Source: Daily Research News
Google, CIA Look into Future
July 30 2010
Google and In-Q-Tel, an investment vehicle which forms part of the CIA, have both been revealed as backers of Recorded Future, a company tracking and analyzing Web content to report on trends and make predictions about future events.
CIA Seeks FBI [Future Business Intelligence]The search giant made the injection, said to be just under ten million dollars and roughly matching that of In-Q-Tel, via its Google Ventures investment division in 2009. Although there is no suggestion that the two organizations are working together, those fearing Big Brother-like state and corporate control of information will no doubt find plenty to worry about in the news.
Recorded Future collects data from tens of thousands of web sites, blogs and Twitter accounts and analysis relationships between people, organizations and events, using its ‘temporal analytics engine’ to spot hidden links based on subject matter and extrapolating them into the future using a measure of online ‘momentum’, to predict where and when events such as expansion, mergers and acquisitions might happen.
In-Q-Tel, run as a not-for-profit venture capital firm with the sole aim of keeping the CIA equipped with the latest in IT, has already shown an interest in other web analytics providers. Last October, the organization commissioned social media monitoring firm Visible Technologies to provide it with social media monitoring tools; it is also an investor in WPP / Omniture subsidiary Visual Sciences.
Source: Wired
Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring
The investment arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the web in real time — and says it uses that information to predict the future.
The company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between people, organizations, actions and incidents — both present and still-to-come. In a white paper, the company says its temporal analytics engine “goes beyond search” by “looking at the ‘invisible links’ between documents that talk about the same, or related, entities and events.”
The idea is to figure out for each incident who was involved, where it happened and when it might go down. Recorded Future then plots that chatter, showing online “momentum” for any given event.
“The cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases,” says company CEO Christopher Ahlberg, a former Swedish Army Ranger with a PhD in computer science.
Which naturally makes the 16-person Cambridge, Massachusetts, firm attractive to Google Ventures, the search giant’s investment division, and to In-Q-Tel, which handles similar duties for the CIA and the wider intelligence community.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
worshipful butchers - Pickton gourmet pig farm - entraped politicians - recovery of 'odious' debt - bordereaux frauds
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
July 31, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown Agents – Worshipful Butchers – Pig farm sex trap
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate the Crown Agents Sisters and City Livery companies for the alleged spoliation of evidence of murder for hire at crime scenes such as the B.C. pig farm apparently operated by a charity for the purposes of sexual entrapment of snuff film victims and the extorted collection of government or EU debt through Lloyd's of London bordereaux insurance frauds.

Our KSM agents have evidence that Crown Sisters recruited extortionists through City Livery companies such as the Worshipful Company of Butchers to entrap politicians at the pig farm on film and subsequently extort recovery of `odious' government or EU debt through Lloyd's Register and Lloyd's of London bordereaux frauds.
July 31, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown Agents – Worshipful Butchers – Pig farm sex trap
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate the Crown Agents Sisters and City Livery companies for the alleged spoliation of evidence of murder for hire at crime scenes such as the B.C. pig farm apparently operated by a charity for the purposes of sexual entrapment of snuff film victims and the extorted collection of government or EU debt through Lloyd's of London bordereaux insurance frauds.
Lloyd's of London exploited - crown agents procured assassins - city livery companies long tradition broken - Osama bin Laden in the dark
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
July 30, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Lloyd’s Livery of Murder on the Cameron Bordereaux
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate the Cameron Family’s use of Lloyd’s of London insurance bordereaux to reward assassins, allegedly procured through networks operated by Crown Agents Sisters and City Livery companies, for the spoliation of evidence at crime scenes involving murders which helped family insiders to pilot Dave ‘Jump Ship’ Cameron into 10 Downing Street and to take control of the United Kingdom’s Great Offices of State.

“The Great Offices of State in the United Kingdom are the four most senior and prestigious posts in the British parliamentary system of government. They are the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Foreign Secretary and the Home Secretary. Since 11 May 2010 these posts have been held by David Cameron, George Osborne, William Hague and Theresa May, respectively.”

Our KSM agents have evidence that Crown Agents is using Lloyd’s Register and City Livery asset-swapping networks in support of sexual (snuff-film) entrapment, drug trafficking and murder for hire operations, financed with phony insurance claims laundered through the Camerons’ centuries-old bordereaux at Lloyd’s of London.
July 30, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Lloyd’s Livery of Murder on the Cameron Bordereaux
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate the Cameron Family’s use of Lloyd’s of London insurance bordereaux to reward assassins, allegedly procured through networks operated by Crown Agents Sisters and City Livery companies, for the spoliation of evidence at crime scenes involving murders which helped family insiders to pilot Dave ‘Jump Ship’ Cameron into 10 Downing Street and to take control of the United Kingdom’s Great Offices of State.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Field McConnell & David Hawkins: July 2010
Source:, hawkscafe,
28 July 2010—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
21 July 2010—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
14 July 2010—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
7 July 2010—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

audios 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Privatization of money: destructive endemic corruption - reform the private CREDIT system - AMI
Source: American Monetary Institute
Privatization of the money power is an "original sin" of our system
Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute:
Hopefully you've celebrated this July 4th Independence Day in good style. AMI people went to Chicago's Oak Street Beach. We kept an upbeat attitude, despite the serious problems our nation faces.
We remembered the importance to peoples around the earth, of our forefathers declaring independence from old world tyranny. We inspired a revolution in France. Later, thanks to France's gift, our Statue of Liberty served as a beacon inviting peoples to our shores; including my parents and grand parents from Italy. They achieved the American Dream - owning a home and educating their kids.
