KISS a Poppy – Crown Strangled – Illegals Panicking
Rumors of crony spy swap – Protect TRIPS sexual entrapment network
First, fair warning to ANYONE opposing the 4 military services (which doe not include Thad Allen's group that has ties to both 9/11 and Deepwater Horizon) to keep it simple stupid, KISS, keep it simple stupid
Then let's review some Uncool Women, like Gorillawoman, in Black Dresses (wmv MP4)

Plum City WI – A recently released book revealed previously untold aspects of President Obama's mysterious college years uncovered by OODA OOS Agents of Abel Danger London, Tripoli and Plum City offices tying the politician to associates of Weather Underground founder William Ayers and to radical groups operating at the time. KSM seems to be the connective tissue between Kellogg School of mis-Management and the Kenyan Squatter Muslim who apparently has ordered Eric Horse-holder to cancel the KSM trial as the 'defense team' has been 'robusted'. Gene Simmons, Ted Nugent, Chuck Norris, Jon Voigt and Agent Chips have formed a Pentagon of Power to kick the f#@*ing asses deployed by the Crown Agency to TAKE DOWN AMERICA'. Fat Fucking Chance Boo Boo......Gene Simmons knows all about America, Country and God, and you will too when the FUCKING MARINES (pardon the redundancy) have your ass, capeche? Listen up, Dummy, your second and last chance to 'get it'."
The new book, "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's ties to communists, socialists and other anti-American extremists," mirrors the research of Abel Danger and charges Obama has deep ties to an anti-American extremist nexus at Kellogg School of mis-Management that has been instrumental not only in building his political career but in crapping current White House policy. Abel Danger's Agent Bean has been tracking and hacking Bienen since before his 'Princeton Daze', see also Michelle LaVaughan Robinson, David Petraeus and Robert Swan Mueller III a trio of "Bienen's beaners" no offense to Beaners, Spics, Dagos or other of Bienen's henchpersons.
The book exposes an extremist coalition of communists, socialists and other radicals working both inside and outside the administration to draft and advance current White House policy goals and Abel Danger has determined that within their network Barry 'Mombasa' Soetoro is known as 'The Cheetah' and his handler is known as 'Sasquatch'.

"Right you are my moistening and magnificent morsel" as Corazon freed the monster from one form of containment Chips entered it into another warm form of containment.
"Three miles out MacDill" came the PA from the cockpit as the seat belt sign went on. Corazon had given a 'sign' that a quickie was encouraged so Chips accommodated by thinking back to a night spent on Crash Boat Beach at Ramey AFB in September of 1965 just after Corazon had celebrated her 15th birthday, or quince, where proud parents were accustomed to celebrating the 'coming of age' of their daughters. Corazon was celebrating coming out but no more than Chips was celebrating 'going in' on a humid moonlit night as they listened to the rhythm of the WWII PT boat that had been converted to a crash boat as it was loosely lashed to the pier not far from the banana tree where Agent Chips was impersonating a banana and Corazon appeared to be shinnying up a tree similar to a giant redwood. The RECUERDO of that magic moment caused Chips to gain a Turgidity Index of 128% as Corazon's MI was exceeding 'anxious' but not quite 'frantic' as the air refueling probe made contact. As the Looking Glass tanker was rolled onto the runway at MacDill a simultaneous exploculation took place as USMCR KC130T from VMGR 234 landed lights out behind the brightly lit EC135. As Corazon was making herself presentable and Chips was caging the monster, Chips' Clipper Squirt Gun took an immediate call from Agent Stevie R. Gowray of the Fort Worth Abel Danger office. Chips knew who it was from the Little Deuce Coupe ring-tone as when interested in a little romance Chips and Stevie would 'ring' each other with flashback songs based on their respective class pages of Ramey High School as published by , he the class of 67 and she the class of 71, further, Chips understood that a 'threesome' would be involved from the steganographic hint 'deuce' which indicated two females. Thinking of the work laid out, I say again laid out before him, Chips felt in his pocket for his emergency stash of Rodney Baldinger NDSU Extend-o-peters and found he had 6 remaining. Chips took advantage of a moment when Corazon was applying lipstick to snatch 3 tins of Chicken of the Sea Smoked Oysters as he wondered who Agent Stevie R. Gowray had brought from the Texas FIELD office to do undercover work with herself and Chips.
Chips was multitasking as Skymaster stop-cocked the 4 engines as soon as the external electric was available and a green light illuminated. As he was taking a Marine Corps shower and reapplying a conservative dose of Fu Fu juice he enjoyed watching Corazon delicately place her casabas into a Pastel Banana Leaf cross your heart boulder holder in 40D which looked to be a tight squeeze and that combination of random words, tight squeeze, made Chips think fondly of Agent Stevie R. Gowray. He also looked at the LED TM portion of his Clipper and read the Immediate Clipper from Agent Stevie R. Gowray of Fort Worth.
