July 20, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown Sisters Gorelick Cameron, BP cement-bond bomb
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate the role of Crown Agents Sisters' Jamie Gorelick and Samantha Cameron et al in the alleged movement of illegals and cement-bond bomb materials to the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and the distribution of snuff-film DVDs and newspapers which falsely attributed the April 20, 2010 rig explosion to BP's cost cutting.
"U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron announced plans to use "hundreds of millions of pounds" from dormant bank accounts to fund community projects, while Business Secretary Vince Cable said lenders "ripped off" customers. Cameron said he will press ahead with a proposal set out in the coalition government's program to establish a "Big Society Bank" to finance moves by charitable groups and not-for-profit companies to take over jobs currently done by the government. "These unclaimed assets, alongside the private-sector investment that we will leverage, will mean that the Big Society Bank will over time make available hundreds of millions of pounds of new finance to some of the most dynamic social organizations in our country," Cameron said in a speech in Liverpool, northwest England, today" The British Bankers' Association, a lobby group, estimates that about 400 million pounds ($610 million) is unclaimed in bank accounts. The government will set up a fund to be administered by Co-operative Financial Services that will hand over money to Cameron's Big Society Bank by the end of this year, the Treasury said. The Co-op expects as much as 100 million pounds to be disbursed .. To contact the reporter on this story: Robert Hutton in London at rhutton1@bloomberg.net"
"[Trips-Oracle Partner] Schlumberger Improves Operational Management by Standardizing on Global Business Intelligence Platform With offices in more than 100 countries, Schlumberger is the world's leading provider of technological solutions, integrated project management, and information solutions for the oil and gas industry. The company offers the most comprehensive range of products and services on the market, supporting operations from exploration to production. Challenges ?? Create an IT infrastructure capable of processing the high volume of technical, sales, and marketing data associated with customer orders for complex oil and gas solutions ?? Improve the company's ability to make agile and informed decisions related to financial and customer relationship management ?? Establish a unified business intelligence system suitable for and accessible to all departments to avoid developing information silos across the group's fragmented structure Solution ?? Implemented Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition as a unified reporting and analysis platform to eliminate information silos and improve access to information for 5,500 users across 10 business units and 30 geographic areas ?? Provided a single source of truth for the entire organization by establishing a 1.6 terabyte Oracle data warehouse, with more than 20 data sources and 900 fact and dimension tables ?? Introduced a broad range of key performance indicators to develop ad hoc reports on invoice and order ratio, inventory movement, revenue forecasts per activity, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, employee performance, and oil industry certifications, across all operational areas ?? Improved ability to optimize customer performance by transitioning from monthly to daily business activity monitoring in each of the company's business departments, including oil, seismic, consulting, integrated project management, production, and carbon dioxide storage ?? Improved business activity monitoring with 570 pages of dashboards and hundreds of reports on logistics, purchasing, processes, sales, and oil well bore measurements ?? Enabled users to create reports quickly-in less than two days-and integrate them directly into dashboards"
"[Trips-Oracle Partner] Menzies Aviation plc Consolidates Financial Management to Increase Reporting Quality and Speed Menzies Aviation plc is a global provider of passenger, ramp, and cargo handling services. Part of John Menzies plc, the company operates at 112 stations in 27 countries, serves 500 airlines, and handles 650,000 flights and 1.4 million tons of cargo annually. Challenges ?? Streamline and simplify financial consolidation across 250 dispersed reporting centers, such as airports, cargo handling depots, and passenger terminals, with 30 general ledgers (GLs) ?? Increase timeliness, accuracy, quality, and granularity of management and board reporting and cut report preparation time ?? Gain enterprisewide visibility to extract live, relevant, actionable intelligence for supporting budgeting and forecasting Solution ?? Replaced disparate, spreadsheet-based consolidating and reporting systems with Oracle's Hyperion Financial Management to automate financial reconciliation between the business unit (BU) and group level ?? Completed implementation in nine months and rolled out to 100 regional and group finance teams, directors, and analysts ?? Used Oracle's Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management to ensure consistent data coding in BUs and automate month and year end reporting processes, while benefiting from work flows to route submissions, catch errors, and establish an audit trail ?? Eliminated the need to employ an analyst solely to re-key BUs' Excel submissions into the separate group consolidation tool ?? Closed GLs on day five after month end and entered submissions and cleared validations by the end of day six ?? Used Oracle's Hyperion Financial Reporting to produce book-quality reporting straight out of the system for the board review on day eight and for sending to the group on day nine ?? Built iterative, driver-based planning models for the rolling monthly forecast, integrated with the actuals ?? Used Oracle's Hyperion Essbase to develop a flash forecast model to gain "to-date" snapshots of each BU's performance"
We list below the names of 12 Crown Agents' Sisters and the affiliations, projects and networks in which they have allegedly used Crown Agents' TRIPS-Oracle Partners to move assets for sexual entrapment, snuff-film production and cat-bond insurance frauds.
