Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Mrs. Clegg bordereaux frauds on BP and Conrad Black
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Mrs. Clegg for alleged Lloyd's of London bordereaux frauds in re use of Oracle networks and the office of Lord President of the Council (incumbent Nick Clegg!) to delegate authority to Crown Agents to re-assign collection of BP and Conrad Black's liabilities to EU lenders and City Livery Companies.
"In constitutional and administrative law, the principle delegata potestas non potest delegari (Latin) states that `no delegated powers can be further delegated' .. This principle is present in several jurisdictions such as that of the United States and the United Kingdom .. The maxim was first cited by the Supreme Court of the United States in United States v. Sav. Bank, 104 U.S. 728 (1881), where the case summary reports that one of the litigants argued that, "The duty imposed by statute on the commissioner cannot be delegated to a collector. Delegata potestas non potest delegari." Catholic Canon law Catholic Canon law (Title XIII) states: Codex Iuris Canonici 137 § 1 Ordinary executive power can be delegated either for an individual case or for all cases, unless the law expressly provides otherwise. § 2 Executive power delegated by the Apostolic See can be subdelegated, either for an individual case or for all cases, unless the delegation was deliberately given to the individual alone, or unless subdelegation was expressly prohibited. § 3 Executive power delegated by another authority having ordinary power, if delegated for all cases, can be subdelegated only for individual cases; if delegated for a determinate act or acts, it cannot be subdelegated, except by the express grant of the person delegating. § 4 No subdelegated power can again be subdelegated, unless this was expressly granted by the person delegating."
"Sir David Barclay and Sir Frederick Barclay (both born on 27 October 1934) are British businessmen. The identical twin brothers have very substantial business interests primarily in media, retail and property. The Sunday Times Rich List of 2007 estimated their wealth at £1.8 billion .. Sir David's son Aidan Barclay, manages their UK businesses .. Their Press Holdings company owns The Business and The Spectator magazine .. In July 2004, they bought The Telegraph Group which includes The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph, and The Spectator after months of intense bidding and lawsuits. The Telegraph Group was owned by Hollinger Inc. of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the newspaper group controlled by the Canadian-born British businessman Conrad Black. The brothers' period as newspaper proprietors has been more tumultuous than their property interests" .. "However, their move on the Telegraph will prompt detailed questions from Ofcom in the UK, and, most likely, the US Securities and Exchange Commission — which has been following developments at the Telegraph's owner, Hollinger International .. They also live offshore, in Monaco, and in a £27 million mock-gothic castle on their own private island, Brecqhou, which was bought in 1993 and is next to the Channel island of Sark. A legal battle to gain independence for the island followed, but was abandoned .. They do not use investment bankers as advisers, relying instead on their accountant Michael Seal. Their reclusiveness has helped them to avoid controversy. But they were implicated in the Crown Agents scandal of the early 1970s, in which large sums of public money were lost on loans to businessmen."
"(AP) A key member of Congress launched an investigation Wednesday into the tax practices of Transocean Ltd., owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, leading to the massive oil spill. Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said his investigation would examine whether Transocean is exploiting loopholes in U.S. tax law by moving its headquarters overseas. The company moved its headquarters to landlocked Switzerland two years ago, where it paid a 16 percent tax on its $4.4 billion global operating income last year. Before that, the company had been located in the Cayman Islands, another tax haven. The company was once based in Delaware, where many U.S. corporations have headquarters because of the friendly tax treatment. "Transocean's questionable business practices may be at fault for costing lives and livelihoods on the Gulf Coast, and now there are questions regarding the oil company's tax practices as well," Baucus said in a statement. "Hardworking Americans pull their own weight by paying the taxes they owe every day and American companies must do the same."
KSM also has evidence that Crown Sisters execute wire frauds by transmitting electronic communications through Lloyd's and Oracle bordereaux to hired saboteurs in the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators, the Honourable Company of Master Mariners, the City of London Solicitors' Company and the Worshipful Companies of Security Professionals, Stationers and Newspaper Makers, Insurers, International Bankers and World Traders.