"Chips, we are right behind you and I cannot wait until you are right behind me, capeche? We snagged a Hercules refueler from the VMGR at Carswell as BAM Mad Bax and some team members needed to be picked up at Duke Field after their 'swim' and their videotaping of the supposed 'crack' in the floor of the Gulf of Mexico. Mad Bax and Jam previously videotaped the departure of some Schlumberger folks six hours before the Deep Water Horizon was scuttled. Further, Mad Bax reports that the 'game camera' caught a pair of swimmers leaving the DWH 72 hours before the 'hit' and the swimmers were followed by Agent Jam and Name Dropper in the S-4 'mini' to their inflatable boat that recovered them prior to the Petro Helicopter extract. Code names ETON SANDHURST MANN. Agents Grapevine, Name Dropper, Mad Bax, Banzai and I will be in the 72nd C4ISR Wing crew car waiting by Base Ops and that is not BO or BooBoo. Stevie, MI93”

Chips realized that Stone was signaling him that Agent Grapevine is the one who had just flashed him in Pastel Sienna which made him hark back to 13 September, 1963 when an older girl at the Ramey AFB Officer's Club pool had been wearing a Pastel Sienna bikini during a Water Safety Instructor training course that both Chips and Grapevine were enrolled in with Connie Mc-G as the WSI. As Chips got a second flash of Sienna he noted that this Agent who had a brown wig on was actually a blonde. He was intrigued by her mimicking a piano-player and understood she was telepathically indicating she was a PWA ( piano wire assassin ) as was the English Ass Set Babylon G-String of the Crawley office of Abel Danger near Gatwick Airport where in early June, 2010 Chips had attended a meeting with an Airbus equipped airline in Libya not far from the old Wheelus AFB where Senator Conrad of North Dakota was deployed in a capacity similar to Chips' deployment to Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico. As Chips got a third look at a blonde item on the brunette he realized that DoD was calling him to duty again, this time in Tripoli where Muslims abound and the truth may be found if it involves the Truth of 9/11. DoD was not in reference to three sell-out senators, SoS, who had sweetheart mortgages [ Dorgan obama Dodd ] but rather the loyal branch of the US Government who along with Treasury had called Abel Danger to attend a briefing at MacDill with Gen-P and his XO Mc-C.
Abel Danger's man inside the National Guard Bureau had suggested to Chips that General McChrystal was about to tell Boo Boo to Phuc Off. As Grapevine showed Chips what appeared to be a key to a hotel he noticed it said VOQ-1 as Stone turned down the volume and headed for 12 Garden Drive on MacDill where a clandestine briefing was set to occur some 13 minutes hence, assuming Agent Marquis d'Cartier does not correct my grammar not to be confused with Boo Boo's grandma who died at a time convenient to the 'installation', capeche?
"Stone, enroute to 12 Garden Drive which is near the Tinker Elementary school not to be confused with Tinker AFB or Agent Banzai who is a notarious Tinkerer, could you stop and drop me at VOQ-1 please. I have to make a secure call with NOFORN protocols from an AUTOVON phone" inquired Chips as a 4th glimpse of heaven caused a sleeping giant to awaken as Project Sienna Insert, PSI, not to be confused with pounds per square inch or presidential squatting imposter, seemed to be up next in the batting order.
