The Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern
October 31, 2011
A Jane the Ripper costume swap with the General’s Speckled Trout
We believe Crown Agents’ Sister Jane Garvey used a Ripper-style costume swap on 9/11 to give General Henry Shelton in an EC135C Speckled Trout aircraft an alibi for an E-4B Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attack on the government of the United States.
Ignition Signals - Relayed Via Radome - Modified Speckled Trout EC135C - Triggered ATK Rocket-Fuel Bombs - Twin Tower Elevator Shafts - 9/11
See #77
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Check 1:53
“Jack the Ripper Walk - Catherine Eddowes Murder Site” – An 1888 witness sees a Ripper victim’s back but, 130 years later, Abel Danger sees a costume swap to hide an alleged Toynbee Hall hit team led by Ashbee & Son and a crime-scene M.O. apparently conceived by Jane Addams
Check 1:53
“Mystery 9/11 aircraft was military 'doomsday plane'” – A 9/11 witness sees an E-4B but, 10 years on, we see a costume swap to hide an alleged Toynbee Hall hit team led by Jack (John) Profumo with Gen. Shelton’s EC135C Speckled Trout and M.O. apparently conceived by Jane Garvey
Monday, October 31, 2011
Abel Danger Public Service - Worshipful Company of Security Professionals - Marine-Police Provocation - Provocateurs - Staged 'Conflicts'

There is a sense here that these marines (veterans) are being provoked. If this is the case (Worshipful Company of Security Professionals) then the very real possibility of provoking violence between police and marines is being set up, and if it escalates (provocateurs), our concern is one of these marines might end up opening fire on these police in angered rage.
The Oakland officer who fired the canister directly at Scot Olsen knew Ohlsen was an ex-marine; and that Ohlsen was standing out in front of the Occupy demonstrators in the open exposing himself. The sheriff who fired the tear gas canister at Scott Ohlsen, is the same officer who threw a flash grenade into the crowd of protestors who came to Scott Ohlsen's aid after he was down.
It would also be useful to expose the staged "conflict" between "Marines" (provocateurs) and cops: who's driving this (Security Professionals, via Soros?), whose tactics these are (Saul Alinsky via Soros), who's financing the manipulative dialectic – and also the hammy acting involved. It seems that most people haven't clued in to this aspect of OWS yet.
Scot Ohlsen in critical condition
Marines to Police: 'You did this to my brother'
18 U.S.C. § 1958 : US Code - Section 1958: Murder For Hire - Crown Agents' Sisters - Night Is Falling - Abel Danger Update: Nov. 1, 2011

October 31, 2011
Abel Danger warning - Kristine Marcy Murder for Hire - Speckled Trout 9/11
Abel Danger Update - Nov. 1 2011
We warn you all of Section 1958 penalties associated with murder for hire; please pass it on so that it reaches Kristine Marcy and her Crown Agents' Sisters before their night falls.
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Search 18 U.S.C. § 1958 : US Code - Section 1958: Use of interstate commerce facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire
(a) Whoever travels in or causes another (including the intended victim) to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or uses or causes another (including the intended victim) to use the mail or any facility of interstate or foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of any State or the United States as consideration for the receipt of, or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay, anything of pecuniary value, or who conspires to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both; and if personal injury results, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than twenty years, or both; and if death results, shall be punished by death or life imprisonment, or shall be fined not more than $250,000, or both.
(b) As used in this section and section 1959 -
(1) "anything of pecuniary value" means anything of value in the form of money, a negotiable instrument, a commercial interest, or anything else the primary significance of which is economic advantage;
(2) "facility of interstate or foreign commerce" includes means of transportation and communication; and
(3) "State" includes a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Ignition Signals - Relayed Via Radome - Modified Speckled Trout EC135C - Triggered ATK Rocket-Fuel Bombs - Twin Tower Elevator Shafts - 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern:
October 30, 2011
Did Marcy's Speckled Trout radome trigger Twin Towers rocket-fuel bomb?
Abel Danger believes Crown Agents' Sister Kristine Marcy used ignition signals, relayed via a radome on a modified Speckled Trout EC135C aircraft, to trigger ATK rocket-fuel bombs in the Twin Tower elevator shafts during the Matrix 5 propaganda attacks on America of 9/11.
Prequel: Modified EC135C Speckled Trout - Staged Continuity of Government Exercise - Hidden Treason - SES Attempt To Overthrow US Government - 9/11
See #1: Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
October 30, 2011
Did Marcy's Speckled Trout radome trigger Twin Towers rocket-fuel bomb?
Abel Danger believes Crown Agents' Sister Kristine Marcy used ignition signals, relayed via a radome on a modified Speckled Trout EC135C aircraft, to trigger ATK rocket-fuel bombs in the Twin Tower elevator shafts during the Matrix 5 propaganda attacks on America of 9/11.
Prequel: Modified EC135C Speckled Trout - Staged Continuity of Government Exercise - Hidden Treason - SES Attempt To Overthrow US Government - 9/11
ATK rocket fuel would vaporize steel and produce AlO2 white smoke; "ATK Five-Segment Solid Rocket Motor Test"
Marcy's mentored protégées in the SBA program with ATK had the motive (Guild of Rippergate Socialists), opportunity (Specked Trout radome to relay trigger signals) and weapon (Solid propellant rocket fuel) to produce these effects; "WTC SOUTH TOWER: 1) SMOKING GUNS; 2) SMOKING GUNS (FOLLOW-UP); 3) EXPLODING"
(YouTube clip removed)
See #1: Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Procured Gov 2.0 Systems - Greek Life or Hull House Oath-Taking - U.S. Senior Executive Service - Hidden Matrix 5 Propaganda - Rippergate Contracts
The Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern
October 30, 2011
Do Marcy Greek Life, Hull House oaths hide S.E.S. Rippergate contract hits?
We believe that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy procured Gov 2.0 systems for Greek Life or Hull House oath-taking communities in the U.S. Senior Executive Service to hide Matrix 5 propaganda and evidence of Rippergate contract hits (cf. bin Laden, Gaddafi).
