Thursday, January 27, 2022

Removing Covidcrat$

Editor's note: Tired of school board mask mandates for your children and how these Covidcrats have abused their positions, both elected and appointed, to obtain more power for themselves under cover of Covid? These are children and they are being physically and mentally abused. They are not just "riding the Omicorn wave", they have been riding the Covid wave and it is time to remove them if they do not comply to your demands. Go after them on their required surety bonds. Surety Bonds are required for every elected and appointed official throughout the United States - including, but not limited to state school boards, districts, mayors, sheriffs, and county officials. To learn how this is done go to the end of this post where instructions and a discussion have been posted. $58 billion is spent collectively by the CDC, NIAID and NIH (look where $8 million was spent) and there has been no scientific research done on masks

Source: The Epoch Times

Bureaucrats Riding the Omicron Wave

By Michael Tracey | January 26, 2022
I'm still constantly receiving these little reports from across the United States (and Canada!) detailing the petty indignities and absurdities to which people are subjected in the name of this-or-that overheated COVID concern. Does every last report amount to full-blown authoritarian tyranny? Not really—most probably wouldn't even register as particularly attention-getting on their own. But the thing I keep coming back to is the cumulative pettiness—how corrosive the sheer quantity of snippets like ones I’ll list in this post, taken in aggregate, must be to the social order.

Which makes the "Omicron" subject, however tiresome, impossible to avoid—much as one might wish to focus on other things, and even as media outlets have begun to acknowledge that the "wave" has "crested." Because the thing about waves is that they recede, and then they come back, and then the process repeats for eternity. Hence why the eternal-seeming quality of these measures is of particular note. I know this is a wearying and increasingly boring topic; yet there really is a de facto "gag order" in place at so many institutions still laboring under ridiculous protocols, even approaching the two year mark of this whole ordeal, and even with the most frantic segment of COVID-fixators increasingly confined to a somewhat marginal fringe.

For instance, a journalist recently contacted me about COVID-related policy excesses taking place in a particular jurisdiction. The journalist was frustrated that these excesses were not being given sufficient attention. And he/she was right—although I'm purposely not naming the jurisdiction here for maximum discretion, because the journalist was simultaneously adamant that his/her name not be mentioned in any forthcoming report I may do on the matter. "Some people I work with and many in the media tend to lean heavy on being pro-COVID restrictions," the journalist told me, "and I'd like to not be associated with the controversy… Perhaps call it cowardice and self-censorship, but I just got this job and don't want to jeopardize sources/contacts."

So: even if you personally feel no inhibition about criticizing ridiculous COVID protocols, even if you’re openly scornful of "Omicron" somehow necessitating the re-imposition of various kinds of hygiene theater, and even if you inhabit a social/professional milieu where there is no taboo against maligning "public health" apparatchiks—please just realize there are millions of people who find themselves in a radically different position. Yes, even now, regardless of "Omicron" supposedly ebbing, and despite much of the country having long ago ceased to treat anything COVID-related as important to their lives.

Still, there are a multitude of contexts in which publicly objecting to various aspects Omicron-mania, no matter how narrowly-tailored those objections may be, could automatically place you under a cloud of suspicion—whereby you're tarnished as "anti-vax" (regardless of whether you are personally vaccinated.) And of course, being "anti-vax" is widely viewed as interchangeable with being dangerously right-wing, which would also make you presumably sympathetic to "insurrectionists"—or perhaps even an "insurrectionist" yourself. Should we get the FBI on the phone, sir? The "MAGA" connotation here is especially odd, given that Donald Trump could not be more resolute in staking out an unwaveringly pro-vaccine stance, but the logical progression doesn't have to make sense. This is more or less the school of thought that still, yes, today, dictates the social expectations at a wide variety of institutions, leading to absurdities of the kind that I’m about to list here. Someone's gotta collect these, I guess, for posterity. Notwithstanding how very tedious it is. So, that's what I'm doing.

