Crown Sisters Chapman– Russian Spies – BBC-BP crimes
Canada’s spymaster is now on run – Cyprus YVRAS sprung – Emerson 9/11

First, a reminder of the good in America this 4th of July, 2010:
Now, a caution about the bad in America:
Thinking back on her 18 years of American Dreams, while Agents waited outside in the rain by the black limousine, Agent Stevie R. Gowray put on a Purple bath robe with gold embroidered seal of Gilchrist and Soames and drew her Sig Sauer P226 9mm from her 'knocker holster' as due to the ravages of becoming a mature woman of some 57 years there was not enough 'flex' in her mammaries to hide weapons assuming she was not restrained by her industrial strength over the shoulder boulder holder designed by Bucyrus, not to be confused with Billy Ray Cyrus or his daughter, and engineering by Buffalo Springfield not to be confused with the rock group that in 1967 gave us the album cut 'Broken Arrow' which would some 40+ years later translate in to Abel Danger's successful tracking of the MMN, Missing Minot Nukes, as Agent Chips had been 'inside Minot' since his days luxuriating at a two story base housing address of 105-D Shawnee Road, Minot AFB, Minot, North Dakota. Chips had also flown with the B52 Wing Commander who got fired and then delivered to the 'off base' side of the Security Police at the Main Gate by the Division Commander when his extramarital affair became exposed not to be confused with the extramarital affair of Kelly Flynn, 'the girl pilot', or Vince Flynn the Marine Aviator who wanted to be just like Chips, and, in fact, is. Vince Flynn-Minnesota, Ted Nugent-Michigan, Chips-Wisconsin, Mother Moose-Alaska, Bachmann Turner Over-DC. Hopefully World Net Daily, Game Breaker, and Bravo Hotel are taking notes. Chips, ever the gentleman, walked behind her, cupping her bounty while his air refueling probe was positioned at a 90 degree angle under her target area which was still at a very pleasant 93% MI even though she was totally focused on the source of the shadows, not to be confused with the group that backs up Bobby Vee from Fargo who had a monster hit with 'Rubber Ball' in the period shortly after 'the music died' as covered by Don McLean in "American Pie".

Badger Banzai Immediate Clipper to Abel Danger AFIELD: “At 0400 this day Trec Phuc 01 departs KMCF with Fainter or Leaker and Chips aboard. Filed destination Brize Norton, alternate west of ETP KADW, alternate east of ETP, Keflavik. Wisconsin Rifles at 100%, bringing online Michigan and Western New York Rifles to support. Loose-ing Ted Nugent in diversionary Operation CLUELESS ROOKIE. Obama and his handler need to take a Journey to the Center of their Minds, if so equipped: we are inside their OODA Loops as per Abel Danger L/C Boyd, USAF. Operation BRONFMANN TAKEDOWN to be briefed enroute. Banzai, JSDF Sapporo remoted out of Purple Limo Trunk via Plum City Server.”Agent Grapevine had the best view of the LED Clipper as Stevie was bent 90 degrees over and Chips was engaged at 540 rpm like the slow PTO setting on his International 284 Utility Tractor which though a 1984 model had only 835 hours of tac time as of Father's Day in the year that followed Gore's dismissal from the team as was predicted in Chapter 2 of Book 5 of our 10 volume set in which this Clipper first announced that Gore would be 'discredited' for his pussy-like performance in avoiding Oslo:
Famed Rocker Ted Nugent Let Loose on President Obama Calling Him a 'Clueless Rookie'
Blabbermouth Slade Lane 'flash' Clipper Chips, Hamish, M Thrasher: “Prime Minister Harper , we urge you to boycott the Copenhagen meeting and proclaim the Canadian War Measures Act to deal with KSM (a global terrorist group, apparently launched by the Kellogg School of Management in the early ‘50s)” Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy Class of 1971, USMC 0116513, USN 715656, USAF 583-09-9001, NWA 175434, DAL 053247200, sends message to cyberspace "You pukes make me mad. Not a good thing for your team, Chips” .. Chips...message relayed thru E-8 JStars, Gore will cave..Slade”
As Agent Grapevine got into high gear her 'funbags aplenty' started to counter-rotate at a frequency which put Chips at a risk of early exploculation so to forestall that he cupped what he could of the 40D items to stabilize Grapevine and also give Chips additional thrust, I say again, thrust, something that Slick Willy could not project due to his Gadget Bent according to Gennifer Flowers who he tried to deflower but she learned that 'you cannot push a rope' which probably frustrated 'gadget bent' a great deal and goes a long way in explaining why he might 'bite' his rape victims such as the one in Oxford that got him kicked out of his Rhodes gig in the period when he was smoking dope and helping Russia long before he delivered all the military secrets to China's PLA while the son of a Waffen SS leader mis-guided the US Military as Gen McChrystal, Admiral Blair and Agent Chips see happening AT THE PRESENT. Chips found this new Ass Set very exciting and so to reduce the chance of an early launch, he mentally reviewed the mugs of Gorillawoman, Sasquatch and Thunder Thighs three of the top six in the 'US hit list' assigned Name Dropper and whose counterparts in the UK were assigned to Yellowhammer and Slicer. Name Dropper targets from both sides of the Atlantic, all named or unnamed defendants of Civil Case 3:07-cv-49 included:
Crown Agents Sisters links Livery rendition, water-boarding, snuff-film sleeper cells
1. Eliza Manningham-Buller – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Former boss of MI5. Water-boarding with CIA before 9/11, Serco 4-minute warning, QinetiQ privatization with John Major, Chairman, Carlyle Europe from 2002 until 2005.
2. Jamie Gorelick – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Launched DOJ Pride in ‘90s; built 9/11 wall and privatized prisons. Director of Schlumberger and therefore a principal fiduciary during blowout of BP chartered Transocean drilling rig.
3. Samantha Cameron – Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers Smythson/Pendragon and Princess Di. Menzies Aviation RFID. Crown Agents Eseal

5. Cherie Blair – City of London Solicitors' Company. Matrix Chambers extradition [rendition] involving international criminal law. Husband authorized Serco 4 minute warning. Litigation before European Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights, International Court of Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and arbitration tribunals, including ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL. Advice to solicitors representing members of City Livery companies. N.B. John Wilkes Booth's uncle Algernon Sydney Booth was great-great-great-grandfather of Cherie Blair (née Booth).
6. Michelle Obama – Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Intellectual property for ‘Barney, the Purple Dinosaur’ at Sidley Austin. Protégé of Bernardine Dohrn for post-crime-scene management for Union Carbide (Bhopal).
7. Miriam Clegg – Worshipful Company of International Bankers. Head of international trade law practice for DLA Piper; a law firm linked to Ring of Steel aftermath to1993 Bishopsgate bomb and crony disruption to Boeing HQ in move to Chicago through 9/11.
8. Bernardine Dohrn – Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Copyrights Weather Underground film. Torture expert for Rwanda, Jenin and Gaza.
9. Mary Harron – Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. Copyright interest in Blair’s Oxford squeeze, Weather Underground, American Psycho, SCUM.
10. Charlotte Bryan – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Serco (Extradition, rendition re waterboarding). FAA Contract Towers on 9/11. Willie Card.
