July 3, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson:
Crown Agents Clegg and Sisters launder Russian spies
Hawks CAFE asks you to investigate Nick ‘Deep-Green’ Clegg and his Crown Agents’ ‘Sisters’ listed below, for their alleged use of patent-pool devices and NetJets aircraft to fly the boss of a Russian money-laundering and spy network out of Cyprus.

“Crown Agents Electronic Seal Crown Agents is a trade facilitation firm that is collaborating with Universeal, U.K. Their Eseal is a cable barrier seal that uses a fiber optic strand in the cable and infrared communications, not RF, which frees it from global frequency concerns. Range, however, appears to be short and depends on handheld readers. The battery has a shelf life up to three years and it pulses the cable every second for tampering when locked. Data capacity is 8KB, sufficient to include customs declaration and manifest information as well as security data. The current price appears to be $150 for hand-built units and should drop to $35-50 in production. Early users are DOE and the Mexican government for in-bond container shipments between Los Angeles/Long Beach, southwest U.S. border crossings, and destinations in Mexico.”
“NetJets, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, offers fractional ownership and rental of private business jets. NetJets companies NetJets International Gulfstream IV-SP N477QS. The larger Netjets aircraft all wear this paint scheme, and those based in the US have the letters "QS" as part of their registrations Executive Jet Management Manages on-demand air charter services, charter aircraft management, and aircraft management services. Based in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. NetJets Aviation, Inc. Operates majority of the NetJets Fleet. Based in Columbus, Ohio, USA. NetJets International Operates Gulfstream GIV/G450 and Gulfstream GV/G550 in the NetJets Fleet. Based in Windsor Locks, CT and Hilton Head, SC. NetJets Large Aircraft Company Operates Boeing Business Jets in the NetJets Fleet. Affiliated companies NetJets Europe is a separate subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. NetJets Middle East is a provider for flights in the Middle East based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.”
“ISO Reconsidering E-Seal Specification A vote to finalize ISO’s draft e-seal specification is being delayed to assess issues that might make e-seals more expensive but perhaps more secure. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) hopes to popularize e-seals among the 9,000 companies—most of them U.S. manufacturers—who voluntarily participate in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program run by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, a DHS component. Established in 2001, that program assures U.S. importers various levels of expedited handling of goods based on the extent of security measures taken by the importer. The DHS wants to give C-TPAT participants a new option: a "green lane" status. Harmon, who has been working on RFID container standards for five years, says TC104 had pretty much agreed on a standard for e-seals in 2004 based on the ISO 18000 RFID standard. Section 18000-7 of that standard designates the proper protocols for 433 MHz, the frequency already used by Savi Technology (also a TC104 member) in its e-seal technology. The Defense Department has used e-seals with Savi's battery-powered RFID tags for 10 years.”
“Alleged Russian Spy Metsos Has Probably Left Cyprus, Justice Minister Says By Stelios Orphanides and James Lumley - Jul 2, 2010 Christopher Metsos, the 54-year-old Canadian who jumped bail in Cyprus two days ago to avoid extradition on charges he was part of a Russian espionage ring, has probably left the island, the Cypriot justice minister said .. Metsos was arrested on June 29 at Cyprus’s main airport, where he was trying to board a flight to Budapest. A court on the eastern Mediterranean island released him on bail the same day and he disappeared the day after. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Metsos, a purported Canadian citizen, was an agent of the Russian espionage agency and traveled to the U.S. to pay other spies. A New York woman also accused of belonging to the spy ring was granted bail by a U.S. judge yesterday. The same judge denied release to a married couple in the case because of doubt about their true identities. U.S. authorities arrested 10 people on June 28 for allegedly spying for the Russian Federation, according to the Justice Department. The cases are U.S. v. Metsos; U.S. v. Chapman, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).
To contact the reporters on this story: Stelios Orphanides through the Athens office at sorphanides@bloomberg.net; To contact the reporter on this story: James Lumley in London at jlumley1@bloomberg.net.”