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights provided some safeguards and checks and balances that held anti-democratic and anti-human forces at bay, and separated government from religion, the misuse of which had caused so much pain in the old world. But unfortunately, because the founders as a group did not understand the nature of money, they allowed corrupt monetary beliefs and practices of the old world to gain a foothold on our shores, starting with the establishment of the privately owned 1st Bank of the U.S. in 1791 (detailed in Ch. 15 of The Lost Science of Money book). As with all major banking legislation here, fraud was involved.
This privatization of the money power is an "original sin" of our system, from which most of our social problems arise. Though the Constitution expressly forbade the establishment of an Aristocracy here, my neighbor President Martin Van Buren would write “The MONEY POWER (he always capitalized it)... when firmly established, was destined to become the only kind of an Aristocracy that could exist in our political system.” That aristocracy, through concentration of wealth and power and various financial tricks, is in the process of destroying the checks and balances which had offered protection. Witness the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing corporations to finance and thereby control elections.
Economists willingly embraced the pernicious errors allowing the financial establishment to control our nation, by confusing credit for money. WHY? Salaries and position, and tenure:
“What makes all doctrines plain and clear? About two hundred pounds a year. And that which was proved true before, proved false again? Two hundred more.” - Samuel Butler’s Hudibras on Economics said it all.
Clearly, "economics" is a failed profession, with rare and sometimes great individual exceptions. Indeed, Jamie Galbraith in testimony before the Senate Judicial Committee, Subcommittee on Crime, recently wrote: "I write you as a member of a disgraced profession" and he suggested they put the fear of Congress into the financial operators who brought down the world economy. But in general, economists focusing on theoretical, mathematically dominated thinking, ignoring factual results, are unable to make course corrections to public policy. And too many Congressmen, including the financial committees leadership, were too close to the economic wreckers to propose real reform.
The financial "reforms" they are arguing over now do not fundamentally address the main problem - a privatized money system based on using private credit instead of government money. This special privilege always leads to an obscene concentration of wealth, which then can overcome the regulations.
Privatization of the money power is an "original sin" of our system
Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute:
Hopefully you've celebrated this July 4th Independence Day in good style. AMI people went to Chicago's Oak Street Beach. We kept an upbeat attitude, despite the serious problems our nation faces.
We remembered the importance to peoples around the earth, of our forefathers declaring independence from old world tyranny. We inspired a revolution in France. Later, thanks to France's gift, our Statue of Liberty served as a beacon inviting peoples to our shores; including my parents and grand parents from Italy. They achieved the American Dream - owning a home and educating their kids.
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights provided some safeguards and checks and balances that held anti-democratic and anti-human forces at bay, and separated government from religion, the misuse of which had caused so much pain in the old world. But unfortunately, because the founders as a group did not understand the nature of money, they allowed corrupt monetary beliefs and practices of the old world to gain a foothold on our shores, starting with the establishment of the privately owned 1st Bank of the U.S. in 1791 (detailed in Ch. 15 of The Lost Science of Money book). As with all major banking legislation here, fraud was involved.
This privatization of the money power is an "original sin" of our system, from which most of our social problems arise. Though the Constitution expressly forbade the establishment of an Aristocracy here, my neighbor President Martin Van Buren would write “The MONEY POWER (he always capitalized it)... when firmly established, was destined to become the only kind of an Aristocracy that could exist in our political system.” That aristocracy, through concentration of wealth and power and various financial tricks, is in the process of destroying the checks and balances which had offered protection. Witness the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing corporations to finance and thereby control elections.
Economists willingly embraced the pernicious errors allowing the financial establishment to control our nation, by confusing credit for money. WHY? Salaries and position, and tenure:
“What makes all doctrines plain and clear? About two hundred pounds a year. And that which was proved true before, proved false again? Two hundred more.” - Samuel Butler’s Hudibras on Economics said it all.
Clearly, "economics" is a failed profession, with rare and sometimes great individual exceptions. Indeed, Jamie Galbraith in testimony before the Senate Judicial Committee, Subcommittee on Crime, recently wrote: "I write you as a member of a disgraced profession" and he suggested they put the fear of Congress into the financial operators who brought down the world economy. But in general, economists focusing on theoretical, mathematically dominated thinking, ignoring factual results, are unable to make course corrections to public policy. And too many Congressmen, including the financial committees leadership, were too close to the economic wreckers to propose real reform.
The financial "reforms" they are arguing over now do not fundamentally address the main problem - a privatized money system based on using private credit instead of government money. This special privilege always leads to an obscene concentration of wealth, which then can overcome the regulations.
Lloyd’s of London - bordereaux insurance frauds - 'ship-jumping asset-switching networks’ - criminal corruption
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
July 29, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Jardine Jump Ship Dave in Crown Sisters fraud on Lloyd’s?
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Jardine Matheson's ship-jumper apprenticeships in Hong Kong where Dave Cameron apparently learned how to switch assets on networks allegedly used by Crown Agents’ Sisters in bordereaux insurance frauds on Lloyd’s of London for example, in the sinking of the Transocean-owned BP-chartered Deepwater Horizon drilling rig on April 22, 2010.

Our KSM agents have evidence that Jardine and Crown Agents’ Sisters have been training their apprentices in the use of ‘ship-jumping asset-switching networks’ to support drug trafficking and centuries-old insurance frauds where Lloyd’s bordereaux data are being manipulated by corrupt or extorted employees of Lloyd’s Register.
