October 27, 2011
Has Maurice Strong bound Obama with Jane’s Hull House cannibal oaths?
We believe that Maurice Strong has bound Barack Obama to his Femme Comp wife by giving her custody of images of him engaged in cannibal oath ceremonies which are allegedly styled on those developed by his Mau Mau grandfather in Kenya in 1954 and by Strong’s cousin, the late Anna Louise Strong, with Jane Addams, founder of Hull House in Chicago.
John Profumo - Toynbee Hall's Guild of Ripper Socialists, Constructors and Toilet Cleaners - Amec 8(a) Mentor-Protégé - Navy Command Center 9/11
Alleged birth of Guild of Ripper Socialism; "Illinois in the Gilded Age, 1866-1896: Haymarket and Hull House, 1884-1891"
“Strong, Maurice F., 1929- . Papers, 1948-2000: Guide Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Harvard College Library. Harvard University 30 May 2003 © 2001 The President and Fellows of Harvard College Last update on 2009 December 4 Descriptive Summary Repository: Environmental Science and Public Policy Archives. Harvard University. Call No.: ESPP MFS001 Title: Papers of Maurice F. Strong, 1948-2000. Creator: Donated by: Maurice F. Strong Quantity: EXTENT: Total boxes: 685. Total linear feet: 287.7. Maurice F. Strong, 1929- MAURICE STRONG was named Senior Advisor to the President of the World Bank in June 1995. From December 1992 until December 1995, Mr. Strong was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ontario Hydro, North America's largest utility. Until September 1992, Mr. Strong was Secretary General of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Earth Summit) and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations. During 1985 and 1986, he served as Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Office for Emergency Operations in Africa and was a member of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Born in Canada and a resident of Toronto, Canada, Mr. Strong has longstanding ties with both the private and public sectors. Mr. Strong served as the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment from November 1970 to December 1972, and subsequently became the first Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya (January 1973-December 1975). He was then appointed President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canada's national oil company, Petro-Canada. He also has been President of Power Corporation of Canada, first President of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Chairman of the Canada Development Investment Corporation and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the International Development Research Centre (IDCR) in Canada. Mr. Strong is an advisor to the United Nations, and serves on the board of several other public service organizations. He has been a director and/or officer of a number of Canadian, U.S. and international corporations. He has received a number of awards and honours including the Order of Canada, the Swedish Royal Order of the Polar Star, and honourary doctorates from 37 universities. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (U.K.), the Royal Society of Canada and the Royal Architectural Society of Canada.Mr. Strong was born 29 April 1929, and educated in Manitoba, Canada. He is married to Hanne Marstrand and has four children, a foster child and eight grandchildren. His current appointments include Under-Secretary General and Special Advisor to the Secretary-General, United Nations Special Advisor to the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme> Chairman, Earth Council Institute Chairman, International Advisory Board, CH2M Hill Group Inc. Director, Foundation Board, World Economic Forum Director, The Human Society of the United States Member, Toyota International Advisory Board Director, Zenon Environmental Inc. Past appointments include: Special Advisor to the President, World Bank 1998-2001 Mamber International Advisory Board, Federation of Korean Industry 1992-1995 Chairman, Ontario Hydro 1992 Secretary General, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
1985-1986 Executive Coordinator, United Nations Office for Emergency Operations in Africa 1983-1987 Member World Commission on Environment and Development 1976-1978 President, Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Petro-Canada 1973-1975 Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya 1970-1972 Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 1970-1972, 1976-1980, Chairman, Board of Governors, International Development Research Centre, Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum 1966-1970 Headed Canada's International Development Assistance Program as Director-General of the External Aid Office, and later as President and Chairman of the Board of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 1966-1970 Alternate Governor for Canada- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Chairman, Bureau of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Series II. Writings: 1954; n.d. Box [*] [Speech on] Mau Mau: c. 1954History and structure of United Nations and how it works: presented by M.F. Strong: n.d.Best places to see game [re: Africa]: n.d.