October 6, 2011
Why Gloria Cain’s Greek Life extortionists killed Able Danger, JonBenet
We believe Crown Agents Sister Gloria Cain directed Greek Life extortionists to kill off the Able Danger military intelligence program in order to protect Kristine Marcy, the alleged ‘Soror Identity’ behind the murder of JonBenet Ramsey and ‘Ballistics 9/11’, the name we coined for the Matrix 5 VideoGuard attack on the Pentagon U.S. Navy Command Center.
See #73, #14 and #1 at Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Cain v. Abel White House debate
“A Framework for Reform of the U.S. Intelligence Community .. Chapter 3: Internal Decay -- The Real Reason for Reform The major reason for the nation to mandate reform of the Intelligence Community is that for many years it has not performed well. The reason is not the demise of the Soviet regime. Taxpayers have not been and are not getting their money's worth from this part of government. And, if history is the good guide it usually is, some people in uniform will pay heavy prices in blood one day for the errors of the Intelligence Community and its elected masters in the Executive Branch and overseers in Congress unless major reforms are promulgated soon. The ravages of years of bad leadership will take years to undo under the best of circumstances. Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture The strengths and weaknesses of intelligence agencies have major cultural components. Just as there are corporate cultures that financial and business management pundits say contributed in recent years to corporate successes (like Microsoft) and failures (like IBM and Digital Equipment in the early 1990s before more recent recoveries), so intelligence agencies' cultures are behind many of the problems plaguing intelligence in the mid-1990s. These cultures in some cases were created with greater or lesser degrees of pre-meditation by specific individuals. The president and Congress must understand the culture--the disease--before they can prescribe remedial medicine. Reorganizational band-aids will only briefly ameliorate symptoms. They must also understand the disease causing agents--the senior responsible executives--and remove them from the organs of intelligence agencies to prevent reinfection. Former DCI Woolsey said culture was a problem at CIA--the first DCI to do so--but he showed little understanding of it and its manifestations other than those related to the Ames episode. He also did little to change it before his departure. DCI John Deutch noted the importance of changing the culture of the DO in the remarks he prepared for his confirmation hearing. He also said after his confirmation that he did not contemplate a "bloodletting”. The Congress and the Commission cannot micro-manage the agencies or make many personnel decisions, but they can clearly identify problems and note areas that require strong remedial action by the president and the DCI. The Congress can make clear that significant improvement in areas of leadership and accountability will play roles in funding decisions for intelligence and administration priorities; that should get the president's attention. The cultural problems at CIA are severe, and arguably are more serious than elsewhere in the Intelligence Community. Because of the critical roles that CIA performs and the severity of its troubles, CIA should receive the bulk--but not all--of reformers' attention to the dysfunctional aspects of the culture of intelligence. ... Identify Responsible Individuals. It is essential that the persons responsible for the ethical, management, and leadership problems at CIA be identified and removed from positions of authority. Some should be punished and a substantial number should be fired. This is an extreme proposal for a federal government agency, but nothing less is essential if CIA is to regain effectiveness and the confidence of policymakers and its own employees. Given the legal attacks on the once-strong powers of DCIs to terminate individuals' employment, special legislation may be desirable to give the DCI short duration powers to fire or force early or involuntary retirement for the many Senior Executive Service [Here is to be found the Greek Life ‘Soror Identity' allegedly responsible for authorizing the killing of Able Danger and JonBenet in an effort to conceal her role in the Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attack of Ballistics 9/11 – contact Field McConnell at 715 307 8222] (known at CIA as Senior Intelligence Service, or SIS) and GS-15 personnel who must go before real change can occur. A modest variant of the State Department and military officers' "up-or-out" policy is an option for managers, at least. http://www.fas.org/irp/gentry/chapter3.html ”
“Able Danger was a classified military planning effort led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). It was created as a result of a directive from the Joint Chiefs of Staff in early October 1999 by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Shelton, to develop an information operations campaign plan against transnational terrorism .. On August 14, 2005, Mike Kelly, a columnist for The (Bergen) Record (New Jersey), described a telephone interview, arranged by the staff of Rep. Curt Weldon, with a man who identified himself as a member of the Able Danger team, but asked that his name not be revealed. In the interview, the man claimed his team had identified Mohamed Atta and three other 9/11 hijackers as likely Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in the United States, but were prevented from passing this information on to the FBI by government lawyers [reporting to the Soror Identity]. He also claimed he was ignored by the 9/11 Commission's staff when he approached them on two occasions to explain Able Danger's work. .. Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer.