July 29, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Jardine Jump Ship Dave in Crown Sisters fraud on Lloyd’s?
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Jardine Matheson's ship-jumper apprenticeships in Hong Kong where Dave Cameron apparently learned how to switch assets on networks allegedly used by Crown Agents’ Sisters in bordereaux insurance frauds on Lloyd’s of London for example, in the sinking of the Transocean-owned BP-chartered Deepwater Horizon drilling rig on April 22, 2010.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saul Alinsky behind Cameron's Big Society - seize political power - Alinsky learned from the British - Alinsky: al capone is 'a public utility'
Note: A picture of Saul Alinsky appears over the left shoulder of Barry Soetoro, sorry, we mean, President Obama in the shingle across the top of the Abel Danger blog.
"She said, 'Barack stood up that day,' talking about a visit to Chicago neighborhoods, 'and spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about 'The world as it is' and 'The world as it should be…' And, 'All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won't do – that we have an obligation to, fight for the world as it should be."
Do you wonder who - or whose values - should determine what "the world... should be?"
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." --Saul Alinsky
David Cameron's Big Society is a grotesque fantasy inspired by leftist subversive Saul Alinsky
By Gerald Warner Politics April 1st, 2010
“This plan is directly based on the successful community organising movement established by Saul Alinsky in the United States and has successfully trained generations of community organisers, including President Obama.”
That statement, which beggars belief even in the political fairground we now inhabit, is not taken from some far-out Trotskyite samizdat, but from the official Conservative Party introduction to David Cameron’s Big Idea – the creation of a “Neighbourhood army” of 5,000 full-time community organisers to implement his grotesque fantasy called “Big Society”. If you ever doubted that, under Cameron, the Conservative Party has become ideologically and culturally deracinated, has lost its political compass and is occupied by an alien clique that has disfigured it beyond recognition, here is the incontestable evidence.
Saul Alinsky is here openly acknowledged as the inspiration behind Cameron’s “Big Idea”. Alinsky was the lifelong cultural revolutionary and political subversive whom Barack Obama formerly claimed as his “spiritual mentor”; since Obama hit mainstream politics, however, his supporters have expended a vast amount of effort on trying to conceal that embarrassing history. The aggressively amoral Alinsky believed there was no right or wrong in politics, only what was necessary to seize power (well, Dave and his gang would buy that).
Yet the Conservative Party blurts out this admission in the launch document of Big Society. There is a pedantic debate over whether Alinsky was technically a Marxist, or by-passed Marx as old-hat. What is beyond question is his project to overthrow capitalist society and to do so through infiltration of political parties, institutions and, above all, by the use of “community organisers”. Anybody who thought claims on this blog of Cultural Marxism influencing even the Tory Party were exaggerated can now think again. Alinsky was the first begetter of ACORN, the sinister organisation that tried to gerrymander the American electorate.
"She said, 'Barack stood up that day,' talking about a visit to Chicago neighborhoods, 'and spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about 'The world as it is' and 'The world as it should be…' And, 'All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won't do – that we have an obligation to, fight for the world as it should be."
Do you wonder who - or whose values - should determine what "the world... should be?"
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." --Saul Alinsky
David Cameron's Big Society is a grotesque fantasy inspired by leftist subversive Saul Alinsky
By Gerald Warner Politics April 1st, 2010
“This plan is directly based on the successful community organising movement established by Saul Alinsky in the United States and has successfully trained generations of community organisers, including President Obama.”
That statement, which beggars belief even in the political fairground we now inhabit, is not taken from some far-out Trotskyite samizdat, but from the official Conservative Party introduction to David Cameron’s Big Idea – the creation of a “Neighbourhood army” of 5,000 full-time community organisers to implement his grotesque fantasy called “Big Society”. If you ever doubted that, under Cameron, the Conservative Party has become ideologically and culturally deracinated, has lost its political compass and is occupied by an alien clique that has disfigured it beyond recognition, here is the incontestable evidence.
Saul Alinsky is here openly acknowledged as the inspiration behind Cameron’s “Big Idea”. Alinsky was the lifelong cultural revolutionary and political subversive whom Barack Obama formerly claimed as his “spiritual mentor”; since Obama hit mainstream politics, however, his supporters have expended a vast amount of effort on trying to conceal that embarrassing history. The aggressively amoral Alinsky believed there was no right or wrong in politics, only what was necessary to seize power (well, Dave and his gang would buy that).
Yet the Conservative Party blurts out this admission in the launch document of Big Society. There is a pedantic debate over whether Alinsky was technically a Marxist, or by-passed Marx as old-hat. What is beyond question is his project to overthrow capitalist society and to do so through infiltration of political parties, institutions and, above all, by the use of “community organisers”. Anybody who thought claims on this blog of Cultural Marxism influencing even the Tory Party were exaggerated can now think again. Alinsky was the first begetter of ACORN, the sinister organisation that tried to gerrymander the American electorate.
counter-intelligence for the 'little people' - the truth about facebutt - private details - accounts compromised?
The Truth about Facebook:
Source: BBC News
Details of 100m Facebook users collected and published
By Daniel Emery Technology reporter
Personal details of 100m Facebook users have been collected and published on the net by a security consultant.
Ron Bowles used a piece of code to scan Facebook profiles, collecting data not hidden by the user's privacy settings.
The list, which has been shared as a downloadable file, contains the URL of every searchable Facebook user's profile, their name and unique ID.
Mr Bowles said he published the data to highlight privacy issues, but Facebook said it was already public information.