11. Lucy Adams – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Serco (Extradition, rendition re waterboarding) Eversheds BBC World Service Trust, LGBT
12. Kristine Marcy – Worshipful Company of Security Professionals (WCoSP). Serco (Extradition, rendition re waterboarding) DOJ Pride JPATS, ConAir SBA FBI
The list above includes Gorillawoman, Sasquatch, Chicken Legg, Mon Cherie Amour, ITEM V and Thunder Thighs, but not her Lesbian Lover Lavender Merkin the Boston Banker who was Hillary's Wellesley Wanker”
As ITEM V was cooperating with DoD, Treasury and Abel Danger, she had a temporary reprieve and also her Crown Agent Chip had been 'forwarded' by Abel Danger Security, Plum City, so that during the pendency of her cooperation, any signal sent to 'suicide' ITEM V would be forwarded to two unwitting targets AND THE SPONSOR OF THE KILL SIGNAL, a three-for one deal, capeche? For the purpose of this Kaya like matrix, SERCO and Clinton Rubin defendants were to be given priority in the 'unwitting two' chamber of the heartless KILL 3 RFID forward automatically facilitated by the Abel Danger RFID SPLITTER/REPEATER high atop Pilot Knob road or as Agent Grapevine was demonstrating Pilot Knob rode. Bless her Lone-Star State, pea picking, heart. As Chips and Grapevine pleasured each other and Agent Stevie rested up in REM 3, the Zombies of the Crown Agency dutifully did as told as they awaited their ultimate fate, sequential victimization in the rolling tontine of Crown Agency whereas there was no victimization amongst the Royal Crown Agents in VAT 69 as they were 'servants of God' just like the soldiers and marines in Sky Pilot, a monster hit from Eric Burdon and the Animals during the time when Chips and Agent Grapevine were playing hide the salami at the base of the hill below the Ramey AFB O'Club where Hubert Humphrey and Muriel bored to death Colonel G. A. McConnell's wife on an evening where a light rain was falling all along Cliff Road and the 1964 Ford Staff Car of the 'acting Wing Commander' was driven by Agent Chips, a lad of some 15 years who should not have had a liscense, in a perfect world. It was at this same location, the former Officer's Club at Ramey AFB that Agent Stevie R. Gowray, Agent Name Dropper, Agent Bean and Agent Chips would celebrate the 'removal of the squatter' at a Reunion in March, 2011 and if current plans do not get altered, there is an excellent chance that Agent Bean and Chips will start a 'multiplication dance' to the Platter's 'Smoke Gets in Your Eyes' just as happened in American Graffitti when Ron Howard and Cindy Williams danced slow before they went for a ride in an Edsel. Of course with Chips and Bean it would more likely be a 'ride on a pencil' if Chips had sufficient lead, capeche?
Chips could tell that Agent Grapevine was approaching her threshold of holdback, not like the 'holdbacks' that kept carrier-launched aircraft, such as this EA6B Prowler like the four that stopped for fuel at Fargo enroute from Whidbey Island NAS to Libya in 1986 while Chips was Supervisor of Flying at the 178th FIS, from proceeding down the catapult track until sufficient end speed for their gross weight was assured, but the Minnesota Vikings tube sock that she clinched between her teeth hoping to hold on as long as possible before sending Chips the inaudible 'launch command' of her quivering vulva. Alas, her efforts were noble but the effect of the Pilot Knob was too great and a sequential exploculation occurred just as an Immediate Clipper came in from Stone to Chips.
BAM Stone Immediate Clipper to Chips, copy Banzai, Otto Pilot, Hamish and Name Dropper: “Gen P request you scan him for RFID once inside the Purple Limo, will be at VOQ-1 at 0230 to pick you up for VC137 flight departing KMCF at 0300. See you in 10 or so, I cannot tag along if your destination is England as I have a 'guard trip' set up for Niagara Falls or 'points north' capeche? Stone.”( speaking of 'points north', let's listen to Bob Seger's tribute to Agent Bean's 'points of her own, sitting way up high, way up firm and high )
As Chips acknowledged the message and crawled out from under the spent Blonde with a brunette wig, see video at 2+00 above, he asked her if she'd been 'north of the border' lately. Apparently she heard 'south of the border' and as she moved down to accommodate, Chips pulled her back up and whispered "We need to get dressed; we are heading north for the G20 VAT 69 blocking operation. Give me a color please."
"Pastel teal Chips, and here, have some of these as I want your full attention on any means of conveyance we might share on our journey" as she passed him 2 tins of Smoked Oysters and a 4 tab gelwrap of Rodney Baldinger Extend-0-peters and checked his status. TI 93 was satisfactory but she knew her two items would bring him up to full battle strength for the next enduro, which she hoped would be very soon and very private not that she didn't have genuine affection for her 'Texas stable' teammate Stevie but she never did find sex much of a spectator sport as did those pedophiles represented by DLA-Piper and other scum attorneys, pardon the redundancy. Meanwhile, layoffs continue at Sidley-Austin as Al Gore is running from the swarming masseuses like a little sissy much like the Deci-pussies trying to end American Sovereignty. She had another secret to share with him and it was not false teeth but equally pleasing. As Chips had stuffed the monster and enjoyed a brief Marine Corps shower and put on a moderate dose of Fu Fu juice, he saw she was having difficulty getting her magnificent casabas stowed so he approached from behind and lent her a pair of hands as his TI passed FBS, much to her pleasure as her pre-lubing or Maytag sudsing, began in earnest but not like Earnest Goes to Camp starring Jim Varney.

"Chips, I fell ill in DC recently and my flight surgeon can find nothing to explain it, can you scan me please?" Chips took out the ACCURACY pirate of the ADT/Air Patrol device and scanned the general. He found a Chip in the web between the right thumb and forefinger and scanned it for status. It appeared that it had discharged a 'warning dosage' but did not indicate if it was cyanide or OPTION 2. Chips electronically blocked and forwarded the Chip in the general's hand for a period of 72 hours, which is the maximum duration for a B&F adjustment with the AQFB-27Y model blocker. Two of the three 'forwarded targets' were Sasquatch and Facedropper which put the son of Italian Jews from Baltimore in a position to matricide a relative. A relieved Gen-P thanked Chips and then asked if Chips knew the destination.
"Sir, I believe the jet is dispatched to Brize Norton with a west ETP of Andrews. However, my intuition tells me we may end up somewhere within AQFB-27Y range of the upcoming G20 meeting in Ontario where we may learn how and why Canada is prospering while the USA is being gutted by the Imposter at 1600 and those we oppose. Just a hunch. If it pleases the general I'd like to be 'spit' to England and a rendezvous with a career intel operative who is willing to trade 10 Russians for her ass which is currently in a sling due to Gorillawoman's fingering of Schlumberger."
"Good hunch Chips, we need to check in with Baril and Findley as they are coming clean at the hands of our double agents Gilchrist & Soames of Schlumberger Crawley with whom you can visit while the Impostor is in Canada and McChrystal exercises his personal 'exit option' while appearing to be scape goated but in reality is positioning for the silent coup which is now underway according to you 30 June Rayedio show which was 4 hours long for the first time ever. How is Abel Danger PROJECT BROKEN ARROW proceeding?"