"Be there in two minutes dad and the other limo is parked out behind VOQ-1 not to be confused with the VOQ PorterFIELD house on Ramey AFB named for Colonel Porterfield who died in a B52 crash in 1960 when a life vest or raft inflated behind the co-pilot forcing him forward and therein pushing the yoke forward causing the Buff to fly into the water, or was it the terrain, or VQ1 which at one period in aviation history operated A 3 Skywarriors such as the two modified by Skurich at Loveland, Colorado just in time to target both the Pentagon and the US Capitol although some B team disinfo pros might suggest a Global Hawk painted in American Airlines livery. Chips was anxious to get to VOQ-1 and debrief Grapevine and Stevie R. Gowray on the history of VQ-1 which operated as the World Watchers in A3 Sky Warriors from 1955 to 1985 including the period when Chips was at NAS Agana and Midway Island in support of Operation Pony Express. At one point in their history they were referred to as Detachment Able from where Abel Danger took it' name after Clinton and Cronies shut down the US Army SIGINT Able Danger prior to the "Gorelick Wall" enabled Global Guardian Attack on America known to the MSM fed sheeple as 9/11. Abel Danger had delayed UA93 for 41 minutes therein obstructing the Global Guardians. Nine years later Gorelick would bubble up like a bad burrito when 6 of here employees bailed off the Deepwater Horizon, allowing it to explode. There was a contingency plan to 'fake' the exchange of Russian and American spies as a cover for the 'swapping' of Jamie Gorelick for the 'swimmers' code named ETON-SANDHURST-MANN, even though there were only 2 swimmers. While Thunder Thighs, Sasquatch and Nanny Piloti thought themselves the COCKS OF THE WALK it really boiled down the Chips' relative or Gorillawoman as to who the final contestants would be in the Summo Wrestling Match to determine winners and losers in the London deployed campaign to take down America for benefit of the 10 families who continue to hide behind the mask called Federal Reserve which was crammed down the throats of the American sheeple during a Christmas recess of Congress in 1913 after it had been planned at Jekyll Island, Georgia by some perverts from New York whose game of Hyde and Seek would be resolved by Abel Danger in 2010. Chips intended to pull down that mask as soon as he was done pulling down an IOC in Pastel Sienna and then determine the true color that awaited him but not on the shelf as in the song Tinman by America which refers to Tax Identification Number. One block from VOQ-1 Chips' Clipper Squirt Gun indicated an Immediate call from a man who carries a Purple Crown Royal bag as he goes about his duties at Abel Danger.
Crown Royal Agent Name Dropper Immediate Clipper to Chips FYEO: “Chips, Gen-P just briefed us on something Jam and I already knew from our subsurface surveillance of the Deepwater Horizon, and surveillance and 'tracking' of the TWO SWIMMERS, after being tipped the Schlumberger sleeper (Habib). This hasn't seemed to have gotten much circulation yet, and I think it really needs to. Seems that a crew from Schlumberger, on contract to BP, hightailed it off the platform at their own expense 6 hours before the blowout because BP refused their recommendation to shut down the well. This lends more credence to Thom's suggestion that corners were cut because the bigwigs were coming for a visit. "BP contracted Schlumberger (SLB) to run the Cement Bond Log (CBL) test that was the final test on the plug that was skipped. The people testifying have been very coy about mentioning this, and you’ll see why. SLB is an extremely highly regarded (and incredibly expensive) service company. They place a high standard on safety and train their workers to shut down unsafe operations. SLB gets out to the Deepwater Horizon to run the CBL, and they find the well still kicking heavily, which it should not be that late in the operation. SLB orders the “company man” (BP’s man on the scene that runs the operation) to dump kill fluid down the well and shut-in the well. The company man refuses. SLB in the very next sentence asks for a helo to take all SLB personnel back to shore. The company man says there are no more helos scheduled for the rest of the week (translation: you’re here to do a job, now do it). SLB gets on the horn to shore, calls SLB’s corporate HQ, and gets a helo flown out there at SLB’s expense and takes all SLB personnel to shore. 6 hours later, the platform explodes." Chips, the name Gorelick is now tied to 9/11 and Obama's Oil Slick [ OOS? ] and our predictive software has her tied to a known future operation that WE WILL OBSTRUCT with Operation TRIUMPHANT RETURN. See Habib in London ASAP. Name Dropper.”Stone had just pulled up to VOQ-1 when Agent Grapevine's Clipper, a Sears TV Remote, went off with a ring-tone that signaled the call was for Chips. Chips answered Grapevine's Clipper but too late to take a voice so it 'auto-rolled' to AV and Grapevine, Chips and Stevie R.Gowray read a brief intro from Banzai Pipeline who was communicating from the spacious trunk of the 95 Fleetwood where he and Dwarf ran the comm and control center for Abel Danger during the brief visit to MacDill to get their marching orders.
Banzai Badger Immediate Clipper to Chips via Grapevine: “I found the file you requested. This is from the meeting between Hot Air Al and Gadget Bent when they competed to see who would be POTUS and who would play second fiddle as VPOTUS while in truth the Bilderberg CFR families would be pulling the strings and calling the shots just as Obama is inerted currently by the Triad of Poppy Bush, Road Hog and Rammer. Request a face to face in 30 minutes if possible. Banzai, Abel Danger Hammer”
Agent Stevie R. Gowray pointed to the door of VOQ-1 and then to her pirate Rolex and gave the HEFOE signal for push it up. Stevie led the way with Grapevine just in front of Chips who, for security purposes, was observing NEGATIVE VPLS on either target area. The monster strained as Chips withdraw a pair of RB NDSU EOPs and washed them down with his own saliva, one of nature's natural lubricants and he observed two areas that were certain to be lubricating also as the trio of Abel Danger Pros looked forward to the upcoming debriefing while the others in the Purple Reign Limo would be doing a little face time with the Commanders of Central Command, CCC, not to be confused with the Civilian Conservation Corps or the Continental Can Company. As Stevie R. Gowray shut, bolted and chained the door, Chips checked windows, the back door, the rope fire escape and the location of Limo 2 with the Ramey 1 license plates with Homi and Duke in the front seat and Sluggo and Diehard in the trunk.