On the Pirate Bay, the world's biggest file-sharing website, the list was being distributed and downloaded by more than 1,000 users.
One user, going by the name of lusifer69, described the list as "awesome and a little terrifying".
In a statement to BBC News, Facebook said that the information in the list was already freely available online.
"People who use Facebook own their information and have the right to share only what they want, with whom they want, and when they want," the statement read.
"In this case, information that people have agreed to make public was collected by a single researcher and already exists in Google, Bing, other search engines, as well as on Facebook.
"No private data is available or has been compromised," the statement added.
Source: BBC News
Details of 100m Facebook users collected and published
By Daniel Emery Technology reporter
Personal details of 100m Facebook users have been collected and published on the net by a security consultant.
Ron Bowles used a piece of code to scan Facebook profiles, collecting data not hidden by the user's privacy settings.
The list, which has been shared as a downloadable file, contains the URL of every searchable Facebook user's profile, their name and unique ID.
Mr Bowles said he published the data to highlight privacy issues, but Facebook said it was already public information.
On the Pirate Bay, the world's biggest file-sharing website, the list was being distributed and downloaded by more than 1,000 users.
One user, going by the name of lusifer69, described the list as "awesome and a little terrifying".
In a statement to BBC News, Facebook said that the information in the list was already freely available online.
"People who use Facebook own their information and have the right to share only what they want, with whom they want, and when they want," the statement read.
"In this case, information that people have agreed to make public was collected by a single researcher and already exists in Google, Bing, other search engines, as well as on Facebook.
"No private data is available or has been compromised," the statement added.
Pakistan Air Blue Flight ED202 goes down - Targets of Opportunity? - Pakistan is next on the hit list
Source: Epoch Times
Airbus A321, Pakistan Air Blue Flight ED202, Crashes Near Islamabad
An Airbus A321 passenger jet, Flight ED202 operated by the private Pakistani airline Air Blue, crashed in the Margalla Hills just outside of Pakistan's capital city of Islamabad on Wednesday morning. All 146 passengers and 6 crew members were killed, leaving a mess of debris and a huge blackened scar on the heavily forrested landscape. The A321 was carrying two Americans, said the US Embassy.
Bad weather is believed to be the cause of the crash. Pakistani Government officials told Dawn Television, a Pakistani news agency, bad weather was thought to have caused the “tragic incident” -but all possible causes would be investigated, including terrorism, mechanical failure, and pilot error. The plane had been diverted to Islamabad due to bad weather. It was spotted by eyewitnesses flying unusually low, moments before the sound of the crash was heard, reported India News Agency NDTV.
Airbus A321, Pakistan Air Blue Flight ED202, Crashes Near Islamabad
An Airbus A321 passenger jet, Flight ED202 operated by the private Pakistani airline Air Blue, crashed in the Margalla Hills just outside of Pakistan's capital city of Islamabad on Wednesday morning. All 146 passengers and 6 crew members were killed, leaving a mess of debris and a huge blackened scar on the heavily forrested landscape. The A321 was carrying two Americans, said the US Embassy.
Bad weather is believed to be the cause of the crash. Pakistani Government officials told Dawn Television, a Pakistani news agency, bad weather was thought to have caused the “tragic incident” -but all possible causes would be investigated, including terrorism, mechanical failure, and pilot error. The plane had been diverted to Islamabad due to bad weather. It was spotted by eyewitnesses flying unusually low, moments before the sound of the crash was heard, reported India News Agency NDTV.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
recovering debts from Pearl Harbor - spinning al-qaeda myths - reuters: reporting the 'news' - double-occurrence collapse (payday)
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
July 27, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown-Cameron Sisters bordereaux in Pearl Harbor 9/11
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents and Cameron Family `Sisters' for alleged bordereaux insurance frauds on Lloyd's of London, apparently designed to recover debts due following the procurement of RCA (now Serco) telecommunication systems used for the attacks on Pearl Harbor (1941) and 9/11 and the subsequent media spin.

Our KSM agents have evidence that Crown Agents' Sisters, including Samantha Cameron, the erstwhile creative director of Smythson the stationers and the great-granddaughter of a former Chairman of Reuters, Sir Roderick Jones, used Serco telecommunications and City Livery Companies to spin al-Qaeda myths on 9/11 while manipulating the Twin Towers' bordereau to pay out for a double-occurrence collapse.

"Reuters employs several thousand journalists, sometimes at the cost of their lives. In May 2000, Kurt Schork, an American reporter, was killed in an ambush while on assignment in Sierra Leone. In April and August 2003, news cameramen Taras Protsyuk and Mazen Dana were killed in separate incidents by US troops in Iraq. In July 2007, Namir Noor-Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh were killed when they were fired upon by a US military Apache helicopter in Baghdad after having been mistakenly identified as carrying weapons. During 2004, cameramen Adlan Khasanov in Chechnya and Dhia Najim in Iraq were also killed. In April 2008, cameraman Fadel Shana was killed in the Gaza Strip after being hit by an Israeli tank using flechettes. The first Reuters journalist to be taken hostage in action was Anthony Grey. Detained while covering the Cultural Revolution in Peking in the late 1960s, it was said to be in response to the jailing of several Chinese journalists by the colonial British Government in Hong Kong. He was considered to be the first political hostage of the modern age and was released after almost 2 years of solitary confinement. Awarded an OBE by the British Government in recognition of this, he went on to become a best selling author."
