October 31, 2011
A Jane the Ripper costume swap with the General’s Speckled Trout
We believe Crown Agents’ Sister Jane Garvey used a Ripper-style costume swap on 9/11 to give General Henry Shelton in an EC135C Speckled Trout aircraft an alibi for an E-4B Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attack on the government of the United States.
Ignition Signals - Relayed Via Radome - Modified Speckled Trout EC135C - Triggered ATK Rocket-Fuel Bombs - Twin Tower Elevator Shafts - 9/11
See #77
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Check 1:53
“Jack the Ripper Walk - Catherine Eddowes Murder Site” – An 1888 witness sees a Ripper victim’s back but, 130 years later, Abel Danger sees a costume swap to hide an alleged Toynbee Hall hit team led by Ashbee & Son and a crime-scene M.O. apparently conceived by Jane Addams
Check 1:53
“Mystery 9/11 aircraft was military 'doomsday plane'” – A 9/11 witness sees an E-4B but, 10 years on, we see a costume swap to hide an alleged Toynbee Hall hit team led by Jack (John) Profumo with Gen. Shelton’s EC135C Speckled Trout and M.O. apparently conceived by Jane Garvey
“[The Jane the Ripper Toynbee Hall hit team which allegedly planned the costume swap crime scenes in 1888, was allegedly led by Jane Addams, the 1891 founder of Hull House in Chicago, Addams’s lover Ellen Gates Starr, the apparent founder of a secret Guild of Rippergate Lesbians, the homosexual Charles Ashbee, resident of Toynbee Hall and his alleged pedophile psychopathic father Henry Ashbee whose Bolivian alibi has collapsed] THE LAST SIGHTING OF KATE EDDOWES ... The square was bordered by Mitre Street to the west, Aldgate High Street to the south and Dukes Place to the east. Nearby stood the Great Synagogue on Bevis Marks, whilst a stones throw away was the church of St Botolph, beyond which the south side of Aldgate High Street was lined with butchers shops and slaughterhouses and was consequently known as Butchers Row .. There were three entrances into the square - a fairly wide one that came in from Mitre Street; the narrower St James Place (known locally as the Orange Market) in the square’s north east corner; and the long, narrow Church Passage in the south east corner that came in from Duke’s Place .. At 1.30am PC Watkins of the City Police passed this south-east corner on a beat that brought him through Mitre Square every twelve to fourteen minutes. He had his lantern on and fixed to his belt. He was later emphatic that the square had been quite deserted and that no-one could have been hiding in the square without him seeing them. He left the square and turned right towards Aldgate. Five minutes later three Jewish gentlemen, Harry Harris, Joseph Hyam Levy and Joseph Lawende left the Imperial Club on Duke Street and, as they passed its junction with Church Passage, noticed a man and woman talking quietly together. The woman had her back to them, but they could see that her hand was resting on the man’s chest. Levy was immediately convinced that the couple were up to no good, and announced brusquely "I don’t like going home by myself when I see these sorts of character’s about." ... In his hurry to get away he paid the couple scant attention and was unable to furnish a description of either of them, although he did say that the man may have been three or so inches taller than the woman. Joseph Lawende, however, was a little less disgusted and a little more observant. Although he hadn’t seen the woman’s face, he was almost certain that her clothing was that worn by Catharine Eddowes, when he was later shown it at the police station. Although the street lighting wasn’t particularly good, he caught a brief glimpse of the man’s face and was able to provide police with a description. He had the appearance of a sailor and was aged about 30. He was around 5 feet 9 inches tall, of medium build. He had a fair complexion, and a small fair moustache. He sported a reddish neckerchief, tied in a knot; wore a pepper-and-salt coloured, loose fitting jacket, and had on a grey, peaked, cloth cap. However, it should be noted that Lawende obtained only a quick glimpse of the man as he passed by, and since the couple were doing nothing particularly suspicious, he later maintained that he would not be able to recognize or identify the man were he to see him again.”
