Monday, March 17, 2025

Can we each get one of these computers too?

Editor's note: Consider for a moment the massive criminal advantage one would have with the power to create fairy dust magic out of nothing? Does anyone seriously think that's all the magic money computers there are? Does anyone seriously think that extorted tax dollars from working people are necessary to keep such an arbitrary, opaque system solvent? Who, if anyone, audits all the computers that are programmed to issue electronic credit on demand? Do Federal Reserve shareholder families each have their own accounts and devices to generate magic money at will? It is rumored the Federal Reserve created an "unknown" extra $1 trillion for themselves. Who within the family sets the limits – a designated patriarch? Who has final oversight over credit amounts issued, if anyone? Do "taxpayers" have anything at all to do with such a private system, or are the fruits of their labor just taken to keep them out of the financial league of elitist families? A tax on labor is slavery despite 16,000 pages of complex corporate tax law. Do companies have anything at all to do with such a private system, or are the fruits of their industry just taken to keep them out of financial competition with elitist families' corporations? Now you know what inflation is: It is wholesale theft. 

Gold and silver aren't required to run an economy. That is a bankers' trick. Money serves a primary role as a tokenized currency for an exchange of favors. It doesn't need to be backed by anything, except mutual favors provided, if everyone behaves responsibly. In a society of universal generosity, everyone would be free. I give what (some) other people want, I receive an equivalent recompense. The system balances itself out. Ultimately, the money training wheels can be removed and people can just cooperate naturally. Money should be treated as a public utility - nothing more.

Classism is the problem: hoarding favors or demand tokens. Also mooching, a word Ayn Rand's libertarians use a lot; but mooching (parasitism) carries the seeds of its own downfall via unfulfilled lives.

What infrastructure, what universal utilities, do we as a national assemblage of individuals want to have and share use of? Let's find some visionary system engineers who can meet up, discuss technologies and feasible options, make proposals to national citizens' committees – who will make proposals of their own – and let's arrive at a reasonable consensus based on best mutual outcomes.

Who wants to work on physically manifesting these selected infrastructure projects? What materials do we need? Do we have enough specialists, or do we need to develop national training programs? And so on.

Free money...

This is not comprehensible:

US Household Debt Surpassed $18 Trillion


Monetary Reform

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