July 27, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown-Cameron Sisters bordereaux in Pearl Harbor 9/11
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents and Cameron Family `Sisters' for alleged bordereaux insurance frauds on Lloyd's of London, apparently designed to recover debts due following the procurement of RCA (now Serco) telecommunication systems used for the attacks on Pearl Harbor (1941) and 9/11 and the subsequent media spin.
Field McConnell & David Hawkins: RMN Radio Transcript — 21 July 2010 Hour 1
Source:, hawkscafe,
Raylen Allan: And welcome, welcome, welcome, this is Raylen, you are listening to Radio RMN and today is Wednesday, you know what that means. We’ve got our very special guests, David Hawkins and Field McConnell with us, and yesterday at the end of the radio show, I announced that Doctor Robin Felcroft [spelling?] and I were going to be breaking news tomorrow. But yesterday, all day I thought it was Wednesday, and so when I announced that, I was announcing Thursday’s show, so huh, Thursday, we’re going to be talking a little bit about the mosque tomorrow, that’s tomorrow. We’re going to be talking about the New York City mosque, and then Robin and I are going to be doing a show alone. And so hopefully that will explain why everybody was in a panic; because they thought David and Field weren’t going to be here today. Do you guys realize what a fan club you have?
David Hawkins: Well, it’s lovely to think that’s possible and it’s just great fun to be on your show, Rayelan.
Rayelan: Well, it’s wonderful to have you here, and…
Field McConnell: Beyond fun, I think it’s very important; I would like to think that since you are doing a great public service, Uncle Ray, to put this truth out. And if it weren’t the truth there would have been libel suits long ago for David and myself.
Rayelan: Well, I’m sure there would be libel suits for the Microeffect, for me and everybody, but you know, when you put all the pieces of the puzzle together that you put together, who in the world can doubt it? I mean, about the only thing that I might add, is that one day we go into the, you know, all the various mind control techniques that can be used on these people so that some of them may not even know what they’re doing half the time.
Field: I think the vast majority of them don’t know the broader picture of what they’re involved in. They just know their little chore on their ‘chore list’; and a good example is on nine-eleven, the mechanics that ah, the technicians that completely retrofitted two Douglas A three skywarriors at Fort Collins-Loveland Colorado Airport, which is now been closed strangely enough. Those technicians were not allowed to cross talk, meaning that the engine technicians couldn’t talk to the airframe guys, the airframes couldn’t talk to the hydraulics, they couldn’t talk to the navigation, they couldn’t talk to the weapons, so nobody knew that they were preparing two airplanes to use against America.
Rayelan: You know, that is so amazing. I heard a couple of McDonald Douglas engineers talking one time. And what they were saying is that, every single thing they do is in a walled off section, so they are just working on their tiny little part; they don’t know what it is, where it’s going in the plane. And the reason they were talking about this Field, and you may remember during Reagan’s time we were paying five-hundred dollars for a toilet, well the reason according to these two McDonald Douglas guys, was that they were actually building two of everything. And it had the same, the same serial number, and one went to, you know, the Air Force, and I’m not sure where the other one went, but I am hoping it went to what is called the ‘underground army.’ So that our underground army is…is at least as well as the military if they turn the military against us. So I don’t know if you have heard anything about that, but your comment made me remember what those two McDonald Douglas engineers were telling me. So, David, what are we going to talk – what aspect of the world-wide criminal cabal centered in the city of London that we now refer to it as the ‘crown’ – do we refer to it as the ‘crown conspiracy’, or the ‘crown agents conspiracy?’
David: The name of the organization is Crown Agents, Rayelan. And perhaps the best way in describing Crown Agents, I believe under American law would be, we should be treating it as a racketeering, influence, corrupt organization.
Rayelan: So the ‘RICO Crown Agents?’
David: Yeah, that would be a pretty good description.
Rayelan: Yeah, that sounds pretty good. And they are – I mean, when we first started all of this we were focused one-hundred percent on Chicago and, you know, we’ve been at this for over a year. You’ve been at it since two-thousand two that I’m know of, so when we first started this we were focusing in Chicago. And we literally went into every aspect of the Chicago criminal cabal, but then, I don’t know what it was that made you realize that Chicago was actually controlled out of the city of London. What was that little tiny piece that connected Chicago to the city of London?
Hawkins/McConnell Interview with Rayelan Allan on Rumor Mill News
July 21, 2010 – Part 1 (Hour 1)
July 21, 2010 – Part 1 (Hour 1)
Raylen Allan: And welcome, welcome, welcome, this is Raylen, you are listening to Radio RMN and today is Wednesday, you know what that means. We’ve got our very special guests, David Hawkins and Field McConnell with us, and yesterday at the end of the radio show, I announced that Doctor Robin Felcroft [spelling?] and I were going to be breaking news tomorrow. But yesterday, all day I thought it was Wednesday, and so when I announced that, I was announcing Thursday’s show, so huh, Thursday, we’re going to be talking a little bit about the mosque tomorrow, that’s tomorrow. We’re going to be talking about the New York City mosque, and then Robin and I are going to be doing a show alone. And so hopefully that will explain why everybody was in a panic; because they thought David and Field weren’t going to be here today. Do you guys realize what a fan club you have?
David Hawkins: Well, it’s lovely to think that’s possible and it’s just great fun to be on your show, Rayelan.
Rayelan: Well, it’s wonderful to have you here, and…
Field McConnell: Beyond fun, I think it’s very important; I would like to think that since you are doing a great public service, Uncle Ray, to put this truth out. And if it weren’t the truth there would have been libel suits long ago for David and myself.