“Jane Garvey (née Famiano) [Matrix 5 principal and former boss of allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle top officials in the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration from 1997 to 2002; she has a B.A. from Mount Saint Mary College and an M.A. from Mount Holyoke College; she was appointed by President Bill Clinton on the orders of Hillary Clinton, as an FAA Administrator; Hillary Clinton chose her because she was the first Administrator who was not a licensed pilot and could therefore offer her plausible denial for the upcoming costume swap with the QRS11 missile gyroscopes which she believed would disguise the source of the planned attack on America; she passed off the management of U.S. air space to FAA Contract Towers saboteurs embedded in the Guild of Rippergate Serco companies controlled by John (Jack the Dipper) Profumo at Toynbee Hall with no security clearance; she was the former director of Logan International Airport where she allegedly re-arranged security clearances to permit Mohammed Atta to board the plane on 9/11; she sent key FAA staff to be out of Herndon on 9/11 so that alerts to NMCC and Rumsfeld in the Pentagon could be disrupted by General Henry Shelton using phony PKI authorities from the Speckled Trout; she sent Jack Kies, FAA’s manager of tactical operations, in Nashua, New Hampshire, to meet with Canadian air traffic controllers to coordinate decoy and drone attacks with software developed for the Speckled Trout by Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates of Richmond, B.C. – the BC OnLine data company which organized the mortgage on the pig farm used to host Greek Life cannibal oath ceremonies; she placed Linda Schuessler, as deputy director of system operations in the FAA Command Center in Herndon, Virginia; she set up an alibi with Mineta at a breakfast meeting at the Department of Transportation, in Washington, DC, and helped Shelton in the Speckled Trout to isolate President Bush in Sarasota, Florida, by jamming signals to the secure phone in his vehicle in the motorcade when the first WTC attack occured; she switched communication re the hijacking to the Speckled Trout’s I-FN links to the pay-per-view snuff film services of Murdoch’s Fox News; she arrived at her office at FAA headquarters in Washington, DC to find Monte Belger, her acting deputy, there; she headed across the hall to the Operations Center to set up a “hijacking net”—a teleconference that includes several agencies, including the Defense Department, and the General Shelton in the Speckled Trout; she intercepted info which should have been going to NMCC and Rumsfeld; she routed the Speckled Trout links live direct to Richard Clarke in the Secure Video Conferencing Center just off the main floor of the Situation Room in the West Wing of the White House; she and SES Clarke disrupted feeds to Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush from the E4B over Washington in a costume swap with the Speckled Trout; she initiated a national ground stop, which forbids takeoffs and prevents military or law enforcement aircraft from checking who was attacking America; she allowed the Speckled Trout radome-controlled drones to look for more high value targets; she allowed Kristine Marcy’s Con Air to continue flying to create al-Qaeda decoys; she used Speckled Trout to authorize Linda Schuessler, the manager of tactical operations at the FAA Command Center, and various treasonous members of the Senior Executive Service to land about 500 planes in 20 minutes; she instructed SES Stephen Browning, the director of military and technical services for the Army Corps of Engineers, to clean up evidence of use of costume swap to conceal role of Speckled Trout in hijacking decoy and drone maneuvers at Ground Zero; she messaged through to the Office of Personnel Management Director Kay Coles James to tell senior executives to keep their mouths shut or risk exposure of Rippergate oath-taking info in their files; she set up FAA National Operations Manager Ben Sliney as a patsy for the order to shut down the entire nationwide air traffic system; she set up Leo Mullin, the CEO of Delta Air Lines, by jamming transponders on four Delta aircraft; she used the Speckled Trout to divert all international flights with US destinations to Canada to strip out Speckled Trout network-centric warfare devices developed by MDA in Richmond, B.C.; she continued to feed bogus information to POTUS 43 with claim that a plane had disappeared from radar and might have crashed in Kentucky; she concealed murder for hire use of Speckled Trout with a Rippergate costume swap for the crew of an E-4B which had participated in Amalgam Virgo exercise on June 1-2, 2001; she is an alleged principal in a Jane the Ripper conspiracy with Kristine Marcy’s SBA mentor-protégée teams which used General Shelton’s Speckled Trout as a costume-swapping command post to overthrow the U.S. government by force on 9/11.”
Abel Danger is now demanding that States with jurisdiction empanel Grand Juries to test the alibis of anyone who used or traveled on the General’s Speckled Trout aircraft on 9/11 during apparent Ripper-style costume swaps with an E-4B, set up by Jane Garvey.
Open Demand for a [Runaway] Grand Jury Investigation - Apparent Spoliation of Evidence - Destruction of Boeing 757–222 Aircraft - UA Flt 93 - 9/11
This is the first I've heard about that airplane. Thanks.