[Paper on] Uranium: n.d.Principles and practices of investment finance in Canada: n.d. (Exam taken for course 1) [Notes on Caltex Oil Company]: n.d.[Early composition book]: n.d. (Includes 2 different copies on same topic; description of [Obama’s grandfatherly] Mau Mau oath ceremonies) [where images of this style of ceremony were allegedly procured by Strong during Barack Obama’s visit to Kenya in 2007 and given into the custody of Michelle Obama to bind her husband to the Jane Club Hull House community in Chicago and ensure/extort his subsequent support for the Kenya genocide of January 2008 and the Chicago-based attack on Mumbai on Thanksgiving Day 2008]”
“In the 1890s, Hull-House was located in the midst of a densely populated urban neighborhood peopled by Italian, Irish, German, Greek, Bohemian, and Russian and Polish Jewish immigrants. During the 1920s, African Americans and Mexicans began to put down roots in the neighborhood and joined the clubs and activities at Hull-House. Jane Addams and the Hull-House residents provided kindergarten and day care facilities for the children of working mothers; an employment bureau; an art gallery; libraries; English and citizenship classes; and theater, music and art classes. As the complex expanded to include thirteen buildings, Hull-House supported more clubs and activities such as a Labor Museum, the Jane Club for single working girls, meeting places for trade union groups, and a wide array of cultural events. The residents of Hull-House formed an impressive group, including Jane Addams, Ellen Gates Starr, Florence Kelley, Dr. Alice Hamilton, Julia Lathrop, Sophonisba Breckinridge, and Grace and Edith Abbott. From their experiences in the Hull-House neighborhood, the Hull-House residents and their supporters forged a powerful reform movement. Among the projects that they helped launch were the Immigrants' Protective League, the Juvenile Protective Association, the first juvenile court in the nation, and a Juvenile Psychopathic Clinic (later called the Institute for Juvenile Research). Through their efforts, the Illinois Legislature enacted protective legislation for women and children in 1893. With the creation of the Federal Children's Bureau in 1912 and the passage of a federal child labor law in 1916, the Hull-House reformers saw their efforts expanded to the national level.”
“In June of 1888, five years after her first visit, Jane [Addams] had gone back to Toynbee Hall, the model for the Hull House [and the alleged Whitechapel base for cannibal oath ceremonies allegedly developed with Ashbee & Son and associated with the canonical butchery and organ-eating murders attributed to Jack the Ripper]. She went to inquire about any information she should be aware of or expect concerning the poor.” ... “Jane Addams (September 6, 1860 – May 21, 1935) was a pioneer settlement worker, founder of Hull House in Chicago, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in woman suffrage and world peace .. Then, finally, she read about something she could actually do. In the summer of 1887, she read in a magazine about the new idea of a settlement house. She decided to visit the world's first, in London, on a second trip to Europe. It was called Toynbee Hall. She and several friends, including Ellen Gates Starr, traveled in Europe from December 1887 through the summer of 1888. Addams told no one of her dream to start a settlement house at first; but, as she traveled, she felt increasingly guilty that she was just being a tourist and not acting. Her feelings finally overwhelmed her after watching a bullfight in Madrid. While her friends soon left the arena, too horrified by the great bloody gore of the event to remain, Addams stayed, mesmerized by what she saw as an exotic cultural tradition. Afterward, she condemned her fascination with the bullfight and her inability to feel outraged at the suffering of the horses and bulls that had been killed. She blamed her love of culture for hardening her heart to suffering, for inhibiting her from acting. And was not that the underlying reason she still had not started a settlement house? Believing that if she told someone her dream, she might finally do something, she told Ellen Gates Starr. Starr loved the idea of starting a settlement house and agreed to join Addams in pursuing her dream.”
While Barack and Michelle Obama and Maurice Strong prepare their alibis; Abel Danger White House Group has left its base.
I pray justice will be done and the Untouchables will win