Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
July 8, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson:
Do Crown Agents Sisters spy swaps link Clegg to 9/11?
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate the modus operandi of a century of spy swaps – allegedly procured through sexual entrapment by Crown Agents’ Sisters – which appear to link the Clegg Family with City Livery Companies and the precision bombing of 9/11.
KSM also has evidence that the Crown Sisters used the Livery Companies for precision bombing at FC-KU* crime scenes on 9/11 and the BBC production of black and white propaganda described as ‘the first live-broadcast mass snuff film in history’.
FC-KU* - A crime scene controlled by Femme Comp Inc with KU-band C4 technologies
We list below 12 Crown Agents’ Sisters and some of the Livery Companies they allegedly used in sexual entrapment, murder-for-hire, rendition, pedophile sex, drug-trafficking, money laundering, sleeper-cell activation and ‘black-white’ spy swaps.
1. Eliza Manningham-Buller 2. Jamie Gorelick 3. Samantha Cameron 4. Hillary Clinton 5. Cherie Blair 6. Michelle Obama 7. Miriam Clegg 8. Bernardine Dohrn 9. Mary Harron 10. Charlotte Bryan 11. Lucy Adams 12. Kristine Marcy .. The Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators .. The Worshipful Company of Insurers .. The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals .. The Honourable Company of Master Mariners .. The Worshipful Company of International Bankers .. The Worshipful Company of World Traders .... The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers .. The City of London Solicitors' Company ... The Worshipful Company of Weavers [Strangler Scarf].”
“Exotic connections .. Research by The Mail on Sunday has discovered that ancestors on [Nick Clegg] father's side include a Russian baroness who spied for the Soviet Union and seduced the author H.G. Wells. Of all the many colourful names in the Clegg family tree it is his great great- aunt Moura Budberg who stands out above the rest. The Russian-born noblewoman was widely suspected of spying for both the Soviet Union and British intelligence. Sensuously beautiful and with a distinctly liberal attitude to sex, her life was full of shadowy entanglements and glamorous liaisons. 'A very dangerous woman': Moura with a gentleman friend in Berlin in 1913 MI5 was warned by the British Embassy in Moscow in the early Twenties that she was 'a very dangerous woman'. She was mistress to science fiction writer H.G. Wells and the Russian literary giant Maxim Gorky, as well as Robert Bruce Lockhart, probably the most famous diplomat and spy Britain ever sent to Moscow. According to one account she offered sexual favours to a Lubyanka prison commandant after the 1917 revolution to secure her own release. She then took food parcels and books to her lover Lockhart, jailed in a Kremlin dungeon under suspicion of masterminding an attempt to assassinate revolutionary leader Lenin in 1918 and topple the Bolsheviks, before brokering his release. Later she came to know both Lenin and Stalin, once giving an accordion to the great dictator. Budberg was born Maria Ignatievna Zakrevskaya in St Petersburg in 1891. She was one of four children of eccentric tsarist senator and landowner Ignatiy Platonovich Zakrevsky. He was a distinguished lawyer and diplomat who served for a time in London. Budberg's sister, Alexandra, was the mother of Clegg's grandmother, Baroness Kira von Engelhardt, who was born in Russia in 1909. After the revolution, Budberg and her niece Kira both eventually found their way to Britain. Many years later, having restyled herself as a Left-wing socialite based in Knightsbridge, Budberg gave British intelligence a sensational nugget of intelligence which, somehow, they contrived to ignore. In 1951, with Soviet agents Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean both having fled to Moscow, she fell under suspicion. Burgess had regularly visited her apartment and while the secret services had previously discounted rumours that she was a Soviet agent, now she was targeted by British counter-intelligence. MI5 files show that agent Jona 'Klop' Ustinov, father of the actor Peter Ustinov, was sent to interrogate her and she was open in what she revealed. He reported: 'The most startling thing Moura told me was that Anthony Blunt, to whom Guy Burgess was most devoted, is a member of the Communist Party.' The treachery of Blunt the well respected keeper of the Queen's pictures was staring intelligence chiefs in the face, yet it was a further 12 years before he confessed to spying for the USSR. Kira left Russia in 1917, spending her school years in Estonia, and after a short time in Berlin, travelled to England in 1929 [the year of the launch of The Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators], eventually settling and marrying an Englishman.””
