October 3, 2011
Kristine Marcy VideoGuard Marshals in Murdoch's Nutcracker JonBenet
Abel Danger believes that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy procured VideoGuard-encryption devices for use by U.S. Marshals to embed images of the Nutcracker murder of JonBenet Ramsey in Matrix 5 propaganda, allegedly manipulated in [Fox] news broadcasts authorized by Elisabeth Murdoch to throw suspicion on the Ramsey Family.
See #1 and #64
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Prequel 1 :
Femme Comp Inc. Procures VideoGuard-Encrypted Images - Greek Life ‘Nutcracker Oaths’ - Extorted U.S. Senior Executive Service - Propaganda Attacks
Prequel 2:
VideoGuard-Encrypted Pay-Per-View Networks - Concealed Crime-Scene Images - Matrix 5 Greek Life Oath Ceremonies - JonBenet Ramsey
VideoGuard-encrypted Murdoch propaganda hides Nutcracker “Justice for JonBenet?”
Justice for JonBenet? - Can new DNA technology crack the Ramsey murder case?
“[Spoliation inference suggest that Kristine Marcy – Senior Counsel for the Marshals in 1996 – had motive, opportunity and weapon to procure VideoGuard-encryption devices to embed Nutcracker JonBenet snuff film images in Murdoch’s MSM propaganda news] Federal marshals The federal court system in the United States is organized into 94 federal judicial districts, each with a court (and one or several judges), a United States Attorney with assistants as prosecutors and government lawyers, and one marshal, appointed by the president, in charge of federal law enforcement. The courts are part of the independent judicial branch of the government, while the marshals and US attorneys are part of the executive branch Department of Justice. In actual practice, the US marshal for the district mainly oversees court security, and has a unit of appointed deputies (other law enforcement operations and the federal prison system are handled by a variety of federal police agencies) and Special Deputies. The United States Marshals Service is a professional, civil service unit of federal police, part of the system of marshals explained above but made up of career law enforcement personnel rather than the appointed district marshals. The US Marshals Service assists with court security and prisoner transport, asset forfeiture, serves arrest warrants and seeks fugitives. Federal Air Marshal Service is a separate, armed federal law enforcement service employed to protect commercial airliners from the threat of aircraft hijacking. These officers, like the above marshals, work for the executive branch of the US government. The US Supreme Court maintains its own, separate Marshal of the United States Supreme Court who also controls the US Supreme Court Police, a security police service answerable to the court itself rather than to the president or attorney general. It handles security for the Supreme Court building, for the justices personally, and undertakes whatever other missions the court may require [Nutcracker JonBenet?] ... The word Maréchaussée seems to derive from the old French name Marecheaux given to an ancient court of justice in Paris called the "Tribunal of Constables and Marshals of France". These constables and marshals were to become members of the Gendarmerie which served as a model for the police forces of both Belgium and the Netherlands. The term Maréchaussée was also used for the Continental Army's military police during the American Revolution. In the Netherlands today, the Koninklijke Marechaussee is a national military police service similar to the French Gendarmerie ... In the United States, many colleges and universities have marshals. In some cases there is a single "faculty marshal," appointed to the post on a more or less stable basis. In others, there are one or several faculty marshals, and often one or several student marshals appointed for a single occasion. In all cases the post is one of honor given to a senior faculty member or outstanding students, and the functions are generally exclusively involved with the leading of processions or parts of processions during commencement exercises, academic convocations and similar events. Often, they carry maces, staffs or wands of office.”
