on the subject until recently? Does anyone remember gender dysphoria being a discussed topic among entire classes of children or their parents? Does anyone remember multiple accommodations being made for kids, including the use of preferred pronouns, the setting up of separate bathrooms or the re-introduction of "the new student" whose dress and hairstyle affirm the need for everyone to adapt to the sudden change?

All of these things are being managed and accommodated in a very intentional way in order to get us used to a new norm. It is being done so by employing a well-known psychological term called "conditioning." Conditioning is the "process of training or accustoming a person to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances." (Dictionary.com)

Conditioning facilitates the acceptance of whatever is being advanced through repetition of a concept, influencing the individual to think in a certain way and evoking the desired response. The idea is that if something is said enough, seen enough or done enough, it will become less shocking, less rejected and less of a stigma, both to the one suffering, from what has been seen as an anomaly, as well as society as a whole.

However, an important question to ask might be how should society respond to a particular behavior which, up until now, psychiatry has defined as a mental disorder? While that may come as a surprise to some readers, it is a fact that DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fifth Edition), considered the "Bible of Psychiatry) does classify gender dysphoria as a mental disorder.

Having spoken to a trained psychiatrist, recently, on this subject, he confirmed that this, indeed, has been viewed as such, affecting both children and adolescents but, given the times in which we live and the way society is progressing, that it would not at all surprise him if the sixth edition of this psychiatric authoritative resource omits this definition entirely.

But then the next question might be, "If psychiatry extends an accommodation for reality as it relates to what has been seen as abnormal, then where does it end?" In other words, will psychiatric criteria and definition no longer be reliable? Will they be an ever-changing, fluid set of standards which are subject to the dictates of some who keep pushing the goalposts?

For example, if a child chooses to identify as a dog or a cat, something which, by today's standards, would be seen as very troubling, would the spread of that concept, amongst other kids, necessitate the adoption of allowing for "identifying as an animal" to become an accepted behavior – no longer viewed as deviant or perverted?

You see, the problem is not the abnormal tendency or practices. Those things have always existed. History is filled with many bizarre examples of mentally-ill people who believed in a wide variety of peculiar, twisted and perverse lifestyles and ideas. The difference is that, in those days, reality was a very fixed concept whereby those straying from it, were called out as not living in accordance with what is considered to be normal, traditional, customary and conventional behavior accepted by all. Those individuals were known to have abandoned common standards which were a gauge for our everyday lives, exhibiting clear and rational thinking.

Please go to CDmedia to read more.


Convince us this is not an almost 7 foot tall tranny cashing in on faking his sex:

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