July 5, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson:
Anna Chapman Bankers and the Murder of Jason Dahl
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate the association of alleged spy Anna Chapman and Crown Agents ‘Sisters’ listed, with the Worshipful Company of International Bankers and other City companies in re the murder of Captain Jason Dahl, the pilot of United Airlines Flight 93, on 9/11.

KSM also has evidence that Crown Agents’ Sisters are using content from BBC snuff film archives and sexual-entrapment experts such as Anna Chapman (NetJets, Barclays, Hedge Funds) and the Canadian Jeff Chevalier (BP Lord Browne) to extort silence in respect of the 9/11 murders from members of various Livery companies, in particular ...
The Worshipful Company of International Bankers
The Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators
The Worshipful Company of World Traders
The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals
The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers
The City of London Solicitors' Company
The Worshipful Company of Weavers (Scarf)
“The British tabloid News of the World has an interview (link NSFW) with the ex-husband of hottie Russian spy Anna Chapman. Also, what appear to be naked pictures, complete with spy boobs. Anna and 10 others were arrested last week for allegedly living double lives as agents of the Russian government. Anna Chapman is by far the hottest and she lives a glamours life in Manhattan, so here comes the inevitable British tabloid story detailing her not-that-interesting sex life with an ex-husband. (Also: topless pics!)
30 year-old British dude Alex Chapman told NOTW he met Anna, then merely a hot economics student, at a rave in London. They started doing it a lot: "Anya was great in bed and she knew exactly what to do. She was awesome. For the first few months we met for sex about five days a week. We loved it. He took topless pictures of her (available uncensored at News of the World) and they played with sex toys: "the 27-year-old femme fatale loved to wear nipple clamps and wield a WHIP like an interrogator as they were Ivan it off." (Har. Har.) And they had sex in a plane one time: "When we were on the plane we came up with a plan to join the mile high club. I went to the toilet first and told her to follow later and knock. "Anya was wearing a denim dress so I hitched it up and we just went for it. It was fantastic because of the thrill of doing it on a plane. We were in the toilet for about 15 minutes and then one of the cabin crew knocked on the door. I said Anya had been sick and I was helping her." The two got married in 2002 and divorced in 2005 when Anna started dating wealthy bankers and entrepreneurs. But Alex got a fun reminder of their relationship when he was contacted by an MI-5 agent after Anna's arrest in New York last week. If MI-5 was searching for some Top Secret wanking material, they found it.” http://gawker.com/5579360/the-topless-pictures-of-the-sexy-russian-spy-youve-been-waiting-for
“Anna Chapman, a woman at the centre of a transatlantic probe into spy allegations, previously worked in the UK, her former employer confirms. Chapman was one of 11 people arrested in the US by the FBI, accused of serving as secret agents of Russia's intelligence service. According to reports, Chapman lived in the UK for four years from 2003. Private plane hire firm NetJets Europe said: "Ms Chapman was employed by NetJets Europe from May to July 2004, as an executive assistant in the sales department." According to her profile on the networking website LinkedIn, Chapman worked in London from September 2003. In addition to working at NetJets Europe, her profile says she worked in the investment banking division at Barclays Bank and also at Navigator hedge fund. Barclays told the Daily Mail that the bank had no record of an Anna Chapman working in its investment division in 2004 and 2005. Chapman's profile says she has run her own company, internet estate agency Property Finder Ltd, since October 2006 and that she is now based in New York. She claims to speak Russian, English, German and French and to have a masters degree in economics from a Russian university. Her profile claims she studied financial planning at the UK-based BPP International Educational Centre, although a centre spokeswoman said she was unable to confirm whether Chapman had studied there”
“At a Meeting of the Election Court of the Guild [of International Bankers] in July 2006, Sir Peter Middleton was elected as Master of the Guild. Sir Peter is Chairman of Camelot Group plc, President of the British Bankers Association, Chairman of Marsh Ltd, Chairman of the Barclays Group Asia Pacific Advisory Committee, Deputy Chairman of United Utilities, Chairman of CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution), Chairman of Reyniers & Co and also chairs Creative Sheffield (a regeneration company). He is Chancellor of the University of Sheffield and a member of the Advisory Boards of Marsh McLennan Companies, Financial Dynamics and MTS. He was a Board member of Bass PLC from 1992-2001 and General Accident (later CGU) from 1992-1995. Sir Peter spent nearly 30 years at H M Treasury, working closely with nine chancellors, and was Permanent Secretary from 1983 to 1991. He also chaired a review of the British Film Industry for the Thatcher Government and a review of Civil Justice for the Blair Government. Sir Peter became Group Chairman of Barclays Bank PLC in April 1999 and retired in August 2004. He joined Barclays in 1991 as Group Deputy Chairman and Executive Chairman of BZW, became Chairman of Barclays Capital following the reorganisation of BZW in October 1997 and was Group Chief Executive from November 1998 until October 1999. Sir Peter was educated at Sheffield City Grammar School and at Sheffield and Bristol Universities where he studied economics and statistics. He is an Honorary Fellow of the London Business School and was a visiting Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Bankers.”