“1. Kristine Marcy (nee McConnell) [Revised October 2, 2011: Kristine Marcy is a Matrix 5 principal and the de facto President and Chief Executive Officer of Washington D.C.-based NAPA (The National Academy of Public Administration); in 1996, she allegedly procured VideoGuard-encryption devices for use by U.S. Marshals to conceal images of the ‘Nutcracker’ murder of JonBenet Ramsey; she allegedly placed federal pension and organized-crime bona vacantia funds with Permira (Schroder’s) to obtain control over NDS and News Corp pay-television technology of VideoGuard; she allegedly ordered Robert Hanssen and his Femme Comp Greek Life pedophile associates to administer VideoGuard Nutcracker oaths to entrap foreign diplomats in the United States and leaders of different orders of domestic government; she allegedly used VideoGuard-encrypted images of the JonBenet Ramsey ‘Nutcracker’ murder to extort top officials in the Senior Executive Service and Norman Mineta and have them support the Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attacks on 9/11; she allegedly procured VideoGuard encryption devices from the FBI through the Treasury Solicitor’s corporation sole to allow her 8(a) companies to hide – spoliate – crime scenes images through the 9/11 attacks; she allegedly has custody or knows who has custody of VideoGuard encrypted images which show ownerless SWAT team members’ ‘liquidating’ Captain Chic Burlingame and broadcasting Matrix 5 propaganda during the phony war games of 9/11; she allegedly set up a revolving fund (# 15X4275) with bona vacantia – ownerless goods – assets confiscated from the drug trade in a joint venture with the Treasury Solicitor; she allegedly used bona vacantia assets to finance illegal modifications to aircraft to support EW/ELINT contract hits executed through the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (‘Con Air’); she allegedly appointed Price Waterhouse (later PwC) as a trusted third party for the issue of PKI certificates to Con Air for use in Matrix 5 extortion and murder for hire by francophone, lesbian and pedophile-owned companies in the Small Business Administration database; through Women @ Sidley brokers, Marcy procured ‘Con Air’ Lear Jet aircraft which had been designed by Bombardier's homicidal EW pilot, Russell Williams to support an Entrust-beTRUSTed chain of command and the decoy-and-drone maneuvers of 911; Marcy allegedly sabotaged continuity of government protocols during Matrix 5’s phony war-game exercise on 911; she allegedly staged the war games with bogus Entrust-beTRUSTed cutout identities such as the ‘al-Qaeda’ operatives allegedly created by the Canadian Privy Council and ‘advised’ by the recently appointed NAPA vice president Lena Trudeau; given her role in building Matrix 5 hit teams inside targeted sovereign governments, Marcy is now recognized by Abel Danger as the most dangerous woman in America; Marcy was allegedly recruited into Matrix 5 in the 1964-1968 period at pedophile oath-taking ceremonies designed by Canadian depopulationist Maurice Strong for the mothers, aunties, ‘clients’ and sponsors of SOS Children’s Villages; she was an alleged witness to crimes of the type described in Strong’s paper in the archives of Harvard University, “Mau Mau oath ceremonies – Kenya 1954”; she was an alleged participant in sexual oath-taking ceremonies, organized off campus by Odd Fellows or Rebekah cult leaders to entrap students and faculty at targeted universities; Marcy allegedly infiltrated Matrix 5 hit teams into George Washington University, University of Chicago and Northwestern University (she visited Chicago in July 1966 prior to alleged Matrix 5 contract killing of Valerie Percy), University of Hawaii BA French and Georgetown University where she took an MFS, master foreign service; she is an alleged user of Tuvalu .tv root authority from Privy Council in Britain to support Matrix 5 pedophile entrapment, sexual extortion and snuff-film murder for hire; Marcy is an alleged handler of Matrix 5 communities `B.A.F.L.P.' – pronounced ‘baffle-pee’ – where acronym stands for (a) Bankers associated with the Bombardier Master Trust, HSBC and Rothschild who helped to launder drug money through the DOJ Pride revolving funds and allegedly used PwC’s Entrust-beTRUSTed certificates to authorize the liquidation of targeted SBA 8(a) companies on 911 (b) Anglophones associated with the U.S. Senior Executive Service which Marcy launched in 1979 (c) Francophones associated with Femme Comp Inc C4 which she launched in 1979 (d) [Feminist] Lesbians associated with the DOJ Pride community which Marcy founded in 1994 and, (e) Pedophiles allegedly associated with rendition, logistics and PwC trusted third-party services of the US Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (‘Con Air’) which Marcy founded in 1995; in 1969, after the pedophile Kray Twins had received a life sentence for murder, Matrix 5 leaders ‘placed’ Marcy as a `sextortionist' aide to Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Frank Carlucci in Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.'s Office of Economic Opportunity; evidence of ongoing [wo]man-in-the-middle extortion of top officials in FBI, ICE USIS, DNS, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) and ATF etc; evidence of her organizing the theft of PROMIS from owners and translation into French for La Sûreté du Québec and Francophonie 9/11; evidence Marcy is a psychopath from her recent 'Mindless Breathers - Useless Breeders' comment to her brother, Field McConnell; evidence of pedophile trade and Tuvalu snuff-film .tv joint venture between Marcy’s associates in the U.S. Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System and Krayleigh Enterprises; evidence of Marcy’s use of SBA 8(a) military-industrial patent pool devices including Unabombs, QRS11 gyroscopes, Smacsonic and Onion Router at Waco, Murrah Building and 9/11 crime scenes; evidence Marcy auctioned off SBA 8(a) CDOs with patented-device liquidation rights to D2 Banking and KPMG clients at Canary Wharf; evidence Marcy exfiltrated U.S. Marshals from Murrah Building OKC before initiating bombs; evidence Marcy organized the execution of Timothy McVeigh as a cutout patsy; evidence she used .tv snuff films to blackmail Office of Personnel Management; evidence she has prevented release of `paperclip' passport files which would otherwise show Obama's status as CUKC alien and a victim of Matrix 5 pedophile grooming by Frank Marshall Davis and his grandparents; evidence Marcy forced U.S. patent office to re-assign liquidation rights in patent pool devices including .tv encryption to Crown Agents' Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers; allegedly Marcy used Entrust-beTRUSTed PKI to set up cutouts for 911 such as Lynn McNulty who designed ‘al-Qaeda’ Onion Routes, Dr. David Finkleman who sent Onion Router relay messages via ALPA pilots to al-Qaeda gyroscopes, Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart, Commander in Chief, NORAD and Commander USNORTHCOM in Cheyenne Mountain, who stood down the U.S. Air Force, Rear Admiral Gordon Piche who used the U.S. Coast Guard in posse comitatus, Robert Mueller who opened a backdoor into FBI CSI, Bruce McConnell who stole Entrust-beTRUSTed public keys, Robert Hanssen who set up bogus continuity of government protocols and John Mark Karr who claimed to have killed JonBenét Ramsey; collectively, the extorted victims of the Femme Comp Nutcracker Oath, give Marcy and her Matrix 5 SES colleagues the power to set up POTUS himself as a cutout for treasonous man-in-the-middle attacks on America by world bankers and the Bullingdon Club and Greek Life pedophile elites]"
“64. Elisabeth Freud (nee Murdoch) [Revised October 3, 2011. She attended exclusive schools in New York City and allegedly set up a dual use on-campus television station at Vassar College; she has allegedly been using VideoGuard encryption devices to conceal films of Greek Life Nutcracker oath taking ceremonies; she has allegedly been using VideoGuard encrypted images to extort Nutcracker alumni as they infiltrated the United States Senior Executive Service launched by Kristine Marcy – see #1 – in 1979; she is a Matrix 5 principal and wife of the allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle Matthew Freud whom she married on 18 August 2001 at Blenheim Palace; Matthew, her second husband, is the son of former MP Sir Clement Freud, and the great-grandson of Sigmund Freud; she allegedly used her husband – the millionaire head of Freud Communications – to manipulate public perception of Matrix 5 propaganda through setting up decoys on 911 in the same way as his cousin, Edward Bernays, did pre and post WWII with his works `Crystallizing Public Opinion' (1923) and `The Engineering of Consent' (1947); she allegedly used her husband to develop decoys for the Osama bin Laden conspiracy fraud with his clients including BSkyB, British Telecom and AOL – the platform for the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG); she allegedly used her husband to develop an ‘Osama bin Laden’ genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world with decoys; she allegedly used her husband to handle public relations for UK based Optimum Releasing who were the UK distributors for Michael Moore’s Matrix 5 decoy movie, Fahrenheit 9/11; she allegedly used her husband to set up a decoy planning base for the ‘Osama bin Laden attack through Freud Communications USA, based in New York City; she allegedly used her husband to manage decoys associated with the abduction of Madeleine McCann through Clarence Mitchell who joined Freud Communications as a consultant in 2008; she allegedly used her husband to manage decoys built through Mitchell’s phony advice to the parents of teenager Scarlet MacKeown who was murdered in Goa, the parents of murdered teenager Jimmy Mizen and the parents of missing teenager Amy Fitzpatrick; she allegedly used her husband to manage decoys built by Mitchell in his role as former director of the media monitoring unit at the government's Central Office of Information, Foreign Office and Cabinet Office; she allegedly used her husband to manage decoys built by Mitchell for Treasury