Sunday, January 23, 2022

Democratic US Presidents and War

Editor's note: Now we know why President Biden said what he did at the press briefing concerning Russia and Vladimir Putin. Listen carefully to Biden practically inviting Russia to invade Ukraine (Washington asks Russia to keep US response on security guarantees secret - paper ) as weapons, munitions, mercenaries, soldiers and logistics move into Ukraine. Here is the question: Why are Democrat presidents always selected to start World Wars and other major armed conflicts?!


Source: SOTN


January 23, 2022 | by State of the Nation

Now we really know why POTUS
Imposter Joe Biden was criminally
installed in the White House!
State of the Nation

Let's state the obvious: No politician — from either party — ever occupies the Oval Office unless they were put there by the forever warmongering banksters.

The patently criminal inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20, 2021 is a perfect example of this stark and undeniable reality.

But why? Really? Why Biden?

There are obviously many significant reasons why the old and senile, demented and drug-addled Biden was specifically selected on Election Day 2020. All of them hinge on his life-long career marked by naked corruption and criminality, brazen malfeasance and misconduct, as well as sheer depravity and immorality.

All of these blackmailable qualities made Biden a perfect pawn of the warmongering banksters and ideal puppet for his NWO globalist masters. So did his proven career-long crime spree of pedophilia in public places as well as at home. See: Biden Incest & Pedophilia Confirmed: Ashley Biden's Diary Legitimate

In point of fact, Biden was quite evidently chosen years ago for a particular task above all others. And, his extremely fraught relationship with the Ukraine indicates the nature of that highest-priority mission. See: VP Biden Commits High Crimes Via $1 Billion Bribery Coercion Scheme Against Ukraine Government

Once Biden's handlers conned him into publicly admitting those high crimes of "governmental bribery/coercion" during prime time, the Zionist warmongers knew they had him exactly where they wanted him—between a rock and a hard place with only one way out—WAR!!!

Joe Biden: A Democrat

A retrospective analysis of the major wars that took place during the 20th century points directly to the following irrefutable historical facts.

Democrat presidents were deliberately selected by the New World Order cabal to start or declare American involvement in, and then aggressively prosecute, the World Wars and other major regional wars that have occurred since World War I.

Even when the United States did not ostensibly start any of those World Wars or major armed conflicts, it was always Democrat administrations which stealthily set up the global geopolitical chessboard for war-triggering hostilities to break out. As follows:

Please go to SOTN to learn more.


Russia prepared in advance after the carnage ends?

The banality of these people:

The reformed Ottoman empire of Turkey creeping up through Russia's backdoor:

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