Monday, January 31, 2022

Central Banking Cartel Inflicted the Covid Hoax on Mankind


I asked Anthony Migchels - Why is Usury Evil?

January 30, 2022

left, Anthony Migchels

Currently the Masonic Jewish world central banking cartel creates money out of thin air in the form of a debt to itself. This has allowed them to control the world and inflict the covid hoax on mankind.

National governments don't need to incur debt and pay interest to filthy rich families for the privilege of using their own credit.

However I don't understand why money created by national governments should be interest-free.

I asked my esteemed friend Anthony Migchels to explain why usury is a sin.

Could you explain why the opportunity value of capital, and the risk entailed in lending it, should be interest free? Why would anyone lend money then?


Dutch national, Anthony Migchels is the founder of De Florijn, the first fully-fledged interest-free, privately operated currency in the World. His website is Real Currencies.

His reply-

"The problems with Usury are manifold, the main one being that allowing it absolutely 100% guarantees Plutocracy and scheming rich vipers buying media, politicians, scientists, paid for with the production of the masses, stolen with Usury.

Throughout history there have been innumerable cycles of entire populations getting enslaved with debt, followed by debt jubilees to prevent debtor revolts. The latest one we're witnessing now, the implosion of the current mega debt bubble, is simply their final, crowning achievement.

Jesus said that lending at interest was for the hard of heart, and obviously, having a gentle heart is central in Christianity. But try explaining that to Shylock, right?!

So what remains as the main argument, in my view, currently is that it is simply too easy to create credit interest-free. Here, I have a little vid showing it hands on, how easy it is:

Note that ONLY the richest 10% gain from Usury. The 90% pay more interest than they receive. Remember: 40% of prices that we pay for goods and services we need are cost for capital passed on during production. So even with zero debts you're an interest-slave without even realizing it.

So, we shouldn't even be concerned with the 'rights' of the creditor ("why would I lend at interest?")

We are debt slaves. Interest slaves.

We should be wondering: "How do we get rid of this yoke?"

That's the question for the masses!

We don't want to pay!

And we don't need to, because we have all we need to create all credit at close to zero cost, and THAT is in the interest of the People, and obedience to the Law.

------------Part Two

There is no risk: there is collateral. Current banking has close to zero risk. It's just a marketing line by the creditors 'oh, think of the risks we're taking!!" Meanwhile, all the housing stock of the West has been pledged to them through mortgages. Same with Government debt. They managed to foist income tax on supposedly 'free' men, to guarantee the usury on the national debts being payable.

After the failure of Usury prohibition, there was quite a while that it was 'either interest OR collateral'. Also, when men of good will work together, they can pool their savings, and provide mutual credit AND mutual guarantees.

And again: it's the line of the creditor. We don't care about creditors. We're debt slaves. the 90% who are getting crushed by the debt, and especially the interest on it.

Creditors, with the landlords, can go find a job. Let these parasites make themselves useful for a change. We're done with their unaffordable idleness. Every man must contribute, and sweat to provide for his family.


- Usury is totally immoral, taking without producing anything.
- It guarantees that we will end up with a few scumbags owning everything (which is exactly what we have now)
- Leads to mass poverty and very long working hours (in the medieval era a man worked 15 weeks per year (!!!! think about it!) to feed his family)
- Very sternly forbidden in scripture (the apocalypse of Peter: "And into another place near by, saturated with filth, they throw men and women up to their knees. These are they who lent money and took usury."
- We can clearly identify what went wrong where in history (see the article 'Why do we have Usury?')
- AND we have several ways of creating all the credit we need at close to zero cost.

Case closed.

We can't afford half measures against the Bank Henry. You know like few others what they have inflicted. And Usury is the essence of banking. That's what banking is: lending at interest.

And it's not just about the problem, it's also about the opportunity. This is how we would live without Usury:

My reply- "Usury is totally immoral, taking without producing anything."

Tony, this is nonsense. The lender produced the money. As long as that lender ultimately is the national government, and not some private cartel, it is necessary to charge interest. You did not explain why anyone would lend otherwise.

Money is a commodity. It has a price. The lender will choose someone who pays interest over someone who does not.


Related-- Makow- Banking System is Responsible for Our Enslavement

Also by Anthony Migchels --------- Covid is Cover for a Financial Crisis
------------------------------------------ Ending Debt and Usury Would Save Mankind
------------------------------------------ We Face the Mother of All Depressions


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