"And Chips, although you have told me you at Abel Danger are standing on the edge of a feather expecting to fly, in response to the Triple Play that was achieved on 9/11 while the Zombies were intent on a HOME RUN we need to have Abel Danger release their video product on the Deepwater Horizon/Crown Sisters by 2 August, 2010, 4 weeks after Abel Danger's 5 July post linking Anna Chapman and Captain Jason Dahl, so that 'those we oppose' will know what we have been KNOWING for a long time. The COREXIT issue is dissected by Abel Danger Security and the war game put on by ONI and ONI appears to have gone live exactly like the Amalgam Virgo 01 practice and then Global Guardian went live when corrupted by the Crown Agents. We understand that Agent Plum Bob Round Pants and The Fireman will be delivering a COME TO JESUS message for the Zombies as well as the National Program Office and Halliburton's Cheney. That video will drive a wedge into the weak spot of BP + Halliburton + Transocean + Schlumberger and with current intel we expect a fracture that exonerates Schlumberger at the expense of Transocean and may well scare Cheney into another visit to the George Washington University hospital not knowing that both ITEM V and Chips were accepted as undergrads at GWU, she in '64 and he in '67. As the 4 targets of our effort 'rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic', or was it The Olympic, after our hit on Gorelick we believe that as you will learn at Goff Manor House on 20 June, 2010, Schlumberger will 'come clean' and follow their two employees Gilchrist and Soames who are ready to finger the Bonnets de Douche, capeche?" As Chips gave an affirmative nod, Stone pulled up next to the VC137 with all four running and the forward door already closed but the crew hatch open. As Stone held the door open for the general, Grapevine gave Chips a status check and Chips found time to give her a brief digital exam and found all in order and the lubrication index required no further manual manipulation. Three minutes later they walked under the crew hatch to the VC137 and walked up to a darkened C21 Lear Jet painted mostly white but with a red tail flash, not obvious in the darkness. As the VC137 taxiied past and was copying it's clearance to Brize Norton the AC of the Lear, Stringbean, indicated that they would remain dark and cold until the VC was airborne therein achieving a VD with the VC. Virtual deception had been a good strategic and tactical weapon since biblical days but never so important as in the cyber warfare days that started pre-9/11 and exist today with the Deepwater Horizon the most recent battleground as SERCO, McConnell International, Clinton Rubin and Gorillawoman find they are rather flaccid when compared to Abel Danger's VAT 69 Agents led by the ever affable and never flappable Agent Chips whose Turgidity Index was legend amongst the global intel players on both sides, especially the heterosexual females of child bearing years or with the increased libidos which come when gestation issues are not longer on the table, see picture below of some females who voted for Kid Kenya and their issues on the table, capeche?
As the VC137 was sent to Tampa Departure Control Stringbean fired up the C21 Learjet and taxiied with no lights for a down wind departure opposite direction from the departing VC137 that would fly to the west ETP before returning to KADW therein faking out Crown Agents in a way their Anya Kustov, or is it Anna Chapman, did not fake out Abel Danger even with the very 'tacky' address 99 Fake Street which would more likely be 'fecal streak' as Abel Danger was scaring the s#@* out of Boo Boo, Facedropper and the Ghoul of Bhopal just as it had Al Gore according to the laundry lady whose name is not Tipper and who is not a masseuse, capeche? The C21 Lear was airborne and climbing on a route direct to Toronto where Agent Provocateurs were being fitted with brand new combat boots with yellow dots on the sole and a black sock and a white sock so that the APs would be recognized by their brothers-in-arms, disloyal to their Oaths, as they plotted to sabotage the legitimate protesters at the G8-G20 which is not a Pontiac sports model. For that matter, Pontiac has faded from the scene under Obama just as Al Gore was faded from the scene by the Virtual Film makers of Chicago and Edmonton in charge of ending the public life of expendable buffoons such as Hot Air Al, Big Ears the Purple Dinosaur and Facedropper the Italian Jew Mafia princess from BM. BM and BO seem to define the Manchurian Imposter sent to collapse America. FFC you perverts.
Al Gore Sex Scandal Goes Virtual
The Learjet climbed to 12,500 feet and .88 mach as Mary Anne MATS appeared from the COCKpit and handed Chips a 32 ounce Captain Sherlock Martini while asking of Agent Grapevine what she would like to use as a social lubricant. "Ramey Rimshot please; make it a double" as Grapevine placed her right hand over Chips' concealed left hand preventing its withdrawal from the 'target area'. Next out of the cockpit was Stringbean, who held a MCDU printed message which was a flash clipper from Banzai Pipeline from Molly's On Main, the Global Operations Dispatch center for Abel Danger during periods of Threat Level Tangerine or higher.

Badger Banzai Pipeline Flash Clipper to Agents Chips, Umbrellaman, Hamish and Dr. Nano al-Umina, copy Kui, Bean and Suky Slicer: “At 0932 Friday morning a wonderful lady from the Magnolia State, Agent Tami, sent a steganographic message to Arizona and I quote verbatim: ‘Hello fellow patriots in Arizona . Although I am not in Arizona when I saw the new state flag I laughed with happiness because it seemed so apropos. I want you to know that the rest of the USA is watching, applauding and sending emails and faxes and standing with you as Abel Danger leads you forward. I was beginning to feel hopeless about our country then suddenly Arizona stands up for our country and our rights as a people. What a thrill! I watched and asked myself "will Arizona back down?" Much to my delight Arizona stood even straighter and said "we double dog dare you". Your governor has steel in her spine and the man who wrote to California about the boycott and told him Arizona could cut off their electricity is our kind of patriot. just as Agent Chips is our kind of defender. Now I know what kind of people are in the old west. Hooray for Arizona. We from the Magnolia State of Mississippi, home to Minnesota Vikings QB BF #4, salute you!!’ Agent Tami. Chips, this signal is interpreted as a pre-cursor to the escalation forecast for Gen Mc-C reference 'squatter'. Badger Banzai, Molly's on Main, Plum City.”
KSM Agent Bill B Immediate Clipper to Chips, Name Dropper, Suky Slicer and Nellie Nosebush, copy Bean and John Galt: “71 days after oil spill, Obama finally accepts help skimming the waters. His plan is to stop it before it washes up on Kentucky. This puke makes me mad. Focus on 71. Bill B NV PA AD”

KSM Squealer Svetlana Priority Clipper to Agent Chips, FYEO: “So now the USA and Canada too have Crown Agents. Does not surprise me. I believe we also have SES. During the G-20 I saw John Manley on CP-24 and he was president of Executive Club if I recall correctly. He seemed to think he was very important. I am so sick amd tired of those guys. Lindsey Williams gave an update on the Gulf oil and the pressure is 30 thousand PSI. There is a layer of granite near the top. If that is cracked while nuking than it could gush for 30 years. The Coast Guard picked up the pipe and debris in the night. They collected data on the Valdez cleanup personnel and the oldest any of these guys lived to was 51 years of age, they say. Speaking of pressure, Chips, as a 27 year old heterosexual woman with a brain I would appreciate a face to face next time you are in Astana, London or Camp Santiago, Puerto Rico, capeche? Give me an enduro and I will give you a pedophile artist, the queer who hides Mo Strong and a video of the Bull Dyke Troll PR who reminds me of The Hobbitt. Svetlana, MI index 93+, Pastel Apricot”Chips was intrigued to hear from his flight attendant friend who was 2 years old when Chips had last stayed at the Hotel Viscount near Los Angeles's KLAX airport near Hollywood where Svetlana's mother's acting gave Chips wood, in a manner of speaking. It was during this time that Chips would frequent a nightspot south of LAX named Orville's where a lot of consenting adults gathered to exchange 'heavenly bodily fluids' according to the character General Ripper of Dr. Strangelove. Svetlana was so photogenic at age 2 that surely Ped Polanski would have invited her and her mom to his casting couch if he weren't hiding out in Romania where FCI and SES keeps their Ped victim Population flush as does the Scottish government [ google Hollie Grieg ] and the Catholic church in Ireland, or they did until Abel Danger Agent Brendan Behan took them on as a project from the Abel Danger Office at St. James Gate. Speaking of Roman Polanski, he is as invisible as Al Gore since Abel Danger dropped a dime on them both. As the G-O-P Party of three identified in Chapter 2 of Book 5 is being taken down by Abel Danger, Obama is next up in the batting order. Boo Boo, not the Ghoul of Bhopal.
