Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Strategic interests and commercial warfare

Editor's note: What makes the British extremely nervous is talk of America and Russia coming to terms on an agreement over Ukraine then America and Russia forming some type of an alliance. Like an alliance between America and Russia during the American "civil war" (commercial warfare) when the Russians sent their naval assets to America to protect their strategic interests from the British. The Russians favored America at the time as a bulwark against the British. In this clip we can hear about Russia accusing the pirate City of London of being the "main instigator" of global conflict just as they did during the global wars of WWI and WWII. "It is time to expose them and send a clear signal to the treacherous Albion and its elites; you will not succeed." For the past 300 years the British have led the entire world on a rampage of wars for profit, false claims in commerce, and vast crimes of personage and barratry (marine law) promoted by the members of the Bar Guilds, Worshipful Companies and Associations and British Crown Corporations in the pirate City of London.


We see the footprint of the "dirty Brits" here too:

International Public Notice: Americans Get the Facts

March 12, 2025 | By Anna Von Reitz

This morning our "news" desk is awash in (mostly Democrat Party sponsored) hit pieces bemoaning and sensationalizing things like "One billion dollars cut from local food purchasing for schools, food banks....because the Federal Department of Education is going away."

Ah. Well....

You save $500 Billion in unconstitutional charges and can easily reroute the paltry $1B in food for kids.

What should be striking to everyone is that they were paying only $1B for something as basic as school lunch programs, and $499B on what?


The bureaucrats, however, don't want you to focus on the actual issues that are being uncovered. They want you to focus on "the loss" of whatever little good they ever provided.

This is one way that they distort everything, and it happens all the time. So when you see "news" stories like this, realize that they are feeding you with self-serving propaganda instead. Take a moment to look at the "other side" of the coin.

Do we need a $499 billion bureaucracy to distribute $1 billion worth of food?

Of course not.

This is why the new buzzwords in Washington, DC are "common sense", which, we are assured by John Kennedy, is a totally new concept in Congress.

Like it or not, it will become all-too familiar because of one truth that, for whatever reasons, Mr. Trump is hiding from the public. That truth is that the United States Corporation is bankrupt.

Ask yourselves -- what happens in a bankruptcy? The court takes over the bankrupt entity's affairs, dictating how to manage the income and resolve the debts. Bankruptcy Trustees show up and begin evaluating the situation.

In the case of the United States Corporation, that process has already been ongoing for ten (10) years, and yet, you, the Public, haven't heard a word about it.

No surprises there. Nobody heard about the bankruptcy of "The United States of America" -- Incorporated, in 1907, either. All the other bankruptcies have been equally well-hidden in the bowels of the District of Columbia's Specialty Courts, or in literally foreign courts, too.

The question being answered now by DOGE is, more or less --- how did the United States Corporation go bankrupt?

The answer to that, in turn, is being used to answer the real question, which is --- how best to deconstruct this insolvent monstrosity with the least amount of harm?

As it wasn't really doing that much, other than feeding itself at everyone else's expense, it turns out that we can do away with most of the federal bureaucracy and not feel a thing.

Those of us who have directly experienced many "government shutdowns" have remarked on this fact for years. We didn't miss them. In fact, it was a relief.

So the only cause for Public concern is that we are being targeted as the ones to pay off the insolvent entity's debts.

It is at this juncture that we must be alert and aware and be putting the bite on the courts and the bankers, because we have been defrauded by these foreign con artists and misrepresented by them, too.

First, we have been impersonated by them as "franchises" of their parent corporation, which has been doing business as the UNITED STATES. This puts our assets at risk and appears to bankrupt "us", when 95% of Americans aren't even aware that their friendly neighborhood politicians have misrepresented them in this way.

This results in the Creditors of the UNITED STATES looking on with bated breath, plotting and planning how they are going to tear up and divide your assets among themselves.

However, as you were not told a word about being misrepresented as franchises of this foreign corporation and as you did not benefit from this deceit, the vast bulk of their debt is "Odious Debt" -- that is, debt created by some means of fraud (impersonation of living men as franchise corporations without their knowledge or consent) from which the victims did not significantly benefit ($1 billion of $500 billion).