“[Former Master of Guild of International Bankers through 9/11] Citigroup's Michael Kirkwood to join Quattro Partners Michael Kirkwood, the former head of Citigroup's British operations and one of the City's most senior investment bankers, is to join Quattro Partners, a new corporate advisory firm. ... Mr Kirkwood, who is also a non-executive director of UK Financial Investments (UKFI), the Treasury body established to manage the taxpayer's stakes in some of the country's largest banks, will become chairman of Quattro next month. Quattro is one of a new wave of independent advisory firms emerging from the wreckage of the global financial crisis. It was established late last year by Michael Tory, the former head of UK investment banking at Lehman Brothers, and Benoit d'Angelin, another former Lehman banker who left the hedge fund Centaurus Capital to help launch Quattro.”
“The Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators (GAPAN) is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The Guild was established in 1929 and was granted the status of a Livery Company in 1956. The Guild is responsible for advising the government on air safety and aeronautics. The Guild ranks eighty-first in the order of precedence for Livery Companies. Its motto is Per Cælum Via Nostra, Latin for Our Way Is By The Heavens.” .. “Grand Master: HRH The Prince Andrew, Duke of York KCVO ADC Master: Captain R Felix LVO FRAeS Clerk: Paul J Tacon BA ACIS .. Structure The Patron of the Guild is His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh KG KT and the Grand Master is His Royal Highness The Prince Andrew, Duke of York KCVO ADC. The business of the Guild is conducted by a Court which consists of the Grand Master, Master, Immediate Past Master, Wardens and Assistants .. The constitution of the Guild has been established in order to represent pilot and navigator interests within all areas of aviation. The majority of our members are or have been professional licence holders both military and civil but we also have many private licence holders. Our members operate aircraft not only in airlines and all branches of Her Majesty’s armed forces but also in every area of general aviation, sporting aviation and private flying. The aircraft flown range from supersonic military and civil, through single and multi- engine fixed wing and helicopters, training aircraft, microlights, gliders and balloons to experimental aircraft. Indeed, for many members the particular strength and attraction of the Guild is this diverse spread of interests, together with an entirely non- political outlook and a constitution which forbids it from engaging in trade union activity. The executive arm of the Court is the General Purposes and Finance Committee. The Court is further assisted in its work by a number of committees, in particular by the Technical and Air Safety, Education and Training and Trophies and Awards Committees. The Guild is unique amongst City Livery Companies in having active Regional Committees in Australia, Hong Kong and New Zealand. The Guild is a charitable organisation and all the members of the court and the Committees are unpaid.”
“The Worshipful Company of World Traders is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The Guild of World Traders was founded in 1985, became a Company in 1993, and was granted Livery status by the Court of Aldermen with effect from 2000. It only accepts members from the international trade fraternity, with the aim of raising awareness and understanding of, and standards of practice in, world trade. The Company ranks hundred-and-first in the order of precedence for Livery Companies. The Company's motto is commerce and honest friendship with all, taken from Thomas Jefferson's inaugural Presidential speech.”