Rayelan: Well, I’m sure there would be libel suits for the Microeffect, for me and everybody, but you know, when you put all the pieces of the puzzle together that you put together, who in the world can doubt it? I mean, about the only thing that I might add, is that one day we go into the, you know, all the various mind control techniques that can be used on these people so that some of them may not even know what they’re doing half the time.
Field: I think the vast majority of them don’t know the broader picture of what they’re involved in. They just know their little chore on their ‘chore list’; and a good example is on nine-eleven, the mechanics that ah, the technicians that completely retrofitted two Douglas A three skywarriors at Fort Collins-Loveland Colorado Airport, which is now been closed strangely enough. Those technicians were not allowed to cross talk, meaning that the engine technicians couldn’t talk to the airframe guys, the airframes couldn’t talk to the hydraulics, they couldn’t talk to the navigation, they couldn’t talk to the weapons, so nobody knew that they were preparing two airplanes to use against America.
Rayelan: You know, that is so amazing. I heard a couple of McDonald Douglas engineers talking one time. And what they were saying is that, every single thing they do is in a walled off section, so they are just working on their tiny little part; they don’t know what it is, where it’s going in the plane. And the reason they were talking about this Field, and you may remember during Reagan’s time we were paying five-hundred dollars for a toilet, well the reason according to these two McDonald Douglas guys, was that they were actually building two of everything. And it had the same, the same serial number, and one went to, you know, the Air Force, and I’m not sure where the other one went, but I am hoping it went to what is called the ‘underground army.’ So that our underground army is…is at least as well as the military if they turn the military against us. So I don’t know if you have heard anything about that, but your comment made me remember what those two McDonald Douglas engineers were telling me. So, David, what are we going to talk – what aspect of the world-wide criminal cabal centered in the city of London that we now refer to it as the ‘crown’ – do we refer to it as the ‘crown conspiracy’, or the ‘crown agents conspiracy?’
David: The name of the organization is Crown Agents, Rayelan. And perhaps the best way in describing Crown Agents, I believe under American law would be, we should be treating it as a racketeering, influence, corrupt organization.
Rayelan: So the ‘RICO Crown Agents?’
David: Yeah, that would be a pretty good description.
Rayelan: Yeah, that sounds pretty good. And they are – I mean, when we first started all of this we were focused one-hundred percent on Chicago and, you know, we’ve been at this for over a year. You’ve been at it since two-thousand two that I’m know of, so when we first started this we were focusing in Chicago. And we literally went into every aspect of the Chicago criminal cabal, but then, I don’t know what it was that made you realize that Chicago was actually controlled out of the city of London. What was that little tiny piece that connected Chicago to the city of London?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Private networks getting enriched - moving ass-ets - 'backdoor' communications - the worshipful ones
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
July 26, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown Gorelick's Security Professionals in BP sabotage
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents' Sisters, including Jamie Gorelick, in insurance frauds which allegedly involve electronic manipulation of Lloyd's of London bordereaux, sabotage of the Transocean-owned BP-chartered Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and the unlawful enrichment of insiders of The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals and fraternal City Livery Companies.

Our KSM agents have evidence that Crown Agents' Sisters set up firstRain/Oracle wireless links to KPMG and Transocean offices in Zug, links which were allegedly used by sex-spy Anna Chapman, a former employee of NetJets and Navigator Hedge Fund, to sell insured positions on the Lloyd's of London bordereau to extorted (?) Security Professionals' insiders.
July 26, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown Gorelick's Security Professionals in BP sabotage
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents' Sisters, including Jamie Gorelick, in insurance frauds which allegedly involve electronic manipulation of Lloyd's of London bordereaux, sabotage of the Transocean-owned BP-chartered Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and the unlawful enrichment of insiders of The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals and fraternal City Livery Companies.
repo fraud - Lehman Brothers - sexual blackmail - netjets sex tours - livery companies penetrated
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
July 26, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Did Anna C. blackmail Huhne in Lehman Livery Fraud?
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents Sisters' sexual-entrapment expert Anna Chapman for targeted blackmail of the associates of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers, including the electronic tipster Chris Huhne who was allegedly enriched in his position as an insider of the Company's Repo fraud on Lehman Brothers.

Our KSM agents have evidence that Crown Agents' Sisters placed Anna Chapman in London to sell fractional ownership of NetJets sex tours to inter alia City of London international bankers, world traders, solicitors and insurers
KSM also has evidence that Chapman targeted the likes of Huhne for entrapment in snuff-film DVDs which allegedly show them in pedophile or LGBT oath-taking ceremonies originally designed by Maurice Strong to promote Mau Mau myths in Kenya in 1954.
July 26, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Did Anna C. blackmail Huhne in Lehman Livery Fraud?
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents Sisters' sexual-entrapment expert Anna Chapman for targeted blackmail of the associates of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers, including the electronic tipster Chris Huhne who was allegedly enriched in his position as an insider of the Company's Repo fraud on Lehman Brothers.
KSM also has evidence that Chapman targeted the likes of Huhne for entrapment in snuff-film DVDs which allegedly show them in pedophile or LGBT oath-taking ceremonies originally designed by Maurice Strong to promote Mau Mau myths in Kenya in 1954.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
National Security state - 'Top Secret America' - private interests vs. public good - perils of US 'intelligence'
AD Note: There has been a lot of attention given to the Washington Post release on July 21, 2010 of their second part in a series called the“Top Secret America: A Washington Post Investigation”, which is actually a project nearly two years in the making that describes the huge national security buildup in the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The cult of secrecy driven by technology even has the Washington Post editors perhaps wondering if 'Top Secret America' hasn't gone too far in conducting massive surveillance, building infrastructure and contracting with private corporations? Something that every American should be asking themselves if they already haven't is, exactly who benefits more from this intense security buildup, the American public or private interests?