"1. Eliza Manningham-Buller [Oracle-MI5-CIA Serco, Pan Am 103, NetJets 9/12, Amec 7/7, RAF Brize Norton, Anna Chapman, Rendition, Waterboarding] 2. Jamie Gorelick [Oracle-Fannie Mae, MindBox, DOJ Pride, Vince Foster, Waco, 9/11 Wall, Schlumberger, Transocean, BP Cancelled Cement Job, Sabotage] 3. Samantha Cameron [Oracle-Menzies Aviation and Distribution, Smythson Stationery, Boston Brakes, Princess Di] 4. Hillary Clinton [Oracle USAID-SBA liquidations, Crown Agents Gyroscope QRS11 Patent on NetJets Boeing and Gulfstream V on 9/11] 5. Cherie Blair [Oracle-LSE For You, Matrix Terrorists, Law of the European Union, European Convention on Human Rights] 6. Michelle Obama [Oracle-CIA Henry Bienen, Princeton, Union Carbide Bhopal AT&T] 7. Miriam Clegg [Oracle DLA Piper head of international trade law practice, wife of Lord President of the Council Nick Clegg, late Robin Cook, Passports for illegals, BBC Royal Charter] 8. Bernardine Dohrn [Oracle-Northwestern University, Unabomb, Weather Underground Rwanda Genocide, Torture Paradigm and Practice] 9. Mary Harron [Oracle-Netflix DVD American Psycho, Weather Underground, Bondage S&M, SCUM, Former girlfriend of Tony Blair at Oxford University] 10. Charlotte Bryan [Oracle-Serco FAA Contract Towers FC-KU crime scenes of 9/11] 11. Lucy Adams [Oracle-Serco BBC snuff film sites 9/11, 7/7] 12. Kristine Marcy [Oracle-Serco SBA DOJ Pride USIS DNS, ICE, U.S. Marshals, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) for illegals in preparation for 9/11, Obama CUKC Passport JPATS Femme Comp Inc Unabombs 'Mindless breathers - Useless Breeders' comment] .. Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators .. Honourable Company of Master Mariners .. Worshipful Company of Security Professionals .. City of London Solicitors' Company .. Worshipful Companies of Stationers and Newspaper Makers, Insurers, International Bankers, World Traders and Weavers [Livery Company heraldry - Torse-fillet strangler scarf at United 93 Crash]"
"Crown Agents is exactly what its name implies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and management of what British historians call the Third Empire .. Crown Agents printed the stamps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial monetary authorities, government officials, and heads of state; served as arms procurers, quartermasters, and paymasters for the colonial armies .. Her Majesty's Murder, Inc. .. Crown Agents' range of ``services''--arms procurement, border controls, offshore banking--also nicely fit the ``administrative requirements'' of the world's organized crime cartels .. review of some of the more sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crown's highly sensitive patronage of global organized crime--what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc."
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