Editor's note: ...so let this be another severe reality lesson for concerned Americans when you head to the range to get some trigger time. When terrorists™, degenerates and lunatics come to power and they have all the guns and you don't your chances for survival are slim. Estimates now are that over 10,000 Alawites and Christians have been ruthlessly slaughtered in the coastal cities and villages of Latakia and Tartus. These Islamic lunatics (provisional government) and terrorists are backed by the US and the UK with the British velvet-tongued vipers in the pirate City of London providing these savages as the new Syrian government with £63 million. The UK aid is stated as going to the most vulnerable in Syria in December, 2024 before this mass murder pogrom (ethnic cleansing) started so who in Syria was this £63 million dispersed to? These people are going to have to be physically protected with President Trump knowing this would happen back in 2015.
Trump administration's silent complicity as Syrian death squads slaughter Alawites and Christians in the coastal towns around Latakia and Tarus:
Have It Out With Galloway (Episode 46) US, China, Syria - Have We Entered WWIII?
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