Grapevine grabbed Chips' left hand and led him back to the Crew Rest Facility with a sense of purpose. As the door was shut and latched her motive was obvious as she slipped out of her satiated clothing and presented an appealing target to master swordsman Chips. As contact was made, Stringbean announced over the PA "on the ground at Newnan, Georgia in 10 minutes". Chips, knowing that Newnan was the hometown to Alan Jackson, selected F4 on his Clipper Squirt Gun and whispered to Grapevine "sadly this will have to be a quickie, however, a 240 enduro awaits you after the pit stop in Newnan as Alan Jackson's voice began singing a classic made popular by Jim Ed Brown of the Browns not to be confused with Jim Ed Green of Delta Airlines, the Duluth ANG 48th FIS or the Coon Ass Militia of New Orleans where the Lafarge Barge brokered by Thunder Thighs caused a diversionary event prior to the underwater explosions that breached the dike around New Orleans at four separate points as the HAARP Katrina combo unleashed genocide attributable to the same dyke who engineered 'tainted blood' during her time in Arkansas. Tainted blood, QRS 11, Rose Law and Arkancide will be a popular Google search that the family of Dr. Boyd Graves, USNA '75, will probably find interesting as they grieve his loss just one year ago. ( ). As the landing gear was extended below the C21 Learjet from KFAR, Chips could sense the quivering vulva that always preceded a salvo by Agent Grapevine. Ever the compliant gentleman, Chips exploculated immediately thereafter as Grapevine collapsed face first into a fluffy pillow with a Gilchrist and Soames crest in gold against the purple satin pillow case just as Chips' Clipper Squirt Gun took a Flash Clipper from Badger Banzai at the Global Ops desk in Plum City, Wisconsin not far from the mafia assets in Somerset provide security for the Purple Limo.
Wrecking Crew Sup Banzai Flash Clipper to Chips, copy Svetlana: “Chips, if not already separted from P do so ASAP, Gen Mc-C has a Russian lady friend awaiting you in Newnan on a G550 bound for Crawley. Father's Day at Goff Manor awaits with Farhad and Svetlana and our Abel Danger plant at Schlumberger house who is outting Gorillawoman. Michelle Obama-Henry Bienen-D Betrayus-Robert Swan 3 all have time at Princeton. Our Agent in Phoenix tracking DLA Pedophiles sends this brief update: Bienen, Henry S. Petraeus, David H Lots of other traitors too. Svetlana advises 'come alone and you won't'...she said you'd know. Banzai”Grapevine turned to see Chips stuffing the monster into an Oscar de La Renta Slingshot Rumpmaster in Pastel Apricot and realized the mission must have taken a turn, hopefully not for the worse as her loins ached for a Chips enduro, as do the loins of most heterosexual females which rules out most anyone connected with DOJ and certainly 100% of FCI/SES/Sidley-Austin/DLA Piper/DOJ-Pride. Still gushing with post-coital warmth she cooed "Chips, tell me you are not leaving me in Washington, I need you."Van Dells and Virtual Deception are both VD, capeche?
"Negative my highly moist and recently lubricated maven of blond loveliness with the quivering vulva, I am not leaving you in Washington. I am leaving you in Newnan, Georgia, home of Abel Danger's Buck Naked as well as Les Suave the former front man for the group Les Suave and the Leisure Suits who had the same 'sudsing' effect on non-Lesbo women as did Conway Twitty before his untimely death in 1993 at the tender age of 59 at a hospital not far from Branson, Missouri where Ronnie Millsap cut his best version of Kentucky Rain, a song originally recorded by Elvis. As you may recall the Classics IV and the Van Dells also were popular in Georgia-Tennessee-Kentucky during the time when Chips was singing backing vocals for the Van Dells while doing some intel work in Atlanta which is the east HQ for the company that has it's west HQ in Colorado Springs, Denver or wherever George Soros' robin egg blue Gulfstream shows up while serving Mo Strong's pet project while Mo the MoFo cowers like a little school girl in China after a life time of buggering little boys as he did in Kenya in the time frame 1953-54. Duty calls and I have to go. I will get down to Austin or Fort Worth immediately after the Libya event in London not to be confused with the Labia event in New Braufels, capeche?" As Grapevine experienced post-coital quivering she teared up to think she might have to wait as long as 4 days for her beloved enduro. Through her tears she watched Chips walk forward through the C21 Learjet, blow her a goodbye kiss, and disappear down the fold out boarding door of the jet designed by Bill Lear and sold to Bombardier who would then use an all-white derivative as the 'on scene commander' jets of 9/11 as reported by Susan McElwain and a gentleman farmer from the Shanksville, PA area who watched United 93 fly by inverted at tree top level while Captain Dean Eckmann maintained a tracking solution, in his 187th FIS F16ADF with VID light, of the ill fated UA93 which was taken down by the weather underground sympathizers including Ayers and Dohrn who now have their 'plant' in the White House, along with his side kick and handler 'cheetah'.
Cyprus Police Hunting Christopher Metsos, Alleged Russian Spy Who Jumped Bail

Chips was trying to decipher the message from Starvos when Agent Stone directed him to the rear CRF for takeoff as Buck Naked had the G550 doing 40 knots down the taxiway in advance of a downwind, lights out, no-ATC clearance blastoff.
"Dad, you and she will be checked on by one of us after level off and 'feet wet' enroute to Gatwick. Farhad Kavandi has sent you a message which I will send back with the second CSM. Please accept this Captain Sherlock Martini and a Ramey Rimshot for the lady in red. Gotta go do some pilot shit, later." As the CRF door was closed and latched Chips took a long pull on his CSM as Svetlana was preparing for a debriefing. As Chips compared her pastel Green IOC to his own Pastel Apricot he realized that they should both be removed as they would clash during the debriefing which, from a security standpoint, was an unnecessary diversion. As the two bedside lamps were covered with moist and stretched IOCs in two different colors Agent Svetlana challenged Chips with a proving question, "Are you the GD from Plum City?"
"That depends my moistening target of opportunity, are you Gonorilla Dikslaya who shuns Apricot in favor of Green while behaving in a predictable manner best characterized as impulsive, intuitive, verbose, hedonist, passionately passionate, obsessive, unrelenting or some combination thereof while preferring to be seduced to a fast moving Bee Gees song after a short period of foreplay lubricated by a Ramey Rimshot while I come to Full Battle Strength while nursing a CSM?"
"Why don't you nurse these two twins while I nurse the Schlictengruber and we will find out together at the end of this song C4 which I have pre-selected on my Clipper Bell and Howell Super 8." As she leaned directly over Chips to start the Bee Gees song, Chips noticed that her circuit breakers were fully popped as she went south to do something reminiscent of Lili von Stutt from Blazing Saddles fame.
