Thursday, July 14, 2022

Mushroom Clouds

Editor's note: We're not really big followers of Natural News with all the fear peddling and news that puts you into "useless mode", after all, if we are led to think that a nuclear strike is now imminent what are we going to do about it except perhaps watch missiles come up over the horizon if they are not hypersonic? Are you going to go into depression over it? Spend your valuable energy on better things. Besides, a "nuclear threat" is western media fear mongering and maladaptive cynicism because nothing else works for the west anymore. This is of course if you think nuclear weapons exist in the way that we have been led to believe they exist since the 1950s deliverable by rockets. After this Natural News article, go on to read the following update because it is possible the Israelis have developed specialized types of devices that could be nuclear and could cause a lot of destruction if what the insight suggests is real and the devices actually exist. Russia will not "nuke America in a first strike." If anything, Russia will pelt the pirate City of London first with a few hypersonic weapons. Why the hell would the Russians want to blast New York? New York is home to an estimated 600,000 Russian immigrants. Just as the Russians are not killing civilians in Ukraine the last thing on the Russian military's mind is to drop missiles in on New York. There are far better target rich assets to hit than New York.

Source: Natural News

RED ALERT: NYC offers residents suicidal nuke attack "advice" while USA pushes Putin into multi-city first strike nuclear attack to destroy America
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 | by Mike Adams

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

(Natural News) New York City has released a new public service announcement video that advises residents what to do after a nuclear strike on the city. The laughable video almost appears to be a Babylon Bee parody, as it offers residents what can only be described as a "suicide checklist" for dying in a nuclear attack. (See video below.)

The joyfully-presented video advises residents to go into buildings and undress, then shampoo and use soap to wash themselves off. Once done, residents are told to stay indoors until directed what to do by government media sources. Sounds like a quick way to die…

This advice presumes that buildings will still be standing, that running water still works and that the internet and media broadcast stations are all up and operating. These assumptions are absurd.

As the following blast radius map from reveals, just a 1 megaton nuclear strike would produce a fireball (the yellow zone) that engulfs most of Brooklyn, Harlem, Bayonne, the West Side and of course all of lower Manhattan Island. Just from the blast alone, an estimated 1.7 million people would be instantly killed, with 3.1 million more injured. This does not count the effects of radiation fallout:
It begs the question: What buildings does the NYC government think are going to still be standing after a direct hit with a nuclear warhead?

How are people supposed to take showers when there's no functioning municipal water system?

How are people supposed to listen to media when there's no internet and the local media offices have been turned to rubble?

Please go to Natural News to read more.


July 13, 2022

During a nuclear weapons/materials sweep of several major cities it was discovered that ALL the Israeli embassies emit large amounts of neutrinos, which means Israel is storing nuclear weapons in their embassies. The strongest signal came from the one in New York but all the embassies have at least something there.

This is not a new topic, it dates back to 2012 and was something that was revealed shortly after my original Nuclear Blackmail report. Nothing has changed, other than perhaps a refreshing of the nukes. If a nuke goes off anywhere (and there are whispers right now from people who are worried), no matter WHO they blame, Israel is the first, second, third and fourth suspect, with Russia perhaps fifth on the list.

My report "Nuclear blackmail" pointed out how Israel has potential troubles with launching nukes due to it's small geographic size, so Israel went clandestine and is getting their nukes placed by bringing them into various nations disguised as something else. They have probably completed this mission, and are therefore obviously the prime suspects for anything that might happen.

Consummate British propaganda in full operational media blitz mode designed to scare the shit out of you. The name "Satan-2" is a western nomenclature add on. Who cares how many missiles work or don't work, even if they exist as we have been led to believe would you want even one landing in your backyard?

Russia takes Satan-2 hypersonic nuclear missile into forest for imminent new tests amid warning the weapon is about to go into 'serial production'

Putin nuclear bluff as over half of Russian missiles don't work

While US confused boneheads running US foreign policy on Ukraine practically drop shipping weapons and munitions into Ukraine while scaring Americans with a nuclear war, the Russians have been busy providing humanitarian support to the civilians in the region under constant shelling from the Ukrainian military often with artillery provided by the US, Germany and the UK.

Over 477 tonnes of humanitarian aid delivered to DPR, LPR, southern Ukraine in past day

Mushroom cloud believers using the nuclear war threat as political traction:

So, who wants to have a missile exchange to see if they are real?

Approaching the Phoenix event. Stay out of the negative resonating frequencies and vibrations related to all the terror, chaos and mayhem going on around you and that includes what the media is putting out. Do not get drawn into wars, vaccinations, economic collapse, political terror and "deep state" criminality. 

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