Maurice Strong Binds Barack Obama to His Femme Comp Wife - Custody of Cannibal Oath Ceremony Images - Kenya 1954 - Mau Mau Grandfather - Hull House
See #1 and #72
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
janeaddams [Founded Hull House in 1891 alleged base for Greek Life Rippergate oath]
Jane Addams at Toynbee Hall with Ashbee & Son in June 1888 “Jack the Ripper Walk - Catherine Eddowes Murder Site”
October 30, 2011
Do Marcy Greek Life, Hull House oaths hide S.E.S. Rippergate contract hits?
We believe that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy procured Gov 2.0 systems for Greek Life or Hull House oath-taking communities in the U.S. Senior Executive Service to hide Matrix 5 propaganda and evidence of Rippergate contract hits (cf. bin Laden, Gaddafi).
Maurice Strong Binds Barack Obama to His Femme Comp Wife - Custody of Cannibal Oath Ceremony Images - Kenya 1954 - Mau Mau Grandfather - Hull House
See #1 and #72
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
janeaddams [Founded Hull House in 1891 alleged base for Greek Life Rippergate oath]
Jane Addams at Toynbee Hall with Ashbee & Son in June 1888 “Jack the Ripper Walk - Catherine Eddowes Murder Site”
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Valerie Hobson - John Profumo - Toynbee House Guild of Rippergate Pilots - Bullingdon Club Alumni - Matrix 5 Pay-Per-View Propaganda - News Corp 9/11
The Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern
October 29, 2011
Profumo’s Bullingdon Guild of Rippergate Pilots in News Corp 9/11
We believe the late Crown Agents’ Sister Valerie Hobson forced her late husband John Profumo to build a Toynbee House Guild of Rippergate Pilots for use by Bullingdon Club alumni in a Matrix 5 pay-per-view propaganda production of News Corp 9/11.
Open Demand for a [Runaway] Grand Jury Investigation - Apparent Spoliation of Evidence - Destruction of Boeing 757–222 Aircraft - UA Flt 93 - 9/11
Bullingdon script, News Corp pay-per-view and the Rippergate money shot; “New: Fox News 5 reports WTC 7 collapse BEFORE it happens”
Bullingdon propaganda hides News Corp I-FN modifications to United 93 with radome incendiary bombs “United 93 trailer”
Wife + Former Toynbee House toilet bowl cleaner, Macmillan Secretary for War and Bullingdon Dining Club alumnus
October 29, 2011
Profumo’s Bullingdon Guild of Rippergate Pilots in News Corp 9/11
We believe the late Crown Agents’ Sister Valerie Hobson forced her late husband John Profumo to build a Toynbee House Guild of Rippergate Pilots for use by Bullingdon Club alumni in a Matrix 5 pay-per-view propaganda production of News Corp 9/11.
Open Demand for a [Runaway] Grand Jury Investigation - Apparent Spoliation of Evidence - Destruction of Boeing 757–222 Aircraft - UA Flt 93 - 9/11
Bullingdon script, News Corp pay-per-view and the Rippergate money shot; “New: Fox News 5 reports WTC 7 collapse BEFORE it happens”
Bullingdon propaganda hides News Corp I-FN modifications to United 93 with radome incendiary bombs “United 93 trailer”
Open Demand for a [Runaway] Grand Jury Investigation - Apparent Spoliation of Evidence - Destruction of Boeing 757–222 Aircraft - UA Flt 93 - 9/11

October 29, 2011
Runaway Grand Jury for Marcy’s PKI protégée radome bomb on United 93
The Abel Danger White House Group is issuing an open demand for a [Runaway] Grand Jury investigation of the apparent spoliation of evidence associated with the destruction of the Boeing 757–222 aircraft; allegedly flown by hijackers as United Airlines Flight 93 on 9/11.
Modified EC135C Speckled Trout - Staged Continuity of Government Exercise - Hidden Treason - SES Attempt To Overthrow US Government - 9/11
Visa page from Saeed al-Ghamdi's Kingdom of Saudi Arabia passport recovered from the United Airlines Flight 93 crime scene
Our investigators have evidence that Kristine Marcy – former Chief Operating Officer of the U.S. Small Business Administration – used SBA public key infrastructure (PKI) to authorize mentored protégées to trigger radome incendiary bombs and vaporize evidence electronic hijackings allegedly coordinated on 9/11 through a modified EC135C 'Speckled Trout' aircraft carrying General Henry Shelton, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Modified EC135C Speckled Trout - Staged Continuity of Government Exercise - Hidden Treason - SES Attempt To Overthrow US Government - 9/11

October 28, 2011
Continuity of Marcy’s Speckled Trout government with a treasonous SES
We believe Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy modified an EC135C Speckled Trout aircraft to stage a continuity of government exercise and hide a treasonous attempt by the Senior Executive Service to overthrow the United States government with force on 9/11.
CAI Private Equity Group (Covert Rhodes Scholar's Trust) - CAE Flight Simulators - Guiding Al-Qaeda Drones - Tethered To Shelton's EC-135C
Kristine Marcy’s SES agent Richard Clarke prepped public for man-in-the-middle attack on 9/11, see “Richard Clarke Discusses the Continuity of Government Plan”
Marcy’s unelected SES tries to legitimize assumption of absolute power; “US prepares for "continuity of government"”
Marcy’s Speckled Trout controlled E-4B “911stealth Ignored E-4B Aired 6 Yrs Later By CNN, Censored in U.S. on 9/11/01”
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Creating A Lawful Banking System - The Supremacy of the Country Belongs to the People - Achieving Critical Mass - British Constitution Group
Roger Hayes: Creating A Lawful Banking System
(British Constitution Group)
(British Constitution Group)
Roger Hayes: Creating A Lawful Banking System 21st August 1/8
Roger Hayes: Creating A Lawful Banking System 21st August 2/8
Monetary Reform
Maurice Strong Binds Barack Obama to His Femme Comp Wife - Custody of Cannibal Oath Ceremony Images - Kenya 1954 - Mau Mau Grandfather - Hull House
The Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern
October 27, 2011
Has Maurice Strong bound Obama with Jane’s Hull House cannibal oaths?
