Thursday, June 15, 2023

Who else is tired of getting shot at and killed in America?

Editor's note: Who else is tired of hearing about news of blacks shooting whites in hate crimes? It's time to fight back. Protect yourselves as replacement theory goes increasingly violent - against whites. 


Whites are With Us

We've won the minds of Whites, now we must win their support

WHITE-PAPERS | June 6, 2023

Huge percentages of White Americans, millions upon millions of individual men and women, agree with the fundamental positions of White nationalism. These men and women, scorned by the GOP and every other Conservative or right-wing force in America are looking desperately for change, and our movement must win them over.

It is useful, however, to know the numbers.

Over 40% of Americans were willing to tell the Souther Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that the changing demographics of the United States "pose a threat to White Americans and their culture and values". About 46% of Americans did not believe demographic change posed a threat to Whites, while the remaining 14% did not know.

Particularly fascinating in these data was the willingness of young Americans to admit that the Great Replacement was a deliberate process. 63% of young Republican men and 54% of young Democratic men, were willing to admit they viewed the demographic changes in the United States as a deliberate process to replace Whites. 61% of young Republican women also shared the same belief.
A UMass Amherst poll conducted in October of 2022 found that 37% of American voters believe that politicians and officials are deliberately replacing the population of the United States with a more obedient demographic. In raw numbers that represents roughly 58.5 million adult Americans. The same polling found that 22% of American voters, or 34.7 million people, believe that the growing minority populations in the United States will result in declining influence of White Americans on the country.

A May 2022 poll demonstrated that nearly 48% of White Americans, regardless of political affiliation, believe that discrimination against Whites is a serious problem.
Interestingly the ability to communicate about the Great Replacement and its consequences has been largely limited to left wing and centrist political circles and institutions. Only 36% of Fox News viewers had even heard the term Great Replacement, despite being the most receptive to it when the term is presented to them. This is compared with over 63% of MSNBC viewers being familiar with the term. Overall 40% of the American population is familiar with the term Great Replacement.

Still, even with only 40% familiarity with the term, tens of millions of Americans, particularly White Americans, have demonstrated a distaste for anti-White attacks and a belief that the replacement of White Americans is to the detriment of their own group and to the nation as a whole.

Please go to WHITE-PAPERS to continue reading.


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