Sunday, January 15, 2023

Communists Making Their Move on "White" People

Editor's note: There is no such thing as a "white" person. If anyone attempts to convince you otherwise, consider them to be a functioning illiterate or pathetically ignorant. There are people from different European countries like Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Norway, France and Germany who happen to have their own unique cultures, social patterns, art, history and languages but they are not "white," so stop using this pejorative term. And sorry, Lee, Russia will not be standing down. Would Lee like to go to Russia and tell the "white" Slavic people in Russia she wants to pass a law to end free speech in Russia? Has anyone gone way back in history to understand exactly what is the mechanism driving this intentional ethnic confrontation? The social chaos and potential for violence instigated by Communists like Lee are going to at some point even outlaw white paint. The US border is open for business and if you don't like it and speak out about it that will now be a hate crime. 

Source: National File

Congressional Democrat Moves to End Free Speech for White People

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced legislation that will charge white people with federal "hate crimes" for questioning immigration, or criticizing non-whites.

by FRANKIE STOCKES | January 15, 2023
Texas Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee, who represents one of the most racially gerrymandered districts in the entire country, has introduced legislation to Congress that would end free speech for white people in the United States, creating a new type of speech-based federal "hate crime" that only white people can be charged with.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's "Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023" which, as the name suggests, would only be enforced against white people, makes it illegal for white people to question open-borders immigration, advocate for preserving America's culture and traditional demographic make-up, or even criticize minorities.

Like in far-left European nations, that have turned their federal law enforcement apparatus against their own native-born citizens, under Jackson Lee's legislation, merely posting online about the decline of American culture, at the hands of open borders immigration, could land a white person in federal prison.

"A person engages in a white supremacy [sic] inspired hate crime when white supremacy ideology has motivated the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of actions that constituted a crime or were undertaken in furtherance of activity that, if effectuated, would have constituted a crime," Jackson Lee's bill reads, laying the groundwork for her all-out attack on white American's constitutionally-protected freedom of speech.
Under Jackson Lee's legislation, if federal investigators determine that the web postings of a third party had "inspire[d]" someone else, even someone they don't know, to commit a federal hate crime, that person would be arrested, and federally charged with a hate crime of their own.

Specifically, Jackson Lee targets Americans who are in favor of border security, calling out "replacement theory" by name, an ideology that holds that open borders and mass migration into the Western World are part of a deliberate effort to "replace" white people in their native lands.

Please go to National File to continue reading.

What happens when you want to protect your life from potentially violent blood libel from all this ethnic agitation?

New ATF rule on pistol stabilizing braces will effectively ban millions of rifles

You don't think blood libel killings aren't happening?

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