"That's not a surprise to me Grapevine as I got the message back in September, 1963 two months before Mo Strong, LBJ and the Hunt guy did in JFK prior to their doing of Robert and after having done Joe Jr. in the BQ-8 over the English Channel while the Mosquito pilot in trail triggered the explosives prematurely before Joe and his Co could bail out over the channel in hopes that the remotely guided Liberator could penetrate, I say again, penetrate the defenses surrounding the prize deep inside Germany but not before the assassination was 'proven up' by a Bell and Howell gun camera like the one in my father's B24 'Sweepy Time Gal' not to be confused with the kickass F4 Phantom 66-7478 "Sweet Talkin' Woman in which I took 40% of the trophies in WT 86 even though I only flew one flight before being grounded for being too good at my craft, protecting America."

Little Jack Horner
Sat in the corner,
Eating of Christmas pie:
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said, "What a good boy am I!"
Sat in the corner,
Eating of Christmas pie:
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said, "What a good boy am I!"
"What a good boy you are" moaned Stevie as her undulations settled at about 540 rpm the low speed PTO setting of Chips' IH284 utility tractor.
"What a large thumb you have Chips" gushed Grapevine as Chips had settled on her as the first target of his affections.

Agent Grapevine found spy work to be almost as enjoyable as going 'over the fence' was directly across from FO3 Cliff Road where she and Chips first got to know each other in September, 1963 as a Sienna Bikini bottom dangled from an 'off limits' sign that ensured their in depth debriefing would not be observed by any uninvited guests as Grapevine instructed the young and inquisitive Chips two years her junior. As a courtesy to Agent Stevie R. Gowray Grapevine was about to nervously call switch when she saw 3 amber lights blink on Chips' Clipper Squirt Gun. Chips' called 'switch' and rolled inverted without disconnecting while Grapevine took the highground and leaned back with her hands on her hips giving Chips a good view of some headlights rivaling a 57 Cadillac such as the one Elvis bought for his mother.

RCA Babylon G-String Immediate Clipper to Moose, BTO, Chips, Hamish, Namedropper copy Umbrellaman, Banzai and BAM Mad Bax: “Taliban Hang 7-Year-Old Allegedly Spying for Allied Forces The Taliban rebels in Afghanistan have reportedly caught and hung a 7-year-old boy on Tuesday. The boy had allegedly been providing allied forces with information on Taliban movements not to be confused with the Loose Movements that have afflicted Al Gore since his AGW bullshit was torpedoed by Abel Danger. Afghanistan, the 11th of June 2010 [PDN]: The execution, which has seen the Taliban thugs being branded internally as “inhuman” allegedly executed the boy after a hurried kangaroo court where the boy, allegedly the grandson of a village elder, was found guilty. He was killed in the lawless Helmand province – where allied soldiers are unwittingly deployed to protect Crown Agents’ [Dope Inc.] poppy supply chain – by being strung up on a tree and hanged. President Hamid Karzai has called the act a wicked murder and a crime against humanity, a full investigation into the matter is expected to be initiated. “I don’t think there’s a crime bigger that even the most inhuman forces on earth can commit. A seven-year-old boy cannot be a spy. A seven-year-old boy cannot be anything but a seven-year-old boy,” stated Karzai. British Prime Minister David Cameron, who arrived in Afghanistan yesterday to hold talks with Mr Karzai, added: “If this is true, it is an absolutely horrific crime. “As the president said, it is a crime against humanity and, if true, says more about the Taliban than any book or article or speech could ever say.” A spokesman for the governor of Helmand province confirmed that the execution took place in the village of Heratiyan on Tuesday. An unnamed source stated that the boy had not been a spy but had been informing local police and allied soldiers of explosives that he found planted in the roadsides. The Taliban have been known to carry out killings on spies or suspected spies in the past. Three years ago a 70-year-old woman and a child were executed following very similar allegations. The Helmand province, notorious for daily bombings and acts of violence against foreign soldiers and local citizens, saw another bomb blast kill 40 people at a wedding party in a housing complex this week. A further 77 were injured as the bomb ripped through the predominantly male gathering.” Babylon G-String, inside Ovary, City of London.Agent Grapevine continued her topside pole sitting duties but had a rather puzzled or discouraged look on her face almost causing Chips to reach for more Smoked Oysters and EOPs but then he realized that