Chips was enjoying Svetlana's Lili von Stupp impersonation so much that he had to forcibly bring her up to the north end so that he could saddle up for the 15 minutes she had requested by the insertion, I say again, insertion of the code C15 on her Clipper B&H Super 8 as she was enjoying Chips' super 8 in a cavity that no dentist could drill the way Chips did. As Chips was hammering away in the interest of being an advocate for the little people and vulnerable adults serially abused by Pedophiles loosed by the Crown Agents, such as those currently protected from prosecution in Scotland while Hollie Grieg's justice is delayed, he could sense that this hot Kazak/Georgian pepper-sprout posing as a fair skinned Russian PWA was about ready to exploculate, as was Our Man Chips. Just after the climax, I say again, climax of the Bee Gee's disco hit it was 'ladies first' followed by the affable and never flappable Agent Chips who was seldom flaccid unless looking at a photo of any of the Crown Sisters or queer agents deployed by the Crown Agents with names such as Elena, Eliza or 'frog-woman'. Here pussy, pussy, pussy. Don't run away like Al Gore. Come and get it.
Anna Chapman and her boob-clamps explained by Abel Danger leaked story here:
Mile-high sex games with my spy in the sky, Anna Chapman
"Che vi diamo, Campo" cried Svetlana as she quivered thru a multiple that was totally unrelated to the Kaya Identity Algorithm [KIA] supposedly understood by Boo Boo Teleprompter who didn't even know the difference between Corps and corpse, much to his own peril as Gen Mc-C would be encouraged by some Marines to stand tall against the spineless Kenyan Squatting Muslim who pouted like a little pussy when he didn't get his way. Hey, Boo Boo, here is a song for you sung by Bobby Vee whose surname was not Vee in the way your surname is not Obama, capeche? Sit down, shut up, and listen you miserable POS Crown Agent. Robert Velline from Fargo Central High sends you this musical going away greeting as General Petraeus relies on US Marines for security in his first day in Afghanistan ensuring the continued flow of Opium, Heroin or whatever the Crown Agents demand while meantime Anna Chapman and her "boob clamps" entrapped hapless and horny Intel Agents into compromising their missions in a way Agent Chips, of the Royal Crown Agents, never will. While Warren Buffett, Goldman Sachs, and Net Jets allow metal "boob clamps" to pass thru security devices enroute to chartered and fractional ownership jets hauling Afghanistan drugs and cash all over the world, including Sandor's money laundering Isle of Mann, undetected just like the semis hauling China White from the Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport to Chicago, Agent Chips and his overnight security AssSets [ devoid of boob clamps, fish-hooks and nipple nails for her, and testicular Vise-Grips for him ] engage in endless enduros while saving America from the 25,000 member Crown Agency and their 'livery-laden-limpdicks' who cannot recall a vital piece of history where 56 men with big nuts took on the King of England and kicked his sick and pedophile sponsoring kitty, kitty, pussy, pussies, pussy galore, not to be confused or cornholed by or with Al Gore and his reputed ill focused libido. Poor Tipper, what took her so long?
While World Net Daily, Game Breaker, Mother Moose, Bachmann Turner Over and Chips prepare to ensure Barrack Hussein Obama is exposed just as the Emperor who wore no clothes, hark back to the bravery of the emigrants from England who flipped off King George, and to the history of Brave Americans such as Gen. Mc-C, Moose, BTO and Chips but not Boo Boo, Al Gore or many of the Princeton grads intent on finishing off America. FFC you deci-pussies.
When each of the 56 men signed their name to the declaration on July 4, 1776, they did indeed pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. King George III and Great Britain pursued each name on the document with a vengeance and were determined to eradicate this rebellious group of colonists who declared, "No king but King Jesus!" As Christians, we also take for granted the privileges we enjoy in Christ. The Bible tells us that God did not spare His Son, but He delivered Him up for us all (Romans 8:32a). Through the shedding of Christ's blood (Hebrews 9:22), we are able to defeat Satan and sin. Do you value the price that was paid for your salvation, as well as your country? Let this Fourth of July be a double blessing in your life, as you consider not only the privilege of being an American, but also the privilege of being called a child of the King. "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot" (1 Peter 1:18-19).
Chips was laying back with Svetlana's tousled hair on his shoulder and enjoying his Captain Sherlock Martini with two stuffed queens when Svetland murmured in his good ear. "Chips, now that we have proven each other up, how about you read my file as a TM while we have a proper enduro and I want you to listen closely to the words of Crystal Gayle who is the younger sister of Loretta Lynn from Butcher Hollow not to be confused with Hillary Clinton's victim the Butcher of Bagdad or the Pig Farmer from British Columbia who was the Butcher of prostitutes soon to be BBQ, capeche?"
As Svetlana began a moving bio on Chips' Clipper Squirt Gun she selected F4 and C240 as she straddled the monster as Crystal began begging not to be taken only half the way. Chips got her point, as she did his, capeche?

As Chips was monitoring Svetlana's fun bags and the Clipper he learned her real name was Gonorilla Dikslaya , not Russian for Green Man of God, which clearly indicated she had knowledge of a supreme creator regardless what name she might refer to that Creator by. Gonorilla, who would become known to Abel Danger Agents as Gabby, but not to be confused with the Mossad Agent in Switzerland named Gabrielle, as they were playing for two different teams although enemies of enemies often become friends, capeche? Gabby is a 27 year old whose body looks good in the photos offered up in News of the World courtesy of Alex Chapman and Agent Chips, perhaps from her days playing LaCrosse meaning the native American sport, not the city south of Plum City where Heilemann's Special Export was once brewed. Agent Gabby was one of Abel Danger's 'sleepers' who were being 'brought aboard' as more Crown Agents were being revealed by those fingering them to save their own skin. In her dossier Chips saw that she was familiar with Farhad Kavandi, a Persian financial analyst who would be driving a Taxi after the Global Financial Crisis planned by the Rothy and Rocky group loyal to Goldman Sachs who thought nothing of trashing Greece, Germany and Georgia while Abel Danger would try to protect at least one 'G-spot' as it did in August of 2008 while Agent Chips was flying through Georgian Airspace enroute from Istanbul to Astana on the night that the False Flag pitting Russians against Georgians produced this photo op from Aktau, Kazakhstan where Chips was in the habit of exchanging Double Bubble buggle gum in exchange for leniency of the blood pressure 'medical checks' which were really opportunities for medical pros to 'sniff' the pilots for alcohol and in Chips they would have had a FIELD day if not for the bubble gum:

Chatterbox Marquis d'Cartier Immediate Clipper to Hamish, Name Dropper, Banzai Pipeline, Suky Slicer, Yellowhammer and John Galt, copy Chips and Bean: “Climate Exchange plc is now owned by InterContinentalExchange (ICE). They're using advanced e-trading technology to launder drug money and disappear their fraudulent trades and financial sabotage of rivals, via the Federal Reserve (of which ICE US Trust is a member). Rhodes Scholar Franklin Raines is holding the Bartels’ patent on behalf of Crown Agents in preparation for mandatory cap-and-trade legislation in the US (one of the motives behind the staging of the Deepwater Horizon circus). Why the Bartels patent ended up with Dummy Raines is being researched by a Sandor relative not a resident of Isle of Mann. Sandor has a long history with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and will more than likely be given up by Bienen and Blago. Franklin Raines merits further exposure and a lot of hygiene help; rumors persist that he is unpleasant to be in an elevator with not according to Jamie Gorelick of Otis Elevator, 9/11 Commission, Schlumberger and United Technologies ( see Civil Case 3:07-cv-49 ). There's no good reason for 90% of the world's opium to be grown in Afghanistan: this is an artificially engineered geopolitical trap, intertwined with the artificially engineered geopolitical oil trap (oil is completely unnecessary as a primary fuel – has been for over a century: it is used because it can be and has been monopolized, as part of a Crown Agents supply-chain international protection racket, how else do you explain Onassis oil transports sunk by neither the Axis nor Allies while selling oil to both....go figure).The goldsmiths, too, are a guild. Suggest Chips and Agent GD visit Farhad Kavandi and the heterosexual woman from Schlumberger House for a 'Father's Day Pint' on 6-20 as per briefing guide Operation TRIUMPHANT RETURN. Avoid Libya Chips, I repeat, avoid Libya Chips. Marquis d'Cartier VBC AD”Chips didn't need a reminder, others had warned him that the interview with Air Afrikiyah could be a trap by JAA to silence the airline pilot who revealed to the world the Strangler's Suite of weapons deployed aboard 100% of modern Boeing, Airbus, Embraer and Bombardier jets according to Nancy Pelosi and Richard Ashcroft who when asked if they'd ever travel on a Part 121 Air Carrier blurted out "Never Again" as if they knew something the traveling public did not, and would not until Chip's Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) was settled and ALPA's milquetoast Peter Janhunen had some difficult questions to deflect as to answer them would implicate himself.
