Saturday, January 15, 2022

Creating Pfizer Markets - Covid Battlefield - Skirmishes and Battles Against Enemy Combatants - Commercial Warfare Has Spies, Allies, Agents and Operatives - Wars Require Two Components: Money to Finance the War and Propaganda - Enemy Combatants and Battlefield Tactics - Weapons of Mass Injection

Editor's note: We are on a battlefield of commerce with Pfizer marshaling the most formidable opposition imaginable in this Covid war against governments (coup against G7 countries), competing corporations and individuals (enemy combatants). The following is a list of the raging battles and skirmishes being fought in this commercial war based on Covid. While we have been trying to strategize our own response against this commercial warfare against us, most have decided to confront this injecting foe head on and we are taking causalities in increasing numbers including getting knocked down by Covid injections. The attrition alone is going to be devastating on enemy combatants. While we are on the battlefield and fighting skirmishes taking casualties, we have been flanked by Pfizer's formidable allies in the media. There are enemy spies and operatives lurking everywhere on the battlefield. Here is an archive of the Covid war using weapons of mass injection:

A Pfizer oral treatment skirmish:

Pfizer skirmish with Moderna (allies on the Covid battlefield):

Pfizer picked a COVID-19 vaccine dose far lower than Moderna's to minimize side effects, its top scientist says

Event 201 was the battle plan organized by the intelligence agencies long before December, 2019 including the CIA along with General Bill Gates to initiate this global coup under cover of Covid against enemy combatants:

As with all types of warfare carefully worded war propaganda deployed to demoralize enemy combatants on the commercial battlefield in the war zone:

Those involved in this commercial warfare at the highest levels on the Covid battlefield like in every commercial war, command positions where they are most likely to be privy to intelligence that greatly benefits them as profiteers and pirates:

Battle between Pfizer and the UK government called appropriately enough "war profiteering":

'Wall of secrecy' in Pfizer contracts as company accused of profiteering

In this commercial war being prosecuted by the Pfizer army of pirates and privateers, Pfizer increases the price on its line of 120 drugs during a faked "pandemic":

On the Covid battlefield there is no more of a cunning and formidable opponent than the privateers in the pirate City of London in the war zone who deploy gaslighting techniques as a consummate psychological warfare technique with devastating affect on enemy combatants who are under duress. The pirates in the City of London use this psychological technique to reinforce their Covid business model in commercial warfare. If you decide to go into the sea of commerce be prepared for a fight to the death as the people in Yemen have discovered when they are hit with British BAE Systems munitions.

Pfizer building its arsenal deploying new weapons to the battlefield space:

In this commercial war involving Covid injections as the primary weapon, there are no limits on the resources the Pfizer army can project onto the battlefield under withering fire comparable to a German WWII blitzkrieg. There was an American civil war general who said: "He who arrives the fastest with the mostest wins."

An initial 2,000 enemy combatants go down on the first skirmish with Pfizer subsequently removing them from the Covid battlefield:

All commercial warfare private corporate combatants have psychological warfare departments and Pfizer paid for the very best in military grade psychological operations:

In this Covid war Pfizer discovers a spy in their ranks and has her removed:

In all commercial warfare there will always be turncoats and traitors: 

Pfizer exploits weaknesses in its adversaries, after all, in commercial warfare on the battlefield of Covid take no prisoners is the injection battle cry:

Exposed: How Pfizer Exploits Secretive Vaccine Contracts to Strong-Arm Governments

War propaganda can have devastating effects on enemy combatants if not sufficiently trained in psychological warfare counter intelligence operations:

In commercial warfare the strategy deployed by Pfizer used to undermine enemy combatants is a formidable weapon because it wins allies for investors with the financial instrumentality of prosecuting commercial warfare:

General Bourla of Pfizer makes a strategic move to reinforce his tactical position as the Covid war erupts. The "fairy dust" magic money are the instruments of war used against enemy combatants: 

General Bourla, commandant of the corporate Pfizer commercial private army using vague duplicitous language to disrupt and vector attention away from legitimate and justifiable concerns enemy combatants have had over the course of the past two years on the Covid battlefield. In commercial warfare you accuse enemy combatants and hierarchies of the same thing you yourself are guilty of perpetrating: 

Pfizer General Bourla with his allies in the media including a board member of Pfizer inside Reuters shields Pfizer from exposure on the commercial battlefield: 

General Commandant of the Pfizer Corporate Army with an elaborate lie.