Grapevine had just been recalled for Operation Oil Slammer and it's sub-surface coincidental Operation Oil Rammer where Agents Jam and Name Dropper had maneuvered the S-4 mini-sub in support of BAM Mad Bax's swimmers who videotaped the condition of the ocean floor directly below the sea level coordinate set where once BP execs engaged in various sorts of disgusting behavior with the oil rig workers although compared to intentionally blowing the rig and trashing the Gulf bizarre sex games were less harmful to the environment, which the totally BS Green Team use to tout as their greatest concern until Tipper and Abel Danger proved to those few assembled in Oslo on a cold day in December, 2009 the only Green Al Gore ever treasured was cash; enough to buy a not so efficient $9 million shack in LA to live alone after Tipper showed him who wore the pants in the Gore family. Apparently Hot Air's 36 year old progeny also wore the pants, as did Mrs. Cheney, as did Hillary, as did Nanni Piloti as did Mrs. Bronfman-McCain as does Kal Penn, as did Larry Sinclair, as did the dead choir boy and perhaps Robert Wone as the DNA results are not in to Abel Danger yet from Camelot Cleaners on M Street in Georgetown as a 'furious' BHO cancels a foreign trip so he can glare like a sissy, dare I say 'pout', at anyone who may wish to throw some truthful information into the Trial of Wone's alleged killer who may be taking a wrap for a Kenyan Squatter Muslim. Good thing the 'sheeple' of America are watching the staged event in the Gulf of Mexico between reruns of America Idle and before the gripping America's Got Talons which Sarah Palin, Gen-P, Gen McC and BTO are sharpening in the cramped quarters of 12 Garden Drive, MacDill AFB, Florida, capeche?
Agent Grapevine was just started to 'auto-cycle' when Chips saw an Immediate TM come into his Clipper Squirt Gun as he was keeping his other gun from firing early by playing replays of Helen Thomas and Madeline Not-so-bright in his cranial entertainment center.

Chatterbox Rico Gambolino Immediate Clipper to Hamish, Marquis d'Cartier, Chips and Name Dropper, copy Banzai and Uncle Ray: "Canada is governed as a drug-trafficking colonial hub through Crown Services, you must get the Cleggs in court where Lord Pearson and Stephen Harper can no longer protect them. Note Crown Services arranged a MindBox mortgage for the dance hall and ran the Pickton pig farm as a Liberal charity - Piggy's Palace Good Times Society - for strangler oath taking and snuff film production. Probably Colonel Russell Williams flew in VIPs into the LGBT traps. Here is typical M.O. ‘Andy Bellwood testified that he was sitting in Pickton's trailer, watching TV, when Pickton asked if he would like to get a prostitute. "C'mon, I'll give you a couple of hundred bucks. Let's go get a prostitute," he recalled Pickton saying. "I kind of shrugged it off," Bellwood said. Pickton then asked, "You know what I do with these prostitutes?" he said. The accused killer then reached under his bed and pulled out what appeared to be a set of chrome-plated police handcuffs, a brown leather belt and a piece of wire with loops on both ends, Bellwood said. Pickton then proceeded to demonstrate on his bed, the witness added, showing how he would have sex with a prostitute, clamp the handcuffs on her wrists and then stroke her hair, saying, "It's okay. Everything's going to be all right." "As he was telling me this, it was as if he had a woman on the bed, as if it was a play," he told a B.C. Supreme Court jury. "He was kneeling on the bed and proceeding to stroke the hair of a woman who wasn't there," he recalled. Pickton said he would kill the women by strangling them with the belt or the wire, Bellwood said. The Scots who abused Hollie Grieg for years are similar to Pickton and represent an ABOMINATION to God who loves His Little People. Bring up Babylon G-String and Grapevine G-String to assist Name Dropper, now. Please route Babylon to London Gatwick and Grapevine to Chips.” RicoChips continued to hammer away at the target area of the 63 year old agent from the Ramey Class of '64, which, like the Class of '57 had it's dreams however those of us kids who grew up in the 50s and 60s thought we'd change with our good works and deeds but we never knew about the Bilderbergs, the CFR, the Federal Reserve and the Sidley-Austin, FCI and DLA-Piper sellouts to the Crown Agents and Jamie Gorelick's MO which now includes Otis, UA, 9/11 Commission, Fannie Mae and Deepwater Horizon and her 'swapping' for the 'swimmers'. Thank God that He has his Royal Crown Agents who may step in at the 11th hour and save America so that this Nation, one Nation Under God, does what God Himself created the USA to do; care for, make safe and feed His Little People as He instructed in the Books of the Gospel, which cannot be trivialized by a misleading musical.