Strangler's Suite: Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot + QRS 11 GyroChips + Smacsonic + KU band, see also:
Chips had been targeted by USDOJ, FAA, ALPA and JAA on 3 occasions, all without success: (1) On 2 March, 2007 Chips was taken off payroll by Northwest Airlines at behest of USDOJ [ Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC) ]. (2) On 13 December, 2008, Chips and his aircraft, an A320, were to be destroyed by sabotage as the paperwork manually delivered in Russian handwriting to co-pilot Fast Eddy caused the A320 to become airborne 40 knots below VMC, generally a fatal event and (3) having survived attempts 1 and 2 Chips would be targeted by a Dutch JAA check airman who would attempt to terminate Chips' flying career, once again, without success. It would appear to the most casual observer that none of Chip's detractors were familiar with Romans 8:31 or Proverbs 21:31.
Romans 8:31 (New International Version)
31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Proverbs 21:31 (New International Version)
31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.
Chips had consumed Marquis' Clipper and soon thereafter another Clipper came in, this time from Hamish from his remote assignment in the lower level of Tomoye in Gatineau, Quebec. As Chips was preparing to read the Clipper, Agent GD gushed "I dig it Chips and I love Hot Licks, sing to me you All American Boy" as she doubled her stroke speed to 540 rpm which was the same as the low PTO setting on Chips' 1984 International 284 tractor with Ag Tires and forward wheel weights similar to Svetlana's forward fun bag weights which appeared to be 40Ds but having no 'nipple clamps' like her hot Russian wannabe Anya Kutsov aka Anna Chapman. Chips reached over and selected D8 on the Clipper Squirt Gun which produced a song with both Hot Licks and They Dig Me as Chips misinterpreted her request for another form of pleasure.
While Chips and his mount listened to Bobby Bare sing about Elvis, the ill timed Clipper came up as an IM from Hamish:
KSM Lead Witness Hamish Immediate Clipper to PM Stephen Harper Canada, Lord Pearson UK, and The Purple Dinosaur squatting at 1600, copy Chips, Umbrellaman, Corazon Dulce, ITEM V and Queen of the Squealers: “Dear Lord Pearson and other effluents, Clegg Crown Agents Russian spies hide BBC-BP crime suggests you follow the instruction herein: Hawks CAFE asks you to investigate Mrs. Miriam Clegg and her ‘Sisters’ (listed below) in the Crown Agents in re their apparent use of the BBC World Service Trust to finance a limited hangout of Russian spies and hide an organized crime attempt to liquidate the assets of BP [Beyond Petroleum]. Silence and in action due to cowardice inertia, such as Al Gore suffers from, is not going to work this time, capeche? Hamish C. Watson, Abel Danger Tomoye, one block from the White House currently squatted in. Glenn Beck, WND and the DC Examiner are sniphing around”.
Agent Gaviila appeared to tremble but did not execute an EEE, enduro ending exploculation, as Chips was reviewing the Priority Clipper that had just come in from Banzai Pipeline, remoted out of Sappora JSDF via Joint Stars and Plum City and repeated by Otto Pilot of Trondheim and Corazon Dulce from Arecibo, Puerto Rico not far from where she and Agent Chips had been side by side students of Priscilla N. Cordero from 1963-1966 and face to face lovers from 1964 continuing through March of 2011 according to Abel Danger's patented UPS.....ubiquitous predictive software marketed under the branding of COIN.
Badger Banzai Pipeline Priority Clipper to Hamish, Dr. Nano al-Umina, Chips, Name Dropper and Marquis d'Cartier, copy Bean and Yellowhammer: C4 INPUT: “Possible inclusion as a pic representing the 12 Crown Sisters : and according to Dr. Les Libideaux of Barksdale AFB a remedy for these Queers may be available in this therapy: It is rumored that the decimated duo-deci-pussies know they have 2 squealers amongst them and are considering E-lizard and Elena, the Evil Es of the East as possible 'reserves'. To that end they are taking an oath never to use Vagisil, FDS or like products again but rather to use Umpire, a deodorant best used on 'foul balls' which is what George Soros uses for mouth wash. George is the pervert who is threatened by the 3 most important of these "whistle blowers" David Horowitz and Richard Poe whose book "The Shadow Party" outlines in detail how Soros hijacked the Democratic Party, and now owns it lock, stock, and barrel. And Field McConnell whose Abel Danger network details how Soros has been packing the Democratic Party with radicals, and ousting moderate Democrats for years. The Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which became the Obama Administration. Las Vegas Odds makers are giving Horowitz, Poe and McConnell 5 to 1 odds to defeat Soros and decimate the Shadow Government gorging on Queers like a seagull would gorge on a dead carp. How fortuitous that queers cannot procreate. Banzai”Gabby was really enjoying the pilot knob when another Clipper came in, this time from Chicago's Mitch Stack not in any way to be confused with Vince Flynn's Mitch Rapp who is 'created' 55 miles west of Plum City in the Twin Cities also known as 'Moscow on the Mississippi' although Minnesota did give us the Credit River Decision, the exposure of the Banker's Manifesto of 1892, and Agent Chips who filed a trio of federal lawsuits while a resident of Minnesota.
