Tuesday, June 20, 2023

How Would a "War" On the Plutocracy Unfold?

Editor's note: We have our work cut out for us. Go for the particulars. Like for example the billionaire Paul Singer who was behind outsourcing tech jobs to Israel. The other particular: the central bankers' ability to create fairy dust magic money out of nothing with the plutocracy having first dibs on that credit creation to fund their "activities."


Source: Global Research

"How to Take Down the Billionaires"

Chuck Fall hosts a discussion of Green Party Members with independent candidate for president Emanuel Pastreich

By Emanuel Pastreich and Chuck Fall | Global Research | June 19, 2023

This interview was conducted on June 5, 2023.

Chuck Fall: My name is Chuck Fall, an activist at Green Liberty Caucus. We are following up on our recent interview with Emanuel Pastreich concerning his run for president, which he launched in 2020, and truth politics.

We here at Green Liberty Caucus found Emanuel to be a champion for all the things that we value and believe in. Today, we're going to discuss Emanuel's manual "How to take down the Billionaires" in eleven chapters.
Emanuel, the topic is incendiary! Let us conduct a rapid-fire summary review of the 11 chapters as an elevator speech and give an opportunity for our guests to pose questions.

Why have you have written this 11-chapter manual and what is society's predicament relative to the billionaire class? What is going on?

Emanuel Pastreich: To start with, we live in a profoundly controlled society wherein the rapid concentration of wealth over the last 20 years, and especially over the last 5 years, means that a very, very tiny number of wealthy individuals and families have an almost absolute decision-making power over many policies in the United States and around the world.

I wanted to articulate in this book how we can take down the billionaires, in a practical manual of 11 chapters. I discuss what specifically we need to do to rectify the situation and to create a transparent democratic and egalitarian society.

Chuck Fall: Chapter One is titled, "Assessing our position in the middle of the battle." You describe what we the people confront in this plutocracy.

Emanuel Pastreich: We have to start the battle by first fully comprehending what we're up against. Who is included in this group, who are the special interests. We need to know who the families like the Waltons, the Kochs, or the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia, are.

We have to consider what they're trying to achieve using their various networks and the banks and funds, the private intelligence firms, the consulting firms and media firms that they employ.

We also need to consider where we are as individuals, and as a group. Although we outnumber the billionaires vastly, we have been fragmented. Also, we have sautéed in this narcissistic, self-centered, culture for the last 50-60 years, that makes it difficult for us to pull ourselves together and make a long-term plan. Many thoughtful intellectuals are more concerned about their family vacation in Italy than about risking their lives to defend the rule of law.

Finally, we've tended to outsource advocacy to other people. We think to ourselves that someone else is going to do the hard lifting, not me. The result? Although our numbers are far greater, and we have greater assets, we're not necessarily winning this battle.

Chuck Fall: In an in a nutshell, why is the billionaire class such a problem?

Emanuel Pastreich: If we read between the lines, we can observe their intention to reduce us to idiocy, by using technology in the form of social media, pornography, games, memes featuring fat cats and cafe lattes to dumb us down and make us passive and reactive.

They then slowly strip away our ability to participate in the decision-making process in our community, make the political parties dictatorial by nature so that there is no way to participate in them, or influence them, and make us dependent on multinational corporations for energy or food, and even for the means we use to communicate with each other such as Facebook, Twitter, or Zoom.

There are declassified reports from RAND, DARPA and elsewhere that explain the concept of mass control. Essentially the plan is to make the United States into an entertaining Disneyland with secret police and torture chambers.

We need to assess, to be honest with ourselves, as to where we stand, what we're up against. Then we can make concrete plans that can be implemented.

A presidential election is a great way to get attention, but it's not what we're ultimately about. If I am elected, but the manner in which the rules of the game have changed is not challenged, it will be a meaningless election.

Chuck Fall: There was a movement back in the nineties to oppose corporate domination. Fighting the billionaire class is not a novel idea. We saw that struggle in the Occupy Wall Street protests. You've moved beyond that, homing in on the 0.0001%.

