Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Canada will now start openly identifying as British

Editor's note: In an unprecedented move by the Canadian government Mark Carney was brought in as a likely counter against President Trump. It is now mask-off for Canada revealing themselves as part of the British empire, with the installation of the unelected central banker Mark Carney as Canada's next Prime Minister. That "fever gripping America" that Carney states is an American anti-British fever and it is growing in intensity. This story was sourced from: War Of the Woke: New Canadian PM Mark Carney Is the Ultimate Globalist. The globalists are making life as extremely difficult for people as they can and this is precisely what they did by installing Carney in Canada. Go have a look at all the British media sources praising Carney for his "economic and financial acumen."

Make absolutely no mistake about it Mark Carney was brought in by the British. Carney served as the 120th governor of the Bank of England (BoE) which is a private bank from 2013 to 2020. Carney also came out of Oxford University. He presently holds three passports including from Ireland, Britain and Canada.  

Democracy is a completely preposterous proposition with the only people forcing this illusion being the oligarchs behind central banks pushing this ideological atrocity:

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