Agent Stevie R. Gowray called 'switch-switch' indicating that Chips was to take the high ground and that Agent Grapevine would be replaced by the insatiable and to soon to be saturated Agent Stevie of Abel Danger's Fort Worth Lone Star HQ. Chips was glancing at her IOC in Pastel Yellow Rose and harking back to the Officer's Club Pool at Ramey AFB when an Immediate Clipper caused him to look off her IOC and glance at her great bounty of the mammary persuasion. After getting an eyeful of 1957 Cadillac headlights he looked at his Clipper Squirt Gun LED and read the Immediate TM from the Abel Danger Agent assigned to Norwich, Norfolk not far from the CRU at East Anglia University.
RCA Slade Lane at Ovary Law in Magic Circle Immediate Clipper to Hamish, Mattress Thrasher, Corazon Dulce and Name Dropper copy Chips: “In 1824, Nathan Mayer Rothschild founded the Alliance Assurance Company in opposition to the Gentile companies, particularly Lloyd’s. Sir Moses Montefiore was his Jew partner in the venture which actually is more Khazar like than Jew like. Now, after 100 years we find both the companies, Alliance and Lloyd’s, united in one racket reminescent of how Cantor Fitzgerald got rolled into Blood and Gore's AGW enterprise one day after 9/11 and 9 years before Tipper got tough and Gorelick got fingered. BEWARE THE HUNDRED YEAR MARKER OF 12/23/1913 that Charles Lindberg Sr. warned the Minnesotans about and watch for Minnesota's Aviator to deploy to Tripoli so as to fly into London for 'research' with Team Royal Crown. Slade, Norwich”Chips was pleasuring Stevie and noticed Grapevine take a treble G piano wire from her cosmetic bag. He thought it odd that at both ends of the 30 inch wire there were pistol grips from a 1961 Cushman Super Eagle then he recalled that Agent Slicer from Taldykorgan also used a G-string as did Babylon G-String of Sussex, England and often in Tripoli, Libya at the old Wheelus AFB building where Base Ops had once been during B47 Reflex missions to Sidi Slimane, Brize Norton and Zaragoza, capeche? Chips had been 'tipped' that Brize Norton would send any 'spy swapper' jet necessary if Switzerland, Austria or Norway would accommodate an urgent request from Crown Agents in America and Russia SIMULTANEOUSLY. He was considering the facts that Grapevine was a former WSI and had a NAUI card and was putting 2 and 2 together and getting the distinct impression that Grapevine was one of BAM Mad Bax 'swimmers' who could also be trusted to 'top-off' enemies of Abel Danger and USA just as Crown Agents, SES, FCI, Schlumberger's Gorelick and other effluence attempted to TOPOFF 2001 America on 9/11 obstructed only by the Abel Danger 41 minute delay imputed to Jason Dahl's United 93. As he was recalling the Abel Danger block and parry to the sissy like attacks of the LGBT crowd he saw another Immediate Clipper light up his Clipper Squirt Gun with 3 amber flashes. As Stevie once again insisted on demonstrating her dextery by placing her stilleto heels behind her ears Chips harked back to the time she posed on top of his 454 Corvette in Warbonnet Yellow not much different that the Pastel Yellow Rose IOC with a 28 inch waistband that was hanging next to a similar IOC in Pastel Sienna.
RCA Name Dropper Immediate Clipper to Chips, Jam, BAM Mad Bax copy Umbrellaman and Uncle Ray: “Our USMS friends routed Obama's motorcade by a billboard put up by World Net Daily while he was trying to fake some leadership in the Gulf area today. The billboard on Highway 98 asked WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE and out intel is that this is the first time the Kenyan Squatter Muslim has had to 'face the music'. Those we oppose, including the Kenyan Squatter Muslim have thoroughly succeeded in sacking America's cultural institutions- and, today, the political establishment is sitting there like an overripe PLUM waiting to be HARVARDSTED, no, strike that, harvested. Deploy Operation TRIUMPANT RETURN. Name Dropper”
Chips was multi-tasking with two golden triangles, 4 casabas and a Clipper Squirt Gun that seem to be auto-firing like his favorite weapon when going in harm's way, the AA12 and that is not a 12 step program for alcoholics such as those who cower in the Halls of Congress long thought to house our government prior to the revelation that America and therefore American Foreign Policy where both controlled by the Crown Agents prior to the Triumphant Return of culture to America and homage to God. Chips could see that both of his co-Agents were enjoying the debriefing and he was about to call switch when his Clipper lit up with 3 amber blinks indicating an Immediate message awaited him as the Texas Twins were awaiting his exploculation much like the Schlumberger humps had bailed off the Deepwater Horizon after BP refused a safety related suggestion from 'the experts' as they knew there would be an explosion that might rival one of Chips' much ballyhooed exploculations.
