October 6, 2011
How Gloria Cain’s Greek Life Navy staged Protégé Ballistics 9/11
Abel Danger believes Crown Agents’ Sister Gloria Cain used VideoGuard-encrypted images of Greek Life oath ceremonies to extort U.S. Navy support for Protégé Ballistics war game maneuvers, allegedly synched on 9/11 to Fox News broadcast of Matrix 5 propaganda.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
VideoGuard-encrypted Matrix 5 propaganda "Fox News coverage of the 9/11 attacks (First reports)"
'Ownerless’ Pig Farm Pension Funds - Treasury Solicitor - Buying The Services Of An Extorted David Emerson - VideoGuard-Encrypted Matrix 5 - 9/11
“Ballistic Trajectory Extended Range Munition (BTERM) Autonomous Naval Support Round (ANSR) The Ballistic Trajectory Extended Range Munition (BTERM) was designed to employ a high-speed ballistic trajectory with a GPS/INS guidance solution to provide the U.S. Navy with a long-range 5-inch precision projectile to meet Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS) requirements. The BTERM used the Low-Cost Guidance Electronics Unit (LCGEU), a Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System (GPS/INS) guidance system developed for the Navy and modified for BTERM by the C.S. Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts. BTERM was designed to be compatible with the Navy's existing inventory of 5-inch/54-caliber gun mounts as well as the newer 62-caliber guns. The projectile would provide the Navy with an alternative solution to meet the demanding requirements of a next-generation surface fire support capability. ATK Missile Systems Company, Woodland Hills, California, together with its Guided Projectile division at the Allegany Ballistics Laboratory (ABL) in Rocket Center, West Virginia, was responsible for BTERM system integration and the projectile's solid propellant rocket motor. Other members of the BTERM team were the C.S. Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts (prime contractor, guidance electronics and navigation), and Custom Analytical Engineering Systems (CAES), Cumberland, Maryland (airframe and control actuation). The BTERM demonstration program benefited from the U.S. Navy's extensive facility restoration program at ABL that was strongly supported by Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-W. Va.). ... BTERM is an extension of the Autonomous Naval Support Round (ANSR), a boosted projectile that flew a world record 54 nautical miles in a ballistic flight test conducted in 2003. The Autonomous Naval Support Round (ANSR) warhead as designed was a derivative of that in the HARM anti-radar missile, weighs approximately 25 pounds, including ten pounds of explosive, and is fitted in a tungsten case that will fragment on detonation. The fragmenting warhead, coupled to a precision-guidance system, provided an estimated four times the lethality of a steel-cased warhead of equivalent size. When the shell reaches its target, ANSR showers the area with pre-formed metallic fragments embedded in a composite matrix. Naval gunfire has been one of the most important sources of fire support for Marines conducting amphibious operations. The 5" gun has been the standard fire support weapon carried by United States Navy cruisers and destroyers. A cruiser could potentially carry as many as 600 ANSR rounds in its magazines. Fully compatible with existing automatic loading systems, they could be fired less than 90 seconds after a ship receives a call for fire. The Office of Naval Research sponsored development of ANSR by the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division. The new projectiles improved on existing 5" high-explosive ammunition in that they offered much longer range, higher speed, and a greater ability to damage or destroy targets. Greater accuracy was achieved with a miniaturized guidance package that combined the Global Positioning System (GPS) with low-cost, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) inertial sensors. The advanced system got its small size and ability to withstand the stresses of firing from recent advances in micro-electro-mechanical sensors. The ANSR round as designed was a rocket-assisted projectile, that is to say a rocket motor in the base of the shell increases the projectile's speed (and therefore its range) by augmenting the propulsive force of the conventional gun propellant. ANSR was developed under Office of Naval Research sponsorship in a government-small business partnership between the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division and CAES. In FY02, prime contractor Alliant Techsystems (ATK) invested corporate resources to demonstrate the range, lethality and guidance accuracy of the ANSR system. On 9 January 2002, the ANSR was successfully fired out to a range of slightly more than 51 nautical miles (about 59 statute miles or 95 kilometers). By way of comparison, 5" high explosive rounds then in existence could achieve ranges of just 13 nautical miles. ANSR was fired from a standard Navy 5"/54 caliber gun and reached the maximum range in less than three minutes. A 10 July 2003 flight test was the first successful employment of a Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM)-capable GPS receiver to acquire military navigation signal in a gun-launched projectile.”
