Saturday, July 23, 2022

How Do You Explain Irrational Hatred?

Editor's note: Those Bolsheviks mentioned in this article in subsequent years took over US institutions and are now in firm control including their private central banking and financial intelligence networks. This hatred of Russia is self-inflicted and displays the abysmal ignorance and laziness of most western intellects. If anyone thinks they are gong to redirect these malevolent Bolsheviks with Christianity you better think twice. Anyone who knows the real history knows Vlad the Impaler (the Dracula story is historical bullsh*t) didn't think twice.


Why Does the West Hate Russia?

22 July 2022 | by Larry Johnson | 85 Comments

I pose this question because I am genuinely puzzled and shocked by the anti-Russian bigotry, not only with respect to U.S. policy, but also the irrational prejudice evident among so many Americans. The hatred might make sense if Russia had attacked the United States and killed millions. Anger over such bloodshed would be rational and understandable. But Russia has not done that.

The average American who has some knowledge of history (this is a minority), generally conflates modern Russia under Putin with the Soviet Union under Stalin. There is the widespread, delusional belief that Russia is still a communist state intent on spreading Marxist doctrine and subverting western democracies.
But the hatred of Russia pre-dates the October Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent rise to power of the Bolsheviks. Most Americans do not speak a foreign language (though the number of Spanish speakers is increasing in tandem with the flood of illegal immigrants crossing the United States' southern border.

Russia's military adventures–i.e., invasions of other countries–is a short list–Poland 1939 and Afghanistan 1979. I exclude the Russian military operations in Georgia and Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea in the same way I exclude U.S. military operations in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Panama. Both the United States and Russia have a similar policy of using force to control territories adjacent to each of their national borders. I am not arguing that what Russia and the United States was morally or legally right, I am simply noting that if Americans want to cite Georgia, Ukraine and Crimea as justification for hating Russia they, my fellow citizens, need to look in the mirror and realize that the United States is guilty of the same kinds of "crimes."

If invading other countries is the standard for judging a nation as immoral and dangerous, the history of the United States since the Vietnam war puts the United States in the top position. Americans are quite naive when it comes to self-examination on the foreign policy front. We are convinced that we had good, pure motives for carrying out deadly military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, the Balkans and Panama. We are oblivious to how many in the rest of the world view America's "benign" imperialism.

If Russia had the track record matching that of the United States then I would understand the source of the hatred directed at Russia.

So what is it? This is a genuine question and I am asking for your thoughtful comments.

One factor that is buried deep in the west's subconscious mind is the fact that Russia is the only country in Europe (broadly defined) that extirpated Royalty and aristocracy that are still visible in western Europe. America always has taken great pride in the fact that its people are not beholden to a landed aristocracy that accorded Kings and Queens the status of gods. Rulers selected by the Divine. Jesus is Lord. But so is Prince Andrew and Prince Charles. The progeny of Queen Elizabeth are not accorded honor and prestige because they are brilliant, accomplished men. They are merely lucky winners in the sperm casino.

Please go to to read more.

A very good update for 23 July 2022 on the current circumstances of the US proxy war on Russia in Ukraine and what is being described as the "collapsing west":


Vladimir Putin's speech on the forum "Powerful ideas for a new era" 2022.

As an aside, look at this disgusting display of intentional humiliation of the US military. General Milley sent to Sesame Street by his handlers. Who is responsible for this? Can anyone in their right mind imagine the US military in a direct military confrontation with Russia on a battlefield in Ukraine?

That's right, Russian families are just like your families and surprise, they even look just like you. They have wives, children and lives of their own living them out in Russia.

Approaching the Phoenix event. Stay out of the negative resonating frequencies and vibrations related to all the terror, chaos and mayhem going on around you and that includes what the media is putting out. Do not get drawn into wars, vaccinations, economic collapse, political terror and "deep state" criminality. 

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