Monday, June 5, 2023

US is "peddling pseudo-academic and pseudo-military BS" while Ukrainian soldiers are literally getting shredded

Editor's note: It is beyond concerning. It is hatred and racism and is appallingly ignorant, but this is to be expected coming out of America these days. Yes, the Russian military are taking losses and so is the PMC Wagner Group, but these losses are nothing in comparison to the Russian military literally shredding the Ukrainian military (video). US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (alleged Ukrainian-Jewish heritage; maybe Hungarian) has rejected the idea for a cease fire and to continue building Ukraine's military.  Blinken is nothing more than a Neocon sales rep for Lockheed Martin. This means Ukrainian soldiers (cannon fodder) will continue to be fed into what has been appropriately called "a meat grinder." Because it really is grinding human flesh. Why is this appallingly ignorant? Because what has been pointed out is that "the US is peddling pseudo-academic and pseudo-military BS." This ignorant Metallica frontman James Hetfield is apparently okay with thousands more Ukrainian soldiers getting mauled by Russian artillery and missile attacks. And now that the Russians have a new military Kondor-FKA radar satellite making two passes a day over Ukraine with incredible precision, they can pinpoint any military target they want with impunity. Blinken must have listened to Metallica while growing up in Yonkers, New York. Blinken could care less how many Slavs are killed in Ukraine.

Source: Revolver News

Metallica's visit with an injured Ukraine soldier raises many concerning questions…

June 5, 2023

A photo featuring Metallica frontman James Hetfield alongside a Ukrainian soldier has sparked significant controversy. It seems that Hetfield, who was previously known for his advocacy of peace and opposition to war, has now shown an inclination towards chaos and violence. Reports suggest that he disturbingly told the injured Ukrainian soldier to "kill them all," making a macabre reference to a well-known Metallica song.

Baffled independent journalist Michael Tracey shared the tweet:

Here's a closeup of the photo, and James ghoulishly urging Ukraine to "kill them all":
Many are wondering why a Ukrainian soldier was in the U.S. for treatment, and that question is answered in this recent Billboard article on the meetup:

Ukrainian serviceman Roman Denysiuk was brought to the Vail Valley for treatment through the local non-profit Limbs For Liberty on May 11 after a fall from his wheelchair that resulted in him re-fracturing his femur and necessitating surgery to repair the leg.

Even more baffling is this strange new "love" of war that we see coming from formally peace-loving left-wingers like Metallica. These are the lyrics to an anti-war song "Disposable Heroes" from Metallica's "Master of Puppets" album.

Please go to Revolver News to continue reading.

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