“73. Gloria Cain (nee ) [Revised October 6, 2011. Matrix 5 wife of allegedly extorted man-in-the-middle presidential candidate Herman Cain, a former civilian employee of the U.S. Navy, a former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza and a former deputy chairman (1992–94) and chairman (1995–96) of the board of directors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City; she allegedly used VideoGuard-encrypted images of Greek Life oath ceremonies to extort U.S. Navy support for Protégé Ballistics war game maneuvers on 9/11 synched to Fox News broadcast of Matrix 5 propaganda; she was allegedly recruited into Matrix 5 training program through oath-taking ceremonies set up by lesbian / pedophile cult in the Delta Sigma Theta Greek Life sorority at Morris Brown College from where she graduated in 1968; she allegedly conspired with a fellow Delta Sigma Theta soror, Allison Seymour at Fox News, to develop the script for a VideoGuard encrypted broadcast of Ballistics 9/11; she allegedly helped her husband as a principal or an accessory to a systemic fraud on black students at Morris Brown College which resulted in the de facto closure of the school in 2002 after decades of manipulation of the Pell Grant system; she allegedly helped her husband develop Pell Grants to fund U.S. college students, including prisoners, launch treasonous careers in the racketeering enforcement of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and United Nations Environment Programme; she allegedly forced her husband and Senator Pell – arrested during a raid on a New York gay bar in the early 1960s – to push for Roberta Achtenberg, a lesbian, to serve as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity in the Department of Housing and Urban Development and engineer the collapse of Fannie Mae; she was allegedly ordered to marry Herman Cain after he had graduated from Morehouse College in 1967 with a B.A. in mathematics and steer him through an M. Sc. in computer science from Purdue University in 1971 to backdoor ballistics weapons development in the U.S. Department of the Navy; she allegedly extorted her husband into running as a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 ; she allegedly groomed her husband for the phony role of a right-wing presidential candidate by moving him through the Department of the Navy, The Coca-Cola Company as a business analyst, through Pillsbury where he rose (1977-early 1980s) to the position of Vice President, through Burger King – a Pillsbury subsidiary – where he managed 400 stores in the Philadelphia area, through President and CEO of Godfather's Pizza, a Pillsbury subsidiary and through a leveraged buyout (1988) as CEO until 1996, when he was asked to resign by the board; she allegedly placed Cain as a member of the board of directors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in 1992 and served as its chairman from January 1995 to August 1996 to prepare for the Matrix 5 bank-in-the-middle attack on the capital markets on 9/11; she moved him on to the board of directors of Aquila, Inc from 1992 to 2008 where he allegedly gave the Worshipful Company of Fuellers access to the Matrix 5 TSol business model used to destroy Enron; she has allegedly positioned him as a commentator for Fox Business to conceal her role in the planning of Ballistics 9/11; she allegedly placed him as 1996 Senior Advisor of Dole/Kemp Campaign and as a 2012 presidential candidate for more than 40 Tea Party rallies; she allegedly developed his VideoGuard YouTube profile with Murdoch and Fox insiders ; she allegedly set up his presidential exploratory committee on January 12, 2011 and prepared to place him on the Fox News Channel program Your World with Neil Cavuto; she allegedly triangulated his election profile to the right of Obama by having him state that he was "uncomfortable" when he found that the surgeon operating on his liver and colon cancer was Muslim; she arranged for him later to explain "based upon the little knowledge that I have of the Muslim religion, you know, they have an objective to convert all infidels or kill them"; she allegedly arranged a May 5, 2011 Fox News presidential campaign debate where he competed with Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and Rick Santorum to be declared the winner by Murdoch pollster Frank Luntz chosen by Fox to run the post-performance focus group; she allegedly arranged for his September 24, 2011 victory in a Republican presidential straw poll in Florida, with 37 percent of the vote to ensure the front-runner Rick Perry, who had been leading in the polls, came in second with a humiliating 15 percent; she allegedly selected his Presidential campaign staff to include Mark Block as Chief of Staff, Linda Hansen as Deputy Chief of Staff and Scott Bieniek as Vice President and General Counsel; she allegedly uses Cain’s position as associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North in Atlanta to leverage support from the National Baptist Convention, USA; she allegedly had him play the race card by uploading a YouTube video for his campaign where he describes the experience of sitting behind the white / black demarcation on buses and talks about the experience of taking turns with his brother, standing watch as each took a drink from the "white" side of a segregated water fountain in a department store”
Semper Fi, Sisters and Sorors; Abel Danger has invited the Marines to leave their base.
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