We believe that Maurice Strong has bound Barack Obama to his Femme Comp wife by giving her custody of images of him engaged in cannibal oath ceremonies which are allegedly styled on those developed by his Mau Mau grandfather in Kenya in 1954 and by Strong’s cousin, the late Anna Louise Strong, with Jane Addams, founder of Hull House in Chicago.
John Profumo - Toynbee Hall's Guild of Ripper Socialists, Constructors and Toilet Cleaners - Amec 8(a) Mentor-Protégé - Navy Command Center 9/11
Alleged birth of Guild of Ripper Socialism; "Illinois in the Gilded Age, 1866-1896: Haymarket and Hull House, 1884-1891"
October 27, 2011
Has Maurice Strong bound Obama with Jane’s Hull House cannibal oaths?
We believe that Maurice Strong has bound Barack Obama to his Femme Comp wife by giving her custody of images of him engaged in cannibal oath ceremonies which are allegedly styled on those developed by his Mau Mau grandfather in Kenya in 1954 and by Strong’s cousin, the late Anna Louise Strong, with Jane Addams, founder of Hull House in Chicago.
John Profumo - Toynbee Hall's Guild of Ripper Socialists, Constructors and Toilet Cleaners - Amec 8(a) Mentor-Protégé - Navy Command Center 9/11
Alleged birth of Guild of Ripper Socialism; "Illinois in the Gilded Age, 1866-1896: Haymarket and Hull House, 1884-1891"
CAI Private Equity Group (Covert Rhodes Scholar's Trust) - CAE Flight Simulators - Guiding Al-Qaeda Drones - Tethered To Shelton's EC-135C
The Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern
October 27, 2011
Was Speckled Trout flown with al-Qaeda drones by Rhodes Scholars’ CAE?
We believe that the CAI Private Equity Group (a covert Rhodes Scholars' trust, led by Yves Fortier) procured CAE flight simulators to guide al-Qaeda drones – tethered electronically to General Shelton's EC-135C Speckled Trout – through the Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attacks on 9/11.
EC-135C 'Speckled Trout' - Aircraft Allegedly Modified Under 8(a) - Mentor-Protege Programs - 5 Hour Alibi - Al-Qaeda Profiles - Matrix 5 Propaganda
Rhodes Scholars Yves Fortier and Bill Clinton inter alia defendants in 9/11 wrongful death suit
Speckled Trout was modified for al-Qaeda drones under Kristine Marcy’s SBA 8(a) mentor-protégé program
Rhodes Scholars lost alibis when Speckled Trout was flown with CAE controlled al-Qaeda drones for 9:11 hours on 9/11
CAI Rhodes Scholars trust trained Hani Hanjour on CAE simulator to fly al-Qaeda drones through Speckled Trout
Rhodes secret will forced Bullingdon Club and Greek Life oath takers to integrate U.S. and U.K. military command on 9/11
October 27, 2011
Was Speckled Trout flown with al-Qaeda drones by Rhodes Scholars’ CAE?
We believe that the CAI Private Equity Group (a covert Rhodes Scholars' trust, led by Yves Fortier) procured CAE flight simulators to guide al-Qaeda drones – tethered electronically to General Shelton's EC-135C Speckled Trout – through the Matrix 5 man-in-the-middle propaganda attacks on 9/11.
EC-135C 'Speckled Trout' - Aircraft Allegedly Modified Under 8(a) - Mentor-Protege Programs - 5 Hour Alibi - Al-Qaeda Profiles - Matrix 5 Propaganda
Rhodes Scholars Yves Fortier and Bill Clinton inter alia defendants in 9/11 wrongful death suit
The Anatomy of a British Geopolitical Assassination - The 'Dark Art' - Libyan Embassy 1984 - Yvonne Fletcher - Guma El-Gamaty - St. James's Square - Terminal Velocity
The Anatomy of Political Assassination; the Case of Yvonne Fletcher; the eventual lynching of Muammar Gaddafi
Yvonne Fletcher (1958-1984)
WPC Yvonne Joyce Fletcher (15 June 1958 – 17 April 1984) was a British police officer fatally shot during a protest outside the Libyan embassy at St. James's Square, London, in 1984. Fletcher, who had been on duty and deployed to police the protest, died shortly afterwards at Westminster Hospital. Her death resulted in the Metropolitan Police Service laying siege to the embassy for the next eleven days, and the United Kingdom severing all diplomatic relations with Libya. Two years later it became a major factor in Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's decision to allow U.S. President Ronald Reagan to launch the U.S. bombing of Libya in 1986 from American bases in the United Kingdom.
Field McConnell & David Hawkins: October 2011
Source:, hawkscafe,
26 October
Part 1 download mp3
Part 2 download mp3
Part 3 download mp3
19 October 2011—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
12 October 2011—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
5 October 2011—Listen—Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
26 October
Part 1 download mp3
Part 2 download mp3
Part 3 download mp3

audios 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
False Flag Contrived Terror - THREAT WINDOW 11-7-11 to 11-11-11 - US SES: We Expect a Peaceful Sunrise on 11-11-11

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:43 AM
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Attention FBI:
On 8 Nov 10 at 1535 Eastern I sent you a threat window for 8 Nov 10 thru 11 Nov 10. Hours later the MYSTERY MISSILE event occurred in the Pacific Missile Test Range in which case the ignition signal for the second stage was blocked electronically at the same time a cruise ship was shut down electronically. On 20 Jan 11 I sent FBI and others a TW against the Willis Tower in Chicago for time frame 1200-1830 23 Jan 11. That threat FADED OUT but the following day a FF terror event occurred at DMO airport in Moscow. While FADE OUT is desirable, as we approach the 60 hour TW centered on 11-9-11 it appears that we are approaching level 4.