"1. Eliza Manningham-Buller [Oracle-MI5-CIA Serco, Promis, K-Branch, IRA, Pan Am 103, NetJets 9/12, Amec 7/7, RAF Brize Norton, Anna Chapman, Rendition, Waterboarding] 2. Jamie Gorelick [Oracle-Fannie Mae, MindBox, DOJ Pride, Vince Foster, Waco, Promis, 9/11 Wall, Schlumberger, Transocean, BP Cancelled Cement Job, Sabotage] 3. Samantha Cameron [Oracle-Menzies Aviation and Distribution, Smythson Stationery, Boston Brakes, Princess Di, great grandfather was chairman of Reuters] 4. Hillary Clinton [Oracle USAID-SBA liquidations, Crown Agents Gyroscope QRS11 Patent on NetJets Boeing and Gulfstream V on 9/11] 5. Cherie Blair [Oracle-LSE For You, Matrix Terrorists, Law of the European Union, European Convention on Human Rights] 6. Michelle Obama [Oracle-CIA Henry Bienen, Princeton, Union Carbide Bhopal AT&T] 7. Miriam Clegg [Oracle DLA Piper head of international trade law practice, wife of Lord President of the Council Nick Clegg, late Robin Cook, Passports for illegals, BBC Royal Charter] 8. Bernardine Dohrn [Oracle-Northwestern University, Unabomb, Weather Underground Rwanda Genocide, Torture Paradigm and Practice] 9. Mary Harron [Oracle-Netflix DVD American Psycho, Weather Underground, Bondage S&M, SCUM, Former girlfriend of Tony Blair at Oxford University] 10. Charlotte Bryan [Oracle-Serco FAA Contract Towers FC-KU crime scenes of 9/11] 11. Lucy Adams [Oracle-Serco BBC snuff film sites 9/11, 7/7] 12. Kristine Marcy [Oracle-Serco, Promis, SBA DOJ Pride USIS DNS, ICE, U.S. Marshals, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) for illegals in preparation for 9/11, Obama CUKC Passport JPATS Femme Comp Inc Unabombs 'Mindless breathers - Useless Breeders' comment] .. Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators .. Honourable Company of Master Mariners .. Worshipful Company of Security Professionals .. City of London Solicitors' Company .. Worshipful Companies of Stationers and Newspaper Makers, Insurers, International Bankers, World Traders and Weavers [Livery Company heraldry - Torse-fillet strangler scarf at United 93 Crash]"
"Real estate as security .. Security over leases can be twofold: long-term leases (baux emphytéotiques) can be subject to a mortgage; for short term/commercial leases (baux commerciaux) security can only be taken over the rental income. It is possible to create security over receivables in two ways: [1] assignment of receivables (cession Dailly) The rights to any receivables to which a company is entitled can be assigned in order to secure the company's own liabilities to the benefit of a lender that is a financial establishment with its registered office in a European Union or European Economic Area member state, or a branch or subsidiary of a non European establishment that is validly established in France .. The security is perfected by (i) the execution by the assignor and the lenders of a receivables security assignment agreement, and (ii) the remittance to the lenders by the assignor of a form of assignment of receivables by way of security (Bordereau) detailing the receivables assigned. This "Bordereau" must include a certain number of mandatory clauses (in particular dealing with the purpose of the transaction) and must be signed by the assignor and dated by the assignee. The person from whom the receivable is due may not be aware of the assignment but can be notified of the transfer by any means at any time [Odious Debt].. Enforcement is immediate as the assigned receivables are the property of the assignee as from the date stated on the "Bordereau" and any proceeds must be remitted to that assignee, who is required to return to the pledgor any amount greater than the amount secured. [2] delegation (Délégation Imparfaite) French law does not provide for the assignment of revenue, the assignment of inter-company loan proceeds as such, or the assignment of insurance as such. This type of assignment can be made either by way of assignment of receivables, or by means of a delegation (Délégation Imparfaite). In a delegation, at the request of a debtor (the "Délégant"), a third party (the "Délégué") undertakes to pay a creditor (the "Délégataire") who accepts payment from the Délégué, on the basis that the Délégataire can still request the payment from the Délégant until the expiry date of the receivables. As a consequence, the Délégataire has two debtors and can request payment from the Déléguant if the Délégué does not pay"
"Report Automation and Compilation Creates Flexibility "We had been struggling for some time to automate the reporting process for the Lloyd's of London bordereau," Klotz commented. Klotz was, therefore, eager to participate in a vendor-driven test project to develop a new reporting tool for Oracle Documaker. According to a 2007 national association of professional surplus lines offices (NAPSLO) survey, almost 70% of the association's general agent members and more than 60% of its broker members are currently using Oracle Documaker to issue policies. In fact, Continental uses Oracle Documaker for efficient and economical policy issuance, including user-defined transactions such as new policies, quotes, endorsements, cancellations, and renewals, for all lines of business. The Oracle Documaker reporting tool enables Continental's users to utilize features such as unlimited data exporting; flexibility in data exporting to Excel, Access, and extensible markup language (XML) formats; and visual mapping of forms and fields to data columns for simple report creation. Continental's personnel were able to easily extract data residing within the smart archive of Oracle Documaker to create the Lloyd's bordereau and other reports."
"Crown Agents is exactly what its name implies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and management of what British historians call the Third Empire .. Crown Agents printed the stamps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial monetary authorities, government officials, and heads of state; served as arms procurers, quartermasters, and paymasters for the colonial armies .. Her Majesty's Murder, Inc. .. Crown Agents' range of ``services''--arms procurement, border controls, offshore banking--also nicely fit the ``administrative requirements'' of the world's organized crime cartels .. review of some of the more sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crown's highly sensitive patronage of global organized crime--what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc.”
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