Tuesday, March 11, 2025

17 Actions To Finally Implement the Ideals of the American Revolution

Editor's note: British debt slavery was hardwired into American banking from 1781 forward by Alexander Hamilton. An example of present day central bank cunning is the installation of Mark Carney in Canada. America can finally win the first American Revolution now by throwing off Britain's usurious, debt-based slavery and fiat currency system controlled by the central banking death cult model of perpetual war. President Trump should know to not trust the British under any circumstances including the recent indication the British under Starmer are "ditching Zelensky to avoid Trump tariffs and a land trade deal." What we are seeing since American banking was a British spy operation from its inception is that American values were stillborn from its inception. America's banks including the Federal Reserve have always been under the control of the imperial British corporate fascist model. The British system, repeated in America largely by the duplicity of Alexander Hamilton (his handlers) — a British loyalist and traitor to America, was based on usury, debt slavery, human-opium trafficking and fiat currency. Burr shot the wrong guy. He should have started firing at all the British spies running Hamilton.


Top 17 Actions To Finally Implement the Ideals of the American Revolution

December 8, 2022 | By Americans4Innovation

1.    Close the British-controlled Federal Reserve.
2.    Proclaim a debt jubilee.
3.    Close courts and implement citizens tribunals.
4.    Prosecute current bankers (and their lawyers and accountants) for treason and conspiracy.
5.    Charter new banks without foreign investors and with total separation between banking and brokerage.
6.    Abolish tax-free British offshore banking; disclose all holdings, including secret accounts, return the money to the victims.
7.    Close the Internal Revenue Service.
8.    Abolish the United Nations (British global meddling).
9.    Close the British Crown Agent - controlled Senior Executive Service (SES).
10.  Close "Five Eyes" — the British Pilgrims Society's private intelligence operation running the C.I.A.,
11.  FBI, NSA, DARA, U.S. Navy and the Pentagon. Abolish most federal agencies, most especially the U.S. Patent Office controlled by British SERCO.
12.  Return patent properties to the true inventors, disgorge the financial holdings of the theives, prosecute and jail them.
13.  Prohibit lawyers (agents of the London Inner Temple bar) from public office, bureaucracies and courts.
14.  Introduce true gold-silver-property backed, interest-free currency (or other accessible, real commodity; not opium, human trafficking and worthless paper).
15.  Prohibit public money for (British) propaganda.
16.  Prohibit foreign directors in American corporations.
17.  Prohibit public money in non-government organizations.

Then this creature rose up in Switzerland:

Monetary reform archives:

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