Regarding the 'exercise' involving radio and TV set for 11-9-11, recall that it was another exercise on 9-11-01 that went horribly wrong. Oath keepers ( that includes you ) are being called upon by US patriots to uphold their oaths and protect US citizens and the US Constitution just as in London on Guy Fawkes Day ( 5 Nov 11 ) the British Constitution Group is meeting to discuss their expectations for a Constitutional Britain going forward.
EC-135C 'Speckled Trout' - Aircraft Allegedly Modified Under 8(a) - Mentor-Protege Programs - 5 Hour Alibi - Al-Qaeda Profiles - Matrix 5 Propaganda

October 26, 2011
Did Shelton's 5-hour al-Qaeda alibi need Marcy's 8(a) Speckled Trout?
We believe that General Henry Shelton needed an EC-135C 'Speckled Trout' aircraft –allegedly modified by Kristine Marcy under SBA 8(a) mentor-protege programs – to build a 5-hour alibi while al-Qaeda profiles were flown in the Matrix 5 propaganda attack of 9/11.
Greek Life Associates - Lynne Cheney (KAT) and Condoleezza Rice (ACO) - Gen. Henry Shelton's 5-Hour Alibi - EC-135C Speckled Trout - Matrix 5
See #1
Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks
Shelton and Marcy's Speckled Trout appears to have served as an airborne command base for a Continuity-of-Government or war game 'maestro' associated with the late GAPAN member Timothy Garden and the former Treasury Solicitor Juliet Wheldon during al-Qaeda 9/11
Abel Danger Flyer - Example: Handed Out at 'OWS' - Spreading Accurate Information - Reaching Out to a Wider Public - Spread the Good Word

Please photocopy this Abel Danger flyer and hand it out to as many people as possible at "Occupy" events (for example, "Occupy Wall Street") and similar gatherings in a city near you. Let's all use this opportunity to reach out to a wider public, spread accurate information, and prevent any false flag event that the usual criminals may be planning. To all of you able to help spread the good word: thanks very much!
This flyer can be either downloaded or printed out depending on how it will be used to alert the public of the forensic economic work of Hawks Cafe, Captain Sherlock and Abel Danger Global (virtual organization). It is suggested this flyer be printed out and attached anywhere possible, i.e., telephone poles; public locations; sign boards; church bulletin boards; college campus bulletin boards; handed out at events; church doors (Martin Luther style; just make sure you don't damage the door).
Please go to this link to print out this Abel Danger flyer: Link to share
Solving The World's Biggest Crimes
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Greek Life Associates - Lynne Cheney (KAT) and Condoleezza Rice (ACO) - Gen. Henry Shelton's 5-Hour Alibi - EC-135C Speckled Trout - Matrix 5
The Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern
October 25, 2011
Did Greta Greeks fly bin Laden profiles with a Shelton Speckled Trout?
We believe that Greta van Susteren’s Greek Life associates Lynne Cheney (KAT) and Condoleezza Rice (ACO), gave Gen Henry Shelton a 5-hour alibi in an EC-135C Speckled Trout to fly the bin Laden profiles which camouflage a Matrix 5 propaganda attack on 9/11.
Greek Life Associates - Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Chi Omega - General Henry Shelton - CNN In-Flight Network (I-FN) Alibi - Concealed Root Authority
All news of OBL profiles which reached Greta's Greeks through 9/11, came from Shelton's Speckled Trout

The apparently-mutinous Generals Powell and Shelton had sworn prior oaths to Queens’ Guard / Pershing Rifles before 9/11; spoliation inference suggests they used Speckled Trout In-Flight Network to insert Wag the Dog story into Greta’s Greeks
All profiles were flown by Shelton's Speckled Trout during the 5-hour alibi period through the use of IAP and Final Approach Procedures from Macdonald Dettwiler and Associates, the B.C. pig-farm MindBox mortgage company!
“[Signs of a US-British air force mutiny planned by Shelton and Timothy Garden and authorized by Treasury Solicitor Juliet Wheldon] February 21, 2001: US and British Forces Bomb Iraqi Military Facilities, Leading to Conflict within US Military Leadership A joint US-British air force strike team bombs 20 radar and command centers inside Iraq, enforcing the UN no-fly zones in the largest air strikes within Iraq in two years. While the White House is informed of the strikes by a general from the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is livid because he feels he hasn’t been given enough information about the strikes quickly enough. Rumsfeld’s information comes to him, by established law and protocol, through the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Henry Shelton; thus it could be hours before Rumsfeld learns of such events. Saying, “I’m the secretary of defense. I’m in the chain of command,” Rumsfeld decides to upend the entire system and ensure that he, not Shelton, will be informed first about any such operations. Rumsfeld presses Shelton for information about the reporting of the air strikes: who had selected those targets and why, who had briefed, who had been briefed, and most importantly, why wasn’t Rumsfeld consulted? CNN had reported air strikes in Baghdad, though the actual bases struck were not in the city itself; it looked for a moment if the US had just declared unilateral war on Iraq. Rumsfeld feels misled and ignored. He is the one in the chain of command, he insists, he is the one reporting to the president, so he should be informed first. Shelton replies that he has to know what’s going on, to know what details to press for and what questions to ask, in order to properly inform the Secretary of Defense, who can then properly inform the president. Rumsfeld insists on being informed before Shelton, and demands a top-to-bottom review of the procedures involving the National Military Command Center (NMCC) and detailed timelines of each incident where Shelton was informed before Rumsfeld.”
“Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the code name for an airborne command center currently operated by the U.S. Navy. It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers are destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. The Looking Glass was initiated by the U.S. Air Force's Strategic Air Command in 1961 and operated by the 34th Air Refueling Squadron, Offutt AFB, Nebraska. In August 1966 the mission transferred to the 38th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, the 2d Airborne Command and Control Squadron in April 1970, to the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron in October 1988, and to the U.S. Navy in 1994. The Looking Glass is also designed to help ensure continuity and reconstitution of the US government in the event of a nuclear attack on North America. Although the two types of aircraft are distinct, the Doomsday Plane nickname is also frequently associated with the Boeing E-4 "Nightwatch" Advanced Airborne Command Post mission and aircraft ... On October 1, 1998, the U.S. Navy's fleet of E-6Bs replaced the EC-135C [Shelton’s Speckled Trout on 9/11] in performing the "Looking Glass" mission, previously carried out for 37 years by the U.S. Air Force; unlike the Looking Glass aircraft, the E-6Bs are modified Boeing 707 aircraft. This new mission allows the President and the Secretary of Defense direct command and control capability for America's strategic forces of ballistic nuclear missile submarines, intercontinental nuclear missiles and strategic bombers. With the assumption of this new mission, a battle staff now flies with the TACAMO crew. If the USSTRATCOM GOC is unable to function in its role, the E-6B TACAMO can assume command of all U.S. nuclear forces. Flying aboard each ABNCP is a crew of 22, which includes an aircrew, an Information Systems Officer and team, an Airborne Emergency Action Officer (an Admiral or General officer), an Intelligence Officer, Meteorologist, and an Airborne Battle Operations Team. In addition to being able to launch ICBMs, the E-6B can communicate Emergency Action Messages (EAM) to nuclear submarines running at depth by extending a 2½-mile-long trailing wire antenna (TWA) for use with the Survivable Low Frequency Communications System (SLFCS). There was some speculation that the "mystery plane" seen flying over the White House on 9/11 was some newer incarnation of Looking Glass. However, as indicated by MGen Don Shepherd (Ret.), speaking on CNN on September 12, 2007, the plane circling the White House on 9/11 resembled an E-4B which was likely launched from Nightwatch ground alert at Andrews Air Force Base. Due to its vast array of communications equipment, including secure voice and high bandwidth satellite, the Looking Glass has been used to support non-nuclear (conventional and covert) battle management missions, notably those associated with Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom. In the early 1980s, Looking Glass was used in Operation Cobbler's Knee which provided temporary command post support to U.S. operatives in Honduras for what was later revealed as the Iran-Contra Affair. Supporting these and other conventional or covert battle management Operations is treated with great secrecy due to the extreme sensitivity of associating the Looking Glass with the potential for a nuclear option. Also, for similar sensitivities, neither the President nor the Vice President will ride aboard, nor typically visit while on the ground, the Looking Glass, lest the intelligence services of potential enemies perceive that activity as a preparatory step to a surprise U.S. nuclear launch.”
“3) project speckled trout ... “C-135C The C-135C designation applies to three WC-135B weather reconnaissance aircraft, which reverted to transport status. Most of the other C-135Bs were converted to various special mission variants following their service with the Military Airlift Command. Although most of the remaining C-135 aircraft are used for transporting senior military [mutinous] leaders and other high-ranking dignitaries, the C-135C communications aircraft serves as an aerial test-bed for emerging technologies. Developmental tests using this aircraft have demonstrated the capability to fly precision approaches using a local area differential GPS system. This modified C-135 has been fitted with a millimeter wave camera and a radome to test the camera’s generation of video images of the forward scene in low-visibility conditions. The aircraft, which in the VIP/Distinguished Visitor (DV) transport role seats 14 passengers, also gives a Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC) a limited ability to plan and control the simulated battle while in the air enroute to the crisis area. .. The C-135C Speckled Trout at Edwards Air Force Base Speckled Trout is the official name of a combined SAF/CSAF support mission and concurrent test mission. It was also the official nickname given to a modified C-135C, AF Ser. No. 61-2669, that was used by the Secretary and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force for executive transport requirements. Fully equipped with an array of communications equipment, data links and cryptographic sets, the aircraft served a secondary role as a testbed for proposed command and control systems and was also used to evaluate future transport aircraft design. The 412th Flight Test Squadron (412 FLTS) of the Air Force Material Command (AFMC) at Edwards AFB, California operated the C-135 Speckled Trout airframe and managed its test mission. The name Speckled Trout applies to both the organization and the aircraft. The name was chosen in honor of an early program monitor, Faye Trout, who assisted in numerous phases of the project. The word "speckled" was added because Trout apparently had "a lot of freckles." Speckled Trout acquired the C-135C, AF Ser. No. 61-2669, in 1974 and retired the aircraft on 13 Jan 2006. An interim aircraft was in use for the Speckled Trout mission until the 2008 delivery of the current aircraft, a modified KC-135R Stratotanker with a more modern communications architecture testbed. The current KC-135R Speckled Trout also supports additional tests and air refueling requirements that the C-135C could not. 4) The history of USAF EC135C tail number 61-2669 ==> 5) It is my opinion that the aircraft in question began life as a WC then became an EC and served as an EC from 1974-2006.”
The Abel Danger team is busy eliminating the impossible as it investigates Greta Greeks, Shelton Pershings and a Queens’ Guard root authority for I-FN’s Speckled Trout 9/11.
Sick transit Greta?
You betcha!
October 25, 2011
Did Greta Greeks fly bin Laden profiles with a Shelton Speckled Trout?
We believe that Greta van Susteren’s Greek Life associates Lynne Cheney (KAT) and Condoleezza Rice (ACO), gave Gen Henry Shelton a 5-hour alibi in an EC-135C Speckled Trout to fly the bin Laden profiles which camouflage a Matrix 5 propaganda attack on 9/11.
