July 1, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson:
Russian Spies – Crown Sisters – Racketeering Cleggs
Hawks CAFE asks you to investigate a century-old Russian spy ring and its apparent use by 12 Crown Agents’ ‘Sisters’, listed below as including Miriam Clegg, together with their allegedly-racketeering associates and/or family insiders, for the 9/11 attack on America.
“Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Wall Street Journal (Jaffe)... mass snuff film in human history." "Tom polarizes people with his brief. ... Mr. Barnett, by contrast, studied at Leningrad State University in the ... thomaspmbarnett.com/published/wsj.htm”
“Crown Agents Sisters linked to rendition / water-boarding / snuff-film sleeper cells:
Eliza Manningham-Buller – MI5 Water-boarding, Serco 4-minute warning, QinetiQ privatization through John Major, Chairman, Carlyle Europe from 2002 until 2005.
Jamie Gorelick – Director Schlumberger [BP/Transocean], DOJ Pride built 9/11 wall
Samantha Cameron – Bullingdon oath-taking husband, Pendragon, Princess Di
Hillary Clinton – Ran DOJ Pride with Janet Reno; now USAID, SBA Crown Agents
Cherie Blair – Matrix for Palestinians, Tony Blair authorized Serco 4 minute warning
Michelle Obama – Sidley Austin protégé Bernardine Dohrn Union Carbide (Bhopal)
Miriam Clegg – Crown Agents DLA Piper, Bishopsgate and Boeing Unabombs
Bernardine Dohrn – Weather Underground torture boss – Rwanda, Jenin and Gaza
Mary Harron – Blair’s Oxford squeeze, American Psycho, Weather Underground
Charlotte Bryan – Serco (Rendition) and FAA Contract Towers
Lucy Adams – Serco (Rendition) Eversheds BBC World Service Trust, LGBT
Kristine Marcy – Serco (Rendition) DOJ Pride JPATS, ConAir SBA FBI”
“Crown Agents is exactly what its name implies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and management of what British historians call the Third Empire .. Crown Agents printed the stamps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial monetary authorities, government officials, and heads of state; served as arms procurers, quartermasters, and paymasters for the colonial armies .. Her Majesty's Murder, Inc. .. Crown Agents' range of ``services''--arms procurement, border controls, offshore banking--also nicely fit the ``administrative requirements'' of the world's organized crime cartels .. review of some of the more sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crown's highly sensitive patronage of global organized crime--what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc.”
KSM also has evidence that Crown Sisters recruit and deploy sleeper cells through prestigious universities around the world, including the College of Europe in Bruges (alumni Nick and Miriam Clegg), Oxford University’s Bullingdon Club (alumni complicit in 1919 assassination of Rasputin and 1986 death of Olivia Channon) and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (alumni include Carlos the Jackal and the alleged spy Anna Chapman).
“Nicholas William Peter "Nick" Clegg MP PC (born 7 January 1967) is a British politician and the current Deputy Prime Minister in the coalition government of David Cameron. In addition, he also serves as Lord President of the Council and Minister for Constitutional and Political Reform. .. Clegg's paternal grandmother, Kira von Engelhardt, was a Baroness from the multiethnic Imperial Russia, of German-Russian and Ukrainian origin, whose aristocratic family fled the Bolsheviks after the 1917 Russian Revolution. .. Clegg's great-great-grandfather, the Ukrainian nobleman Ignaty Zakrevsky, was attorney general of the imperial Russian senate. His great-great aunt was the writer, Baroness Moura Budberg .. educated at the private Caldicott School at Farnham Royal in South Buckinghamshire, and later at the private Westminster School in London. As a 16-year-old exchange student in Munich, Germany, he was sentenced to a term of community service after he and a friend burned a collection of cacti belonging to a professor .. He spent a gap year as a skiing instructor in Austria, before attending Robinson College, Cambridge in 1986. Clegg studied Social Anthropology at Cambridge University .. After university he was awarded a scholarship to study for a year at the University of Minnesota, where he wrote a thesis on the political philosophy of the Deep Green movement. He then moved to New York City, where he worked as an intern under Christopher Hitchens at The Nation, a left-wing magazine. Clegg next moved to Brussels, where he worked for six months as a trainee in the G24 co-ordination unit which delivered aid to the countries of the former Soviet Union. After the internship he took a second master's degree at the College of Europe in Bruges, an elite university for European studies in Belgium, where he met his wife, Miriam González Durántez, a lawyer and the daughter of a Spanish senator. Nick Clegg belonged to the "Mozart Promotion" at the College of Europe [where oath-taking students allegedly commit to lead sovereign states into an integrated European based on centralized credit, rule by elites and ‘deep-green’ de-industrialization and depopulation] "
“[Nick Clegg’s great great aunt] Moura (Maria Ignatievna) Zakrevskaya, variously Countess Benckendorff and Baroness Budberg (ca. 1891 - Nov. 1974) was the daughter of Ignatiy Platonovich Zakrevsky (1841-1905), a Russian nobleman. She married first, Count Djon (Johann) Benckendorff, a high-ranking Czarist diplomat, in 1911. They owned the mansion called Yendel in Jäneda, Estonia where he was shot dead in 1919 (by a peasant). Later, she was briefly married to Baron Nikolai von Budberg-Bönningshausen. She was the mistress of Sir R. H. Bruce Lockhart, who mentions her, under her given name, in his book Memoirs of a Secret Agent. She also had relationships with Russian writer Maxim Gorky and historian and science fiction writer H.G. Wells. Widely suspected of being a double-agent for both the Soviet Union and British intelligence, she has been called the "Mata Hari of Russia". Among her many activities, she wrote books, and was the script writer for at least two films: Three Sisters directed by Laurence Olivier and John Sichel (1970), and The Sea Gull directed by Sidney Lumet (1968). An MI5 informant said of her, "she can drink an amazing quantity, mostly gin". Moura Budberg's older half-sister, Alexandra ‘Alla’ Ignatievna Zakrevskaya (1884-1960), who married Baron Arthur von Engelhardt before 1909, was the great-grandmother of Nick Clegg, leader of the British Liberal Democratic Party since December 2007, and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from May 2010.”