The $499 billion needs to be written off as Odious Debt. We are here to make sure that it is.

Second, "we" are not bankrupt and are not involved in this bankruptcy. The franchise corporations that the vermin created "in our names" are the entities involved in this bankruptcy.

We have explained impersonation in this way:

You have a cat, a real, live cat named Felix.

Someone paints an oil portrait of your cat -- that is a "representation" of the actual cat and in legal terms, it is called a "person" or "corporation".

Someone else takes a photo of your cat -- that too, is a "representation" of the actual cat.

Another party draws a charcoal and pencil sketch of your cat, and that creates a third "representation" of your cat, and so far as the legal eagles are concerned, a third "person" or "corporation".

Your cat's name is "Felix".
The oil portrait is entitled "Felix".
The photo is entitled "Felix of Catdom".
The drawing is entitled "FELIX".

You could of course have many different representations of Felix -- mixed media, pen and ink, pastels, acrylic portraits, even stained glass and video versions --- and all of these representations, all these "impersonations" of Felix, are not Felix by definition.

You have been "impersonated" by the bureaucrats and attorneys in exactly this same way.

The bankrupt version of "you" which has been named after you, has nothing to do with you. You aren't even aware of its existence, much less are you knowingly and voluntarily standing good for its debts.

This, too, has to be brought forward, because --- in fact --- you are the Priority Creditor of all these entitled representations of you. Good ole Felix and you, his owner, are owed the first cut of any profit that the buggers have made by buying and selling representations of Felix.

However, as you are not aware that any of this has gone on, they are hoping that they can mischaracterize you as the Primary Debtor instead of the Priority Creditor, pass this off to the Bankruptcy Court, and latch onto your assets to pay off their debts.

They've done it many times before without you noticing, so they think they can get away with it again.

We are here to make sure that doesn't happen again, and that this whole scheme of "enfranchising" living men and women as franchises of undisclosed corporate interests -- a gross fraud scheme that has been ongoing since the mid-1800s -- comes to an end.

We are here to declare that not only are we "not" Felix, we aren't any of the representations of "Felix" --- we are, instead, the owners of Felix.

We didn't name any foreign Trustees to look after Felix and his many representations during any "absence" of ours. We've been right here, paying Felix's vet bills, his food allowance, his bedding, his cat box needs, and everything else the whole time.

Oh, and there's been no "war", either, that could explain away this odd circumstance and all those people claiming to occupy our country under the Law of War. They, being bankrupt, may have suffered an "emergency", and their representations of Felix may be in distress, too, but that has nothing to do with Felix or his Owner.

We are standing here blinking and shaking our heads.

We are saying in very blunt language, "Our Subcontractors did this without telling us a word about it, and they are still trying to keep it hush-hush. Felix is our cat, but neither he nor we are responsible for the existence of all these representations of him, nor are we responsible for all the debts accrued by these impersonations."

We are using Felix, our cat, as an example of the process of impersonation and the grounds for objecting to its results, but here is the non-abstracted denouement: substitute your Given Name for Felix in the example above.

Your name, like your cat, is associated with you, but isn't you. Your name is something you own and care for, like a bicycle your parents gave you or a stray cat that came to live with you, but it certainly isn't you. It's something you own in precisely the same way as you own a cat. Your parents own the private copyright to your name, but they gave your name to you, as a gift. That's why it is called a "Given Name".

While it is easier to imagine someone making a painting or a drawing or taking a photo or video of your cat, a similar process and result is used in impersonating your Good Name.

Instead of various artistic media being employed to produce different representations of your Good Name, the criminals have used your Good Name as the name of various kinds of corporate franchises, which are representations -- impersonations -- of your Good Name in the same way that a photo is a representation of Felix.

Your Good Name is, for example, John Robert Shaw.
Your Legal Name is also John Robert Shaw.
Your next Legal Name is JOHN ROBERT SHAW.
Your next Legal Name is JOHN R SHAW.
And so on.

Your Good Name, John Robert Shaw, is a Lawful Person, under your control.

The first Legal Name, John Robert Shaw, is the Intestate Estate of a Missing British Seaman, a Warrant Officer ("Taxpayer") in the British Merchant Marine Service. "He" was a British Territorial U.S. Citizen.