Greek Life Associates - Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Chi Omega - General Henry Shelton - CNN In-Flight Network (I-FN) Alibi - Concealed Root Authority
“[Signs of a US-British air force mutiny planned by Shelton and Timothy Garden and authorized by Treasury Solicitor Juliet Wheldon] February 21, 2001: US and British Forces Bomb Iraqi Military Facilities, Leading to Conflict within US Military Leadership A joint US-British air force strike team bombs 20 radar and command centers inside Iraq, enforcing the UN no-fly zones in the largest air strikes within Iraq in two years. While the White House is informed of the strikes by a general from the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is livid because he feels he hasn’t been given enough information about the strikes quickly enough. Rumsfeld’s information comes to him, by established law and protocol, through the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Henry Shelton; thus it could be hours before Rumsfeld learns of such events. Saying, “I’m the secretary of defense. I’m in the chain of command,” Rumsfeld decides to upend the entire system and ensure that he, not Shelton, will be informed first about any such operations. Rumsfeld presses Shelton for information about the reporting of the air strikes: who had selected those targets and why, who had briefed, who had been briefed, and most importantly, why wasn’t Rumsfeld consulted? CNN had reported air strikes in Baghdad, though the actual bases struck were not in the city itself; it looked for a moment if the US had just declared unilateral war on Iraq. Rumsfeld feels misled and ignored. He is the one in the chain of command, he insists, he is the one reporting to the president, so he should be informed first. Shelton replies that he has to know what’s going on, to know what details to press for and what questions to ask, in order to properly inform the Secretary of Defense, who can then properly inform the president. Rumsfeld insists on being informed before Shelton, and demands a top-to-bottom review of the procedures involving the National Military Command Center (NMCC) and detailed timelines of each incident where Shelton was informed before Rumsfeld.”
“Looking Glass (or Operation Looking Glass) is the code name for an airborne command center currently operated by the U.S. Navy. It provides command and control of U.S. nuclear forces in the event that ground-based command centers are destroyed or otherwise rendered inoperable. The Looking Glass was initiated by the U.S. Air Force's Strategic Air Command in 1961 and operated by the 34th Air Refueling Squadron, Offutt AFB, Nebraska. In August 1966 the mission transferred to the 38th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, the 2d Airborne Command and Control Squadron in April 1970, to the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron in October 1988, and to the U.S. Navy in 1994. The Looking Glass is also designed to help ensure continuity and reconstitution of the US government in the event of a nuclear attack on North America. Although the two types of aircraft are distinct, the Doomsday Plane nickname is also frequently associated with the Boeing E-4 "Nightwatch" Advanced Airborne Command Post mission and aircraft ... On October 1, 1998, the U.S. Navy's fleet of E-6Bs replaced the EC-135C [Shelton’s Speckled Trout on 9/11] in performing the "Looking Glass" mission, previously carried out for 37 years by the U.S. Air Force; unlike the Looking Glass aircraft, the E-6Bs are modified Boeing 707 aircraft. This new mission allows the President and the Secretary of Defense direct command and control capability for America's strategic forces of ballistic nuclear missile submarines, intercontinental nuclear missiles and strategic bombers. With the assumption of this new mission, a battle staff now flies with the TACAMO crew. If the USSTRATCOM GOC is unable to function in its role, the E-6B TACAMO can assume command of all U.S. nuclear forces. Flying aboard each ABNCP is a crew of 22, which includes an aircrew, an Information Systems Officer and team, an Airborne Emergency Action Officer (an Admiral or General officer), an Intelligence Officer, Meteorologist, and an Airborne Battle Operations Team. In addition to being able to launch ICBMs, the E-6B can communicate Emergency Action Messages (EAM) to nuclear submarines running at depth by extending a 2½-mile-long trailing wire antenna (TWA) for use with the Survivable Low Frequency Communications System (SLFCS). There was some speculation that the "mystery plane" seen flying over the White House on 9/11 was some newer incarnation of Looking Glass. However, as indicated by MGen Don Shepherd (Ret.), speaking on CNN on September 12, 2007, the plane circling the White House on 9/11 resembled an E-4B which was likely launched from Nightwatch ground alert at Andrews Air Force Base. Due to its vast array of communications equipment, including secure voice and high bandwidth satellite, the Looking Glass has been used to support non-nuclear (conventional and covert) battle management missions, notably those associated with Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom. In the early 1980s, Looking Glass was used in Operation Cobbler's Knee which provided temporary command post support to U.S. operatives in Honduras for what was later revealed as the Iran-Contra Affair. Supporting these and other conventional or covert battle management Operations is treated with great secrecy due to the extreme sensitivity of associating the Looking Glass with the potential for a nuclear option. Also, for similar sensitivities, neither the President nor the Vice President will ride aboard, nor typically visit while on the ground, the Looking Glass, lest the intelligence services of potential enemies perceive that activity as a preparatory step to a surprise U.S. nuclear launch.”
“3) project speckled trout ... “C-135C The C-135C designation applies to three WC-135B weather reconnaissance aircraft, which reverted to transport status. Most of the other C-135Bs were converted to various special mission variants following their service with the Military Airlift Command. Although most of the remaining C-135 aircraft are used for transporting senior military [mutinous] leaders and other high-ranking dignitaries, the C-135C communications aircraft serves as an aerial test-bed for emerging technologies. Developmental tests using this aircraft have demonstrated the capability to fly precision approaches using a local area differential GPS system. This modified C-135 has been fitted with a millimeter wave camera and a radome to test the camera’s generation of video images of the forward scene in low-visibility conditions. The aircraft, which in the VIP/Distinguished Visitor (DV) transport role seats 14 passengers, also gives a Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC) a limited ability to plan and control the simulated battle while in the air enroute to the crisis area. .. The C-135C Speckled Trout at Edwards Air Force Base Speckled Trout is the official name of a combined SAF/CSAF support mission and concurrent test mission. It was also the official nickname given to a modified C-135C, AF Ser. No. 61-2669, that was used by the Secretary and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force for executive transport requirements. Fully equipped with an array of communications equipment, data links and cryptographic sets, the aircraft served a secondary role as a testbed for proposed command and control systems and was also used to evaluate future transport aircraft design. The 412th Flight Test Squadron (412 FLTS) of the Air Force Material Command (AFMC) at Edwards AFB, California operated the C-135 Speckled Trout airframe and managed its test mission. The name Speckled Trout applies to both the organization and the aircraft. The name was chosen in honor of an early program monitor, Faye Trout, who assisted in numerous phases of the project. The word "speckled" was added because Trout apparently had "a lot of freckles." Speckled Trout acquired the C-135C, AF Ser. No. 61-2669, in 1974 and retired the aircraft on 13 Jan 2006. An interim aircraft was in use for the Speckled Trout mission until the 2008 delivery of the current aircraft, a modified KC-135R Stratotanker with a more modern communications architecture testbed. The current KC-135R Speckled Trout also supports additional tests and air refueling requirements that the C-135C could not. 4) The history of USAF EC135C tail number 61-2669 ==> 5) It is my opinion that the aircraft in question began life as a WC then became an EC and served as an EC from 1974-2006.”