Using Germany as an example of what happened after the Reichstag (German Parliament) was burned down (Germany's 9/11), in the U.S., government-private contractors and their operatives work so close with police exchanging information to arrest Americans and or share in the forfeiture of their assets, they appear to have merged with police; and this is precisely what followed in Germany in 1933. Also, this Washington Post series failed to mention this.
Source: New York Daily News
Spy community strikes back at report United States intelligence community is too big, too expensive
By Richard Sisk
Tuesday, July 20th 2010
The U.S. spy community hit back quickly Monday at a new report accusing the U.S. of building an intelligence bureaucracy since 9/11 that is too big and too costly to control.
"We accept that we operate in an environment that limits the amount of information we can share," Acting Director of National Intelligence David C. Gompert said in response to a Washington Post series that began Monday.
"However, the fact is, the men and women of the Intelligence Community have improved our operations, thwarted attacks, and are achieving untold successes every day," Gompert said.
The newspaper series, which came with interactive links on the spread of intel branches worldwide, said that more than 1,200 government organizations and 1,900 private companies now work on counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence at more than 10,000 locations across the U.S.
The public and private organizations employ about 854,000 people in the business of spying and protecting the nation, the report said.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates told the Post that the massive U.S.intelligence apparatus may have become unwieldy.
Gates said that "Nine years after 9/11, it makes sense to sort of take a look at this and say, 'OK, we've built tremendous capability, but do we have more than we need?"
The Washington Post series came at an awkward time for the nation's spies.
James Clapper, a retired Air Force general and President Obama's choice to become the new Director of National Intelligence, will begin his confirmation hearings in the Senate Tuesday.
Using Germany as an example of what happened after the Reichstag (German Parliament) was burned down (Germany's 9/11), in the U.S., government-private contractors and their operatives work so close with police exchanging information to arrest Americans and or share in the forfeiture of their assets, they appear to have merged with police; and this is precisely what followed in Germany in 1933. Also, this Washington Post series failed to mention this.
Similarly in 1933 after the German Parliament building was set afire, Hitler used the fire as vehicle to use taxpayer money to expand his private police, the Gestapo and increasing merged it with German national security. Even before the Gestapo was consolidated with the German Government, the Gestapo arrested Citizens and confiscated private property with no legal authority."There are nearly one million people involved in national security with approximately 265,000 private contractors according to 'Top Secret America' working for the US Government in building this security state. There are many private contractors and all of it unmonitored. An important observation about this growing security state is that these people involved in America's security will bleed American $$$'s if unchallenged. Here is a list high tech surveillance tools posted by the Washington Post in their series used in building this apparatus ostensibly to 'protect' Americans and America:
However U.S. Government has already granted that power to private contractors. In 1939 all German Police agencies including the Gestapo were put under the control of the "Reich Main Security Office” the equivalent of U.S. Homeland Security.
Can History repeat itself? It is foreseeable that should there be a radical change in U.S. Government, many of the current government private contractors would continue working for e.g. a fascist U.S. Government; communist or other despot government against the interests of Americans.
Consider the German police first work for a democracy; then under Hitler worked for the Nazi Fascists; then worked for the Soviet Union running the East German Police (Stasi) believed to be the world most oppressive police force until the German Wall came down.
Source: New York Daily News
Spy community strikes back at report United States intelligence community is too big, too expensive
By Richard Sisk
Tuesday, July 20th 2010
"We accept that we operate in an environment that limits the amount of information we can share," Acting Director of National Intelligence David C. Gompert said in response to a Washington Post series that began Monday.
"However, the fact is, the men and women of the Intelligence Community have improved our operations, thwarted attacks, and are achieving untold successes every day," Gompert said.
The newspaper series, which came with interactive links on the spread of intel branches worldwide, said that more than 1,200 government organizations and 1,900 private companies now work on counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence at more than 10,000 locations across the U.S.
The public and private organizations employ about 854,000 people in the business of spying and protecting the nation, the report said.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates told the Post that the massive U.S.intelligence apparatus may have become unwieldy.
Gates said that "Nine years after 9/11, it makes sense to sort of take a look at this and say, 'OK, we've built tremendous capability, but do we have more than we need?"
The Washington Post series came at an awkward time for the nation's spies.
James Clapper, a retired Air Force general and President Obama's choice to become the new Director of National Intelligence, will begin his confirmation hearings in the Senate Tuesday.
Chilcot Inquiry - 'deep state' of secretive bureaucrats - what about Dr david kelly?
Chilcot inquiry: Iraq expert Carne Ross claims civil servants are withholding vital documents
Britain's 'deep state' of secretive bureaucrats is denying witnesses to the Chilcot inquiry crucial files
Carne Ross
Sunday 25 July 2010
Iraq expert at the UN from 1997-2002, says all the invasion documents should now be made public.
I testified last week to the Chilcot inquiry. My experience demonstrates an emerging and dangerous problem with the process. This is not so much a problem with Sir John Chilcot and his panel, but rather with the government bureaucracy – Britain's own "deep state" – that is covering up its mistakes and denying access to critical documents.
There is only one solution to this problem, and it requires decisive action.