“The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP) is one of the Livery Companies of the City of London. The company is a charitable organization providing education and health services to members of the security professional community. Formed in 1999 when the, now Past Masters, Steve Neville and John Purnell QPM DL registered The Guild of Security Professionals with the City of London Chamberlain's Office as The Guild of Security Professionals. On 18 November 1999 Twelve Principal Founder members met to plan the creation of a working Guild. The first meeting with Sixty-two Founder Members took place on 27 March 2000 with Sir Neil Macfarlane being elected Founder Master and with Sir David Brewer, CMG LL (Lord Lieutenant) of Greater London and Mr Deputy Philip Willoughby as Sponsors .. In 2009 The Company petitioned the [Lord President of the] Privy Council for a Royal Charter and Her Majesty The Queen approved an Order instructing the Lord Chancellor to affix the Great Seal to The Worshipful Company's Charter, which was granted on 15 February 2010. Membership of the Company is drawn from the Security Industry in its widest sense and includes leading security professionals from the industrial and retail sectors, serving and retired members of the police and armed services, security consultants, academics, heads of security for corporate businesses, investigators and electronic surveillance companies.”
Crown Agents Sisters: Livery links to rendition, water-boarding sex/sleeper cells:
1. Eliza Manningham-Buller – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Former boss of MI5. Water-boarding with CIA before 9/11, Serco 4-minute warning, QinetiQ privatization with John Major, Chairman, Carlyle Europe from 2002 until 2005.
2. Jamie Gorelick – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Launched DOJ Pride in ‘90s; built 9/11 wall and privatized prisons. Director of Schlumberger and therefore a principal fiduciary during blowout of BP chartered Transocean drilling rig.
3. Samantha Cameron – Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers Smythson/Pendragon and Princess Di. Menzies Aviation RFID. Crown Agents Eseal
4. Hillary Clinton – Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators (GAPAN). Use of QRS11 gyro, brokered through RFID patent pool for 9/11. LGBT Sex entrapment through DOJ Pride. Eseal for weapons shipments through USAID, SBA and Crown Agents.
5. Cherie Blair – City of London Solicitors' Company. Matrix Chambers extradition [rendition] involving international criminal law. Husband authorized Serco 4 minute warning. LGBT Litigation before European Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights, International Court of Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and arbitration tribunals, including ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL. Advice to solicitors representing members of City Livery companies. N.B. John Wilkes Booth's uncle Algernon Sydney Booth was great-great-great-grandfather of Cherie Blair (née Booth).
6. Michelle Obama – Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Intellectual property for ‘Barney, the Purple Dinosaur’ at Sidley Austin. Protégé of Bernardine Dohrn for post-crime-scene management for Union Carbide (Bhopal).
7. Miriam Clegg – Worshipful Companies of International Bankers and World Traders. Head of international trade law practice for DLA Piper linked to Ring of Steel after 1993 Bishopsgate bomb and crony disruption to Boeing HQ in move to Chicago through 9/11.
8. Bernardine Dohrn – Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Copyrights Weather Underground film. Sex-torture expert for Rwanda, Jenin and Gaza.
9. Mary Harron – Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Copyright interest in sex torture. Blair Oxford squeeze, Weather Underground, American Psycho.
10. Charlotte Bryan – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Serco (Extradition, rendition re waterboarding). FAA Contract Towers on 9/11. Willie Card.
11. Lucy Adams – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). LGBT Serco (Extradition, rendition re waterboarding) Eversheds BBC World Service Trust.
12. Kristine Marcy – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Serco (Extradition, rendition re waterboarding) DOJ Pride JPATS, ConAir SBA FBI
“Crown Agents is exactly what its name implies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and management of what British historians call the Third Empire .. Crown Agents printed the stamps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial monetary authorities, government officials, and heads of state; served as arms procurers, quartermasters, and paymasters for the colonial armies .. Her Majesty's Murder, Inc. .. Crown Agents' range of ``services''--arms procurement, border controls, offshore banking--also nicely fit the ``administrative requirements'' of the world's organized crime cartels .. review of some of the more sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crown's highly sensitive patronage of global organized crime--what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc.”
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