Friday, January 28, 2022

No One Is Coming to Save You

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Able Danger - off the grid

Sir Oliver Klosov

So you think at least if you die from the experimental injection the insurance company will pay off your relatives.

Think again.

French courts have determined your vaccination is a self-induced suicide:

January 17 2022
A French citizen dies two weeks after receiving the vaccines, but the life insurance does not cover his death, arguing that he volunteered to inject himself with an experimental product that had not been properly tested.

 The court in charge of the case has accepted the objections of the insurer considering, "in law, that adherence to the experiment of phase three, in which the proven innocuousness is non-existent", makes the death of the French citizen to be considered a "fatality". voluntary", that is, risk not covered by the contract and legally admitted as suicide.

The family appealed this decision, but the insurer's defense was admitted as "founded and contractually fair", considering that "this known and public taking of mortal risk is legally like suicide", since the client had sufficient information and , however, "has voluntarily accepted to run the risk of dying without being forced to do so."

Consequently, death after vaccination is considered suicide by the French courts, which sets a disturbing precedent. For their part, the insurers will not repay the loans either because the lethal risk of the vaccine makes the contract null and void.

"This judicial decision came after the filing of a lawsuit (Recourse to Law 210/92) to obtain compensation, damages and interest after a death by vaccination, confirmed by autopsy. The request was not accepted because vaccination is not mandatory", explains a source familiar with the case.

The race to impose the health pass on us, because the governments have signed leonine secret contracts with the laboratories, in which they have demanded that they not be held responsible in the event of adverse effects.
These governments have therefore blackmailed the population to avoid being responsible themselves. But in fact, have performed a psychological terrorism operation on their own people using media, banking, medical industry, military and law enforcement directed by the elected to 'convince the populace of the safety of these poisons" in order to service the failing jewish-owned banks running this commercial warfare.

Seriously, if you are stupid enough to fall for it....get out of the gene pool and reduce the amount of stupid in society.

And we can identify you now...all you morons wearing masks are a blaring flashing warning flag saying..."I AM NOT WORTHY OF REPRODUCING."

You might as well take an over dose of fentanyl, at least you won't suffer and you will remove yourself from the gene pool before you screw someone else's future.


The background story:

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