“Lats June 28, 2010, Monday, the big Financial Online Real Estate Anna Chapman was arrested together with 10 others for suspicion of spying on U.S. soil. Reports says that she was caught passing information around Manhattan area probably to her handlers. Ann Chapman lives a luxurious lifestyle owning a big apartment and runs a $2 million worth of Online Real Estate Business. Reports says that her main intention is to send confidential political circle matters to Moscow to her heads. It was said that she was involved in a clandestine communication tactics which may lead to a cold war era spy flick. One of the 10 arrested managed to escape and was said to flew away and is currently being track-down by law enforcement agencies. Reports also says that Anna Chapman was also charge for exchanging files on the computers from different locations like Greenwich and Warren Streets and she was seen transferring files from the secret wireless network to other networks which was placed in van while in a parking area.”
“Anna Chapman, a woman at the centre of a transatlantic probe into spy allegations, previously worked in the UK, her former employer confirms. Chapman was one of 11 people arrested in the US by the FBI, accused of serving as secret agents of Russia's intelligence service. According to reports, Chapman lived in the UK for four years from 2003. Private plane hire firm NetJets Europe said: "Ms Chapman was employed by NetJets Europe from May to July 2004, as an executive assistant in the sales department." According to her profile on the networking website LinkedIn, Chapman worked in London from September 2003. In addition to working at NetJets Europe, her profile says she worked in the investment banking division at Barclays Bank and also at Navigator hedge fund. Barclays told the Daily Mail that the bank had no record of an Anna Chapman working in its investment division in 2004 and 2005. Chapman's profile says she has run her own company, internet estate agency Property Finder Ltd, since October 2006 and that she is now based in New York. She claims to speak Russian, English, German and French and to have a masters degree in economics from a Russian university. Her profile claims she studied financial planning at the UK-based BPP International Educational Centre, although a centre spokeswoman said she was unable to confirm whether Chapman had studied there”
“KSM: Chips go hunt for Metsos; he’s the Canadian spy paymaster who appears to have been sprung from bail in Cyprus by YVRAS former boss David Emerson or the Carlyle / NetJet folks where Anna Chapman used to work. Emerson may have been extorted by the Crown Sisters after unwitting oath-taking rituals at the Pickton pig farm. The Cyprus ties go right to the top: Russian energy giant Lukoil has a big presence, and the Greek Cypriot president, a communist who studied in Moscow, is expecting an illustrious visitor in October – Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Ten suspects are in custody in the U.S., where federal prosecutors said Thursday one man had confessed to federal agents that he worked for Russia's intelligence service. Six suspects appeared in courts in New York and Boston, while a hearing in Alexandria, Va., was postponed. Most of the suspects are charged with money laundering crimes – probably using Dope Inc accounts run by the Crown Sisters. This case is a throwback to the Cold War era, where Cyprus was a place of intrigue, a listening post for spies of all stripes who maneuvered in the Middle East and a convenient transit point for the shady figures of espionage. Metsos arrived on the island June 17 and Cypriot authorities received the Interpol arrest warrant June 25. He was arrested four days later. Remember that Emerson launched YVRAS in 1994 for the Crown Sisters and Dope Inc; YVRAS now manages 18 airports in seven countries, including The Bahamas, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos – remember Lord Ashcroft and the ADT dispatcher in WTC who took care of Carlton Bartels and the CO2e patent rival – and Cyprus. The other airlines which may have moved him out are JPATS and NetJets where Anna worked but all three are fronts for Crown Agents; if we can get to Metsos before any of the ten bad sisters do, we can unravel the whole BP naked short sabotage schtick all the way back to Emerson’s use of the QRS 11 on 9/11 for the Final Approach to Bartels and then back to the 1993 