The Abel Danger team is busy eliminating the impossible as it investigates Greta Greeks, Shelton Pershings and a Queens’ Guard root authority for I-FN’s Speckled Trout 9/11.
Sick transit Greta?
You betcha!
Greek Life Associates - Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Chi Omega - General Henry Shelton - CNN In-Flight Network (I-FN) Alibi - Concealed Root Authority
The Abel Danger White House Group to those whom it may concern
October 25, 2011
Greta Greeks I-FN alibi for Gen. Shelton in Pershing Queens’ Guard 9/11
We believe that Greta van Susteren’s Greek Life associates, including Lynne Cheney (Kappa Alpha Theta) and Condoleezza Rice (Alpha Chi Omega), gave General Henry Shelton a CNN In-Flight Network (I-FN) alibi to conceal the name of the root authority allegedly behind a coordinated Matrix 5 propaganda attack by the Pershing Rifles and Queens’ Guard on 9/11.
John Profumo - Toynbee Hall's Guild of Ripper Socialists, Constructors and Toilet Cleaners - Amec 8(a) Mentor-Protégé - Navy Command Center 9/11
Juliet Wheldon, former Treasury Solicitor, authorized Greta Greeks and Sheldon in Queens’ Guard 9/11
October 25, 2011
Greta Greeks I-FN alibi for Gen. Shelton in Pershing Queens’ Guard 9/11
We believe that Greta van Susteren’s Greek Life associates, including Lynne Cheney (Kappa Alpha Theta) and Condoleezza Rice (Alpha Chi Omega), gave General Henry Shelton a CNN In-Flight Network (I-FN) alibi to conceal the name of the root authority allegedly behind a coordinated Matrix 5 propaganda attack by the Pershing Rifles and Queens’ Guard on 9/11.
John Profumo - Toynbee Hall's Guild of Ripper Socialists, Constructors and Toilet Cleaners - Amec 8(a) Mentor-Protégé - Navy Command Center 9/11
Chatipedia - Just In (Time) Nutrition - An Invitation - Announcing A Joint-Venture Marketing Initiative - Climb Aboard
A Joint Venture Marketing Project
Chatipedia – Just In (Time) Nutrition
Chatipedia – Just In (Time) Nutrition

October 24, 2011
Chatipedia - A Joint Venture Marketing Project for Just In (Time) Nutrition
Abel Danger is an online group of forensic economists which tracks the use and waste (loss or theft) of financial, task-talent-time, material and energy assets over global supply chains.
As illustrated above and summarized below, we invite stakeholders in the Wikipedia and Apple Computers communities to participate in a ‘Chatipedia’ joint-venture marketing initiative.
Inspired by Mumbai’s 130 year-old Dabbawalla system, the Abel Danger ‘Chatipedia’ project will become an integrated ‘Just in Time’ supply-chain, tracking and Wikipedia-type service to reduce waste and optimize the nutrition of partners, dependants and friends in home care or palliative care or emergency-ward or hospice situations with a mix of ‘Comforting – Healthy – Appetizing – Tasty – Ingredients’We have launched the Chatipedia joint venture at where the work in progress includes the development of home-page content, blogs, FAQ, media materials, images, contact forms, maps, locations and discussion forums, etc.
Welcome to the Just In Nutrition initiative and we hope you will climb aboard the ‘Chatipedia Express’.
Monday, October 24, 2011
John Profumo - Toynbee Hall's Guild of Ripper Socialists, Constructors and Toilet Cleaners - Amec 8(a) Mentor-Protégé - Navy Command Center 9/11

October 24, 2011
Bullingdon Secretary for Toynbee toilet wars and Amec's 8(a) 9/11
We believe that the late John Profumo – the former Bullingdon Club Secretary to Toynbee Hall’s Guild of Ripper Socialists, Constructors and Toilet Cleaners – hired an Amec 8(a) mentor-protégé team to destroy the Pentagon’s U.S. Navy Command Center on 9/11.