Solicitor in re the death of Princess Diana and the 9/11 attack; she is the daughter of allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle, Rupert Murdoch; allegedly forced her father to hire Rebekah Brooks to infiltrate Matrix 5 hit teams using public key infrastructure and VideoGuard encryption for virtual deception into News Corporation; she is allegedly using Brooks as a sexual extortionist to stop her father from giving a voting share in the trust holding the family's 28.5 percent stake in News Corporation to his second wife Wendi Deng – a vice-president of Murdoch's STAR TV; she wants to stop Deng having a say in the business if he died while any of his children with Deng were minors; she allegedly used Brooks to set up the VideoGuard pay-per-view encryption devices to synchronize Matrix 5 decoy images and propaganda from snuff-film crime scenes during the journey taken by Princess Diana in a modified Mercedes – cf. Boston Brakes – to her death in August 1997; Elisabeth Murdoch is the Matrix 5 former wife of allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle Elkin Kwesi Pianim whom she divorced in 1998; Pianin is a fellow Vassar graduate and was an associate in the corporate finance department of New York investment bank Rothschild Inc.; she is a Matrix 5 sister of allegedly-extorted men in the middle, Lachlan Murdoch and James Murdoch, whom she resents for having been groomed from early ages to play key roles in their father's enterprises; she is the Chairwoman and CEO of Shine Limited, a television production company with offices in London and Manchester; she founded Shine in March 2001 with 80 percent equity owned by her, 15 percent by Lord Alli, and 5 percent by BSkyB, who signed a deal guaranteeing to buy an agreed amount of Shine programming for two years; she is the Matrix 5 business partner of allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle Waheed Alli, born 16 November 1964; she allegedly extorted Alli to produce content on 911 described as `the first live broadcast mass snuff film in human history' for BBC, Five, Channel 4, HBO and the RTL Group; her business partner Alli merged Planet 24 – a television production company with an animation division Impossible TV, founded by Bob Geldof and Tony Boland (Television producer); Impossible TV allegedly produced the special effects of 911 and 7/7 in a joint venture with 24 Hour Productions headed by Charlie Parsons and Waheed, later Lord Alli; they sold it to Carlton Communications in 1999 and eventually merged with Carlton Productions, of which Lord Alli became managing director; her business partner Alli allegedly deployed David Cameron in Carlton Communications as a scout for 911; her business partner Alli is a Labour peer and she allegedly has videos of him which would make him persona non grata as an openly gay Muslim politicians; her business partner Alli's mother was a nurse from Trinidad, and his estranged father, was a mechanic from British Guiana (now Guyana) therefore both his parents were citizens of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS); her business partner Alli and her second husband Mathew Freud allegedly helped to establish the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as a Matrix 5 propaganda victim of `virtual' global warming to justify the re-formation of NATO as a paramilitary force to kill deniers such as top officials in the Bush administration on 911; her business partner Alli started work as a junior researcher for a finance magazine and worked his way up in the media business within Robert Maxwell's stable of publications; her business partner Alli then went to the City for a second career in Matrix 1 investment banking, through which he became wealthy; her business partner Alli met Charlie Parsons in the mid-1980s and become his business partner and boyfriend; her business partner Alli acted as Tony Blair's representative in the House of Lords in the passage of the Civil Partnership Act 2004, giving same-sex couples in the United Kingdom the ability to enter into civil partnerships with equal rights and responsibilities to marriage; her business partner Alli spearheaded an effort to repeal clauses in the Civil Partnerships Act which prohibited religious institutions from conducting the ceremonies on their premises; her business partner Alli was a keynote speaker at the International Conference on LGBT Human Rights, part of the 2006 World Outgames, which led to the Declaration of Montreal; her business partner Alli is a patron of Oxford Pride, the annual Pride event in Oxfordshire, and of Pride London; AD accuses Murdoch of using public key infrastructure and patented VideoGuard pay-per-view encryption devices to conceal the role of the Middle Templar-controlled Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, City & Guilds Livery Companies, Canary Wharf fronts and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Matrix 5 propaganda and murder for hire]"
Semper Fi, Sisters and Sorors; Abel Danger has invited the Marines to leave their base.
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