Bishopsgate bomb outside the HSBC. That bomb was not IRA it was Crown Sisters’ Dope Inc and it eliminated any HSBC objections to Sandor and the chief executive and offshore insurance specialist Neil Eckert setting up Climate Exchange plc in the Isle of Man as the RICO front owner of the European Climate Exchange based in London’s Bishopsgate, as well as the Chicago Climate Exchange and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange. Last year Sandor earned $1m and Eckert £575,000. Sandor’s shares in the company are worth more that £40m, and Eckert’s around £5m on top of £7m worth of options. These riches came on the back of operating profits last year of £11.5m, made almost entirely in London where trading in £70bn worth of emissions allowances by the European exchange’s 100 members, including such renowned environmentalists as Shell, Barclays and RBS, earned the exchange £11.4m. It’s time to bring Bartels’ soul out of Ground Zero Chips but only when ‘Justice is Done and Justice is Seen to be Done.” http://www.captainsherlock.com/Good-Queen-Bess/index.html
“Nicholas William Peter "Nick" Clegg MP PC (born 7 January 1967) is a British politician and the current Deputy Prime Minister in the coalition government of David Cameron. In addition, he also serves as Lord President of the Council and Minister for Constitutional and Political Reform .. His great-great aunt was the writer, Baroness Moura Budberg ... Clegg studied Social Anthropology at Cambridge University .. After university he was awarded a scholarship to study for a year at the University of Minnesota, where he wrote a thesis on the political philosophy of the Deep Green movement. He then moved to New York City, where he worked as an intern under Christopher Hitchens at The Nation, a left-wing magazine. Clegg next moved to Brussels, where he worked for six months as a trainee in the G24 co-ordination unit which delivered aid to the countries of the former Soviet Union. After the internship he took a second master's degree at the College of Europe in Bruges, an elite university for European studies in Belgium, where he met his wife, Miriam González Durántez, a lawyer and the daughter of a Spanish senator. Nick Clegg belonged to the "Mozart Promotion" at the College of Europe [where oath-taking students and spies allegedly try to force sovereign states into an integrated Europe based on centralized credit, elite rule and ‘deep-green’ de-industrialization strategies to destroy the likes of BP earth]”
“Crown Agents Sisters linked to rendition / water-boarding / snuff-film sleeper cells:
Eliza Manningham-Buller – MI5 Water-boarding for 9/11, Serco 4-minute warning, QinetiQ privatization with John Major, Chairman, Carlyle Europe from 2002 until 2005.
Jamie Gorelick – Director Schlumberger [BP/Transocean], DOJ Pride built 9/11 wall
Samantha Cameron – Bullingdon oath-taking husband, Pendragon, Princess Di
Hillary Clinton – Ran DOJ Pride with Janet Reno; now USAID, SBA Crown Agents
Cherie Blair – Matrix for Palestinians, Tony Blair authorized Serco 4 minute warning
Michelle Obama – Sidley Austin protégé Bernardine Dohrn Union Carbide (Bhopal)
Miriam Clegg – Crown Agents DLA Piper, Bishopsgate and Boeing Unabombs
Bernardine Dohrn – Weather Underground torture boss – Rwanda, Jenin and Gaza
Mary Harron – Blair’s Oxford squeeze, American Psycho, Weather Underground
Charlotte Bryan – Serco (Rendition) and FAA Contract Towers
Lucy Adams – Serco (Rendition) Eversheds BBC World Service Trust, LGBT
Kristine Marcy – Serco (Rendition) DOJ Pride JPATS, ConAir SBA FBI”
“Crown Agents is exactly what its name implies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and management of what British historians call the Third Empire .. Crown Agents printed the stamps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial monetary authorities, government officials, and heads of state; served as arms procurers, quartermasters, and paymasters for the colonial armies .. Her Majesty's Murder, Inc. .. Crown Agents' range of ``services''--arms procurement, border controls, offshore banking--also nicely fit the ``administrative requirements'' of the world's organized crime cartels .. review of some of the more sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crown's highly sensitive patronage of global organized crime--what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc.”
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