Civil Case 3:07-cv-24; Civil Case 3:07-cv-49; Civil Case 1:08-1600 (RMC)
Blabbermouth Mitch Stack inside Sidley Austin and KSM Priority Clipper to Slade Lane, Marquis d'Cartier, Corazon Dulce and Hamish, copy Name Dropper, Moxie G and Chips: “Yet another terrorist tie to Obama White House is brought on board the Soros Regime Change Team squatting at 1600. The director of the White House Fellows program, Cindy S. Moelis, previously served as director of a group that granted Weather Underground terrorist organization founder William Ayers its "public trust" award, WND has learned. Abel Danger Agent Game Breaker of Fox News joins with Bachmann Turner Over and 'the cruise director' in opposing this faggot onslaught unleashed by the Austrian Jewkiller named Schwartz. Moelis' group, the Business and Professional People for the Public Interest, or BPI, also was one of the biggest recipients of a grant from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was founded by Ayers and chaired by Barack Obama; a pair of perverts of immense proportion and intent on destroying America. Tough shit losers, you're busted. Mitch Stack, Slade Lane and 'the cruise director' join with Abel Danger's Operation TRIUMPHANT RETURN to announce a 71 day countdown to bye bye boo boo, capeche? Stack, Chicago”
Chips could sense that his delightful Russian Lady in Red was about to exploculate all over herself so, ever the gentleman, he hunkered down and pretended like he, too, had reached his limit, which simply was not the case. As Agent GD launched a vocal release, Chips was distracted by an incoming Routine Clipper from Hamish:
KSM lead witness Hamish inside the OODA at Tomoye Routine Clipper to PWA Svetlana, Stevie R. Gowray, Grapevine and SNIPHers Chips and Name Dropper, copy Dwarf and Diehard: "Chips go hunt for Metsos; he’s the Canadian spy paymaster who appears to have been sprung from bail in Cyprus by YVRAS former boss David Emerson or the Carlyle / NetJet folks where Anna Chapman [ aka Cutsoff ] used to work. Emerson may have been extorted by the Crown Sisters after unwitting oath-taking rituals at the Pickton pig farm. The Cyprus ties go right to the top: Russian energy giant Lukoil has a big presence, and the Greek Cypriot president, a communist who studied in Moscow, is expecting an illustrious visitor in October – Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. Ten suspects are in custody in the U.S., where federal prosecutors said Thursday one man had confessed to federal agents that he worked for Russia's intelligence service. Six suspects appeared in courts in New York and Boston, while a hearing in Alexandria, Va., was postponed. Most of the suspects are charged with money laundering crimes – probably using Dope Inc accounts run by the Crown Sisters, the deciPus, the lesbian scape-goat nannies for Rothschild's Octopus hunted by Danny Casolaro and harpooned by Chips. This case is a throwback to the Cold War era, where Cyprus was a place of intrigue, a listening post for spies of all stripes who maneuvered in the Middle East and a convenient transit point for the shady figures of espionage. Metsos arrived on the island June 17 and Cypriot authorities received the Interpol arrest warrant June 25. He was arrested four days later. Remember that Emerson launched YVRAS in 1994 for the Crown Sisters and Dope Inc; YVRAS now manages 18 airports in seven countries, including The Bahamas, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Jamaica, Turks and Caicos – remember Lord Ashcroft and the ADT dispatcher in WTC who took care of Carlton Bartels and the CO2e patent rival – and Cyprus. The other airlines which may have moved him out are JPATS and NetJets where Anna worked but all three are fronts for Crown Agents; if we can get to Metsos before any of the ten bad sisters do, we can unravel the whole BP naked short sabotage schtick all the way back to Emerson’s use of the QRS 11 on 9/11 for the Final Approach to Bartels and then back to the 1993 Bishopsgate bomb outside the HSBC. That bomb was not IRA it was Crown Sisters’ Dope Inc and it eliminated any HSBC objections to Sandor and the chief executive and offshore insurance specialist Neil Eckert setting up Climate Exchange plc in the Isle of Man as the RICO front owner of the European Climate Exchange based in London’s Bishopsgate, as well as the Chicago Climate Exchange and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange. Last year Sandor earned $1m and Eckert £575,000. Sandor’s shares in the company are worth more that £40m, and Eckert’s around £5m on top of £7m worth of options. These riches came on the back of operating profits last year of £11.5m, made almost entirely in London where trading in £70bn worth of emissions allowances by the European exchange’s 100 members, including such renowned environmentalists as Shell, Barclays and RBS, earned the exchange £11.4m. It’s time to bring Bartels’ soul out of Ground Zero Chips but only when ‘Justice is Done and Justice is Seen to be Done.” Hamish, Tomoye Washington DC/McConnell InternationalShortly after Chips had consumed the ad-nauseam drivel from Hamish, the 27 year old Russian wench exploculated all over herself, and Chips, as Chips, ever the doting gentleman faked an exploculation replete with aural announcements indicating he had 'launched a batch into her oyster net' which, in fact he had not as he was trying to mentally engineer a trap for 10 of the 12 deci-pussies who were too punch drunk to realize they were had. As the svelte young Russian collapsed in a quivering pile before our affable man Chips, still at full battle strength, the G550 exec-u-jet flown by Buck Naked and Agent Stone shuddered in a fashion consistent with engine icing being shed. As the lights flickered and then went out, Agent GD suggested that Chips should select another song from his Clipper Squirt Gun as the soon to be geriatric gave her a squirt to indicate 'all is normal, no fear my lovely' or some other cheesy message that a young Kazak Russian might interpret as 'caring'. As Buck and Stone were descending the G550 to warmer air to reduce damage to the engines, Agent Chips read three incoming Clippers while piledriving the Lady in Red as she so fervently desired. And it was not wasted upon Chips that she had no whip, riding crop, nipple clamps or Nazi goose stepper boots as Anya Kutsov might desire or John Shalikashvili may provide.
Abel Danger Global Operations Plum City to Abel Danger VAT 69 AssSets aFIELD: “On 4 July, 2010 Barry Soetero will read this message: It begins and ends Chapter 4....I have seen this before but not with lyrics and US Marine tags....I would suggest Boo Boo should 'clear his desk' while Agent Chips encourages, again, ALPA to 'clear the skies' related drivel note that when Petraeus debuted in Afghanistan it was Marines, not doggie faces, who he sought out. Perhaps the Army guys are reading the McChrystal clear tea leaves as their health and future are being used by 4 star sellouts to the Crown Agency and the Livery of London reuse. Agents Chips and Banzai Pipeline, Global Ops Desk, The Plum”

Royal Crown Agent Del N. Pole Immediate Clipper to Game Breaker, Cruise Director, Bravo Hotel, Mother Moose, Bachmann Turner Over and Chips, copy Abel Danger VAT 69 global: “The reason why Monbiot does what he does, is that he is a member of the BBC Pension Trust whose retirement benefits are invested in carbon-offset murder for hire transactions such as those triggered on 9/11 with the assassination of Carlton Bartels founder of Ergo, Monbiot knows he could be seen as accessory before or after the fact in re Carlton Bartels' death unless he and his BBC cronies succeed in the spin which Robin Cook died to expose, i.e. al-Qaeda is the name of the database used by MI5 and the CIA to track agents in the former Soviet-occupied Afghanistan, the hub of Dope Inc. [Crown Agents] poppy trade. One of those 'al-Qaeda' agents was called Barry Soetoro whom the Crown Agents sent to Pakistan just south of Quetta in 1981 to link up to an agent by the name of Tim Osmond. On the morning of 9/11, Carlton Bartels was testing his patent-applied-for system for trading residential carbon credits triggered when residents stop breathing; unfortunately for Bartels and 682 of his colleagues he did the testing just above the sky lobby in WTC#1. N.B. Raines below is one of your Oxymoronic Rhodes Scholars and therefore just like MonBBCbiot, David 'Dope Inc' Cameron, George 'Whip Me' Osborne and Boris 'Rib Cracker' Johnsone, a card carrying member of the Oxford Parasitic Pig and Extortion Party."When he wasn't busy helping create a $127 billion mess for taxpayers to clean up, former Fannie Mae Chief Executive Officer Franklin Raines, two of his top underlings and select individuals in the "green" movement were inventing a patented system to trade residential carbon credits. Patent No. 6904336 was approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office on Nov. 7, 2006 -- the day after Democrats took control of Congress. Former Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., criticized the award at the time, pointing out that it had "nothing to do with Fannie Mae's charter, nothing to do with making mortgages more affordable." I can meet Chips, Svetlana, Farhad Kavandi and the Schlumberger Squealer at Goff's Manor House on Father's Day in the year that Al Gore's $9 million dollar 'green mansion' was transferred to Tipper by the Oregon Masseuse, Del N. Pole, Crawley”