After I was invited to testify, I was contacted by the Foreign Office, from which I had resigned after giving testimony to the Butler inquiry in 2004, to offer its support for my appearance. I asked for access to all the documents I had worked on as Britain's Iraq "expert" at the UN Security Council, including intelligence assessments, records of discussions with the US, and the long paper trail on the WMD dossier.
Large files were sent to me to peruse at the UK mission to the UN. However, long hours spent reviewing the files revealed that most of the key documents I had asked for were not there.
In my testimony I had planned to detail how the UK government failed to consider, let alone implement, available alternatives to military action. To support this I had asked for specific records relating to the UK's failure to deal with the so-called Syrian pipeline, through which Iraq illegally exported oil, thereby sustaining the Saddam regime. I was told that specific documents, such as the records of prime minister Tony Blair's visit to Syria, could not be found. This is simply not plausible.
I had also asked for all the Joint Intelligence Committee assessments on Iraq, some of which I helped prepare. Of dozens of these documents, only three were provided to me – 40 minutes before I was due to appear before the Chilcot panel.
Playing by the rules, I had submitted my written testimony to Chilcot before my appearance. In the hours before my appearance, invited to visit the Foreign Office to see further documents (mostly irrelevant), an official repeatedly sought to persuade me to delete references to certain documents in my testimony.
He told me that the Cabinet Office wanted the removal of a critical reference in my evidence to a memo from a senior Foreign Office official to the foreign secretary's special adviser, in which the official pointed out, with mandarin understatement, that the paper sent that week to the Parliamentary Labour Party dramatically – and inaccurately – altered the UK's assessment of Iraq's nuclear threat.
In a clear example of the exaggeration of Iraq's military capabilities, that paper claimed that if Iraq's programmes remained unchecked, it could develop a nuclear device within five years.
The official's memo pointed out that this was not, in fact, the UK assessment: the UK believed that Iraq's nuclear programme had been checked by sanctions.
AD Note: Carne Ross has an interesting 'vision':
Chilcot inquiry: Iraq expert Carne Ross claims civil servants are withholding vital documents
Britain's 'deep state' of secretive bureaucrats is denying witnesses to the Chilcot inquiry crucial files
Carne Ross
Sunday 25 July 2010
I testified last week to the Chilcot inquiry. My experience demonstrates an emerging and dangerous problem with the process. This is not so much a problem with Sir John Chilcot and his panel, but rather with the government bureaucracy – Britain's own "deep state" – that is covering up its mistakes and denying access to critical documents.
There is only one solution to this problem, and it requires decisive action.
After I was invited to testify, I was contacted by the Foreign Office, from which I had resigned after giving testimony to the Butler inquiry in 2004, to offer its support for my appearance. I asked for access to all the documents I had worked on as Britain's Iraq "expert" at the UN Security Council, including intelligence assessments, records of discussions with the US, and the long paper trail on the WMD dossier.
Large files were sent to me to peruse at the UK mission to the UN. However, long hours spent reviewing the files revealed that most of the key documents I had asked for were not there.
In my testimony I had planned to detail how the UK government failed to consider, let alone implement, available alternatives to military action. To support this I had asked for specific records relating to the UK's failure to deal with the so-called Syrian pipeline, through which Iraq illegally exported oil, thereby sustaining the Saddam regime. I was told that specific documents, such as the records of prime minister Tony Blair's visit to Syria, could not be found. This is simply not plausible.
I had also asked for all the Joint Intelligence Committee assessments on Iraq, some of which I helped prepare. Of dozens of these documents, only three were provided to me – 40 minutes before I was due to appear before the Chilcot panel.
Playing by the rules, I had submitted my written testimony to Chilcot before my appearance. In the hours before my appearance, invited to visit the Foreign Office to see further documents (mostly irrelevant), an official repeatedly sought to persuade me to delete references to certain documents in my testimony.
He told me that the Cabinet Office wanted the removal of a critical reference in my evidence to a memo from a senior Foreign Office official to the foreign secretary's special adviser, in which the official pointed out, with mandarin understatement, that the paper sent that week to the Parliamentary Labour Party dramatically – and inaccurately – altered the UK's assessment of Iraq's nuclear threat.
In a clear example of the exaggeration of Iraq's military capabilities, that paper claimed that if Iraq's programmes remained unchecked, it could develop a nuclear device within five years.
The official's memo pointed out that this was not, in fact, the UK assessment: the UK believed that Iraq's nuclear programme had been checked by sanctions.
AD Note: Carne Ross has an interesting 'vision':
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Lloyd's register - insurance manipulation - BP - deepwater
Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger
July 24, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown Sister Clegg, Lloyd's Register, Transocean Fraud
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents Sisters' Miriam Clegg and insiders of the DLA Piper law firm, the City of London Solicitors' Company and Lloyd's Register in re insurance fraud on Transocean associated with explosions on and the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in April 2010.

Our KSM agents have evidence that Crown Agents' Sisters, including Miriam Clegg and Jamie Gorelick, used Oracle links to the Lloyd's Register's office in Fenchurch Street, London, and KPMG and Transocean's offices in the Swiss canton of Zug to sell, manipulate, and re-insure positions on the Lloyd's bordereau so that City of London Livery Company insiders could profit from the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon.
July 24, 2010
Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:
Crown Sister Clegg, Lloyd's Register, Transocean Fraud
Hawks CAFE asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents Sisters' Miriam Clegg and insiders of the DLA Piper law firm, the City of London Solicitors' Company and Lloyd's Register in re insurance fraud on Transocean associated with explosions on and the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in April 2010.

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