“In 1918, Bruce Lockhart and fellow British agent, Sidney Reilly, were dramatically implicated in a plot to assassinate Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin. He was accused of plotting against the Bolshevik regime and, for a time during 1918, was confined in the Kremlin as a prisoner and condemned to death. However, his life was spared in an exchange of "secret agents" for the Russian diplomat Maksim Maksimovich Litvinov.
He later wrote about his experiences in his 1932 autobiographical book, Memoirs of a British Agent which became an instant worldwide hit, and was made into the 1934 film British Agent by Warner Brothers. World War II and after During World War II, Lockhart became director-general of the Political Warfare Executive, co-ordinating all British propaganda against the enemy.”
“During World War II, the Political Warfare Executive (PWE) was a British clandestine body created to produce and disseminate both white and black propaganda, with the aim of damaging enemy morale and sustaining the morale of the Occupied countries.
The Executive was formed in August 1941, reporting to the Foreign Office. The staff came mostly from S.O.1, which had been until then the propaganda arm of the Special Operations Executive. The organisation was governed by a committee initially comprising Anthony Eden (Foreign Secretary), Brendan Bracken (Minister of Information) and Hugh Dalton (Minister of Economic Warfare), together with officials Rex Leeper, Dallas Brooks and Robert Bruce Lockhart [Erstwhile lover of Nick Clegg’s great great aunt as chairman Moura Budberg] (and later Director General). Roundell Palmer (the future 3rd Earl of Selbourne) later replaced Dalton when he was moved to become President of the Board of Trade. Ivone Kirkpatrick, an advisor to the BBC and formerly a diplomat in Berlin, also joined the committee, while Leeper left to become British Ambassador to Greece. PWE included staff from the Ministry of Information, the propaganda elements of the Special Operations Executive, and from the BBC. Its main headquarters was at Woburn Abbey with London offices at the BBC's Bush House. As the Political Warfare Executive was a secret department when dealing with the outside world PWE used the covername Political Intelligence Department (PID). The main forms of propaganda were in the form of radio broadcasts and printed postcards, leaflets and documents. PWE created a number of clandestine radio stations including Gustav Siegfried Eins, Soldatensender Calais and Kurzwellesender Atlantik. In order to deliver its subversive messages, PWE also disseminated reliable news and information on events in Germany and the occupied countries, gathering intelligence from other services and agencies, including POW interrogations, and newspapers obtained from occupied countries, and bombing raid photo analysis. This latter source was used to broadcast lists of streets (and even individual houses) that had been destroyed and on occasion to mock up faked "real time" reports of actual raids. After D-Day most of PWE's white propaganda staff transferred to the Psychological Warfare Division (PWD/SHAEF) of SHAEF At the end of World War II PWE were tasked with the re-education of German Prisoners of War. As with different types of propaganda, PWE used the same 'white', 'grey', and 'black' classifications for German POWs. Prisoners classed as 'black' were considered dangerous ardent Nazis, with anti-Nazis classed as 'white' and regular non-political soldiers classed as 'grey'. [Beginning of Crown Agents’ Operation Paperclip spy swaps]”
“Crown Agents is exactly what its name implies, an agent of Her Majesty the Queen. It was founded in 1833 as Crown Agents for the Colonies, and historically played a vital role in the creation and management of what British historians call the Third Empire .. Crown Agents printed the stamps and banknotes of the colonies; provided technical, engineering, and financial services; served as private bankers to the colonial monetary authorities, government officials, and heads of state; served as arms procurers, quartermasters, and paymasters for the colonial armies .. Her Majesty's Murder, Inc. .. Crown Agents' range of ``services''--arms procurement, border controls, offshore banking--also nicely fit the ``administrative requirements'' of the world's organized crime cartels .. review of some of the more sordid aspects of the recent history of Crown Agents, suggests that the firm has been at the center of the British Crown's highly sensitive patronage of global organized crime--what EIR long ago dubbed Dope, Inc.”
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