Crown Royal Agent Nano al-Umina Immediate Clipper to Umbrellaman, Hamish, Uncle Ray, Banzai and Chips, copy Name Dropper: “Here's how Crown Agents short-seller investors tracked the movement of their kamikaze SWAT teams used to destroy the Transocean rig in the Information Technology Magazine "CHIPS' from The Department of the Navy: Using versatile RFID technology, this custom-developed system simplifies hospital administration, reduces medical practice errors, provides better medical care, tracks common injuries and analyzes long-term trends by transferring patient information stored on RFID tags. Linking to a wireless local area network, unique data are exchanged, further eliminating manual re-entry at a computer workstation. While high cost components deserve the supply chain tracking benefit of RFID, it is notable that the DON found among its first applications, a solution to care for its most valued assets: Sailors and Marines. Each patient admitted into Navy Fleet Hospital Three in Iraq is tagged with an RFID-enabled wristband. U.S. military personnel and other patients, including prisoners of war and the indigenous populace, are tracked by unique ID numbers embedded in the RFID tags. Medical staffs use RFID readers to scan the bracelet to confirm identity and enter information on diagnoses and treatments. Consider please that RFID giant Alien is in Chips' backyard [ Fargo ] and the Department of the Navy could have named their magazine anything but chose to honor CHIPS of Deep Blue/Deep Crimson. Consider also the prescient beauty of the RICO action in the lawsuit filed by Chips is that back then (May 2007), we had an unincorporated abstract noun 'Global Guardian" to run against but now due to Abel Danger's OODA infiltration of Alien, the Polymer Lab at NDSU and DLA-Piper we have the Crown Agents Bank and its office here in the United States is just 9 blocks from the US Marine Barracks at 8th and I in DC. It appears that Crown Agents hired Barry' Gramps, Barry's Dad and Barry himself and controlled all three with some Mau Mau snuff films and kiddie porn. Nano.”
Crown Agents USA Inc.
1725 I Street, NW
Suite 400, Farragut Center
Washington DC
United States
Chips was starting to lose his focus on the ladies as his Clipper seemed to be hyperactive, causing Our Man Chips to wonder if something big might be afoot but not like Bigfoot who has a look-alike living at 1600. As he again pictured Nancy Pelosi prior to her 37th facelift a Priority Clipper came in from Mitch Stack in the Chicago CAT Bond office not to be confused with the Chicago Cat House that Rezko financed through Northern Trust.
Crown Royal Agent Mitch Stack Priority Clipper for Marquis d'Cartier, Hamish, Banzai and Mattress Thrasher, copy Name Dropper and Chips: “Regarding tax shelters, Clegg carbon offsets skim BBC/BP pensions. Mrs. Clegg is head of international trade law at DLA Piper. She provides a virtual (online) carbon-offset tax shelter service to crony clients like Huhne and her husband, Young Nick. Her clients at DLA Piper skim UK pension funds (e.g. the BBC Pension Trust) by shorting targets such as BP and then hiring Crown Agents to 'hit' the target with a catastrophic (cat bond) reduction in its carbon footprint - in BP's case 11 deaths. Chris Huhne has a Hypocritical Personal Share Portfolio he promotes a green, carbon-neutral platform and tax for the wealthy, which would include himself, but his shareholdings include, or have included, mining companies, oil companies, and tax shelters a la Sidley and KPMG Cobra and Son of BOSS. Suggest greater scrutiny of Mrs. Clegg, aka Chicken Legg, to see what is hidden below her ersatz silk scarves of which she has many. Stack, Chicago”
Immediately following Chips saw a reply from Marquis d'Cartier to Mitch Stack.
Marquis d'Cartier Priority Clipper to Mitch Stack at Sidley Chicago: “You'll need a court injunction to block Mrs. Clegg’s carbon-offset trade pending an examination of 11 wrongful deaths on the BP rig that occured less than 30 minutes after the Schlumberger rats deserted the scuttled ship.. DLA Piper announced today that it has been advising the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) in relation to a €71 million syndicated loan to Eólica Bulgaria E.A.D., majority-owned by the Spanish Enhol Group, to finance the development of Suvorovo Wind Farm, situated in the north-east of Bulgaria with a VAT Facility. The DLA Piper team in London advising the banks was led by Finance and Projects partner Costanza Russo and senior associate Dimitri Papaefstratiou and supported by solicitors Paul Shields and Darius Saifnia. The Sofia and Madrid offices provided local law advice. You need a court injunction to block the carbon-offset trade pending an examination of 11 wrongful deaths on the BP rig and how Chicken Legg and Gorillawoman are related to this dynamic. Suggest Name Dropper and Chips call your IOUs at DEEP BLUE and Quantico as the Cruise Director is set to retire before Independence Day, capeche? Marquis d'Cartier”Stevie called 'switch' to get on the low side of the equation signaling her willingness to 'fire solo' and let Chips then finish off with Grapevine. A very noble act on her part and one that Chips appreciated a great deal as Grapevine, though a blond of some 63 years with a brunette wig, was sort of new and therefore tentative in this three way debriefing and her innocence reminded Chips of those splendid days at the Ramey O Club pool in the fall of his freshman year in high school when he started the first 10 or 15 notches on his six-shooter, as Grapevine called it back so many years.