Emanuel Pastreich: Well, that distinction between the 1% (which was the target of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the puppet masters 0.0001% is a subtle one.

Bernie Sanders who ran a pay-to-play "liberal progressive" role in the Democratic Party, used that expression "the 1%" all the time—while he secretly sucked up to the big corporate money and made himself a tool, a cardboard messiah.

Yes, we need to identify concretely the .0001% and go after them.

At the same time, we need to grasp that there are two aspects of the domination of capital, and the control over policy. On the one hand, there are the 0.0001%, Koch, Walton, Rockerfeller and other families in the US, and around the world, who control billions of dollars in assets.

There is also a group of people who see their interests as aligned with those guys. I am taking about investment bankers at Merrill-Lynch, Goldman- Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Vanguard. These players are lawyers, managers, technicians and others who make things work.

You can think of them as a swarm of flies buzzing around the rotting dead pig's head.

That second group is the 1%, and they are also plenty dangerous.

Ultimately, in this battle, the super-rich will have no hesitation destroying all those people who trusted them, who thought that they were on the same side. This is a war.

Chuck Fall: Chapter two is titled "the weaknesses of the billionaires." Here you endeavor to demythologize the billionaire class. I wonder though, whether the American people generally kind of like their billionaires. Do we not internalize the possibility that maybe someday, we can rise to that level of accomplishment and achievements. We do not want to deny ourselves that opportunity to rise to that level in the future.

We do not want to diminish their accomplishments. You're challenging that. And you're saying that the billionaire class is parasitic, is fundamentally a threat to our culture, to our society.

There is one part in your book that is hard to follow: You argue that the wealth of the billionaire class is a fraud, that they have no money. That sounds paradoxical.

Also, you talk about how the billionaire class uses super computers—how? Finally, you argue that we the people need to change the rules of the game in this struggle.

Emanuel Pastreich: I see the struggle against the billionaire class as the equivalent of war.

That is why I invoke the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu whose writings I know since my field is Asian studies. I studied classical Chinese, so books like "The Art of War" are very familiar to me. "The Art of War" stresses understanding who your enemy is, what their nature is, what their desires are, and what they’re striving for. At the same time, it demands that you understand yourself, know your own weaknesses, your own misperceptions, your own indulgences.

The implication is that if you can grasp both, who your enemy is, who the person you're struggling with is, and who you are, then you are on the road to success. But if you don't get the second part, if you don't understand who you are, or if you don't understand who you’re dealing with, then the situation is quite dangerous.

The billionaires have spent, billions of dollars over a long period of time, on research from back in the 1960s on how to make people stupid, over time, using TV, movies, pornography and games. They conducted a lot of research on mass manipulation, as I mentioned regarding the work of DARPA on this subject. Basically, the effort has been quite successful.

It is true that many people look up to the billionaires. Elon Musk or Bill Gates are glorified because they promote themselves, spreading myths about their start as entrepreneurs creating their business in their basement, or in their garage. Supposedly, thanks to their genius and the American way they became billionaires. And so could you if you were only a bit smarter.

This narrative is a clear fraud. These billionaires rise to wealth was fixed. It wasn't about technology; it was about access finance.

There was some brilliance in people like Mark Zuckerberg. The way in which he played various investors against each other to keep Facebook under his control was smart. But that was not his brilliance in technology or his vision for humanity-just his greed and cunning. Anyone could have built the Facebook if they had access to 50 billion dollars in loans that they did not have to pay back anytime soon. The key was the use of global finance and the leveraging of the use of supercomputers to manipulate people.

Please go to Global Research to continue reading the interview.

Japan's Shinzo Abe went to work on the middle class to strip them of their assets before he was assassinated:

The Assassination of Archduke Shinzo Abe

Those billionaires will be consumed by the aquatic hell mouth of the Titanic on the Summer Solstice:

One of the problems we face is that this enormous amount of wealth can be used by private intelligence networks operating through governments deployed out of the pirate City of London in their commercial war on the world and on us:

This "war" on the plutocracy ruling over us with their captured governments is not going to be an easy task:

The whole world is carved up into organized crime territories run by these top-tier Mafia families

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