After Weldon's assertions were disputed, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, a member of the Able Danger team, identified himself as Weldon's source. Shaffer claimed that he alerted the FBI in September 2000 about the information uncovered by the secret military unit "Able Danger," but he alleges three meetings he set up with bureau officials were blocked by military lawyers. Shaffer, who at the time worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency, claims he communicated to members of the 9/11 Commission that Able Danger had identified two of the three cells responsible for 9/11 prior to the attacks, but the Commission did not include this information in their final report. Shaffer's lawyer, Mark Zaid, has revealed that Shaffer had been placed on paid administrative leave for what he called "petty and frivolous" reasons and had his security clearance suspended in March 2004, following a dispute over travel mileage expenses and personal use of a work cell phone. As Lt. Col. Shaffer received a memorandum of OPCON status from Joint Task Force (JTF) 121, confirming his attachment to this element 1 November through 1 December 2004, and participating in the 75th Ranger Regiment's nighttime air assault of 11 November 2003, the controversy of his wearing the 75th Ranger Regiment patch as his "combat patch" is closed in his favor. In the Army Reserve, LtCol Shaffer is now assigned as the G6 of the 94th Division (Prov), Ft. Lee, VA. Congressman Weldon asked for a new probe into the activities undertaken to silence Lt. Col Shaffer from publicly commenting on Able Danger and Able Danger's identification of the 9/11 hijackers. Weldon called the activities "a deliberate campaign of character assassination." Shaffer has also told the story of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) opposition to Able Danger, prior to 9/11, based on the view Able Danger was encroaching on CIA turf. According to Shaffer, the CIA representative said, "I clearly understand. We're going after the leadership. You guys are going after the body. But, it doesn't matter. The bottom line is, CIA will never give you the best information from "Alex Base" or anywhere else. CIA will never provide that to you because if you were successful in your effort to target Al Qaeda, you will steal our thunder. Therefore, we will not support this.” Navy Captain Scott Phillpott Capt. Scott Phillpott confirmed Shaffer's claims. "I will not discuss this outside of my chain of command," Phillpott said in a statement to Fox News. "I have briefed the Department of the Army, the Special Operations Command and the office of (Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence) Dr. Cambone as well as the 9/11 Commission. My story has remained consistent. Atta was identified by Able Danger in January/February 2000," he was quoted as saying. James D. Smith Shaffer's claims were also confirmed by James D. Smith, a civilian contractor who worked on Able Danger. In an interview with Fox News, Smith reported that the project had involved analysis of data from a large number of public sources and 20 to 30 individuals. Smith stated that Atta's name had emerged during an examination of individuals known to have ties to Omar Abdel Rahman, a leading figure in the first World Trade Center bombing. Major Eric Kleinsmith Major Eric Kleinsmith, who was with the Army and chief of intelligence for LIWA until February 2001, testified that he was ordered to destroy Able Danger's information [allegedy by Greek Life extortionists directed by Gloria Cain using TSol 'Star Chamber' authorities unlawfully delegated to Soror Identity, Kristine Marcy]. "I deleted the data," he said. "There were two sets, classified and unclassified, and also an 'all sorts,'" which contained a blend of the two, "plus charts we'd produced." Kleinsmith deleted the 2.5 terabytes of data in May and June, 2000, on orders of Tony Gentry, general counsel of the Army Intelligence and Security Command. Other witnesses The Defense Department announced its findings on September 1, 2005, after a three-week investigation into Able Danger. The statement announced the discovery of three other witnesses in addition to Shaffer and Phillpott who confirm Able Danger had produced a chart that "either mentioned Atta by name as an al-Qaeda operative [and/or] showed his photograph." Four of the five witnesses remember the photo on the chart. The fifth remembers only Atta being cited by name. The Pentagon describes the witnesses as "credible" but stated that the document which allegedly mentioned Atta could not be found. The wall Former chief assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy and others have asserted that the Able Danger intelligence was suppressed as a result of a policy of forbidding the CIA and FBI to share intelligence known as "the wall.” During the 9/11 Commission hearings, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft testified the wall was strengthened under the Clinton administration by Jamie Gorelick [allegedly targeted by the Greek Life extortionist acting under the orders of The Soror Identity, Kristine Marcy] to prohibit sharing of terrorist intelligence within the federal government.”
Semper Fi Sisters and the Soror Identity Check (SIC) – Abel Danger's Untouchables have left their base.
JonBenet Ramsey: CIA's Electroshocked Mind-Control Sex Slave
John Lee, executive producer
Monday, August 28, 2006 23:11
"JonBenet's murder has prompted rumors of mind control and caused people to think to ask questions the media won't answer. People are learning that the media is as controlled as JonBenet appeared to be."