Editor's note: Britain's imperial corporate fascist colony in Canada launches attacks on America out of Montreal, Canada and it has been going on for 200 years. The patsy James Earl Ray imprisoned for the assassination of Martin Luther King was first picked up by his FBI handler (Division 5) "Raoul" in Montreal, Canada. A fact very few Americans are aware of in Britain's ongoing intrigues. If we look even deeper into history we find the British empire was set in motion by Masonic Jewish intrigues revolving around the central banking cartel located in the pirate City of London. We can see clear evidence of this mechanism of control with the BBC being controlled by these Masonic Jewish networks with its vice-like grip on the flow of information. And now we see the "dystopia mission" of the British asset Mark Carney spawned out of Oxford and the privately owned Bank of England (BoE). Why is Carney now pushing aggressively for a carbon tax in Canada? Because the idea of a carbon tax goes back decades to the British economist Arthur Cecil Pigou (the Pigouvian tax). Then we come to Maurice Strong who it can be said "invented climate change." Maurice Strong himself being another British asset linking him to the WEF's "great reset."
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