The Pfizer weapon of mass injection is probably an "ethno-bomb" enemy combatants are finally coming around to the realize has been deployed in the Covid war zone (jurisdiction of commerce).

Prosecuting a commercial war in which the war cry is Omicron, the war is a chaotic battlefield constantly in flux where the warring factions are often uncertain only to the advantage of the Pfizer pirates and privateers:

The tactical strategists planning the commercial war for Pfizer calculate their every strategy down to the last detail for maximum impact on enemy hierarchies:  

Why Did Pfizer Delay Good Vaccine News Until After The 2020 Election?

All warfare consists of the element of blown cover for cover:

FDA adds warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer, Moderna Covid vaccines

Enemy combatants have been doing intelligence work collecting a large archive of information on Pfizer's weapon of mass injection. Like all good military intelligence gathering this should be scrutinized carefully for documented proof and further evidence: 

Enemy combatants need to learn about then exploit weaknesses of its opposition on the Covid battlefield:

On the Covid battlefield tactical moves confound and confuse enemy combatants:

Enemy combatants in this commercial warfare include countries intimidated by Pfizer into putting up state assets as a guarantee against possible legal retaliation against Pfizer. 

Israel appears to have been a primary target for the Covid war as we get an update from Israel from an enemy combatant there:

Pfizer plans for a constant war of attrition against enemy combatants through overwhelming war propaganda with its influence using paid informants, carefully placed operatives and allies in the media:

Pfizer deploys overwhelming firepower with its initial salvo of weapons of mass injections compromising an estimated 160,000 enemy combatants on the Covid battlefield:

Psychological operations in any war through allies in the media can only go so far before the enemy combatants realize in commercial warfare markets are created:

Enemy combatants in order to encourage their troops on attempted putting out a little propaganda themselves suggesting General Bourla of Pfizer was arrested:

No, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Was Not Arrested, Here's How This Conspiracy Theory Emerged

Pfizer requires more territory in its commercial warfare overcoming opposition parapets with a full on frontal assault introducing a new type of weapon onto the Covid battlefield:

The enemy combatants have set up an archive to honor the fallen in skirmishes and battles in this commercial warfare with Pfizer and its cartel allies:

Casualty status for 20 January 2022 of more enemy combatants removed from the Covid war zone:

Enemy combatants managed to get spies inside Pfizer to obtain information on its opponent in this war but because of inferior firepower enemy combatants haven't been able to exploit this enemy intelligence:

Pfizer Scientists Caught Undercover Admitting Pfizer is Evil and that Natural Immunity is Better than the COVID-19 Vaccine

The senior military leadership of Pfizer's corporate elitists and their corporate allies participating in lucrative profits on the field of battle in this commercial war, provide accolades to their own to keep morale high within their ranks as economies and enemy combatants and their business and livelihoods are destroyed in the Covid war:

The war continues after that brief lull watching the corporate pirates partying and clinking glasses of expensive wine above while the enemy combatants have been hard at work in the trenches revealing an intelligence counter attack:

As in all warfare preliminary tests were done on weapons to determine effectiveness against enemy combatants:

As in all commercial warfare on the Covid battlefield there will be collateral damage:

The relentless reach of the Pfizer commercial corporate army strikes deep into the unsuspecting territory of enemy combatants:

We have not even begun to realize the Covid war causalities as they begin to start racking up up taking its toll on enemy combatants that have no idea what hit them on the battlefield. 

Experts Accuse Govt Of 'Manipulating' Vaccine Data, Claim Up To 300,000 Deaths Caused By Injections

In commercial warfare there is no distinguishing between ages and gender of the enemy combatants in the war zone: 

The arsenal of weapons that have been introduced in the Covid war zone (jurisdiction of commerce) against enemy combatants is breath taking:

Enemy combatants come to the realization this is not only a commercial war but a genocide:

In all warfare where monetary stakes are incredibly high the idea of determining accuracy and truth become buried in the chaotic intensity of combat: 

In this Covid war allies make themselves known with operatives embedded inside the Democratic Party paid off by the drug cartels warring on enemy combatants:

The enemy combatants rollout some firepower of their own to counter the ferocity of the Covid Omicron assault: 

Is Omicron Just the Flu, Bro?

If the Covid war begins diminishing as enemy combatants begin to realize in commercial warfare the purpose is to triage them a new virus will be introduced on the battlefield:

As in all warfare enemy combatants need an occasional humorous anecdote to keep their spirits high:

Automation: More Doctors Being Replaced By Kiosks That Just Play Pfizer Commercials

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