The second Legal Name, JOHN ROBERT SHAW, is a Municipal (Roman) Cestui Que Vie trust, also intestate by definition, that exists because the missing Warrant Officer was considered a Dual Federal citizen --- both a U.S. Citizen and a Municipal "citizen of the United States".

The third Legal Name, JOHN R SHAW is a Public Transmitting Utility, a franchise of a National Electrical Association.

The fourth Legal Name, SHAW, JOHN ROBERT, is a missing indentured servant, presumed dead, forced into peonage and bound by labor contracts.

The fifth Legal Name.....

All these additional Legal Names are different kinds of corporations, thus we have cooperatives, foundations, S-Corp, C-Corp, B-Corp, and LLC franchises named after our Given Name --- which, analogously, correspond to the oil painting, photo, charcoal sketch.... of Felix.

And it is all bogus, because: (1) we, the actual owners, are unaware of these illegal "latching" activities and these uses and abuses of our Given Names; (2) we, the actual owners, did not knowingly and voluntarily enfranchise our Given Names in this way; (3) we, the actual owners, did not appoint the members of any Federal Congress to act as our Trustees.

It's as if we had a whole coterie of street artists making images of our cat and selling them for profit behind our backs, then leaving us with their tax debts and bankruptcies to settle --- even when we have absolutely nothing to do with any of it, beyond being the actual owners of the cat. Or Given Name, in this instance.

Understandably, our Public Servants don't want to divulge their surreptitious and illegal latching upon and theft of our identities, and abuse of our actual persons -- which they are contractually obligated to protect -- but understandable or not, the facts remain.

We have been misrepresented, impersonated, and defrauded by our own employees. They have claimed control of our physical assets under False Pretenses and they have used our physical assets as collateral backing their debts without our knowledge or permission; they have used our collateral to create credit for themselves and they have spent, spent, spent on whatever they liked with no respect for the limitations of their contracts. Via this overall identity theft, they have gained access to our credit like any common credit card thief.

And now, they are fingering us to pay off their debts.

We are here to put an end to this fraud in total, while they, our public employees, are intent on finding a way to hide it and trying to kick-start another round of it.

To quote the Mother of Heathens, "Sometimes when one door closes, you have to nail a board over it."

Third, in order to legalize their illegal and unlawful and unnecessary activities --- purportedly undertaken on our behalf, during our inexplicable "absence" --- the profits from all this graft and fraud against their employers have been rat-holed in individual offshore generation-skipping trusts, pension funds, investment funds, etc., which they have used as slush funds --- to finance political payola, wars-for-profit, drug production and smuggling, human trafficking, organ harvesting, money laundering, bank currency, counterfeiting, and securities fraud, and a great many other money making endeavors which are based on the initial fraudulent misrepresentation of their employers and continuing misuse and abuse and mismanagement of these funds by people who have no actual valid assignment to act as our trustees.

In the current instance, JOHN ROBERT SHAW is a foreign Cestui Que Vie trust that has been operated by the bankrupt UNITED STATES corporation; it is under receivership by John Robert Shaw, the British Territorial Estate of the missing intestate British Merchantman that has conveniently been named after us.

We are calling--- "Fraud!" on this whole constructive fraud and impersonation and enfranchisement scheme, from its inception in Britain in the 1840's until now.

The British Territorial Merchantman's Estate named after us as the first Legal Name in the scam, is the result of an undisclosed and unconscionable foreign citizenship contract imposed on American babies while still in their cradles. This purloined and undisclosed contract is then used to unlawfully convert the political status of the victims without their knowledge or consent.

We have elsewhere covered the process by which "registrations" imposed on actual British Territorial U.S. Citizens by the Sheppard Towner Act were improperly imposed on our General Populace by Undeclared Foreign Agents acting as Uniformed Officers --- Medical Doctors secretively employed to accidentally-on-purpose misidentify American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.

The Dirty Brits have used this con game to subject their own people to peonage and enslavement and have extended their scheme to the former Commonwealth, The United States, seventeen countries in Western Europe, Japan, Libya, Iraq.... and wherever else they could use payola and coercion to extend this criminal abomination and misrepresentation of living people and entire countries.

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