“Moscow posting Bruce Lockhart [lover of Nick Clegg’s great great aunt] next joined the British Foreign Service and was posted to Moscow as Vice-Consul .. Bruce Lockhart was Acting British Consul-General in Moscow when the first Russian Revolution broke out in early 1917, but left shortly before the Bolshevik Revolution of October that year. He soon returned to Russia at the behest of Prime Minister Lloyd George and Lord Milner as the United Kingdom's first envoy to the Bolsheviks (Russia) in January 1918 in an attempt to counteract German influence. Bruce Lockhart was asked in March 1918 to persuade the new Soviet government to allow a Japanese army onto Soviet territory to fight Germany on the Eastern Front. He was unsuccessful in this endeavour. Arrest and trial In 1918, Bruce Lockhart and fellow British agent, Sidney Reilly, were dramatically implicated in a plot to assassinate Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin. He was accused of plotting against the Bolshevik regime and, for a time during 1918, was confined in the Kremlin as a prisoner and condemned to death. However, his life was spared in an exchange of "secret agents" for the Russian diplomat Maksim Maksimovich Litvinov. He later wrote about his experiences in his 1932 autobiographical book, Memoirs of a British Agent which became an instant worldwide hit, and was made into the 1934 film British Agent by Warner Brothers. World War II and after During World War II, Lockhart became director-general of the Political Warfare Executive, co-ordinating all British propaganda against the enemy. He was also for a time the British liaison officer to the Czechoslovak government-in-exile under President Edvard Beneš. After the war, he resumed his writing career, as well as lecturing and broadcasting, and had a weekly BBC broadcast to Czechoslovakia for over 10 years.”
“UK probe into life of alleged Russian spy .. A glamorous estate agent said to be at the centre of an alleged Russian spy ring uncovered in America was the subject of an urgent investigation in Britain last night, after evidence emerged that she had worked in London before moving to the US. Anna Chapman (28), who is one of 11 people accused by the US authorities of posing as suburban professionals while working for Moscow's intelligence service, claims in a profile on an online networking site that she lived in London between 2003 and 2007, working for a number of companies, including Barclays Bank and a private jet leasing firm. The Foreign Office (FCO) confirmed that it was investigating the British links of Ms Chapman, whose striking looks, high-flying lifestyle as a real-estate broker and many photographs on her Facebook page have made her the focus of much of the media coverage about the apparently inept spy ring. An FCO spokesman said: “This is primarily a matter for the US authorities but of course we will ensure we look into any suggested British links. We will be investigating this fully with the US. We are establishing the facts, so it would be wrong to comment further at this stage.” MI5 [Allegedly directed by Crown Agents’ Sister Eliza Manningham-Buller] is understood to be trawling its databases to check whether the Russian-born entrepreneur, who is the daughter of a leading diplomat, according to reports in Moscow, could have been working for the SVR, the successor to the KGB, while in Britain. Ms Chapman seems to have exaggerated her achievements in London on her CV. NetJets Europe, which is part of one of the world's largest executive aircraft hiring firms, confirmed that she had been employed for three months between May and July 2004 at its London office as an assistant in its sales department. On her CV, she claimed to have worked for the company for a year and was “primarily involved in selling private jets to companies and individuals in Russia”. A source at NetJets said Ms Chapman, who has a Masters degree in economics, had been a secretarial worker and had no direct contact with the company's clients. After leaving NetJets, she joined Barclays, between August 2004 and July 2005. Contrary to her claims to have worked in the bank's investment division, describing how she laboured “as a slave”, the company said yesterday that the only Anna Chapman it had employed at that time had worked in its small business unit. Navigator Asset Management Advisers, a Mayfair-based hedge fund where Ms Chapman claimed to have worked after Barclays, declined to comment yesterday. Mystery also remains over the identity of the alleged spy's British husband, from whom she is reported to have separated after their marriage in 2006. British investigators will also have to establish whether another member of the supposed “deep-cover” espionage team had travelled using a suspected forged UK passport. Tracey Foley was found with the document when she was arrested in Boston on Monday. Meanwhile, another of the 11 suspects has gone missing after being released on bail in Cyprus. Christopher Robert Metsos (55) was expected to sign in at a police station in Larnaca yesterday but failed to show up. A warrant was being prepared for his arrest.”

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