Here's a wild one I was told about recently: Oberlin College. Are you familiar with it? Depending on your level of familiarity, it may or may not surprise you that the dramatic "return to campus" earlier this month was accompanied by a host of hyper-scrupulous measures to ensure maximum Safety for the Community™. Professors—yes, fully accredited professors—were enlisted as emergency food delivery attendants for students consigned to "isolation." This process entailed intensive "training" sessions, including instruction on the "Knock, Drop, Depart" rule, as well as how to accommodate students' special dietary needs. (By the way, Oberlin recently laid off a huge percentage of its actual food service staff.)

Did you think "travel bans" were a thing of the past? Not at Princeton University, where students have been prohibited from traveling outside of Mercer County, NJ. (Mercifully, they're also allowed to go to Plainsboro Township, in adjoining Middlesex County.) Anyone brazen enough to seek an exemption must undergo an unspecified "vetting process," according to Dean Jill Dolan, who I hope it's not rude to note is a Theater professor moonlighting as the university's chief epidemiologist and emergency behavioral scientist. She previously ran the Gender and Sexuality Studies program. Here's an excerpt from a recent town hall-style session in which Dean Dolan addresses carefully-moderated student queries:
And here is the highly scientific, evidence based, scrupulously empirical justification set forward by Dean Dolan for the travel ban:
Repeat after me: Keep our community safe. Keep our campus safe. We will be safe if you all behave safely. Safety is our first priority. If you're not with us, you're with the virus. Still today, at places like Princeton, grievances can often only be aired in private about the constant dreary pronouncements from official authorities purporting to be so very concerned for your health and safety, yadda yadda yadda.

Please go to The Epoch Times to read more.

Background story:

A mother named Violet with a 16-year-old boy who has autism begged the schools to let her son have an exemption. They refused.

When forced to wear the masks he became distraught and he harmed himself so badly that he had to be hospitalized in a mental institution.

Violet obtained the bond for the superintendent of her school district. Turns out - The superintendent was carrying a $4 million liability per bond claim!!

So next Violet served the superintendent with a letter of intent to file a claim against her bond if she didn't pull back the mask mandates, admit she was wrong, and resign within five days.

The superintendent did nothing. After day 6 Violet filed the claim against her at the bond company.

The very next day we have a recording from the lawyers who represent the district explaining that they have to get rid of the masks, all state and federal funding is BLOCKED, and the superintendent is on her own with regard to the $4 million claim!!!

They also put out a request for parent volunteers to substitute for teachers because their funding is CEASED due to an OPEN claim against them.

How to get the Surety Bonds:

1. Send a request letter directly to the public official's email address – in many states they are each independently liable if they DO NOT provide this information upon request.

2. Call the Treasurer and find out who the bond company is – then Contact the bond company and they will send you a copy.

3. Get a copy of the bond at the probate office, which is where they’re kept according to many state laws.

4. Contact the Sheriff and ask him to go down to the district office with you – if he won't help, try to go after his bond, once you have it, demand that he help you.

5. Ask constitutional sheriffs who they are bonded with and then call the company and request the bonds for every sheriff in your state. Sheriffs are MORE POWERFUL than you think. They have complete jurisdiction over your county, even over the Police Departments.

6. Call the State Board of Education and tell them you want to start a new school, ask them if you need to be licensed, bonded and insured and get the list of companies you can use to set that up. Most states only have 1 or 2 bond companies. Then call each company and request the bonds under FOIA for every district.

7. Start a group in your state in order to share paperwork and strategies. These companies are experts at playing cat and mouse. If you don't ask for this information with specific language they feel they are not violating the law by denying your request. But once you find a strategy and verbiage that works it's likely to work throughout your state.

8. Some bonds are burred in insurance policies, If you get the policy, but you don't know how to read it contact us via our website and we will help.

Learn More Here:

If they do this in Illinois it is going to cost these bureaucrats ("officials") who have clearly usurped power under color of law their surety bond and it is nearly impossible to obtain a second one. 

There are 31,000 bureaucrats ("officials") spending $58 billion a year at the CDC, NIAID and the NIH:

Go ahead Illinois Covidcrats, make our day...

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