Stevie exploculated in a very ladylike fashion and as she 40Ds heaved in the after glow Grapevine replaced her as the pole sitter but not in the way Dale Earnhardt had once been a frequent pole sitter in NASCAR events, capeche? Chips and Grapevine had just gotten in sink when a FLASH Clipper came into Chip's Clipper Squirt Gun from BAM Mad Bax.
BAM Mad Bax Flash Clipper to Chips: “Gen-P advises his VC137 will be leaving on a flight plan for Brize Norton in 45 minutes as a pre-empt to Operation Spy Swap. He has asked that you accompany him, Mother Moose and Bachman Turner Over on the flight to Brize. However he has a coded suggestion for you. AFB near Clinton, Maryland. Mad Bax.”The Clipper had been audio also as it was a FLASH so both Grapevine and Stevie heard that the time was tight. Grapevine gave Chips a look like she was being cheated out of some of her 'hid the salami' entitlement, and her lips got a little pouty, looking somewhat like Boo Boo if any media person asked him a non-rehearsed question.
"Not to worry my succulent morsel with funbags aplenty. The AFB near Clinton, Maryland is Andrews. I think Gen-P is signalling that the long anticipated Coup is in progress or soon to go off, as am I." A reenergized Agent Grapevine hunkered down and got the job done in the interest of national security and her own raging libido. As Chips followed her lead, Agent Stevie noticed a pair of shadows on the wall opposite where the Ramey 1 Limo had been parked. As Stevie turned off the lights in the room for a better look, a routine Clipper into Chip's Squirt Gun went unnoticed as he and Gravevine wrestled as one wishing it never had to end.
Royal Crown Agent Mattress Thrasher Routine to Name Dropper, Chips, Uncle Ray, Mitch Stack and Hamish, copy Slade Lane: “Former Clinton and Obama budget adviser Franklin Raines owns a key carbon-emissions patent he developed as CEO of the government-sponsored mortgage giant Fannie Mae, positioning him and his partners to make millions of dollars if it is used in any carbon-capping scheme implemented by the Obama administration. Suggest we look at Raines and Gorelick as a pair of Crown Agents as Queen Hornet suggested in 2007, capeche?”
In his mind Chips was drawing a line on Jamie Gorelick that even a blind Canadian could not fail to recognize. Being a two dimensional thinker Chips then drew a vertical line to intersect perpendicularly to the horizontal line and the cross hairs were placed on JG as PEUS not to be confused with MBF as PUKE. [ Public Enemy US and Public Enermy UK ]
As Chips and Abel Danger drew the trajectories backwards just as the James Bond 5 openings were played backwards, Agents Bean, Chips, Hamish, Marquis d'Cartier and Grapevine all concluded the 5 shots came from the same source: Crown Agents. Mad Bax was assigned to assist Name Dropper and the 3 PWA's in taking out the source of the attacks; attacks including Guernica, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Deepwater Horizon, Kim Phuc, JFK and the Second Attempt to TOPOFF AMERICA involving KSM.
KSM Lead Witness Hamish priority Clipper to Name Dropper, Banzai Pipeline, Agent Chips, Umbrellaman and Yellowhammer, copy Bean and Suky Slicer: “Crown Sisters are beginning to panic. They may try to pull off a limited hangout with a phony spy swap. They have to try and draw Abel Danger away from the high value targets particularly the 12 Sisters and the TRIPS™ customs, tax and integrated-revenue network which they use for the payroll of their 10,000 illegals including Clegg and Barry and the SWAT teams which took out the Deepwater Horizon. We have some snaps of body parts they use in tradecrafts such as sexual entrapment, identity theft and black and white propaganda. Looks like CA (‘Dope Inc.’) got to Colonel Russell Williams at Camp Mirage in Dubai if not before and the have now extorted control over his terrified associates in the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators to help eliminate Dope rivals in Afghanistan. Watch for British Airways pilots and BALPA to be GAPAN-ed and replaced by Vision Air pilots if the swap for Gorelick and the British swimmers is instituted, Hamish.”
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