July 30, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Lloyd’s Livery of Murder on the Cameron Bordereaux
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate the Cameron Family’s use of Lloyd’s of London insurance bordereaux to reward assassins, allegedly procured through networks operated by Crown Agents Sisters and City Livery companies, for the spoliation of evidence at crime scenes involving murders which helped family insiders to pilot Dave ‘Jump Ship’ Cameron into 10 Downing Street and to take control of the United Kingdom’s Great Offices of State.
Lord Pearson has experience in cleaning up corruption at Lloyd’s of London; as an Old Etonian he may understand better than we how Crown Agents can use borderaux claims to secure the wealth of Livery Companies and landed families from one generation to the next.
“Madoff Fallout To Cost D&O, E&O Insurers Nearly $2 Billion: Aon Benfield With the looming prospect of nearly $2 billion in professional liability claim payments, fallout of an alleged Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Bernard Madoff, insurers will likely embark on more careful underwriting of financial firms, one expert said. “It’s certainly going to have an impact on [insurers’] underwriting procedures,” said Stephen Mildenhall, head of Aon Benfield's Actuarial and Enterprise Risk Management practice, which developed a $1.8 billon best estimate of direct insurance losses that could be paid out on behalf of asset management firms, banks and other firms being sued in the aftermath of the Madoff scandal. “It is astonishing that something of this size and scale managed to proceed…for a number of years without being detected,” Mr. Mildenhall said .. To develop its insurance loss estimates, Aon Benfield analyzed possible exposure to four categories of potential defendants which could be protected by D&O and E&O insurance: • Asset management firms that ran so-called “feeder funds”—funds that directed investor capital to Mr. Madoff or his firm, Bernard Madoff Investment Securities. • Foreign banks and insurers that placed investors’ assets and their own assets under Mr. Madoff’s management. • Charitable organizations and public institutions, whose boards may be sued by disgruntled donors for performing insufficient due diligence on investments with Mr. Madoff. • Bernard Madoff Investment Securities .. “For a lot of the big European banks, the potential economic loss would be in excess of the policy limits that they’re likely to have purchased. That would be a limits loss. In other cases, it would be a smaller loss and it wouldn’t exhaust coverage,” Mr. Mildenhall said. According to the report, foreign banks and insurers account for $4.9 billion of the $6.4 billion high estimate of potential limits exposed, with asset management firms accounting for $1.2 billion and charities only $222 million. “We had some examples where we knew what people were buying, and some examples where we knew at least a piece of the coverage,” filling in the rest. “So it’s an informed judgment,” he said. “It’s not like we’ve got a bordereaux listing exact potential defendants and their [insurance policy] limits.”
“Close Premium Finance products cover every aspect of the premium finance market:
Commercial and personal lines, recourse and non-recourse. What’s the difference between recourse and non-recourse? With recourse finance: - Higher overriders - If your client defaults, we debit your bordereaux with the loan amount - You obtain a refund from your insurer With non-recourse finance: - If your client defaults, we debit your bordereaux with any outstanding amount - You obtain a refund from your insurer - Any shortfall in return premium is credited back to your bordereaux once we have received and approved your claim form”
We name below 12 Crown Agents’ Sisters and affiliated networks which allegedly use Oracle Partners, including Jardine Matheson, Lloyd’s Register and Livery Companies, to move assets for sexual entrapment, murder-for-hire and bordereaux frauds on Lloyd’s.
“1. Eliza Manningham-Buller [Oracle-MI5-CIA Serco, Promis, K-Branch, IRA, Pan Am 103, NetJets 9/12, Amec 7/7, RAF Brize Norton, Anna Chapman, Rendition, Waterboarding] 2. Jamie Gorelick [Oracle-Fannie Mae, David Emerson, MindBox, DOJ Pride, Vince Foster, Waco, Promis, 9/11 Wall, Schlumberger, Transocean, BP Cancelled Cement Job, Sabotage] 3. Samantha Cameron [Oracle-Menzies Aviation and Distribution, Smythson Stationery, Boston Brakes, Princess Di, wife of Jardine Jump-Ship Dave Cameron, great grandfather was chairman of Reuters] 4. Hillary Clinton [Oracle USAID-SBA liquidations, Crown Agents Gyroscope QRS11 Patent on NetJets Boeing and Gulfstream V on 9/11] 5. Cherie Blair [Oracle-LSE For You, Matrix Terrorists, Law of the European Union, European Convention on Human Rights] 6. Michelle Obama [Oracle-CIA Henry Bienen, Princeton, Union Carbide Bhopal AT&T] 7. Miriam Clegg [Oracle DLA Piper head of international trade law practice, wife of Lord President of the Council Nick Clegg, late Robin Cook, Passports for illegals, BBC Royal Charter] 8. Bernardine Dohrn [Oracle-Northwestern University, Unabomb, Weather Underground Rwanda Genocide, Torture Paradigm and Practice] 9. Mary Harron [Oracle-Netflix DVD American Psycho, Weather Underground, Bondage S&M, SCUM, Former girlfriend of Tony Blair at Oxford University] 10. Charlotte Bryan [Oracle-Serco FAA Contract Towers FC-KU crime scenes of 9/11] 11. Lucy Adams [Oracle-Serco BBC snuff film sites 9/11, 7/7] 12. Kristine Marcy [Oracle-Serco, Promis, SBA DOJ Pride USIS DNS, ICE, U.S. Marshals, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) for illegals in preparation for 9/11, Obama CUKC Passport JPATS Femme Comp Inc Unabombs 'Mindless breathers - Useless Breeders' comment] .. Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators .. Honourable Company of Master Mariners .. Worshipful Company of Security Professionals .. City of London Solicitors' Company .. Worshipful Companies of Stationers and Newspaper Makers, Insurers, International Bankers, World Traders and Weavers [Livery Company heraldry - Torse-fillet strangler scarf at United 93 Crash]”
“Report Automation and Compilation Creates Flexibility “We had been struggling for some time to automate the reporting process for the Lloyd’s of London bordereau,” Klotz commented. Klotz was, therefore, eager to participate in a vendor-driven test project to develop a new reporting tool for Oracle Documaker. According to a 2007 national association of professional surplus lines offices (NAPSLO) survey, almost 70% of the association’s general agent members and more than 60% of its broker members are currently using Oracle Documaker to issue policies. In fact, Continental uses Oracle Documaker for efficient and economical policy issuance, including user-defined transactions such as new policies, quotes, endorsements, cancellations, and renewals, for all lines of business. The Oracle Documaker reporting tool enables Continental’s users to utilize features such as unlimited data exporting; flexibility in data exporting to Excel, Access, and extensible markup language (XML) formats; and visual mapping of forms and fields to data columns for simple report creation. Continental’s personnel were able to easily extract data residing within the smart archive of Oracle Documaker to create the Lloyd’s bordereau and other reports.”
"Crown Agents is exactly what its name implies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and management of what British historians call the Third Empire .. Crown Agents printed the stamps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial monetary authorities, government officials, and heads of state; served as arms procurers, quartermasters, and paymasters for the colonial armies .. Her Majesty's Murder, Inc. .. Crown Agents' range of ``services''--arms procurement, border controls, offshore banking--also nicely fit the ``administrative requirements'' of the world's organized crime cartels .. review of some of the more sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crown's highly sensitive patronage of global organized crime--what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc.”
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