Greek Life Associates - Tricked - Aleister Crowley-Designed Oaths - 'Bullingdon Toilet Bowls' - Matrix 5 Camera Crews - Contract Killing of JFK
“The British Knights Who "Cleaned Up" 911 By Christopher Bollyn American Free Press A foreign company - headed by a Knight of the British Empire - managed the controversial [Toynbee Hall demolition and subsequent] “clean-up” of the rubble at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Asked about who was in charge of the clean up at the WTC, Paterson said, “The City of New York was the project manager” The director of DDC, Kenneth Holden, was the person in charge at the site, Paterson said. AMEC is in line for further construction work at both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center according to the Daily Mail. The company’s London-based chief executive, Sir Peter Mason said about the Pentagon clean up, “The target is to have it reopened for business by Sept. 11, 2003, as a point of principle” Sir Peter Mason is a Knight of the British Empire. The former mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, who gave the management of the WTC site to the two British firms, AMEC and Bovis Lend Lease, received an honorary knighthood in the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth II on Feb. 13, 2002. When Giuliani was made a Knight of the British Empire he joined an exclusive club, which includes George Bush the elder, Ronald Reagan, Colin Powell [Pershing Rifle in treasonous association with Queens’ Guard directed by Toynbee Hall], Wesley Clark, Norman Schwartzkopf, and Steven Spielberg. Bush and Reagan are both knighted in the Order of the Bath”
“AMEC wins Eisenhower Award from U.S. Small Business Administration Plymouth Meeting, Pa. (March 27, 2007) International engineering and project management firm AMEC has won the highly coveted 2007 Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence in the Construction category from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) [operated through 9/11 for the Guild of 8(a) Ripper Socialists by Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy] . The award will be presented to AMEC’s Earth & Environmental division on April 23, during Small Business Week, in Washington D.C. The national award, named for the president under whose administration the SBA was founded, honors large federal prime contractors that have excelled in their utilization of small businesses as suppliers and subcontractors. Only one awardee is chosen in each of five categories (Construction, Research & Development, Manufacturing, Services, and Utilities) from a pool of 2,500 eligible large contractors. “Your hard work, innovative ideas, and dedication to your community have made you a success in your business and the U.S. Small Business Administration is pleased to be able to recognize you for these achievements,” wrote SBA Administrator Steven C. Preston in a letter to AMEC Small Business Liaison Officer Joseph Farrell. Farrell said the award is a team success made possible by “the hard work and commitment of Small Business Program Administrator Claire Hackett, our Subcontracts Department staff who have awarded millions of dollars to small businesses, senior management who have truly supported AMEC’s Small Business Program, and program and project personnel who have made great efforts to maximize utilization of small businesses on our U.S. federal subcontracts.” Selection criteria for the award include summary subcontract reports, demonstrated management support of the small business program, effectiveness of the small business liaison officer, outreach efforts such as seminars and trade shows, small business success stories, participation in a mentor-protégé program, and receipt of other small-business-related awards during the past three years. AMEC’s nomination highlighted the company’s many small business activities and successes. These include: AMEC's annual Small Business of the Year and Small Business Advocate of the Year awards. Receipt of three Department of Defense Nunn-Perry awards since 2002 for outstanding mentor-protégé teams with small businesses. Active corporate support and participation by AMEC Earth & Environmental President Roger Jinks and other senior executives in the small business program. Company attendance at 25 outreach events in 2006, including major events such as the National Veterans Small Business Conference and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Small Business Conference. Receipt of a “Highly Successful” rating from the SBA and the Defense Contract Management Agency during a 2005 compliance review of AMEC’s small business program. Contacts: Brad Christensen, AMEC media relations: (602) 432-1339 or Joseph Farrell AMEC Small Business Liaison: (610) 828-8100 or Notes: AMEC is a leading international project management and engineering services company with more than 20,000 employees. The company has a network of offices throughout the U.S., Canada and the UK, as well as regional offices and projects worldwide. In the U.S., AMEC has approximately 3,000 employees operating from 90 offices in 37 states. The company’s U.S. Small Business Program is located within its Earth & Environmental headquarters in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania.”
“Weatherman, known colloquially as the Weathermen and later the Weather Underground Organization (abbreviated WUO), was [allegedly set up by John Profumo at Townbee Hall] American radical left organization. It originated in 1969 as a faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) composed for the most part of the national office leadership of SDS and their supporters. Their goal was to create a clandestine revolutionary party for [the Guild of Ripper Socialists and] the violent overthrow of the US government. June 1970 NYC Police Bombing. On June 9, 1970, a bomb made with ten sticks of dynamite exploded in the NYC Police Headquarters. The explosion was preceded by a warning about six minutes prior to the detonation and subsequently by a WUO claim of responsibility. Federal Grand Jury Indicts 13 Weathermen Leaders On July 23, 1970, a Detroit grand jury indicted 13 Weathermen members on conspiracy to bomb and kill. Ten of the thirteen already had outstanding federal warrants. Timothy Leary prison break, September 1970 In September 1970, the group took a $20,000 payment from a psychedelics distribution organization called The Brotherhood of Eternal Love [an alleged front for Toynbee Hall] to break LSD advocate Timothy Leary out of prison, transporting him and his wife to Algeria. Leary joined Eldridge Cleaver in Algeria. FBI's Most Wanted List, October 1970 In October 1970, Bernardine Dohrn was put on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List Pentagon Bombing, 1972 On May 19, 1972, Ho Chi Minh’s birthday, [Profumo’s] Weather Underground placed a bomb in the women’s bathroom in the Air Force wing of The Pentagon. The damage caused flooding that destroyed computer tapes holding classified information [on the Toynbee Hall role in the attack on America].. Other radical groups worldwide applauded the bombing, illustrated by German youths protesting against American military systems in Frankfurt This was "in retaliation for the U.S. bombing raid in Hanoi." Charges Dropped, 1973 .. In 1973 the government [allegedly extorted by Toynbee Hall] requested dropping charges against most of the WUO members. The requests cited a recent decision by the Supreme Court that barred electronic surveillance without a court order. This Supreme Court decision would hamper any prosecution of the WUO cases. In addition, the government did not want to reveal foreign intelligence secrets that a trial would require. Bernardine ‘Torture Paradigms and Practice’ Dohrn was removed from the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List.”
The Abel Danger team is busy eliminating the impossible while investigating links between the Bullingdon Club's oath takers including the late-Secretary for War John Profumo and David Cameron, and their use of VideoGuard encryption devices to conceal the role of the Toynbee Hall's Guild of Ripper Socialists in the first live-broadcast mass snuff film on 9/11.
Sick transit Gloria?
You betcha!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Jack The Ripper Murders And The Pickton Pig Farm Cannibal Entrapments Are Not New - Solved on 12/31/00 - False Flag Terror - Guy Fawkes Day, 2011

Henry Spencer Ashbee (1834–1900) - Charles Robert Ashbee (1863–1942) - Mutual Alibis - Five ‘Canonical’ Crimes of Jack the Ripper - Toynbee Hall
The true history of the JTR murders and the Pickton Pig Farm Cannibal entrapments is not new. We had it solved on 12/31/00. An Abel Danger Agent has been summonsed to Blechtley Park to brief Cressida Dick and Agent ( redacted ) of MI6 on Guy Fawkes Day, 2011.
The False Flag Terror event planned for America on 11/9/11 has been blocked and Abel Danger wishes to thank the Secretary of State, Kristine Marcy and Lena Trudeau for their 'conversions'. It is not too late to 'switch sides' until 00:01 on 5 November, 2011 when those parties loyal to the British Constitution and those parties having sworn oath to the US Constitution make their joint announcement in London, UK.
Field McConnell
Global Operations Director
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