Thursday, March 13, 2025

It is time for IRS employees to find alternative work...

Editor's note: finding something productive to do to contribute to society. It should be fairly obvious by now the central bankers are panicking as their central banking death cult warfare model is coming to an end after 331 years of its existence crawling out of the Netherlands into England when the Bank of England (BoE) was established in 1694. The central banking nexus located in Switzerland (WEF-connected) with an extension into the UK and the US selected Mark Carney as the new PM of Canada as an attempt to head off the probable. When the Federal Reserve was established in 1913 the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was a corporate attachment. Each "US Person", that is, US CORPORATION --- a federal municipal estate trust domiciled in Puerto Rico -- has an IRS Masterfile. You do not want to be classified or registered as a "person." Person originates from the Latin (HREpersona: "human being, person, personage; a part in a drama, assumed character," originally "a mask, a false face." The IRS has caused enormous hardship and suffering for the American people in incalculable wasted energy and resources complying with the IRS's horrendously complex corporate statute laws. Americans are being taxed at an estimated 60 percent of their incomes and it is time to end this theft. A tax on labor is slavery. Can tariffs eliminate the IRS?

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