Royal Crown Agent Nano Immediate Clipper to Marquis d'Cartier, Umbrellaman, Mattress Thrasher, Bean, Yellow Hammer, John Galt, copy Chips and Suky Slicer: “Marquis et. al, finally, a highly respected meteorologist has created a 'green eyed monster' as he breaks ranks with his global warming peers and proves the hysteria to restrict carbon-dioxide emissions, tax energy programs and create a "Big Brother" to limit household energy use is aimed at one thing only – giving government unlimited control over people. Subtitled "A Veteran Meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam," the book documents how leftist politics has utterly taken control of the science of climate change. "These people have a plan and they intend to control much more than your thermostat," Sussman says. "It's a social-engineering scheme, designed and promoted by the federal government to change your behavior." The revelations from the e-mails hacked last fall from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia have reduced the credibility of one of the world's leading atmospheric institutions to "junk science," Sussman says."The e-mails reveal that the world's leading climate scientists were working together to block Freedom of Information requests to review their data, marginalize dissenting scientists, manipulate the peer-review process and obscure, massage or delete inconvenient temperature readings," Sussman says. "One certainly wonders, why? Especially since Al Gore has assured the world that 'the science is settled although his divorce and mansion ownership is not.'" As Sussman proves in "Climategate," the science is indeed settled – settled that global warming is a fraud. Cudos to Chips and Hamish for taking down Gore and the Incovenient Liars, Nano”

Royal Crown Agent Name Dropper Immediate Clipper to Chips, FYEO: “Upon arrival Crawley a Private Hire car dispatched from will be sent from 54 High Street, Crawley RH10 1BW (01293 415 415) Farhad is driving #9 and goes by Ben. Fare is paid, you will pick up the Squealing Sister at Schlumberger House and a Russian with boob-clamps will join you by the Father's Day 'Badger Beer Pump'. Svetlana must be sent to Room 420, assigned Chips, as 'boob clamp lady' has the Suite on the top floor. Good luck with your balancing act Chips, I'd love to lend you a hand, or other appropriate body part. Keep March 2011 wide open, Name Dropper.”As he continued slamming the sausage to the green eyed red head, he missed an Immediate Clipper from Agent Bean in the Arizona City where CIA Agents retire one state east of where Navy Intel guys retire expressing her 'woman's intuition' regarding a potential honey pot.
Royal Crown Agent Bean Immediate Clipper to Chips, FYEO: “Anna Chapman, a woman at the centre of a transatlantic probe into spy allegations, previously worked in the UK, her former employer confirms. Chips, I know your penchant for transatlantic probing but take fair warning, the Cyprus escape artist is somewhere in Crawley, last 'Air Patrolled' in the Suite at the top of the Arora International, the same Suite Anna Nipple Clamps plans to return to with you. Chapman was one of 11 people arrested in the US by the FBI, accused of serving as secret agents of Russia's intelligence service. According to reports, Chapman lived in the UK for four years from 2003. Private plane hire firm NetJets Europe said: "Ms Chapman was employed by NetJets Europe from May to July 2004, as an executive assistant in the sales department." According to her profile on the networking website LinkedIn, Chapman worked in London from September 2003. In addition to working at NetJets Europe, her profile says she worked in the investment banking division at Barclays Bank and also at Navigator hedge fund. Barclays told the Daily Mail that the bank had no record of an Anna Chapman working in its investment division in 2004 and 2005. Chapman's profile says she has run her own company, internet estate agency Property Finder Ltd, since October 2006 and that she is now based in New York. She claims to speak Russian, English, German and French and to have a master’s degree in economics from a Russian university. Her profile claims she studied financial planning at the UK-based BPP International Educational Centre, although a centre spokeswoman said she was unable to confirm whether Chapman had studied there. Chips, her Russian name was Anya Cutsoff and I urge you to recall John Wayne Babbitt. Please don't expose 'the monster' to any great risk of becoming a STUMP. I miss you and my loins ache, be cautious my friend. But keep the monster caged. Sugar Britches. Phoenix”Chips noted Sugar Britches, Abel Danger code for SURE BET meaning nothing in Bean's missive had been proven at less than 100%. He almost went limp but was saved as Svetlana called switch and he saw her gargantuan fun bags and the fact that the Minnesota Vikings tube sock was getting clamped down upon as was the monster. As the two lovers wrestling as one crossed the finish line Chips got a rare FLASH clipper from Banzai Pipeline, James Crosby, and Otto Pilot with the exact same message:
"Chips, 3 laser target designators trained on the forward door of the G550. HAARP Norway and Russian 'hot'. Execute 'cellar door', immediately. Big 3 agree."
Sensing precious little time, Chips withdrew from Svetlana, skipped the Marine Corps shower, put on some Fu Fu juice and paisley shirt from the late 60's and slipped into the cargo area through the trapdoor that BAM Mad Bax and Sluggo held open for him. There the three would wait in fake additional center tank or ACT until all threats were neutralized. As the G550 parking brake was set, Agents of MI5 working on tips from Lord Pearson stormed the Gulfstream as Chips enjoyed a Grolsch frosty in the ACT as Mad Bax and Sluggo arm wrestled to maintain their 'edge'. As Chips reached for a second frosty Grolsch and mentally scratched 'nipple clamps' from his 'chore list', he wondered if by any chance Cinnamon Girl might be on a London layover.

Crown Royal Agent Mich Stack inside Chicago SEC and Sidley-Austin Immediate Clipper to Name Dropper, Matress Thrasher, Marquis d'Cartier, Dr. Nano and Hamish copy Chips and Corazaon: “On September 29, 2001 – in a vital story that has gone unnoticed by the major media – the San Francisco Chronicle reported, “Investors have yet to collect more than $2.5 million in profits they made trading options in the stock of United Airlines before the Sept. 11, terrorist attacks, according to a source familiar with the trades and market data. “The uncollected money raises suspicions that the investors – whose identities and nationalities have not been made public – had advance knowledge of the strikes.” They don’t dare show up now. The suspension of trading for four days after the attacks made it impossible to cash-out quickly and claim the prize before investigators started looking. Lord Brown's lover + Obama's economic death spiral + Agenda 21 + Afghan iron + Kazakh Uranium bear a closer look at the role of the BBC World Service Trust in the Crown Agents Foundation. Mitch Chicago.”What sounded like gunfire startled Svetlana but in the ACT, additional centerline tank, Chips, Sluggo and BAM Mad Bax knew it was the 'hail storm' requested of Arecibo HAARP that was providing a cover for Chips' exit onto the tarmac and into a waiting private car driven by Farhad Kavandi of Persia. Chips made his exit while Mad Bax covered his ass.
Arizona "BITE ME" items are available at and yes! the Big O was the inspiration for this graphic when he put down Arizona trying to protect its citizens!... The snake of!... Never thought of it that way.. ABM AZ